Why do so many people here like this? It wasn't even good! It had a terrible Twilight tier romance, the dialogue was laughable, the acting was awful aside from Rosa and Christoph, who were both good admittedly. The action was straight out of a PS3 game, and to top it off there's a stupid sequel bait ending that will go nowhere. Anyone who unironically thinks ths is the best film of the decade is crazy. Awful movie, 3/10
Why do so many people here like this? It wasn't even good! It had a terrible Twilight tier romance...
Other urls found in this thread:
because it makes SJWs like you seethe. Must mean that it's great.
Its a comfy movie.
No bullshit shoved into it and it sticks close to its source material.
whats not to like about it?
>using Twilight as an insult
I thought even you redditors grew out of that. 9gag?
I went into the movie not even knowing it was based on an anime and thought it was really good. Solid 8.5/10 for me. Anyone giving it below a 6/10 is a retard, SJW, or Leftist.
>It wasn't even good!
Begging the question why you would want to lie to such an extreme extent.
I was pretty stoned when I watched it a couple of days ago, but I thought it was pretty good.
That's funny considering the movie was made by SJWs
A SJW blog paraphrasing her statements that were probably prompted by direct leading questions does not make her an SJW.
The romance was the one thing that pissed me off. They got Hugo's character completely wrong.
she qt she can stay
Cameron used the power of science and technology to make anime real. What's not to like?
Anime fucking sucks
Here is the reason why some people hate Alita:
Some scientific research about a phenomenon known as "Cute Aggression" just showed up on my radar. As I was reading into it, numerous light bulbs started flashing in my head. It explains so much about what we already know about the differences between the liberal and conservative brain. The Amygdala! It is also heavily involved in the reaction to cuteness and is involved in reward processing for behavioral responses. If you have an underdeveloped amygdala, you are more vulnerable to cuteness overload which activates an aggressive response wherein you want to attack, hurt or destroy the source of the cuteness.
I think Cute Aggression warrants some more investigation by interested parties here on /pol/ and elsewhere, I think it can directly compliment some of our strategies going forward. Cute Aggression turns out to be more prevalent in young girls and feminists. I bet you could predict which girls are more likely to become rabid feminists by analyzing their response to cuteness. Why do we get so much flak from leftists and even some people who claim to be right-wing (neocohens, cuckservatives) about using anime avatars and posting anime memes–it's because they have underdeveloped amygdala. Why are most Western cartoons and AAA games so ugly, with the exception of say French cartoons or stuff derived or influenced by Disney classics: because the Jewish producers and art directors tend to become aggressive with cute artwork, they really don't like it. Why do the corrupt leftist and globalist elite partake in child sex trafficking, rape and torture? Why has child vore emerged in Jewish occult practices? Why do Jews run the worst of the hentai and porn industries? Cute Aggression and the brain chemistry involved explains it all.
Even the fact that Yea Forums started as an anime image board ended up acting as a filter to select for those who tend not to be aggressive to cuteness–it selects for those with normal to well developed amygdala. It explains a large part of why /pol/ and the alternative right emerged from image board culture, the other part of course would be anonymity selecting for INTJ/INTP personality types who tend to score lower on narcissism. It explains why whenever we got floods of new posters from reddit or elsewhere, complaints about anime would always follow. It explains our relative power against leftists on image boards and why /leftypol/ can't seem to grow without bots, as less of them tend to like cute things and hence avoid anime.
Cuteness can be used as a wedge in our strategies. Aversion to anime is a litmus test for the underdeveloped amygdala and the liberal brain. We can use cuteness in our memes and campaigns to attract like minded people into our fold and keep out the unwanted. All of these things we've already been doing inadvertently, but now we have comprehensive theory as to why it works and what we can do to really hit the pressure points. Best of all we can call people out for not liking our anime smugs.
Here's some links to get you started, but by no means is it complete. There's a lot more material available if you search for it. If this gives you any interesting ideas, please share them.
When Too Cute Is Too Much, The Brain Can Get Aggressive
Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion: Displays of Both Care and Aggression in Response to Cute Stimuli
The Affect of Cute Animals on the Human Phsyiology
Hollywood movies fucking suck
It has soul.
Why does she look so creepy?
because your brain is not properly developed and can't see the cuteness.
