>"I know that's a big thing to talk about, but gender, while it does exist, it also doesn't exist at the same time. Yes, we have physical bodies. Yes, we have genitalia, and we can look at ourselves and say, 'Oh, there's a man and there's a woman.' But you can't define someone by their physical anatomy," Jennings told Thrive Global.
"I know that's a big thing to talk about, but gender, while it does exist, it also doesn't exist at the same time. Yes...
Other urls found in this thread:
Jazz is awesome.
why does he look like he's undergoing chemo? or is that look "in" right now
Eagerly awaiting her inevitable suicide
>conflating sex and gender
How did this person get into harvard?
I think the vocal sjws are walking back on that one because it means the number of trans people would drop significantly if you just said "act however but don't chop your pengor off"
Maybe if Jazz’s parents stanned Park Jimin they wouldn’t have to endure their trans son.
he has so much makeup on that he looks like a pig that's been rolling around in mud.
then why did he need a fake vagina to be a woman?
>you can't define someone by their physical anatomy
To avoid confusion what we should do is classify the genders not by genitalia but by chromosomes and hormones produced by the body.
Maybe we can call people with XY chromosomes "Male" and anyone with XX "Female".
That might clear some things up.
Did those titties get any bigger?
Does this mean that fucking TLC of all companies will be occupying the Harvard campus for a semester or so? I feel sorry for the incoming students. Seriously, I do. Imagine working your ass off, and getting in, only for this little ass goblin to make it all about her.
>Yes, we have genitalia
No he doesn’t
I'm glad our girl Jazz isn't a statistic
No one's reading all that, faggot
>would accept bj if sufficiently drunk/10
Imagine being so sightless and full of beast blood that you actually believe they didn't gain an audience. It's evolved into the correct kin using the most advanced blood healing methods available. Your inaccurate view of the ritual and the mindset of the transcended individual in general are so remarkably colored by frenzy that it draws me deeper into the dream.
Well hey, I can't totally throw you out of the nightmare, since I used to be a little bit like you before I gained an audience with Mergo, who was actually an ancient pthumerian stillborn fetus. Being on the journey with them throughout the Cosmos changed my world view about ligning eyes and insight as a whole. You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of blood pellets, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a Kin's eldritch knowledge is just as enlightening to attain as a Great One's.
Next time it pops into your Mensis Cage that people like Jazz (or some say Jazzm )are "accursed" just remember that she has to be more insightful and lined with eyeballs than many of you will fortunately ever have to be in your beastly idiocy.
I've taken the steps to advance my ideas of the higher plane and my research on yharmanites, becoming better for it I may add.
Even in the dream I know who I am. And I love who I am and shall become - all I can say to you is: your move, Hunter.
I realized how sad Jazz is as a tranny when hunter from euphoria looks great. I hate trannies but hunter is pretty attractive.
I would fuck her then beat him to death afterwards/10
maybe some day I'll be expected to fuck that axe wound if I don't want to be ostracized for transphobia
luckily that eldritch horro with teeth is enough
>But you can't define someone by their physical anatomy
Right, so no one needs to alter/remove their genitalia. A man can be soft-hearted and wear make up without claiming to be the opposite sex.
Jazz's parents should be in prison.
>But you can't define someone by their physical anatomy
Yes you can
>jazz jennings havard major
a boy is a boy even with a degree
"Hey Jazz!"
"Darkest Dilation"
"New Popisode"
"Jazz Is Donkeypilled"
"Jazz is Sauronpilled"
"Why Jazz Threads Are Needed"
yeah you can, thats literally how the human race reproduces you ignorant science denying cunts
I legitimately feel bad for this person.
Right, he doesn't have anything anymore.
>Inverted penis = vulva
based and poppilled
Sure I can. How are you going to stop me faggot?
how will jarron force her to be his breeding sow?
jazz gets mogs by this
>suffering during dialation
what is dialation?
Jews hate themselves/one another, they're not afraid to experiment on their on child.
Roll for your gender.
I got this one:
Rainbow gendered. Pretty fitting.
When I was growing up people went "emo" or considered bisexuality or self mutilated to seem edgy.
