Other urls found in this thread:
Shit's on fire, yo.
Seat belt is more for when your ass is being lifted off the seat with unexpected turbulence
>hahaha bro what are you doin up there xDDD
>idk im just soh RANDOM :3333
>reminder that they survived
He actually lived is the crazy part.
Were the passengers bombs?
>have only flown twice
>boring as fuck, not interested anymore
>rather walk
I'm literally a better person than all of you combined
>it's a everyone survives episode
What do you guys think happened to Malaysia Airlines 370? I'm going with pilot suicide; he locked the co-pilot out, depressurised the cabin, and let the plane fly on autopilot over the Indian ocean until fuel exhaustion.
It’s just a sky convertible
so this is what they refer to as sudden change in cabin pressure
when I crash into a field and liquify on impact maybe I will have suffered an unexpected bodily deceleration
>not traveling across several states in a straight line by bicycle
Imagine being a walkfag.
It was just some slight turbulence, they landed safely.
Looks like a Red Green mod job.
>it's a plane is the oldest of it's kind in the entire world episode.
*runs you over*
Would you prefer explosive decompression?
>depressurised the cabin
Do they even have that functionality? I would have to imagine the only way to do that other than physical sabotage is to have someone open the escape door
>I wasn't worried at all
>To me it was sweet release
Yup you can manually control pressurization from the flight deck
If I could fly like this knowing i was safe, I absolutely would. That is fucking awesome.
RIP FA though
I'm pretty sure they have to do it when they reach the ground in order to open the doors.
The killer could just slit the other pilot's throat and lock the door, nobody would know until the plane started diving.
The transponder was specifically turned off. That's what makes this so fucking spooky.
When they finally figure out what happened to this plane, it will be a HUGE deal. Titanic tier, for sure
That second big turn is around the pilot's home island of Penang. Pretty sus desu.
Yes, it's mainly there for maintenance checks and evacuation stuff - but there's your "kill all normies" switch
Carlin said it best
>that bottom left panel
Name a more kino crash than Ethiopian Air
the virgin mechanical failure
the chad armed hijacking
>crashed because the hijackers thought it had enough fuel to get to Australia
Good old times when you could board with your AK47. Security checks killed all the fun.
>preparing for takeoff sir
>preparing, preparing! You’re always preparing! Give me that radio!
>tower, listen to this: TAKEOFF, NOW!
>hey there was an accident with one of our planes
>let's get this celebrity pilot on the group of experts to evaluate what happened
>but he was the pilot of the accident flight and died
Can't make this shit up.
this is what happens when you let abduhl pay with firearms
Until you feel how cold it is and 500 MPH winds the whole time
What a man. Flying isn't what it used to be. Today's soilets wouldn't have the guts to accelerate into another fully loaded airliner, or handle a few AKs on board.
Do you lads look out of the window during plane flights, or is it so normal to you that you just pop your headphones in and watch a kino/listen to music/read a magazine?
God I need to stop reading these a week before my flight
terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low terrain too low
KLM CAPTAIN We gaan ... check thrust. [We're going ... check thrust].
[Engine acceleration audible in KLM cockpit]
TENERIFE TOWER OK.... Stand by for take-off, I will call you. [Only the start of this message could be heard clearly by the KLM crew due to a radio heterodyne]
Don't worry user, the fate of your life is almost entirely out of your hands, anyway.
I do if it's not cloudy and during takeoff and landing. It's really cool making out first the city, then the blocks, then the cars, then people walking.
I pretend im a dbz character fighting above the clouds to the techno music piped in the planes audio channel
It's pretty amazing a plane was allowed to fly for that long off path without having fighter jets on its tail.
*crashes in your path*
I like looking out the window every now and then. I get so pissed off if the person in the window seat closes the window (unless they're sleeping or the sun is shining in directly). I'm already paying for an overpriced flight on shitty seats, the experience is miserable. I just want my fucking window view.
