Is it just me or does modern Hollywood make zero films about the Napoleonic Wars?
Is it just me or does modern Hollywood make zero films about the Napoleonic Wars?
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Why the fuck do you need another Napoleonic movie? We already have Waterloo, the best historical movie ever made.
they fear the population knowing the full consequences of the frog revolution
Bill&Ted my dude
they know they can't top Waterloo
according to me 1982 edition of Trivial Pursuit - Napolean has the greatest number of films made after him.
Yea Forums '82 complains about how hollywood churns out nothing but Napshit
Hollywood doesn't make historical epics about anything anymore
Because they BOMB. Audiences only want MCU
Anglo-Americans can't portray the French as the good guys (Wich Napoleon is)
stop being so obsessed with jews you dumb incel
Hard to film, because there were no blacks in the army at that time.
Waterloo shows only Napo downfall, but the French Revolution and the Napoleonics wars (25 years) are the closest thing to real life anime.
Not him, but Kubrick was alright, I wish he could have done his movie about Napoleon.
I don't trust the other likes tho
No americans in it.
yeah, they'd never do it
>Hard to film, because there were no blacks in the army at that time.
>The man that almost destroyed the Rothchilds legacy.
You nearly had it
well if you're really interested in napoleonic wars there's this movie you probably haven't seen with john malkovich, also if i remember correctly the girls in the thumbnail have explicit sex scenes
>are the closest thing to real life anime
What the actual fuck does this even mean? Are weebs even capable of communicating with humans anymore?
hey man, lay off the weebs
This. To be fair, it's Europeans who should be making Napoleonic films anyhow.
You'd think the existence of the EU would make big-budget, border-spanning movie collaborations easier, but apparently not.
As if the French revolution itself wasn't created by (((bankers))).
The Catholic monarchs in Europe were your last chance of defeating the Rothschilds.
Now it's too late, because their power became basically invisible thanks to (((S.A.))) companies whose owners are impossible to completely track.
I dont think Europe really has a history of epics. Most of that stuff was Russian produced (or soviet really).