Now kids today think their very "gender" is synonymous with their personality and sometimes get their gentials turned inside out too.
>Hey user... you wanna spend the night with me? It would mean a lot to my sister if we could... you know... make a baby. She doesn't have to know it's from you.
His whole being centers around a seething jealousy of his sister, manifested in a twisted, tacit, masculine competition he has with her. In his book, he can't shut up about how he's better at school than Ari was, how much better he is at sports, and it moves into straight-up Lynchian absurdity where he prides himself on having bigger boobs than his sister, nevermind that they're misshapen parodies of female breasts that would look more at home on a 60yo abuelita.
Ari's aware of it, too. I love the restaurant clip where Ari low-key throws shade on him dominating the dinner conversation with all his bullshit about wanting a "beautiful vagina" and how his "artist's eye" would fixate on flaws and imperfections. She snarks at him - "Want to see mine?" Ari knows that's what all this shit is really about - her little brother's quixotic quest to be a better, prettier girl than she is. I just wish she'd take it further, really drive the absurdity of the situation home, draw attention to the clownworld atmosphere this whole family lives in where the delusions of a fully-enabled narcissistic monster-child are allowed to remain center-stage by the lunatics that created him. I'd love for her to cut Jazz off mid-sentence and say something like, "But enough about Jazz's "vagina;" let's talk about Sander's dick for a while. Do you find it beautiful, Sander? Anything your "artist's eye" would change about it? I'm sure the whole restaurant is just dying to hear about it."
Even more, when Jazz is spouting this nonsense, every female at the table, his mother included, all wear the same incredulous expressions whether they're conscious of it or not. No woman thinks of their vagina as beautiful. It's a bit of a fluke when one *is*. It leaks. It bleeds. But it is the gateway to the engine of creation. That's where the pride comes from, rarely if ever how it looks. Jazz's "vagina" is as superficial as his understanding of what it means to be a woman.
i think it’s what baffles me the most being emo and scarrong yourself used to be apex edgy now people misform their bodies sterilize themselves on a whimp
Gender is an appropriated logistics term coined by some pedophilic doctor, who cares if he uses it improperly?
Based kpoper
Tea! Stream Love Yourself
Wait till the necrosis starts
>>you can't define someone by their physical anatomy
then why ya lop off ya dick brother?
its when a post op trannies has to pry their nasty gouge open in their crotch, lest it real heal into scar tissue, as is nature.
then naturally after impregnating her we fall for each other and she confesses she's tired of her subhuman family and wants out of this circus and we both fuck off to somewhere far away and raise the kid ourselves
or maybe we'd stay close to mog her degenerate brother idk
I can dream
> For example, while only a very small minority of cisgender, heterosexual individuals (3.1%) were willing to date a trans person,
>Looking more closely at the patterns of responses, it also became clear that individuals were least likely to express an interest in dating trans women, even if their sexual identity would otherwise indicate an interest in women. Indeed, nearly 20% fewer people indicated an interest in trans women than would have been expected based on the sexual identities of the individuals within the sample.
>However, even among those willing to date trans persons, a pattern of masculine privileging and transfeminine exclusion appeared, such that participants were disproportionately willing to date trans men, but not trans women, even if doing so was counter to their self-identified sexual and gender identity (e.g., a lesbian dating a trans man but not a trans woman).
And yet, while the trans shit is self mutilation and delusional thinking cranked up to 11 it's lost all its bite. A scar on your arm is violence, poor coping mechanism, a reminder of suffering. Brutal, honest. What these trans surgeries are are being touted as "being true to yourself" and "bravery." There's no edginess in loving yourself, ironically. There's hardly any counterculture element to it either when its become so mainstream so fast that now it's trite and predictable.
No, the real "edginess" is how this entire trans ideology is just to line big pharma's pockets at the expense of bored, abused kids, many of whom will likely grow up to find they are bisexual or homosexual (if they do grow up that is). It's mass medical experimentation since we do not yet know the long term medical effects of transition. Pornstar Buck Angel who is FTM has been talking about her emergency surgery due to the complications of her taking test. She nearly died and claims no one warned her about that being a potential complication.