I regularly fly from Dublin to Edinburgh ('bout an hour) and Dublin to Munich (2.5 hours-ish... longer if I'm on a shitty and often-delayed Ryanair).
I can easily spend the entire flight looking out of the window.
Check these
And it flew right at the vertical of a military base (Penang).
Which American/European airlines should I avoid like the plague, folks?
Always during takeoff/landing
Personally I wouldn't fly Air France if you gave me free tickets.
Free tickets is the only reason to fly with Air France though. The only flaw of this company is its prohibitive prices, otherwise it's one of the safest.
>If the radio didn't crap out at that very moment, the Tenerife disaster wouldn't have happened
What are other disasters that occured because of one singular communication failure at a crucial moment?
Wayfarer 515
What happened?
>driving along the motorway
>suddenly a fucking plane crashes right in front of you
What would YOU do?
hope i'm not being tailgated
OOooOoooOOoOoooo where's my episoooode
True, it just makes me so anxious and I usually look forwards to flights
I don't see any duct tape.
watch like 3 movies and try to spot other planes. pretty spooky if you find one that comes closer and closer over time and then is damn close for just a second and disappears.
>cruising at 37,000 feet
>see pressurization AC PACKs
>switch them from "CLOSED" to "OPEN"
Take a picture, upload it here and type “HE DIDN’T FLY SO GOOD”
No I'm fat(and tall) so I always sit in the aisle seat so to get a little bit more room to maneuver my legs, and to be less of an inconvenience to the rest.
My last cross-atlantic flight I had both the 2-seats at the side for myself to and fro, was fucking godly. Also nobody in front so could stretch those legs in under.
>tfw pretending sonic or equivalent character is running across skylines when riding the train or bus
Rest in peace skyking, what a legend.
Everytime I fly, when we reach cruising altitude I always make sure to push up the blinds, look out of the window and listen to this at least once during the flight: youtu.be
It's maximum comfy.
this is why i'm getting off the plane if i find out that someone here got a commercial licence
Wrong paint job, Millennial.
Ryanair for anything above an hour. The little you save is NOT WORTH IT
you don't want to take a visit to /n/, then
based retard pilot
Ah... The Continental Airline! Where should I crash first?
Was that guy trying to perform acrobatics with a B52 ?
>The investigation found that as the B-52 entered its final turn sequence around the tower, its airspeed indicator (ASI) was showing 182 knots (337 km/h; 209 mph). Although Holland increased the engine power after starting the turn, his input came too late to maintain the aircraft's airspeed, as the B-52 turbofan engines take up to eight seconds to respond to throttle commands. The ASI was available to all four aircrew members, but they allowed the aircraft's airspeed to continue decreasing. Eight seconds before impact, the airspeed had dropped to 145 knots (269 km/h; 167 mph) and the aircraft's bank angle had increased beyond 60 degrees. This was the point at which Holland or McGeehan applied full right spoiler, right rudder, and nose-up elevator; however, due to the reduction in airspeed the aircraft entered a turning flight stall (also called an "accelerated stall"), which is a stall that occurs at a higher airspeed than the design stall speed—which itself always refers to straight and level flight—because of the fact that the aircraft is turning. Due to the bank angle of at least 60 degrees, the stall speed for the aircraft at that moment was 147 knots (272 km/h; 169 mph). Hence, as it was flying 2 knots below the stall speed, the aircraft stalled, with insufficient altitude to recover before striking the ground.
