How would they fail at making the Metal Gear Solid movies? (MGS, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4)
How would they fail at making the Metal Gear Solid movies? (MGS, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4)
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I honestly think metal gear is one of the only games that would actually work as a movie , I think kojimbo can pull it off. mgs1 would make a pretty good movie I think
I mean live action when I say movies btw
mgs3 could work too
I personally need all 4, then I'll be fine as a fiddle.
>How would they fail at making the Metal Gear Solid movies? (MGS, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4)
Female protagonist, so no possibility for setbacks or threat of injury.
Caring about soldiers is replaced by caring about the "real" victims of war policy.
Jingoist expansionist politician replaced by drumpf strawman.
Except hollyfucks won't ask Kojima for advice ofcourse.
>drumpf strawman.
>Keep all the goofy stuff in
>People who aren't familiar with MGS are confused and don't like it and review it poorly
>Take the goofy stuff out
>MGS fans don't like it and review it poorly
That's why there could be moderation of that stuff.
>TFW no live action Raiden
Why they do this
Yeah that would do it....
The only way to do it would be either
>Movies follow games in release order
>some how managed to compact 10+ hours of audio and cut scenes in each game
>they release 1 stand alone movie for all 3 of the main characters (raiden, snake and big boss) all of which are 4 hour long epics
>finish with mg4 style finale which is on release 6 hours long and rewrites latter half of mgs4
and then you could have a raiden side movie
also for the first one you to take into account 9-10 cannon games in the main series (mgs3, PO, PW, MGS5, MG1, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS4, MGR;R)
Outer Heaven is about race.
asking kojima for advice
By trying to make Snake a real character. He only works as a grizzled template badass. If they tried to make him a three dimensional character it would absolutely ruin it and NOT be genuine MGS.
No mention of nanomachines at all throughout the movies.
kojima already ruined the movies by including gameplay in them
Kept ya waiting, huh?
literally impossible
Honestly for it to fit into movie format at all they'd have to cut out a shitload of stuff and we all know how well that goes. The first game doesn't really fit in as a movie at all since it's a shitload of events happening over one day in one location.
MGS2 could possibly be turned into multiple movies though. It's more spread out so you could possibly do it as like a trilogy.
Good idea: Start with non-canon story like Ghost Babel, keep it simple but make sure your audience gets to know Solid Snake. If you have success, you can proceed and make the canon adaptations with more budget.
Bad idea: Try to cram all the canon in one movie with a shitty budget.
Only correct post ITT
how do you think they would handle the hole S3 thing as well as the fact that they never show proof that anything in mgs 2 does or doesn't happen and well as stuff like "RAIDEN TURN OF THE GAME", or in general the fact that game is politically written better then most media before it and all media after it
>Snake will be a nigger
>"Snake" Will actually be an Expy for Meryl who is the main focus of all the movies
>PTSD will be ignored to focus on "real victims of war" aka nigs
>Clever, nuanced George Sears will be replaced by Literally Hitler Drumpf
>The actual Metal Gear will have very little to do with the movies plot
>Rather than trying to cram the 100+hour lore into one movie, or risk pissing off the fanbase by altering elements of canon the (((writers))) create an "original" story with callbacks and thin references to various parts of the game without any actual continiuty from them
>No budget
>No hype because media shits on "video game movies"
It would be a disaster
Any Hollywood adaptation would fail. They wouldn't be allowed to get the themes nor its characters right. It's too masculine, too anti USA, too goofy, too MGTOW
Well hollywood would most likely cock it all up.
Just not include shit like that. Breaking the 4th wall isn't something they should include in a movie adaptation of the franchise. It's just some bit about devs goofing off instead of actual stuff that's supposed to be part of the story.
>too masculine
>revolver ocelot
Well the problem with "Raiden Turn off the game" is the fact that the entire of game could literally of been a simulation or at least a large part it of it or at least up until the ending cinematic between raiden and snake
>everything is gay
no your just living in the 21st century where you literally can't stop thinking about sex
>too masculine
Based desu
this is quite literally a brawl to the death between like 10 different people. you proved my point
hello 2013 Yea Forums
Portable ops isn't cannon.
i'd be bummed if they actually skipped all the gay tones in any adaptation
MPO is notably the first Metal Gear game for a portable platform that was written to be part of the series' main continuity. However, the game was not directed nor written by Hideo Kojima (who at the time was leading the development of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots on PlayStation 3), but by a separate team led by Masahiro Yamamoto and written by Japanese language novelist Gakuto Mikumo. The marketing for MPO attempted to distance the game from prior Metal Gear entries on portable platforms, particularly the 2D action game Metal Gear: Ghost Babel for the Game Boy Color and the turn-based Metal Gear Acid series also on PSP (both which were set in their own alternate continuity), with one promotional video on the official English website (narrated by Ryan Payton, Kojima Productions' international coordinator at the time) referring to MPO as "a true action-based chapter in the Metal Gear Saga."