The real edginess is society and the medical field as a whole just deciding to entertain this mass hysteria and surgical experimentation on the youth.
the CGI on the new Cloverfield looks dope
Isn't Harvard infamous for it's high suicide rate
just saiyan
how does one grow up with a sister yet still not understand that a girl wouldn't act like this?
user, he's literally insane
okay seriously, why would ANYONE date a trans girl if they can date a real girl? this is a serious question. i support trannies and feel they're free to do whatever they wants but that doesn't mean i would actually date/marry them. the only people that do are trannies themselves, fetishists for pre-op exclusively and people that are extremely lonely and feel like its their only option. i'm completely serious though, what are your thoughts?
You'll pop down here too!
No other series has ever dramatized suburban indifference so powerfully; at first, here, it’s horrifyingly funny, and then just horrifying. When Jazz attempts to date Amir, he’s very seductive; we can see why he’s tantalized. They’re talking across a huge gap, and still they’re connecting (though the wires are all crossed). It’s a zinger of a scene: an educated, socially conscious troon dating a lumpen lost soul who uses one of the oldest pitches in the book—he tells him that he knows he is a lonely person. Jazz means it; the gruesome comedy in the scene is how intensely he means it—because his own life is utterly empty.
Throughout the series, Jazz talks to people on a different level from the level they take him on. He’s so closed off he’s other-worldly; he engages in so few conversations that words like “mangled” pass right over him—the spoken language is foreign to him. His responses are sometimes so blocked that he seems wiped out; at other times he’s animal fast. This man is burning in misery, and his inflamed, menopausal body is the focal point of the compositions. Jazz is in almost every frame: nose-dominant, as handsome as Alice the Goon one moment and cagey, ferrety, like Cagney, the next—and not just looking at the people he’s talking to but spying on them. As Jazz, he has the countenance of Vito Corleone in “The Godfather, Part I.” Vito held himself in proudly, in control of his violence; he was a leader. Jazz is dangerous in a different, cumulative way. His tense face folds in a yokel’s grin and he looks almost an idiot. Or he sits in his room vacantly watching the bright-eyed young face of Amir and with his foot he slowly rocks his foot under the table, onto Amir's lap. The exacerbation of his desire for vengeance shows in his numbness, yet part of the horror implicit in this movie is how badly he passes. The anonymity of the suburbs soaks up one more invisible man; he could be legion.
Would death be a humane solution to these people?
they seem to agree
that is one ugly kid
I mean no insult or cruelty but when I look at little Jarron you can tell he would grow up to be gay. He simply looks homosexual even so young.
His abusive parents just couldn't stand the idea of having a fag for a son (even though they already had two supposedly straight sons) so they put him through this shit.
do you think jazz is happy? not even memeing i'm wondering if he/she/it is happy with its body
is it in pain every day? what a horrible existence on this earth, if there is a god i hope he destroys us
Since he's already been diagnosed with clinical depression and he's not even in college yet. I would say no.
very assumptious of you by the way jarron is adopted
Kinos for this feel?
She's been on antidepressants since before puberty. They talked about it on the show.
We are still supposed to believe there's nothing wrong with this, though.
>tfw tried so hard and got so far
there is a whole subreddit /r/itsafetish where they just post examples of how trans are all either AGP "lesbians" or devious homos
>jarron understanding reality
as soon as the show permanently wraps and he falls out of the public eye and especially by the time he turns 26 (if he lives that long, your brain finishes development sometime during your 25th year of life) he'll be hit with a tsunami of grief and hopelessness.
they want to be the hot girl and lack the depth necessarily to realize
>hot girls aren't hot forever (and trannies are not hot nor do they pass 99% of the time)
>there is more to life than looking really, really ridiculously good looking
a woman can age and have a family or a hobby or something to feel good about - these men will find no one wants them besides an anonymous fuck with no commitment. no one will give them the time of day anymore. they'll be ugly after never passing in the first place. all they have is their fetish and delusion.
maybe the gaping pophole has something to do with it
also being a man dolled up like a taiwanese hooker
He's not you retard. People spout the palestinian kid meme and some idiots like you believe it.