I just finished reading the wikipedia page
gonna need this in terms of food analogies, doc
It doesn't explain the brutal U turn 50 meters above the ground, that's some stupid stunt.
chad doesn't drive; he sprints everywhere
so they just evaporate when they hit the ground
>On 10 March 1994, Holland commanded a single-aircraft training mission to the Yakima Bombing Range, to provide an authorized photographer an opportunity to document the aircraft as it dropped training munitions. The minimum aircraft altitude permitted for that area was 500 feet (150 m) AGL; during the mission, Holland's aircraft was filmed crossing one ridgeline about 30 feet (10 m) above the ground. Fearing for their safety, the photography crew ceased filming and took cover as Holland's aircraft again passed low over the ground, this time estimated as clearing the ridgeline by only three feet (1 m). The co-pilot on Holland's aircraft testified that he grabbed the controls to prevent Holland from flying the aircraft into the ridge while the aircraft's other two aircrew members repeatedly screamed at Holland: "Climb! Climb!" Holland responded by laughing and calling one of the crew members "a pussy".[2]
His previous flights are like an example of what not to do if you value your life expectancy.
>Upon preparing to execute the touch-and-go on Runway 23 at the end of the practice profile, the aircraft was instructed to go around because a KC-135 aircraft was on the runway, having just landed. Maintaining an altitude of about 250 feet (75 m) above ground level (AGL), Holland radioed the control tower and requested permission to execute a 360 left turn, which was immediately granted by the tower controller.
>The B-52 then began the 360 degree left turn around the tower starting from about the midfield point of the runway. Located just behind the tower was an area of restricted airspace, reportedly because of a nuclear weapons storage facility.[7] Apparently to avoid flying through the restricted airspace, Holland flew the aircraft in an extremely tight, steeply banked turn while maintaining the low, 250-foot (75 m) AGL altitude
Webm shows what happens after.
>Holland responded by laughing and calling one of the crew members "a pussy".[2]
deserved to die
haha yeah. There is a saying in aviation: "there are old pilots, there are bold pilots, but there are no old and bold pilots".
in a plane that's exceptionally heavy and made up mostly of fuel and bomb space, yes
>proceeds to retire after a single deadly accident
Accident caused by an American flying crap...
>what is cost
That was an awesome flick.
>flew by his homeland one last time
>even found a flight simulator at his home with a similar flight path
>transponders manually turned off
I just dont get why. He had no financial problems nor marital
what episode is this from?
Never forget.
maybe when he past his homeland he saw thru the window his gf sleeping with another guy
Its customers would have paid no matter the ticket price, most of them were billionaires.
my grandparents flew on one from London to NYC, think his company paid for the flight though
The DC-10 truly is the nigger of planes.
Just think, if the concord had remained in service then it would most likely have gotten RnD to become more efficient and less costly and possibly advanced air travel by large amounts compared to today.
Who will play him in the biopic?
>Bane we're supposed to be on heading 330, why are we on 150
>Bane why am I the only one listed on the flight plan, they won't know to look for your body if we crash you know
>Bane ATC never approved this altitude change
>Bane why is the transponder on 7500
>Bane please, take the radio off of 121.5
>Please turn TCAS back on Bane
Flying with bane would be awful
remember, no russian
These are my favourite threads on Yea Forums
Agreed. What is it about horrifying airline accidents and 9/11 footage that's both /comfy/ and /kino/?
Because flying is still the safest way to travel despite on paper sounding fucking insane (being stuffed inside a long metal tube 7 miles up in the sky hurtling along at almost 600 mph). And yet when there's an accident in aviation it's usually catastrophic because of all the extreme physics and variables involved.
It makes it both fascinating amd terrifying.
The airplane jargon made this post better than most and made my aviation tism chuckle. Have a (You).
>first female fighter pilot
>crashes and dies
can't make this shit up
Does Bane need an oxygen mask? How does he put one on?
That was literally my first yhoight watching this scene
Uh scuse me /pol/, but she was no fighter pilot. She never should have qualified for the f14 on any runway. She was pushed through because of tokenism, not a serious project to train female pilots.
I love stuff like this. Some form of morbid curiosity I guess, but there's something incredibly gripping about listening to accident radio chatter.
Here's one from the MS Estonia, who took in water by the car hangar due to a faulty construction that caused the bow shield to bend out of place by the stormy weather. The first couple of minutes is the Estonia trying to communicate with the other ships in the vicinity, they manage to get their coordinates out to the other ships 10 minutes before the ship lists so much to the side that it disappears from radar.
