Play Salieri
Play Salieri
Other urls found in this thread:
play literally anything else
>enjoy the movie
>decide to read up on Mozart
>find out Mozart and Salieri were actually bros
Why does Hollywood do this?
more like hacklieri hahahaah
FUCK Mozart and FUCK God
salieri was also a good composer, they still play his music today, one of the most famous thing from him is his requiem (witch you wouldnt guess from the movie lmao). also mozart wasnt a lazy retard he obviously worked hard on his music and respected other composers, amongst them salieri
post the copypasta
>... and FUCK JANIES
>they still play his music today
No they don't
play billie eilish, old timer :*)
play misty for me
Better drama and thematic elements.
It's a movie about a man spending all his life to become distinguished at something only to be one-upped by an jackass genius who shits all over him by virtue of being his superior in every way.
Movies message of Saleri going mad with vegeance because he couldn't handle the fact that there is always someone better than you wouldn't have worked if they went historic with it.
To make kino
They do.
they do hes simply not amongst the meme 20 or so composers that every normie knows (from popular culture mind you not from actually listening to them)
>Play CIA
>Movies message of Saleri going mad with vegeance because he couldn't handle the fact that there is always someone better than you
>dude dont work hard on anything lmao its not worth it
bravo nice message
that's not Hollywood
19th century Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, considered the founder of modern Russian literature, wrote a collection of short plays called Little Tragedies. one of those plays, titled Mozart and Salieri, dramatised their relationship and purported that Salieri, jealous of his friend's genius, poisoned Mozart (in part inspired by rumours surrounding Mozart's early death). Salieri's name hence has been a pejorative in Russian, used to refer to mediocre people jealous of their more talented peers. this served as inspiration for Schaffer's, and, consequently, Forman's Amadeus
What is this from??
>Go on, mock me, crash my plane!... That was not Bane crashing my plane, it was Nolan! That was Nolan crashing my plane through that obscene mask... Go on big guy, crash, crash!
the zoomer exposes himself
Play Peter Griffin
They do. The movie revived interest in his work.
>tell your lifestory
>call the priest medicore hack at the end
why did he do it
>On the page it looked nothing. The beginning simple, almost comic. Just a pulse - bassoons and basset horns - like a rusty squeezebox. Then suddenly, high above it, an oboe, a single note, hanging there unwavering, till a clarinet took it over and sweetened it into a phrase of such delight! This was no composition by a performing monkey. This was a music I'd never heard. Filled with such longing, such unfulfillable longing...It seemed to me that I was hearing the voice of God.
>20 or so composers
bro, they know 2, 3 at best
Holy shit, I'm lost.
only a dumbass lazy millennial would take that as the message.
The message is to accept what you cannot change. Salieri(movie) had a very nice life and was well-respected. It was envy that destroyed him, not his hard work.
do you need my help to find the way home?
20 is stretching it. i think most normies know mozart, bach, beethoven, chopin and of the slightly more recent maybe debussy, thanks to the movies, but that's about it
Just tell it
only on the condition that you go watch it immediately
Amadeusobligatory sneed
It was a popular theory even during Salieri's lifetime. He attempted suicide because of the allegations that he murdered Mozart.
It's a cool story too. It's not real but who cares? It's fiction about historical characters. If I pull that off, will you kill Mozart?
20, you say? Let's see.
I think it's a stretch to say Salieri's more famous than everyone on this list. Although to be fair, almost nobody knows his music.
>he puts post-modern nu"composser"s into the list
That's cheating. That's like having a list of 20 most memed "rock bands" and putting The Death Grips in. It's not even defined by that old classification of genre. Get out of my site, audiopleb
>tfw only recognise 7 names on that list
I've never watched Amadeus
>'Don Giovaaaaanni, a cenar teeeeco'
What did he mean by this?