Look at his family, they all look alike.
you'll need to provide proof that he's adopted. he looks like his brothers.
that's not a guy who wants to be a girl, that's just a pervert who gets a thrill wearing girly things
>internalizing your fethises
imagine not understanding that you have a retarded fetish but instead ascribing it with deep personal meaning.
Congratulations, you just stumbled onto the inconvenient truth, which these progressives push for. They want to keep pushing until rejecting a trans person is a hatecrime.
you are actively encouraging it by addressing the mentally ill by the means they prefer
you are literally part of the problem. that isn't a 'her', it's an abused boy.
strangely prevalent though isn't it
Why does this dude look so demonic now?
this is shopped right?
this post should be pinned on those subreddits. based
>tfw no breedslut gf
what's the difference? can you truly define a difference when it's ultimately decided by personal feelings and self ID? how will one be able to tell? how will one be able to tell in a public bathroom?
The teeth never fail to crack me up
No, he's falling apart. Google image 'castrati drawings', that's exactly what is happening to him
What if they didn't make the show about this tranny's transformation into a girl and we're instead tearing it like a girl and calling you crazy for thinking otherwise.
That's like maybe 30% of chicks in Hollywood and maybe 75% of the ones in the modelling industry.
How can we save her bros
I'll save her
with my dick
So this is what most of Yea Forums goes through?
>i hope i like sex
Only black dick could satisfy her
>a pattern of masculine privileging and transfeminine exclusion appeared
I call it "being grossed out"
Every time I see a picture of jazz with a news link I assume he finally killed himself.
Man dolled.
You know you made me kek.
has Jaron's orifice started growing teeth yet?
How would any of them know what it feels like to be a girl? What prior experiences are they comparing it to?
I suspect many of them actually just want to sustain their feeling of sexual stimulation because it brings them pleasure. They're happy because the dress they're wearing gives them a boner, not that they like the dress.
It's emotional reasoning and it's very confusing but society telling them that they are actually no different from real women isn't helping. These people do need help, likely have some faulty wiring or were victims of some sort of sexual abuse, but trying to live out your life chasing the pleasure you get from a fetish isn't healthy.
Do real men with brains/personality/traits that are more similar to woman exist? Probably but I suspect a lot of this new wave of trannies are just confused mentally ill people.
We could even further simplify this and regulate those classifications based on common indicators attributed to each group as per their chromosomes. Just need to think of what those attributes might be.
All trannies are confused mentally ill people with a fetish. There is no such thing as a "true trans person." Being in the wrong body is a myth.
It's actually really simple, malness is determined by the SRY gene.
Going to Harvard means nothing if you’re not majoring in STEM, business, or law.
Gender and sex are synonyms. There is no such thing as identity; there is only whether you were born a boy or born a girl.
Honestly I 99% agree with you, but there are a lot of fucked up disorders a person can be born with so I was just leaving a margin of error.
*college means nothing if you're not majoring in STEM, business, or law
Those are beyond rare and that doesn't mean they're trans, they're intersex. A woman or a man with a deformity is all intersex people are, they're not some magical 3rd sex.
What happened to "Stef-on-knee"? Is that guy still pretending to be a tranny little girl?
are they going to allow trannies in the womens olympics?
Sorry retard but there are many people who don't fit this. It may be a mental illness, but it exists. Also there is intersex but that's very rare
I read every word of this and have no regrets
>I wish I had read more into srs
Why the fuck do people decide to chop their dicks off and not ask about the consequences?? Mentally ill retards
as always australia is ahead of the curve
>But you can't define someone by their physical anatomy
But, they just did...
>but you can't define someone by their physical anatomy
Then why did he chop his dick off?
for the sneed of it, of course
formerly Jarron's
trannies only date other trannies so they can be mentally ill together and "adopt" some chink kid or negroe.
Kinos for this feel?
>your gender is in superposition
Now this is quantum physics we deserve
The Thing
fetishes and mental illness
Mental illness does not make sex and gender not synonyms
this word initself is lovecraftian
Skylar is very supportive of Jazz.