It was the most devastating maritime accident in recent memory, claiming 85% of its 1k passengers and crew.
best course of action desu
>switches to Finnish because he's so flustered
>panic clearly heard in his voice
>alarms blaring in the background
>yo we're listing
Don’t blame the radio. KLM pilot was a dumbshit that didn’t wait for clearance. “OK” is not clearance. And if the transmission for clearance gets garbled you ask them to say again.
Are the boat and train versions of this show as completely inferior as I imagine them to be?
That can't be true
>It's the end.
>Loud boom
>Video ends
oh, but it is
What a goddam boss way to check out.
>slices off your wing
>pssh, nothing personnel kid
>plane stories thread
Fuck I missed these so much, I got addicted to watching some dude's Flight Simulator recreations of plane incidents for a while because of these.
James Cameron adaptation when?
Imagine being this dude and waiting in purgatory with all the people you just killed on accident.
>tfw a lot of the people survived the initial water crash but died because they inflated their vests inside the plane and slowly drowned inside the cabin
I mostly go flying with my friend nowadays and give him the window seat since he's only been flying a couple times, he always keeps the window open and I enjoy seeing his excitement looking down from the sky for the first time.
i've never been on an airplane before, im too fucking scared of doing it
>already a year since he flew to heaven
RIP Beebo
How was it an accident when it was literally his fault because he was impatient?
Is Air France expensive? Recently I flew from Manchester to Beijing for return for £340
Were they too stupid to just take the vests off?
Fuck why is that auto "PULL UP" sound so creepy?
Each time I check for a trip Air France is on the top of the list. But the food is good they say.
Airlines generally charge the most for flights originating from or terminating from their home base. If you're searching for flights starting or ending in France, Air France will usually be the most expensive just as ANA is usually the most expensive for flights to and from Japan.
>it's a wings mysteriously detach 40 miles from where the fuselage wreck is found at such an impossible glide slope indicating something more than a simple free fall that it completely puzzles investigators episode even though the flight plan was done correctly and the passenger manifest adds up with one of us in the wreckage brother
That must explain it then. My flight was to and from Manchester return, but was with Air France and had a quick swap over in Paris CDG, I think £340 is a very good price for a return flight to Beijing from the U.K.
I didn't know. Next time I'll take a train to Bruxelles just to have cheaper AF tickets.
Nothin better than flying into your home city and seeing it from above.
This, flying into Midway in Chicago at night with all the orange streetlights on gives me a feeling like no other.
God i barely remember having watched a film that had horrible, the most horrible CGI i've ever seen, it was some plane crash or something
Air disasters is made by Britshit bootlickers who never met an official explanation they didn't like. They would conclude it flew insanely high to account for the separated wreckage.
>gonna need this in terms of food analogies
The pilot was a hot dog.
Why do they speak English at some parts and not Japanese?
Can't remember the video too well, but were they conversing with ATC in English and each other in Japanese? Might be falling back to Japanese because of stress, also.
English is the official international aviation language.
How come?
t. brainlet
who was in the wrong here
Airbus. If your subhuman 10 year old can take control and crash it the design is shit.
>fly over Greenland
>look out window
>realize that even if you survived a crash there's like 1% chance of rescuers reaching you before you die of exposure
So to become a pilot you also need to go and learn a whole different language, on top of everything else?
Sure. Some crashes have been caused by pilots or ATC's with a poor grasp of english.
I find it weird that I knew what video this was going to be before I hovered over it.
Why English though? Why not just their native tongue? The only reason I can think of is because of all the many different languages that may have different interruptions, and meanings, which can make statements seem out of context.
Because a French pilot flying from Germany to Japan doesn't speak either of the language but has to communicate with controllers from both countries - you have to standardize on a language.
The way they communicate is also very standardized, to help prevent miscommunications.