Why is that a bad thing? It doesn't have to be everyone's taste. I'm so sick of classical elitists acting like you have to know everything about the genre, like how foodies do with wine. If that's your idea of a personality trait or you need to show off how more ""cultured"" you are, you live a shallow and pedantic existence
What? You mean Romantic composers? I did purposely leave out people like Shostakovich and Shoenberg because the average person wouldn't recognize them. But the average person does know the name Stravinsky and would say he's a classical music composer.
Which ones?
I think you're overestimating the average person.
i only know bach and debussy from a simpson joke
>more famous
shit, I meant to say
>less famous
Mozart was actually the one jealous of Salieri when he was young because Salieri was popular. He wrote to his father talking shit about Salieri because he was jealous of his position in the Court or something.
Then they met and actually liked each other, like you said.
I wouldn't call him a "good" composer: his modulation is stiff and he lacks inventiveness with his thematic development (or in other words, he sounds repetitive).
I don't think he'd be remembered if it weren't for the fact he was part of Mozart's life
If you want a great obscure composer from that era, I'd rank Martin Kraus much closer to Mozart
I know 16, I had music literature classes in school. No use...
well hes "more famous" than some from your list, also i might add some more for example rimsky-korsakov, bartók or purcell to that but only because of the movie lol
I wonder how Mozart would‘ve reacted if he saw Victor Borge‘s Mozart inspired meme opera
vivaldi, bach, mozard, beethoven, tchaikovsky, wagner, strauss
debussy kino when
>Among his pupils was Raoul Bardac, son of Emma, the wife of a Parisian banker, Sigismond Bardac. Raoul introduced his teacher to his mother, to whom Debussy quickly became greatly attracted. She was a sophisticate, a brilliant conversationalist, an accomplished singer, and relaxed about marital fidelity, having been the mistress and muse of Gabriel Fauré a few years earlier.[66] After despatching Lilly to her parental home at Bichain in Villeneuve-la-Guyard on 15 July 1904, Debussy took Emma away, staying incognito in Jersey and then at Pourville in Normandy.[52] He wrote to his wife on 11 August from Dieppe, telling her that their marriage was over, but still making no mention of Bardac. When he returned to Paris he set up home on his own, taking a flat in a different arrondissement.[52] On 14 October, five days before their fifth wedding anniversary, Lilly Debussy attempted suicide, shooting herself in the chest with a revolver;[52][n 11] she survived, although the bullet remained lodged in her vertebrae for the rest of her life.[71] The ensuing scandal caused Bardac's family to disown her, and Debussy lost many good friends including Dukas and Messager.[72] His relations with Ravel, never close, were exacerbated when the latter joined other former friends of Debussy in contributing to a fund to support the deserted Lilly.
>"Don Giovanni, to dinner..."
Then he continues with "You have invited me."
I mean you could just use Google Translate
What was the point of this scene?
i agree but nobody said you have to recognise them. its almost always normies who assume that. i only said that salieri in classical musical circles is not unknown and they sometimes play some of his music
>Salieri didn't want to fuck her
Was he gay?
salieries disdain for thots
>tfw no big tiddie aristocrat damsel gf
>he doesn't know every piece by des Prez, Palestrina, Ockeghem, Tallis, Byrd, Dowland, Gesualdo, Monteverdi, von Biber, Purcell, Buxtehude, Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, CPE Bach, Haydn, Martin Kraus, Mozart, Boccherini, Paisiello, Cherubini, Schubert, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Rossini, Chopin, Wagner, Liszt, Mahler, Bruckner, Brahms, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Schoenberg, Berg, Zimmermann, Messiaen, and Stockhausen from off his head
its a common misconception that salieri was an incel, but this scene shows he was actually a volcel
Gay for the tunes, m8
tell me about Salieri!!
why does he hold the mask??
Play Fidelio.
I still laughed
No, I was responding to that self-loathing guy calling himself a brainlet because he only knew a few. His point was that he's stupid because he doesn't know all them, and I was affirming the opposite
t. Musiclet who doesn't know all of those
I'd missed Amadeusposting.