Are you really that suprised a bunch of autistic spics like a movie that's based on weeb shit?
bros I have to tell you something
She isn't cute, you think that because you're a weeb
i wanted to stop watching after dumb rollerskating which i'm sure would come up later in the movie, but i made it all the way to the ridiculous doctor with a giant weapon he can't use and the terrible fight against 3 people.
this might be one of those movies i watch in 5-10 minute bursts over a few days until i finish it like The Invitation.
yes she is cute you brain damaged cuck
explains it all.
Just use a real actor if the CGI isn't going to look good enough. The voice does not match her at all, it's like I'm listening to an african phonetically speaking english.
the CGI is nice
they really did a good job with Alita.
>The action was straight out of a PS3 game,
I hope you're not a Marvel fan
This is me next Tuesday
how many you are planning to buy?
I will buy around 12 or so blurays
Hey, I'm not the weeb faggot that obsesses over this bug eyed bitch
Just one steelbook. Might get the Japanese one too because weeb.
t. underdeveloped brain
can you please buy more? you could gift them to your family.
please Alita needs all of our help.
it's not weeaboo to like japanese things you fucking summerfag
This is the worst recurring thread on this board. I don’t browse every board, but I would venture to say that this is likely one of the worst recurring threads on this site. The only one that might actually be worse is the Emma Stone thread on /hr/. Alita threads suffice as mental illness containment threads.
I'm getting a couple DVDs too as a gifts yes. My family/friends tend to either have a DVD player or not even have a TV. They leapfrogged past Blu-rays from DVD to streaming.
I've been here since 2005, but thanks for imparting this new knowledge.
Alita threads are comfy. now fuck off summerfag with underdeveloped brain.
no you haven't you liar
based, thank you for your service.
soon we will get Alita 2
This movie sucked. Boring and stupid. Almost all of the characters are unlikable especially Alita herself. She's an immature spoiled brat who wants everything to go her way and her way only.
but there will be one because we made Alita a success
how james cameron knows exactly how to trigger autismal people to hype his movies?
I don't know.
People will tattoo anything it seems.
Imagine having a tattoo of some actor who ends up being a sex offender or something.
it happens
Holy shit, big if true. Thanks user, I'm gonna try to look into this.
its all true
anyone who thinks Alita isn't cute has an underdeveloped brain
Yea Forums crowdfunds IMAX screenings
Jerome is doing fan outreach to celebrities (image related)
Alita is re-released in France and Turkey
Yup, this is pretty crazy.
That's some unexpected character development right there.
Might just be the dumbest coincidence ever.
>it sticks close to its source material.
Not really.
>"The manga was better"
did you ever actually read the manga
this isn't reddit you fucking zoomer
take your upvotes somewhere else
>Not really.
just watch the OVA and read the manga and you will see
Fuck i love this movie
>Fuck the haters!
What do it mean when you think Alita is so cute you kinda just want to eat her face? Like, not in a bad way and just a little bit. I mostly just want to smooch her, but I do kinda wanna eat her face, but only a little bit.
I hate tattoos, but that is based.
It's a bit of the same reaction as when people want to squeeze a teddy bear or punch a baby's cheeks - except these people want to fucking kill and destroy anything that is cute.
pinch, ffs
what the fuck is latinx?
Latina or latino, except without the gender.
So "latin" would have sufficed.
Transformers has a baby face chewer:
Your all so stupid
Fuck i hate this movie
Our what?
t. underdeveloped brain
yes there is a lot retarded brainlet people like you here
now fuck off
>everyoneisstupidexceptme and my Alita bros
That sounds pretty gay
I luv Alita
wtf was this story? Everyone is trying to kill the main character, who is obviously not going to die.
Yes, I know the manga. Never read "last order" because I was in my late teen when Kishiro stop Gunnm. The movie is laughable, trying to fit some much thing in 120min.
>I don't know who I'm
>Oh yeah, I'm from Mars and I need to kill Destiny Nova
Also, the crappy CGI eyes and obnoxious personality "Yasss, you go girl !" make a totally different character.
it isn't very many people. less than a dozen originally and probably half that now.
whats funny is they didn't even have much material to cover. The movie just adds an hour of padding to the OVA.
>transhumanist propaganda: the movie
Not only is it a bad film, but its full of demons, normalizing extreme body mods and de-humanization. Screenshot this now: in 20 years we will have all manner of monstrosities walking the streets, and because the kids wanted to grow up to be a cool robot like Alita
whats bad about prosthetic body when your old body is broken?