Yes, having a solid grasp of the English language is necessary to talk to ATC and get a commercial license in pretty much every part of the world. Some places will let you talk to ATC in your native tongue if ATC also speaks it but technically all communication should be done in English. However you can talk in whatever language you want to your copilot, other pilots, etc.
Why didn't Charlie pull up?
There are multitudes of reasons. If you're leaving out of Paris, and you're flying to Tokyo-Haneda, there is lower chance that your flight is going to get cancelled if you're flying Air France than if you were flying ANA. The reason is that Air France has several dozen planes in Paris at all time while ANA is only going to have one or two. If the plane that was scheduled to serve that flight has to go in for unscheduled maintenance, Air France is going to be able to find another plane to fill that route. If ANA's plane lands in Paris and their panel says a sensor is malfunctioning, that plane is grounded in Paris until they can it it repaired there, and your flight is delayed until tomorrow when ANA can send another plane from Japan.
Another reason is that airlines sell tickets in bulk to large companies with a lot of corporate travel needs at a certain price ($X per 1,000 miles of economy class travel, $Y per 1,000 miles of business class travel). Those buyers get mad if you discount your tickets too much.
Chi-raq nigga,
hit it from the back nigga
I'm the Mac nigga
Break yo mama's back nigga!
We smoke crack nigga
See if you can hack nigga,
I'm black nigga
Lick my fuckin sack nigga!
I see, thank you
So, what they do is that they can't fill up the cabin at the prices they're charging to domestic customers is they start discounting connecting flights originating from third country that makes a stop-over in their home base (i.e. can't fill up Paris-LA at the current price? start offering Italians deeply discounted Rome-Paris-LA tickets)
>they considered letting go
My stupid balls didn't even take international flights into consideration. I guess it's time for bed. Thanks senpai.
Aviation would be impossible if all of LAX traffic was speaking their own native language.
In fact, it was a planned assassination of a rather mouthy Democratic senators son.
On a side note. A loaded b-52 with nukes crashes. Would the nukes detonate if by some fucking craziness it triggered something?
>eject! EJECT!
most honorabu
Christ, the end of the video is haunting
That's how the hub and spoke method works with US domestic airlines. Smaller cities feed into massive hubs and from there you sort out where people really need to go whether its international or get to their major US city like JFK, LAX, MIA. It gets a little more complicated in Europe or when making international flights because they have to follow certain agreements. Like Italy isn't just going to let Air France feed Italian people into CDG International in France to get to LAX. That would hurt their own Italian flag carrier.
the cockpit recording is chilling
>you killed us
I peek out but it scares me so I don't look too long
he was divorced and very ronery from what I've read
They didn't see the vehicles on the runway in time and struck them, if I remember correctly the tower gave them the wrong runway information.
but he didn't crash the plane into his house though
>ching chong powpow wing dong rungway 7 prease tank yu
>ayy flight UA597, ese dis ez america dood
No "KURWA!" yet?
fucking hell just looking at that picture is giving me the plane effect
Was it Knowing?
So do you guys think that flight sales take even a slight hit from social media airplane crash campaigns like this? Because I've seen a ton of gruesome plane shit in the last two days here.
I hope so, fuck airlines.
Im so glad this thread is still up. They always get pruned for some reason.
Southwest and American Airlines
>not chad plow
>That accident happened when the pilot was showing off during a low fly-by of the AF base. He wanted to bank the plane hard and impress the people watching on the ground. Only the B-52 is a heavy bomber and not a fighter. The plane banked about 70 degrees, lost the vertical component of lift and ploughed into the ground. It is needless to say that everyone died. The ironic thing to this story is that the co-pilot had complained to his superiors many time about the captains "fly by the seat of the pants" style. He was nervous about flying with him. In the final few seconds before the plane dug it's own grave the co-pilot said "you really did it this time, you've killed us all". On the B-52 there are two guys who sit below the pilots who have no windows who never even knew what happened.