This is unironically my favourite scene in all of cinema. I absolutely adore it.
only ones i don't recognise are Holst and Pachelbel, although i remember the latter's name, but don't know any of his work
>Punished Antonio: A Saint Scorned of God
where is this from?
what movies are these?
Salieri killed Mozart tho.
Mozart DIED because of him.
Samefagging in the 18th century.
The actual message is about humility. The end of the film both he and Mozart come out the better when they work together, but jealously and pride consumed them both preventing them from reaching their fullest potential
god lover
This, the movie is totally inaccurate but I'll be goddamned if it isn't some of the best kino ever made.
>this is what mediocre plebs actually believe
What is it then
Why wouldnt she just give him the composition
I do know all of those because it's what I normally listen to. You, however, are proving my point that only insecure snobs with no personality act like they're better than anyone because someone doesn't know all those.
It's just about the all-consuming power of jealousy.
The Planets
Great shit.
Served him right. What a cunt.
AH! now thats a challenge!
her tits are so underwhelming it's not even funny
nice quads btw
>her tits are so underwhelming it's not even funny
did you even see them?
Replace Pachelbel with Mussorgsky and you've got a deal.
He absolutely wanted to fuck her until the moment she actually threw herself at him and he was just disgusted; truly /ourguy/.
>He's on Yea Forums and doesn't know who Holst is
Because it's "The Fountainhead" re-skinned with music taking the role of architecture as art.
>Wait. You're telling me these are *original* Pepes?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Fucking masterpiece.
>You are not God, or my father, or Mozart!
I like that in the movie, Mozart calls him out for precisely those shortcomings:
>"The rest is just the same, isn't it?"
>"That ... doesn't quite work, does it?"
>"Did you consider this?"
>"Or perhaps this?"
Then proceeds to improvise his simple march into a thing of playful art.
Fucking kek.
Indeed. I love it so much.
kek absolutely kino
Fucking beautiful.
heh, he liked depusy
about mozart
really good movie
Mozart died of pneumonia after spending several days drunk with his drink mates.
Salieri had, by then, lost any contact with Mozart.
Unless you mean that he could have stepped up and helped him, but really, there was little he could do.
It should be noted that, after Mozart's passing, Salieri took upon himself raising Mozart's son.
>Why does Hollywood do this?
Mozart was a freemason, he died under strange circumstances just weeks after the premiere of The Magic Flute, which is full of masonic symbolism and the libretto of which was written by a fellow freemason.
Falco knew the truth. Mozart was killed by the Freemasons for subtly revealing the inner mysteries of the Masonic lodge in his opera "The Magic Flute." Kubrick suffereda similar fate.
>Movies message of Saleri going mad with vegeance because he couldn't handle the fact that there is always someone better than you
No he wasn't you kike shill. The jews killed Mozart, because they are the arch-enemies of freemasons. Freemason teachings of enlightenment and nobility go frontally against the jewish ideals of subjugating the goyim. The american founding fathers were masons and they warned us against jewish tricks. Hollywood is jewish and smears freemasons like Mozart.
Sibelius is more famous than mahler
You guys need to get a real culture. Internet culture is embarrassing.
Thanks but no, I'll have to go alone this time in order to face my inner demons and break the samsaric cycle of duality between the flight plan and the master plan
>This summer, CIA stars as CIA in "Crazy like a Fox."
Masons took their shit more seriously back in the day. It wasn't always a bunch of old farts arguing over lodge dues and who brings what to the next potluck.
"tips fedora"
How come reddit is pretending to like 500 year old "music".
>more like cum-pousers
bro, he literally was a mason. The Queen of the night is Maria Theresa who persecuted masons... The whole opera is the initiation into the hermetic tradition and a critique of the catholic church. The character of papageno represents the members of the audience who see the opera as just happy choons, and can't understand the symbols.
If anything, too much is made of the masonic themes.
meant for