Don't watch this mess of a movie or you'll end up regretting it like I did. Firstly, I'm sure that this was a "visual masterpiece" as well a ground-breaking plot when it was first released in the 60s, but it simply doesn't hold up in 2019.
The visuals are nothing new for the modern viewer, and the plot is the same old "le robots bad" plot that people seem to love so much. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about this film.
Don't watch this mess of a movie or you'll end up regretting it like I did. Firstly...
Yeah, it's just a landmark in filmmaking. Just like when you learned how to crawl, it was big deal in your life, but now that you can run, it's not that impressive.
I thought it was alright. I watched it the same night as Mothman Prophecies, so maybe I only like it since it was way better than that shit heap.
Who gives a fuck. It's just a boring movie. Literally nothing happens.
at least the cheap monkey suits are funny but yeah the next 2 hours is nonsense
what did this film do that was important or even new
Reminder Yea Forums is full of marvelfag redditors who think john wick is kino
I saw it when released , a few were puzzled by the apes , but was a Great film for the day pretty much like star wars at the kinoplex.
Saw 2001 in a theater the other week. Those last 30 minutes were a true experience.
yeah I think it's pretty boring. I much prefer BLACKED
It's very boring. I don't need non-stop action but at least give me something. Not bad, not good. 6/10.
You're just pretending to like it fucking hipster.
i'd say a bit below average 4/10 scifi but not terrible yeah
all these zoomer fast an shit plebbs itt
I also watch it every single year alone at my home, am I pretending to like it every single time I watch it?
That's unfair. It's a solid 6/10 considering the cultural impact although you're right that it would be a 4/10 if it was released today.
Yes. You have tricked yourself into thinking that you like it so that you will improve your self-image, i.e. as someone that likes "art films".
>2001 a space odyssey would be a 4/10 if released today
t. Idiot
I find it strange that I think the movie is boring and slow since I normally enjoy slower paces movies and shows. The other movie that I felt that was boring was Star Trek the motion picture. I think it stems from a number of long shots showing of a model or special effect.
Since I wasn't alive when the movie released, The warp effect at the end of 2001 wasn't that exciting because I had seen it countess times at the start of movies as one of the cinema chain intros. Upon my first viewing of 2001 I thought "oh its that movie intro effect" and then quickly realized this is where it made it popular.
>it would be a 4/10 if it was released today.
The state of modern capeshit youth
lmao aren't plebs cute when they try to rationalize their own plebness?
Self-image to whom? Nobody I know even knows I like watching films. Never made a thread about it on here either, as if liking 2001 is anything special at all.
You really have to operate on 120% cope level in order to believe that absolutely everyone on the planet actually hates and only pretends to like 2001 for 50 years now.
Fuck off with your racism white boy. I'm black.
agreed, its literally a worst gravity
Not him but 2001 is not an "art film" and it was the most popular film of its year. You're just a pleb.
thats a pic of a based white grandparent ok boy
Not him but I think you should have sex.
fucking lmao the insecurities are screaming through every word you type.
You're not going to stop feeling intimidated by the thought you might be a pleb if you act like you're "above" everything you don't get. This is literally a teenage-tier cope. Say you don't get what makes it good and it's not for you yet, and try again in a year, you don't have to embarrass yourself.
Its summer as well user
The last jedi is not an "art film" and it was the most popular film of its yer, you're all just plebs
This scene in IMAX was something else.
It will dethrone Vertigo and Tokyo Story in 2022 and there’s nothing you can do about it.
>he actually thought he had a point when he typed this
It's sad that you're so insecure that you have to pretend to like artsy movies. Let me guess you're a D. W. Griffith fan too?
Where do you see it in imax?
makes you wonder this week about those real moon landings
lmao ok take your meds gramps
Not him but it’s my second favorite film ever after Gone With the Wind. Every scene is gold to me except the first spacewalk.
yeah i think i was already asleep at that point lol
You need to lurk more
>D.W. Griffith
soulless satanic plebeian who probably hasn't seen Birth.
so much this
>he unironically believes Kubrick and D. W. Griffith are these impenetrable highbrow auteurs nobody really enjoys despite their massive popularity among all types of audiences
You're just really, really clueless about cinema. You don't even know what names you're supposed to drop as a representative of "difficult films".
I loved Casablanca for its very witty script
On it's 50th anniversary the new restored version was played in IMAX and 70mm theaters across the globe.
>I associated it to the meme face so there's no way it will hurt me anymore
You're still going to wake up tomorrow insecure about your tastes and level of culture sweetie. That's not going to work.
The men in monkey suits dancing around is 30 minutes of pure cringe
>30 minutes
OK kiddo
>it's a "OP wakes up in cold sweat thinking of people who enjoy movies he doesn't get sneering at him" episode
>the plot is the same old "le robots bad" plot
if that's what you got from the film you're a certified mental midget
kek, it's true Yea Forums is full of mental midgets
OP was prob tuck the kinoplex by his uncles and buttfucked on the backrow
You're just pretending to hate it because it's popular, and you're so uninteresting and boring that you've somehow convinced yourself that being contrarian is a good replacement for personality
it's not
>Yeah, I mean, it's no big deal. I totally get it I just don't find it that good. I find the uuuhhh themes very tired. Yes yes, themes, that's a smart word to use.
Do you mean that christfag nazi bergman?
>ancient aliens: the motion picture
more like 2001: space boredom lmao
prothemious shit
Endgame > 2001
that was nearly funny go fap at plebb you upvote whore twat
The movie is pretty much a proof of concept for Sci-Fi cosmic horror. Not a lot happens. I could watch an anthology of episodes within the world of the monoliths.
Many sequences were simply too long. Do we really need 5 minutes of a ship slowly docking to a station?
movies should be as long as vines
what the fuck are you implying here
>I could watch an anthology of episodes within the world of the monoliths.
Cool premise. What would happen?
>Besides 2010, obv