I think its because you're listening to the last seconds of someone's life, forever recorded for posterity. Then you're imagining the lives of the people in the plane. No idea who they are, where they were going, what they were doing, what they had planned once they landed, but they're in that plane scared shitless as to what was going on and they're about to suffer a horrific death.
>He was nervous about flying with him. In the final few seconds before the plane dug it's own grave the co-pilot said "you really did it this time, you've killed us all"
imagine being this guy
>*loud explosion*
just like my animes
did they have recordings from inside the challenger or the columbia
It is literally the sound of death approaching. They can make it sound as robotic or as WASP-y passive aggressive as possible but the meaning is unmistakable.
I think there's a transcript from Challenger, at least a few of the crew were still alive and conscious for a little while.
Disregard, I suck cocks. Just googled it, no transcript from Challenger.
I always get sad because I imagine all the happy hopeful people who saved up aaaaall their money to go to disney land and now they're dead and they and their children died screaming too
I'd heard somewhere the heart-monitors registered heartbeats up until impact with the sea, you can even see the cabin separate and tumble away from the fireball if you zoom in.
>azn airline
>hot chicks as attendants
>us domestic airline
>sassy laqueesha who will spit in your coffee if she dont like you
tfw can't find a good TWA 800. that shit would have been fucking terrifying.
anyway here's a different one.
>did they say 1500 meters or feet?
>uh, i think 1500 feet
>oh okay *nose dives straight into the ground*
>Bet you I can land with no vision
>Bet you can't
wtf is wrong with russian pilots? other than the fact that they're russian
RIP bebsi plane
Sum Ting Wong
Bang Ding Ow
>flying from USA to europe
>be at 35,000 feet
>think about how if the plane broke apart mid air, i would wish i was dead as a hurtled to my death at like 600 miles per hour getting whiplash and frostbite before slamming into the ocean and getting insta gibbed
>I don't like flying.
>I don't like being cooped up in vehicles with other people.
>live in Australia where you can't realistically drive anywhere beyond your own state.
Me on the left
The only realistic explanations are hijacking or pilot suicide.
It's kinda crazy there's no real time satellite telemetry, communications and voice recording in place for major planes.
I feel like I should warn you about Tiger airways, even though they are Australian, they are so bad that they deserve it. Never book with them unless you enjoy having flights cancelled for no reason.
Walkabout, m8
anywhere's walkin distance if you're on enough mdma
>cabin depressurizes
>pass out, mercifully avoiding being awake for a horrible death
>cabin gains just enough air before hitting the ground long enough for you to wake up and die screaming at 200 Gs
There's a motorway like that in front of a runway in Sydney that I always worry about getting hit on.
steal luggage
cop a feel
>waking up just in time to realize how boned you are
>plane hits, you survive and call your wife to tell her you're ok
>die anyway because of stuck above point of impact
>"We're just young guys, we're not ready to die."
To be honest, death at 200 Gs is pretty much instant, probably better than suffocating.
It's fucking crazy halfway through he starts getting the wings back level then basically just spikes it into the ground.
dc-10 has done more to harm commercial flight than anything else in history
Smiling muslim man likes this thread
They originally designed the shuttle to have a type of parachute system for the crew cabin, but it was not engineered into it because of weight.
The whole purpose of the shuttle was military, to put super-large spy satellites into orbit. Crew safety was not really much of a concern.
Proof asians can't drive.
Used to think that was amazing. Now I dislike it. Cities in general.
Strange they weren't able to land. A B-52 bomber lost its rudder and was able to land without further incident.
>Why do they speak English at some parts and not Japanese?
When contacting ATC you must use English, but if you talk to the other crew in the plane you can use your own language.
Holy shit, the rabbit hole behind her death is deep
>According to Navy training procedures, a flier who makes a serious error is given a "down." As few as one or two downs can result in the flier being dropped from the program, depending on the severity of the glitch and overall performance. The safety of the pilot is one concern; another is that of crew members who could be killed or injured in plane crashes.