This film is littered with poorly executed character interactions. The whole thing feels so sanitized, too, a boardroom product rather than an artist's vision.
based and redpilled
Reddit hates Alita and that means we like her. It’s that simple.
Fuck off.
It´s mediocre, i agree but you have to compare it with other mediocre movies built around the strong female MC trope as it is understood by this generation AKA you have to compare it against WW or CM.
Compared to THOSE movies this one gets at the very least the basics of narration and character development right. Furthermore you have to get into the capeshit/ animu adaptations mindset. Compared to those this is at least somewhat visually different even if it´s still just an origin story.
Again, it´s a mediocre movie but it´s competition is plain simply trash.
>being this far off the mark
based gigaposter
>in 20 years we will have all manner of monstrosities walking the streets,
>in 20 years
Welcome to Yea Forums
Welcome to Yea Forums
Welcome to the internet
Welcome to life
You say this without even seeing the 3D version.
The character interactions naturally take a back seat to the illustration of depth to the cyborg characters and how it represents their integrity. You see inside Alita. You see her get sliced apart and still somehow stay together as a person. You see her reach into her own chest for her heart.
All that is powerful 3D imagery. Neither of you have seen this movie.
As it´s understood by THIS generation. There are tons of better strong female characters out there like Sarah Connor, Ellen Rippley, Clarice Sterling, Nikkita, Buffy and so on.
all putrid shit compared to Alita
It looks fine on it's own but when it moves and talks it all falls apart. Big miscast on the VA.
>just use a real actor
>big miscast on the VA
they did use a real actor
>Sarah Connor
created by Cameron
>Ellen Ripley
Cameron made her an even stronger character in Aliens
millennial generation, not sure what you mean by "this generation"
this movie was based as fuck, i don't give a shit what anyone says
>not sure what you mean by "this generation"
Buffy was like 20 years ago man...
As for the Cameron thing, firstly Alita was not created by him, secondly, yes in the 80/90s Cameron was godly but you know, i think he and Riddley are both getting old and out of touch lately. They are clearly not at the top of their game anymore. Ridley is far more gone than Cameron but you get what i mean...
only discord trannies like it, it's best to ignore them and their constant screeching
>only discord trannies like it
>best to ignore them
you're the one screeching about trannies all the time
Ya seethin lil guy? Dilate and cope
Ending seemed way too rushed to me. One second the boy is dying then he gets a robo bod, then he dies for real, in like 15 minutes. They spent way too much time setting it all up.
thanks for proving my point
wtf I love the Backstreet Boys now
listening to comfy 90s kino
Completely replacing an actor with CGI is not using a real actor.
For a similar example of this see the prequel to the thing, where they built tons of practical effects that were replaced with CGI. Thus, removing the practical effects from the movie.
>this fucking argument again
Those are completely different things, you're comparing latex and strings to a living person who did auditions and stunt training and everything
>Completely replacing an actor with CGI is not using a real actor.
yes it is, they can easily capture all the subtleties of a performance and apply it to the CG, the performance drives the tech, not the other way around
>For a similar example of this see the prequel to the thing, where they built tons of practical effects that were replaced with CGI. Thus, removing the practical effects from the movie.
if we're talking practical effects, they build an entire practical city (complete with running water and electricity and that can last for 10 years) instead of relying on just CG for the backgrounds
>replacing an actor with CGI is not using a real actor
give this a watch
oh wait this one is even better
You don’t understand how performance capture works.
Performance capture does not instantly and effortlessly translate a performance into a CGI render. It just generates oceans of reference material to allow hundreds of people to spend millions of manhours to create a more realistic animation than would be possible without it.
You will never win this debate because at no point in the movie is there a scene with a 33 year old latino woman who’s face is covered in black dots.
watch one of these
at no point in Hellboy is there a 55 year-old Jew from New York either but that doesn't mean Ron Perlman wasn't in it
This is why I always love coming back to Alita threads.
Cute Aggression, utterly fascinating!
Always wondered why those IMGUR roasties kept complaining about "TOO CUUUTE!".
The sentiment is literally alien to me, or at best ironic.
