What are some feminist movies
What are some feminist movies
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dunno lol
That looks mad uncomfortable what happens if you get a boner
It's so tiring to have to put up with you /pol/ crossposting incels every fucking day of the week, I don't know if I want to keep visiting this board anymore. Every day you are bitching about something new, something that doesn't affect you in the slightest, and then you have the nerve to call other people 'sensitive' or 'snowflakes'. There's always something race or gender related bothering you, and for some reason you come to bitch here instead of staying in your containment board. You always come here and post the same comments, the same old memes, it doesnt matter what the subject is, you are going to say the same shit regardless. You're all so boring and repetitive, like an old broken record.
You are legitimately taking the fun out of this place. This board used to be great, but now it's turning to shit. You are driving old posters away and replacing them with more like-minded incels. I dont like this board anymore.
...what's stopping men from sitting in the women's chairs?
Rape accusations
Our president is right. Love it or leave it faggot. I’m sure resetera will take you
Do you really think feminist cunts give a shit?
this board has been posting cunny, capeshit, sneed, and bane for the better part of a decade
it was never great
Fuck off then
I think the chick who built the chairs is begging to be raped.
>Complaining about rights being infringed = whining and snowflake behavior
>Complaining that Black McBlackerson isn't allowed to kill white cops because he should be free to steal and rape anyone he wants = brave and powerful
Found the NPC
sorry we're interrupting your brie larson/emilia clarke spam threads faggot
and your cunny threads
and your alita threads
and your /got/ threads
>wemen have to keep their legs spread at all times
good design
look the smug face it's just great
you know that every guy would instinctively sit on the chair that allows spreading your legs a bit
and even if only one of the others would be free to sit on that tiny edge of wood would never stop anyone from taking up more space
since that's what these mongrels don't get
sure it's part because of balls need to breath but mostly because you want to claim a certain amount of space as a guy
females will always back down
Fuck you and your retarded president. Dilate
Reminder that women control 85% of all consumer spending and you do nothing but waste the life away so that they can spend it away while bitching about oppression.
If you are not paying for hookers then you are a peak betabucks cuck.
/pol/ should just have sex.
what's the bump that goes in between the woman's crotch for?
>n-name one law that tells men what to do with their bodies!!!
>HAHA we made chairs the force men to not spread their legs!!!
Men have testicles and different hip bones and certain women's wanton inability to empathize with slightly different humans borders on sociopathy.
>"And the award for 'never gonna get a date' goes to..."
>the woman's chair has a wedge they can grind their clit on
How is this even fair?
She's gonna need to make them wedges at the sides bigger to stop me because I don't have little pencil legs.
The women's chair looks anti-skirt friendly.
At least these are the easiest bitches to correct IRL because they are fundamentally off-base and insane
Many boomer Feminists think the modern feminazis are WRONG !
That smug cunt will be an hero when she dies alone childless /unmarried /unloved .
3/10 would not bang
Sit in the women's chair or put the men's chair at an angle and have one leg hanging over. I'm not crushing my bollocks for some smug middle-class cunt.
is that bump supposed to deter a man from sitting in the women's chair?
bitch, plastic school chairs have had bumps on the front for at least 20 years now to encourage kids to sit back
it's not going to deter shit
This reminds me of the Scold's Bridle. Something designed to degrade and make the other sex uncomfortable.
begging for candid upskirts
So what's to stop men sitting in the chair backwards?
God forbid we don't want to crush our testicles
>big block in middle of women's chair to prevent girls keeping their knees together
I get manspreading and all, but what problem is this solving?
How can western europeans be this fucking petty? You need a war.
>women cant invent important th-
sit down incels
To catch the abortions. You don't want someone stepping on it and injuring themselves.
this, fuck this bitch
I think she genuinely deserves to die because she's so fucking unintelligent I can't class her as human.
She is aware of male anatomy, right?
There's a reason men spread their legs, because they don't want to crush their balls.
Fucking absolute worthless fucking piece of shit actually went to university.
This is all "higher" learning is these days, fucking retards.
Drink water.
this guy ftw
thats just like a chads chasity belt for his waifu
I'd just stand next to it, put one of my legs up on and let the odor of my balls permiate through the space on face level of this cunt.
shes an average looking roastie, have sex
>turn chair around
>sit with legs splayed to either side of the tiny back rest
I don't think she thought that through
and the women's chair forces them to spread their legs? Pretty based I'd say
maybe there's a level of irony here and she's secretly doing men a favor.
That's one I haven't seen before, and actually good advice. Thank you, user.
>good design
also that middle part is for them to rub up against.
This board has been like this for many years. The only thing that's new is the hordes of retards like you that complain about it.
Go back to your discord server you glow in the dark nigger. You are not fooling anyone.
>industrial design student
>makes new design for chairs
>less than 1 minute of thinking reveals it to be a wildly impractical design
>wins award anyway due to virtue signalling
I love that this isn't even satire
women should never of been allowed to vote
>mocking the stupidity of women
Fixed that for you, user.
Agreed. In the past most people pretended to make movie related threads at least. Now it's off topic right from the start.
No problem bro, hydration is important
Roasties lose again, there's no stopping us
I bet she came up with this idea after assembling an ikea chair backwards.
not much lumber /back support expect the lawsuits
I'm sitting in the other chair
skirts are sexist power fantasies designed by ((white)) men for their own pleasure.
better version
The woman's chair looks like a legit fucking fetlife piece of gear
Looking at the man's chair just makes me feel like I need to take a shit for some reason.
women like to make up new fake words like 'manspreading' then use them to womansplain.
>posts sneed
>chuck is in the image
what did he mean by this
theres water in stronk lager anons
Carnival of Souls
Yeah its not like movies and tv shows are hamfisting lefty politics into your face nonstop now way worse than its ever been, the real problem are these /pol/tards saying no to it, i am so #tired of it, lets boycott this site, anyone else with me?
Is that a vanilla/banana ice cream cone?
Where do pre-op transwomen sit?
>paying for hookers is better than the alternative
You are still paying for women's consumer spending Retard.
I think he's shaving her vagina.
>her public space
Imagine being such a narcissist that you believe you’re entitled to absolute control over the actions of other people in a space that belongs to everyone, not just you.
Those are stools.
back of the bus with the nignogs
The anatomical structure of a man’s body doesn’t force him to sit with his legs spread a mile apart like a fucking retard. Balls don’t need to breathe, close your legs. You get exactly the amount of space that the chair is made up of, and that’s it. No one should make exceptions for you unless you are an unusually big person (and I don’t mean fat because 95% of the time that’s their own fault). Yes, there are women who do stupid shit like put their bags on the seat next to them, but men do the manspreading thing way way way way way WAY more than women do. I ride the subway multiple times a day and I’ve compared.
wtf why does he get two scoops
>all the 300 genders are perfectly equal
>but you have to sit in this shitty chair because of your gender
>make unusable chairs
>get article written about you
>two types of char for two genders??
lmao okay sweety dont forget to get a swastika tattoo aswell
Untrue, men need to at least open their legs a little.
Hips aren't wide like women, it actually hurts to keep your legs closed.
Stretching extremely wide isn't what people are talking about when they mean manspreading, it's just men sitting normally and relaxed.
The wood chipper
It's to encourage women to spread their legs. Seriously.