>Despite the warnings about her "high elevation." Hultgreen got into trouble on Oct. 29, 1993, on her third familiarization flight. She came in high and hit her brakes so aggressively that she blew out both main mount tires. She was given her first down. The second came on March 22, 1994, for failure to make power corrections to correct glide slope deviations. The third came nine days later, for "making power corrections that were erratic and unpredictable," in the words of her Landing Signal Officer [LSO], the person charged with guiding her onto the flight deck.
>When the Navy announced Hultgreen's death, the mantra was that mechanical failure, not pilot error, caused the crash.
>Selective portions of Hultgreen's records were released that suggested her qualifications were above average. There were murmurs from Navy fliers that there was more to the story, sotto voce complaints which The New York Times characterized as "spurious accusations against her flight record...from disgruntled male aviators, raising questions about her flight tests." [Oct. 30, 1994]
>The Navy's deception was deliberate. At a press conference where the JAG report was issued, a reporter knowledgeable about carrier training asked Rear Adm. Jay B. Yakeley, a carrier group commander, whether Hultgreen had any downs on her record. After a long pause, he replied that she had only one, when in fact her records showed she had at least four, plus the carrier qualification glitches.
>Just think, if the concord had remained in service then it would most likely have gotten RnD to become more efficient and less costly and possibly advanced air travel by large amounts compared to today.
Concorde SUCKED. It had numerous design flaws, its main one being the landing gear location, which was in the wing. Exploding tyres would regularly damage the wings, and would eventually doom Concorde when a big piece flew off, hit the wing so hard that it created a shockwave that burst the fuel tank and the plane crashed. Its amazing more didn't fall out of the sky.
The USSR initially copied the Concorde but realized it was a horrible design, so they clean-sheet redesigned the Tu-144 and located the landing gear in the engine nacelles, among other things.
>had increased beyond 60 degree
That shit was at 90 degrees when it stalled
based retard pilot made a pretty sweet explosion though
Gonna go with time traveling into the future. We'll see them in about 50 years.
In the olde days, the military insisted that bombers be maneuverable, and when they were testing the flying wing, they wanted the test pilot to do a loop in one. Northrop said it was a bad idea and bombers should not be doing aerobatics. They insisted, so he did it, and it crashed and the pilot died.
The generals then decided bombers should not be doing loops.
the imperial system claims another victim.
not abo
not junkie
they didn't actually get to space though did they?
The problem is that the source for supposed performance report is this woman, and she and AIM were both financially supported by the same donor (Phyllis Scarfly) at the time. The source is not credible, and their characterization has not been corroborated by anybody else.
Nice try Kara, back to your watery grave
>"Accuracy In Media (AIM) is an American non-profit conservative[1][2] news media watchdog founded in 1969 by economist Reed Irvine. AIM supported the Vietnam War and blamed media bias for U.S. loss in the war."
Nice source
>dc-10 has done more to harm commercial flight than anything else in history
I once flew in an L-1011 its competitor and it was the best plane ride ever.
>if I remember correctly the tower gave them the wrong runway information.
T-thanks guys.
Holy shit what.
where is it
Christ what a fucking douchebag that pilot was. Poor co-pilot.
fuck this cheap airfare walmart in the sky shit we have now. We need to go back to classy high dollar plane tickets when people dressed up for plane rides
Nah I'm good lol
the kikes are behind it
>the ones where they send a last message to a loved one
The worst because those people for sure know they're fucked, and while they probably know their loved ones wont hear it, they still want to let them know.
Hopefully if I ever am in a plane crash, I'm at least the one flying so I know what's going on. It would be horrifying to be a passenger on a crashing flight
Don't dress like a slut then.
How do you not get fired for that?
>so remember, if the airlines dont find you fully certified to maintain planes, they should at least find you handy
the co-op he killed in the B52 tried to get him grounded over it, but he had pull with all the high rank officers. find the news story in this thread.