I’ve seen those. My point stands. Rosa generated reference material and voice work for a character in a movie. She, herself, is in the movie as much as robin Williams was in Aladdin.
Whereas Ron pearlman was in some of his hellboy movies, the scenes where he is replaced by a CGI render not-withstanding.
What you don’t want to understand about performance capture is it allows directors to directly edit a performance. You see examples of this in every BTS/movie comparison you’ll post.
Well you could say the worlbuilding and action were welldone and that it took us back to a simpler time in cinema.
But really it's just waifu fags.
She’s about as cute as chucky from the child’s play movies when he’s pretending to be a doll.
Say that to my face fucker not online
You poor damaged thing.
reminder alita loves hugo and hates all you creepy incels
Reminder he died
Most people had a similar reaction. Therefore you’re the one with mental damage.
I preferred the "Hugo is incredibly handsome" shitposting desu
>she is in the movie as much as Robin Williams was in Aladdin
If by that you mean completely integral to the popularity and success of the movie, then yes.
Alita is also directly based off of Rosa's face
The CGI render was based off a design they had come up with before casting that Latino woman.
You may as well try to claim Gollum was based off Andy serkis.
>most people had a similar reaction
- 94% audience score on RT
- 61% critic's score on RT
- 5 stars on IMDB
>You may as well try to claim Gollum was based off Andy serkis.
But he was?
>this might be one of those movies i watch in bursts
That's how I did it
Nope. But hey, you don’t understand how any of this works and you never will.
>The CGI render was based off a design they had come up with before casting that Latino woman
So thats why her eyes, lips, teeth, nose, scars, and mannerisms are all the same on rosa? Just a coincidence?
I liked the part where grewishka just stands there and watches alita kill two of his teammates. Makes no move against ido. Makes no move to stop alita. Just stands there in his giant robe of pointlessness.
If the CGI animation follows the actor's performance closely, it still represents the actor's artistic input, in a similar manner to how a camera might capture an image of their performance.
If the animators change the actor's performance more than a minute amount, you'd be correct. But if they adhere very closely, the actor's performance is still being expressed.
I didn’t realize rosa salazar was a bugeyed uncanny valley CGI mutant in real life.
they are that close to announce a sequel
They knew they wanted Alita to have big eyes and a smaller mouth and dark hair, just like the character is supposed to look.
All of movie-Alita's individual features are copied straight from Rosa except the irises.
Weebs gonna weeb
In every comparison shot there is shown significant changes from the captured performance to the render.
Nigga, i watched all those LOTR special features. You're not fooling anybody talking out your ass.
I find it highly amusing that the left loves to say that people hate movies because they hate women and minorities, yet these "cultists" love a movie starring a Peruvian-American lady.
my friends turned off the tv on that scene from the movie
You can't possibly be this dense. The whole point of having Alita be CGI is so that they could change her facial dimensions to look more anime-like.
Your friends are faggots.
>just like the character is supposed to look
Gally’s signature characteristics are her puffy lips, short dark hair, small stature, and expressive (but normal human sized) eyes.
The only reason she has giant animu eyes in the movie is because Cameron mistook the stylistic trappings of anime for character traits, for gunnm was the first anime he watched and gally is the only young female character.
They made no significant changes to her performance
They changed their original design ideas of Gollum into something simpler and more expressive so they could use the reference material serkis was giving them. Originally the design was closer to the inexpressive reptile/fish-monster from the animated movie.
>Makes no move against ido.
False. Get off your phone when watching movies.
>Makes no move to stop alita. Just stands there in his giant robe of pointlessness.
Bad guy arrogance. Do you complain about this in every action movie?
And that was a really stupid idea. As it looks horrible.
But keep admitting they made significant changes to the stand in. It really makes your argument stronger.
Some term WHYY PII-POE made up which Hispanics don't give a shit about
you don't just kill a dog on screen and expect people to not be upset
Only when movies try to present themselves as gritty/realistic.
And action is a shitty genre
>thinking Cameron doesn't know exactly what he's doing
This is what Alita looks like, so Cameron made her look like that in the movie. Simple as that.
The reason why she looks like that in the first place is because of the anime style, he's just being extremely faithful to that.
If Cameron really wanted to make an anime-style live action movie, every character would've had the exaggerated eyes, you know, like in a fucking anime but she's the only character who has them.
Mo-capping every performer would've been prohibitively expensive and no doubt impractical, but doing just one was fucking stupid.