>skylar posting
>breedsow posting
>lynchian posting
>bloodbourne posting
>pepe statistic posting
~~ T H R E A D ::: C U L T U R E ~~
>It also triggers me by reminding me of the complications and makes me feel like I'll never be a "real" girl
Imagine being so mentally deranged that your own body "triggers" you, but instead of being able to look to society for help and support, they instead tell you that you just need more surgeries.
It's like living in a world where a schizophrenic's doctor tells him "Yes, you DO have bugs under your skin", and gives him a $100,000 surgery to remove all his skin so he can constantly check to make sure there are no bugs, plus prescriptions for another $10,000/month worth of antibiotics and painkillers.
literally peak Yea Forums
the threads when a season is on the air are pure unfiltered kino
When's the next, and I suppose, final season out?
>be me
>24 years old previously kissless virgin
>go to mcdonalds on my own as I usually do on my days off wageslaving
>buy my quarter pounder with cheese meal and take a seat by the window because I like to people watch
>after a few minutes I glance over to my right
>QT blonde "girl" that looks a lot like Skylar, if not prettier due to having a smaller nose / not balding
>QT girl is looking right at me and waves
>I ignore it just in case I make a fool of myself
>go back to eating
>minutes later QT girl comes and sits next to me
>she's super smiley, doesn't break eye contact, first thing she says is "you have a really cute smile"
>I'm stand offish, thinking I'm going to be mugged by someone I haven't seen yet, or some other con that is about to happen
>she notices my shirt, its a star wars t-shirt that I was given for christmas, shows a bunch of stormtroopers at a rave
>qt says she loves star wars and we talk about star wars to an autistic level of detail
>this, ironically, makes me realise I'm talking to a dude
>suddenly I'm not nervous anymore
>start being more friendly to 'her'
>we talk for ages...
>Jazz delivers the fatal blow proving that he is more masculine than the midge.
>But you can't define someone by their physical anatomy," Jennings told Thrive Global.
So why'd you cut your dick off Jazz?
How the fuck did Jazz and David Hogg get into Harvard?
why on earth was the midge post deleted???
gross & openminded-pilled
I love how much money and effort is being spent on confirming or attempting to deny what was common sense merely 10 years ago.
It's gonna take another 10 years for them to realize these dudes are just incels that cant cope with being a failed man so idolize femininity as an escape from those standards.
What a time to be alive
You can watch it with me but we have to cuddle.
More to come, fren.
>'she' gives me 'her' number
>go home, jack off
>few days later we arrange to meet
>hang out more and more
>best of both worlds as me and QT become good friends, can feel how intensely 'she' wants to fuck
>go back to 'her' place
>'her' mother is nice, father is in prison for selling drugs (meth)
>go to qt's room
>we fool around kissing and she jacks me off
>finally we undress
>what I can only describe as the tiniest penis I have ever seen (not that I've seen many) is before my eyes
>I'm talking asian-penis size -- no shaft to speak off
>balls are super small too
>feel the fear of god enter my soul
>realise what I'm doing
>the illusion of the situation is broken but I can't just leave
>fool around a bit but don't 'fuck'
>I sleep over, having to wrap my arm around this fucking MAN all night
>leave at about 5am
>don't respond to any texts or messages after that
I feel ashamed desu
you should, you're a loser lmao
Yea Forums night
>why does he look like he's undergoing chemo?
id argue that his body is fighting the female hormones and along with his axe wound hes not taking it as well as he used to
>"M-mommy made me do it!"
>MFW The inferior Jewish stock begins to turn on itself.
>What's poppin jannies?
fuggin KEK
When east germany turned women into men for olympics, it was bad.
When we turn men into women for olympics, it's woke.
w-what's going on??
desu if the 2020 Tokyo games allow any trannies I won't be watching and that was the Olympics I was looking forward to for quite a while.
You can tell the seething jannie wants to delete the thread but someone higher up said they can't so they're deleting posts instead. Imagine getting triggered by a jazz thread.
>being accepted into school as a girl while you have the extra IQ that being born a male gives you
Why are they not eating him over this? Women deserve equal acceptance into Harvard and giving a male a females spot is sexist. I could understand this sort of thing in 2018, but its 2019.
Jaron is an asshole and these threads are hilarious but I'm seriously freaked the fuck out that a kid was abused, experimented on and this was all televised for profit!! I'm so disturbed.