>KLM had suggested initially that Veldhuyzen van Zanten should help with the investigation, not realising that he was in fact the KLM captain who had perished in the accident.[38]
>The flight was also Wolff's "fini flight" – a common tradition in which a retiring USAF aircrew member is met at the airfield by relatives, friends, and coworkers, shortly after landing on his or her final flight, and doused with water.
Jesus imagine dying on the day of your retirement.
in theory, could he have depressurized the cabin, wait for them all to die, then pressurize it again and then go rape all the women?
hey HEY
nah, you'd probably black out within the first few seconds from the rapid pressure change
The prophecy is true
pretty usre this guy wasn't retired, IIRC he was a demonstrations pilot with a bad record and got into the plane under influence of substances (or something else) that day.
Possible, since if the explosives surrounding the plutonium core were triggered, it could set off the bomb. However, those explosives all need to go off at the same time to cause the implosion, and it's unlikely that would happen in the event of a crash.
Personally I'd be more worried if the nuclear powered plane the air force built ever crashed.
no, impossible with modern nukes
the first iteration "gun" style of nuclear bombs could go off unintentionally though
wait what the fuck is the story behind this image
what is happening here
Thinking about all the flights I've been on, 95% of the people on board don't listen to the safety messages or even look unless the stewardess is hot, I can imagine there's got to have been a lot of "inflated life jacket in the cabin" deaths because normies are too braindead to pay attention.
Fuck, I'd probably unironically do this
then I dunno get out and maybe look for people
Plus people will often take their luggage and open plane exits close to a fire without thinking, both of which increase the casualty rate.
jesus christ at the very least if they're going to be doing loops do them more than 4 feet off the ground
>The co-pilot on Holland's aircraft testified that he grabbed the controls to prevent Holland from flying the aircraft into the ridge while the aircraft's other two aircrew members repeatedly screamed at Holland: "Climb! Climb!" Holland responded by laughing and calling one of the crew members "a pussy"
based chad pilot
Bless you
>when you get asked to investigate yourself, but you're already dead
anyone else know this feeling?
they're russian
Left window not proreply installed ,
blew up while in the air , pilot got sucked out due to decompression .
We need to start fining these assholes that take their shit in an emergency evac
i guess a nice clean instant explosion death sounds better than "they survived and then experienced hell for about 3 minutes before being liquified on impact"
>"Put out your cigarettes. This is an emergency descent."
1980s kino
Yes. I look outside then go to sleep for an hour.
I went to Japan for the first time last year. Looking at the cars and trains going by slowly at night is extremely comfy.
Funny thing us I never get sick when flying or on a ship. But when on land I just go immediately to sleep mode because I feel sick. Must be because of the shit roads and shitty car smell. Why do people even buy those car fresheners? They smell awful.
>Is this it?! Is this the end of flight 123?!
The seat belt is there to easily identify your corpse by the seat you were sitting at
I don't fly on German companies because their hostesses are rude as fuck.
show us
>Ah, ah, oh
Quintessially asian.
imagine being on a plane
you'd be like god
I think that’s what scares me about flying so much. Your completely out of control of your environment.
Lufthansa is good, nigger
I have flown literally hundreds of times. I just put on my noise canceling headphones, take a 10mg melatonin and go to sleep.
Thread Theme: youtube.com
It's interesting that the vast majority of survivors were young men simply because they were the only ones able to hold on when the ship turned on its side. Many of the survivors describe how all the women and children just flew by while they held on. Must have been fucking awful.
It's also pretty interesting that man of the survivors were drunk as fuck punching their way through.
The final report from Finnish authorities is a chilling read, especially the part with survivor testimonies. There is a story from a man whose own mother commanded her to leave her and proceed alone when she didn't have the strength to go on. Another from a man who was on a raft with some other survivors, who thought that they'll maybe make it, only to be washed away by a big wave never to be seen again.
The report I read was in Finnish but there most likely is one translated to english somewhere if you search a bit
If you understand any Swedish I though this interview was really good. The dude is so calm and explains everything in detail.