Cameron giving the project to Rodriguez is proof even he wasn’t sure what he was doing.
I never said they made significant changes, that seems to be your argument
dude did you even see Sin City
I'm /pol/ as fuck and still hate anime. What now, weebshit?
They didn't show the dog die. Like, dont get me wrong, i hate that shit onscreen, but this was pretty tame compared to what could have been. But whatever, hopefully you liked the movie.
This was no passion project for Cameron, else he would've directed it himself. He just handballed this over to his B team so it wouldn't be stuck in development hell for another decade.
Anime in general looks like that because it’s an effective way to make expressive character designs with the lower detail available to ink and paper.
It isn’t meant to be copied directly to photorealism. As photorealism has different tools/means to create expressive characters.
we all loved it, the ending is a bit abrupt but I can't say I disliked anything about it
Sin city was awful. The comic was too. So making an awful movie from an awful comic means good job?
>I'm r/pol as fuck
Not showing the dog die is effective enough. When she smears it’s blood on her face is when the movie completely loses the audience.
>no passion project for Cameron
- bought the rights in the '90s
- wrote 180 pages of script
- wrote 1000 pages of notes
- had concept art produced as early as 2005, some of which he did himself
- executive produced the movie along with his studio Lightstorm
- co-invented the 3D cameras and performance capture tech used on the movie
The movie wasn't extremely faithful to the comic and your lack of taste doesn't change that
This was all over 15 years ago. The only thing he did for alita recently was hand it to a zero talent spic and rubber stamp a few of that spic’s awful choices.
does cameron get off on prolonging the suffering of his fans or something?
why did he give up on it then?
No, making it a perfect adaptation does.
>When she smears it’s blood on her face is when the movie completely loses the audience.
yeah that was a bit icky, I suppose that's what happens in the manga or whatever but idk, it just looked silly and out of place
Liking sin city is not a sign of good taste.
>zero talent spic
ok now I know you're trolling
Maybe because a movie he created and wrote and directed and produced made $2.75B?
A little movie called Avatar?
In the manga its oil/sludge, in the OVA its blood. Nobody else thought that it was badass and in total warrior fashion?
In the manga it comes across as symbolizing a blood oath to avenge a fallen comrade, as the dog in the manga is a badass.
Turning the dog into a puppy alita thinks is cute doesn’t have the same effect.
Gee, thanks XXXSephiroth420XXX
This was a weird combination of some high level "violence" (machine violence I guess, bloodless violence) with some really bad teen-action level dialogue.
The obvious compromise that they made in making this a kids movie really tanked it. The tone of the anime just doesn't come through, maybe it just can't.
Robert Rodriguez has never made a good movie. This is fact. Just because this fact triggers you does not mean I am trying to trigger you.
Nobody here likes it, it's just a few asshurt mentally ill faggots who used to jerk each other off in their generals who keep spamming threads about it to cope with the fact that it flopped fucking hard. The movie is trash.
Bad screenplay and a production that seemed singularly focused on cgi over making a well rounded movie. Real shame because it actually looked like it had potential. Just another bad hollywood anime adaptation to go into the scrapheap.
Keep telling yourself that.
>strong female lead
>the "good" "white" guys ido and hector had to do shady stuff to get by
>wife leaves doc for black bull
>most baddies were white
>female UMR squadies beat entire army
I could go on. It wasn't a shitshow like most modern cinema, but it's anything but not sjw. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go and have sex.
Pick 1 you fucking shit. They weren't black so I'd rather call them "white" than the latino and japanese name german looking manlet.
Cameron always had a penchant for strong female leads, being a progressive and vegan environmentalist among other things. He pushed a bit further here into some overt transgender symbolism. Not to mention the checkbox diversity hiring in this movie which is just so fucking tiresome.
that's cute
how can I even be mad?
I think he meant Hugo
You need to calm down friend
Yes. Where the fuck did I even get Hector? That guy was Vector. Got that good early 20s dementia going I see, can't wait.
>hurr rrrrrr durrr I'ma call em white for no reazon xDDDD
Hugo was pretty white, yo
Have sex.
I love Alita because it makes alt-right incels seethe with rage. They just can't stand seeing a xer up on the screen being an absolute badass.