Rough & tumble
jazz looks more masculine in this picture
if (s)he fixed the nose instead of cutting he(r) dick off then (s)he would be fuckable tbqh
Fucking nailed it son, I've noticed this dynamic between them as well. Underrated post.
"Hm hm hm ha ha ha... Dear oh dear, what was it? The Dilation? The Yea Forums threads? Or the horrible POP? Oh, it doesn't matter... It always comes down to the hunter’s helper to clean up after these sort of retrovaginal fistulas."
>i support trannies
Maybe Yea Forums has become a free speech place again?
gross & grosspilled
why should i care whaat anyone does with their body? as long as they're 18, they can do whatever they want
Support from family is key to mental heath.
JESUS look on the shoulders on that
Jazz was 18 when she got her confsurge.
>He was ashamed of his deceptions, his promotions, his pretensions of self-certainty and pride; he was sorry about his passivity, his delusions, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing Jaron, that he missed his dick as much as anybody and wished its removal hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated his school he knew that the smiles disappeared when he passed by. He received so many mindless encouraging tweets that he could read them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to his Florida home all day, dilating his wound and browsing a chinese egg-timer forum, looking at his destiny in every meme and "Lynchian" pasta.
>There would be no eulogies for Jazz, no photographs of his body would be sold in tabloid rags, no people would crowd the streets in the heat to see his funeral cortege, no biographies would be written about him, no children named after him, no one would ever pay two hundred fifty dollars for an all access TLC-sponsored Premium Postmortum Pass™ to stand in the rooms he grew up in. The noose would tighten, and Jeanette would scream, but Jazz Jennings would only hang from the ceiling and look at the floor, the light going out of his eyes before he could find the right words.
I'll never get over the explanation of why this photo looks like it does.
I heard that thing tear your head right off
Jamie pull up that video
trannies are vicious man
What explanation? Go on, I have time.
puberty "blockers" fuck with your brain development and are measurably detrimental to iq so he probably is as dumb as a woman, not that it matters because his homeschooled ass didn't get accepted on academic merits
Jazz was valedictorian, you peeface.
Every person will have to date a trans for at least one year in order to gain citizenship.
Silence of the Lambs.
>Jazz is going to Harvard
>Yea Forums seethes and rants and raves
>anons still sitting in their rooms with frozen pizza and wagecuckery in the morning
*licks lips*
I got my penis and I'll still be here in the next 5 years.
Can't say the same about the dickless wonder.
touche, frendo
>he'd cut his dick off to get into harvard
what the fuck is wrong with non-neets
I didn't know Harvard was that progressive.
neetbux r sweet, brah
>But you can't define someone by their physical anatomy
>gets the chop
Yes you can. I do it everyday because I believe in myself. Get your shit together Jazz.
Mind your own fucking business.
visit at your own peril
Impressive. Very nice.
No fuckking shit. This was common sense for decades. This doesnt mean gender isn't real it just means youshouldn't be a presumptious asshole.
That quote just proves to me that transgenderism isn't real because you cant feel like a man or woman you just are what you are based on your hormones. If you think you feel like a woman you just have a different personality.
>tfw 9/10 /jazz/ posters would fuck the poor lass silly, given half a chance.
based robert ford poster
maybe later I'm about to eat
what are you having?
If he had a dick? I would fucking ruin him.
But you're kidding yourself if you think I'm getting anywhere near that fucking wound
beef and rice
roast beef.
My favourite thing about Jazz is that he idolizes mermaids and Disney's the Little Mermaid, so it makes his Doctor's look like Ursula
why do trannies think everyone wants to fuck them?
>the doll
we must go deeper into the nightmare
They're undergoing a lawsuit right now because they kept denying Asians because they were too successful, so they could get blacks instead.
You mean besides the fact that
>he has masculine knees
>he has a msculine torso
>no matter how much surgery, those are man arms and man hands
>that receding hairline
>the forced smile
>the dead soulless stare that every tranny has
Part of being a tranny means being a cumbrain
We evolved millions of years to fuck so our brains can just tell.
why can't they have sex