Alita is a symbol of the strength of the LGBTQI community which we desperately need in the age of Drumpf. If Alita were in america today xe would be punching nazis and taking no prisoners.
I for one can't wait for the sequel!
by american standards maybe
bad bait user
Alt-right incels are the ones that love this movie you dumbfuck, they seethe in rage at Captain Marvel
I want to be a cyborg abomination NOW and I'm an adult who just watched Alita the other day. But it's not Alita's fault, I always loved to idea of being part machine
take it back to r_donald haters.
Transphobia is not welcome here, we love Alita.
one youtuber does not represent all fans
still mad zalem wasn't showed
There's a grand total of about 4 anons who are pro Alita. They're not even paid shills they're just outright retarded.
Prove me wrong.
in the manga Alita doesn't get to Zalem until volume 9, and there are only 9 volumes
I know for a fact there's over 100 Alita anons.
ok let's have a show of hands
I'm mildly pro Alita but I think this movie is overstaying its welcome here.
Yea, he’s only about 10%
The movie has more than an hour of OC. Most of which locks out the manga plotlines going forward. There was no reason to not show salem.
it's not even out on bluray yet
Unitonically this
what, two is all you could muster?
you've been samefagging every thread with this utter trash weeb fantasy.
gtfo alit/r/annies
>give up
I don't interpret that when he said "fuck the haters, make the eyes bigger"
I’m one of those people who followed this series from the first manga.
I have waited 14 years for this movie and I was not disappointed.
The Blu-ray has already dropped on torrent sites.
it has only been 9 minutes
Making the design more realistic would’ve made it more uncanny. So “make the eyes bigger” is literally the only option.
yes but not everyone torrents
it's not out on streaming anywhere like Netflix yet
So what’s it like being retarded? Is everything constant happy fun times to you or do you realize you’re retarded and trapped in an utterly pointless existence?
It’s been on amazon and itunes since the 9th.
back away from the mirror
What does r_donald have to do with any of this?
yes and a lot of people don't want to pay
one reason for the popularity of torrents
it's bait
are they too busy dilating archie?
they're all doing /soc/ stuff in the other channel
you know that
>not everyone torrents
We call these people “retarded.”
Projecting much, ledditor?
I watched this in the theatre with an old friend of mine. Real nice guy, wouldn't hurt a fly.
Afterwards I didn't have the heart to tell him what I thought so I just said 'yea user it was awesome, absolutely 9/10'
So I get the kind of crowd this stuff is made for and even though you take it a bit too far, you guys are alright and probably not many of you are transgenders as they are saying.
It's just guys who didn't really grow into men, I think kind of like Michael Jackson, he would've loved this for sure.
to be completely fair, a lot of the people seeing a massively-diverse cast and assuming "MUH DIVERSITY" fail to realize this is just kinda how it is. BR2049 had the same sort of thing going on, "massive city has a massively varied amount of people". 2049 seemed more homogenous due to Deckard and K being apparently-white but in its background there was an equivalent spread.
Getting bent out of shape over that in Alita, of all the movies, is dumb at best. I'd get it if it was any other movie but that's a core part of the world.
or just lazy
It's the 26th century and Iron City is apparently the only human civilization left on Earth, not counting Zalem. Of course it's going to be diverse.
The blu-ray has been out for almost a week
A few people have copies somehow but the official release date is the 23rd
Yep, me calling alt-righters incels totally makes me a Trump supporter
If you like Alita you're
That's my point.
Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Same mod/janitor leaves up discord link while post exposing them not even a minute after is deleted
100% true
People miss simple stories.
People miss the dramatic situations not destroyed joke.
People miss the characters.
People miss the clear arches of the characters.
People miss the brightness.
People miss the plot not raped by the postmodern.
People miss the plot not poisoned political agenda.
Alita gave it to them.
This was such a garbage movie. You know what it reminded me of , Sky High. A fucking kiddy movie about kids with special powers. I think it even has the same boy from that movie.
The fags who hyped this up here are insane.
Yeah I'm just agreeing with you, it's all explained like 10 minutes into the movie but apparently people don't pay attention
based schizo
It's an anime girl that eats chocolate. Trannies and /r9k/ eat that up like it was titty skittles.
she also beat a guy to death with her bare hands
>waaaah stop spamming while my schizoid discord group posts and bumps these shitty threads constantly even though they have no discussion for hours on end
>waaaah stop spamming
yes user please stop spamming
nobody cares any more
It's in the retarded 4channer gen to like contrarian things that have 'c-cute' protagonists for borderline pedophiles. Reminds me of how the Merula character made that shitty HP game blow up last year
They will make up any excuse to defend an awful product. It's hilarious to think that that same people would shit on everyone else for even the weakest flaw
>blah blah blah trannies, shit that happened months ago Edrama ...trannies RREEEEEE
dude nobody fucking cares
9/10 kino
>these few scenes are like these few panels
>it's accurate
Zack Snyder's school of accuracy to the sorce material
>sticks close to its source material.
ahahahaha no
it's similar to the ova maybe, which is already a terrible adaptation
>Why do so many people here like this? It wasn't even good! It had a terrible Twilight tier romance, the dialogue was laughable, the acting was awful aside from Rosa and Christoph, who were both good admittedly. The action was straight out of a PS3 game, and to top it off there's a stupid sequel bait ending that will go nowhere. Anyone who unironically thinks ths is the best film of the decade is crazy. Awful movie, 3/10
they think that by liking it they will stick it to disney/Cpt Marvel
they are also kids impressed by cgi lightshows
I'd say it more a 4.5/10, maybe a 5. But 3/10 or less is accurate if you are rating it as an adaptation.
overall it's capeshit tier, cyber edition
gummy shitface
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
Yeah but what about those augmented humans. They're awesome and badass. That Zapan. And that spider woman at the beginning, too bad she dies that fast.
Even though it had cliches and predictable plot, the movie was very solid. the main girl, in an action movie, was very well done and not pandering in an annoying way à la captain marvel
yeah dude, its called "acting"
doing the opposite of retards does not make you smart, tho
I can agree with this.
Alita would have been considered a laughable movie in a more civil decade, but compared to literal shit (WW/CM) it menages to at least reach mediocrity
>it's not shallow, it's 3D
>ah bloo bloo
the kind of Cameron that was godly in the 80s/90s is nowhere to be seen now, just like Ridley Scott
>aint no man gon underestimate this sista
Fuck what they did to this character
Cameron wrote/directed/produced just two movies in the last 20+ years and they both became the highest grossing movie ever so I wouldn't count him out yet
Literally Because James Cameron wrote it.
No one on Yea Forums would give a shit about th movie if it did not have James Cameron’s name on it. Because Yea Forums has to suck James Cameron’s cock 24/7 because Reddit didn’t like Avatar.
And also to spite Captain Marvel.
kids immpressed by cgi and wanting to stick it to the mouse flooding the review section does that
movie flopped tho
>sequel to flop soon
>JL Snyder cut soon
>Why do so many people here like this?
Board has shit taste.
Yea Forums memed me into watching this pile of garbage. I had to fast forward everytime the love interest was on screen. He is the worst part of it all. The only redeemable qualities were the CG and the motorboat action.
>animu use big eyes, so movie use big eyes
>i-it's not an a-art style
and Ido is supposed to have cylindrical nose and head, hairs that look like a bird nest and an overlong chin
is't even a sign of the opposite, like liking Alita, capeshit or Jurassic Bore
True, it was like watching pg13 kenshiro
that's how Ido looks in the manga and OVA but it makes no difference
Alita is the heart and soul of the movie so making her look right was the key to making the the whole thing work
>so many people here like this
They don't. It's a couple of handfuls of actual trannies who relentlessly spam this awful movie and retreat back to their chat room whenever they get btfo'd.
There's at least one janny counted among their ranks, so that in itself ought to speak to it's quality.
>Alt-right incels are the ones that love this movie you dumbfuck, they seethe in rage at Captain Marvel
both movies are shit
>I always liked thing A
>Now that thing A is shit, i'm not disappointed
>set out to faithfully recreate the anime stylings of the original
>only do that for one character
>the whole thing works
only the manga (og series only)
so many butthurt people
I'm pretty entertained right now
and none of them are even vaguely in the same league of the things he made in the 20 previous years.
Eat less.
>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
>Why do so many people here like this?
because tv is full of retarded waifufags, that's why.
You realize it's literally a socialist message about class conflict and capitilism dehumaizing people right?
>motorboat action
shes a B cup at best but im willing to give it a shot
Just watched it on the plane
It was better than expected