Mgs4 makes everything cannon so it's more of a theme really
someone post the list of actors hideous wants
The problem is hideo is a giant westaboo who thinks everything is like ancient Greece and Rome when it comes to love and sex but hollywood jews would literally make every character do anal do prove a point
It still isn't part of main series cannon, Kojimble said as much himself. The origin for the idea of outer heaven coming from gene is neat and snake fighting the fox unit is a good set up but all the retconning ruins the overall storyline of the series.
>Raiden shut the TV off now, watching too much movies or television isn't good for you, get some rest
>What did you say Colonel?!
>Don't worry, this is only a movie Raiden, you can watch some more of it later.
>What is going on here, you're acting strange...
wasn't that hinted between Raikov and Volgin?
I'd rather post this gem
Wasn't Chico actually supposed to be in phantom pain tho? Like as the parasite ninja or whatever.
Name some things Ocelot and Kojima have in common with one another.
I think the only one that would really work as a movie is MGS3. Cut it up into a two parter a la Kill Bill.
>wasn't that hinted between Raikov and Volgin?
I think this is meant to be more of a joke about russian rent boys and the brainet back last when mgs 2 came out and you played as some twink who had "undergone 300 vr missions"
This is the perfect place to film the Fury fight btw. It's an underground water system in Tokyo, probably what the location of the fight is based on too.
It doesn't work at all since you're not playing as raiden.
In fact most of the themes of snake, big boss and raiden just being weapons to be used without any freewill are completely lost if it's a film. The whole point was they were being controlled by manipulative or false information and literally controlled by the player, without that they aren't very interesting characters, they're just grunts
Why can't it work? If they can't make it somewhat plausible the director isn't very good.
MGS4 is already a movie
They'd need to refer to the viewers watching the movie since they aren't personally projecting themselves onto the characters like you would in a video game
what's happening with this anyway
No one has any fucking idea
If anything they'd do the msx games (metal gear and metal gear 2 solid snake). The solid series are pretty much movies already, why condense some thing big when you can build on something small?
That sounds like a challenge.
inb4 the "mgs movie" is autism kino
Imagine the memes that would come from a MGS movie set in MGS2.
Like user above said it would be autism kino but people out of the games audience would be fucking clueless to the jokes
Aww don't worry everything that is worth mentioning would be in the movie and made easy to understand.
>trying to imagine everything after patriot ai breaks
>would be complete and utter kino
>would cause the movie to flop
What if there was an MGS movie that took place between MGS2 and MGS4 and took place on a big Naval ship in the Arctic region?
The tanker incident standalone movie would be kino
the best bets for a 1 time spin-off would be
>Cut Raiden Game
What type of technology even went into Arsenal Gear?
The same thing that went into everything else
n a n o m a c h i n e s
but that's realistic...
why would you want to adapt literal movies?
i don't get it
cus I said
The wrong sort of cheese, mishmash of the games plots like live action GitS
>Caring about soldiers is replaced by caring about the "real" victims of war policy.
>Jingoist expansionist politician replaced by drumpf strawman
Did you not play past MGS1?
but that would just make the movie good...
I mean the if metal gear turned out like the awful ScarJo film
Oh yeah...
Will they go into the action scenes as well as the games?
There is Metal Gear fan movie.
I bet it's not good
Shut up Hideo. PO is better than Peacewalker. You are hack just like Kojima.
It is better than you would expect for such cheap movie. More 12 years old now. I was in premiere with actors and director.
what's it even called? and no, just cus one guy mentioned one movie, doesn't mean I'm stopping there and guitting
Yeah it's concept art though.
They didn't. I'm pretty sure you can even buy the complete collection for the PS3/4
I would watch a 6 hour long mgs movie
You could probably finish MGS in that time if you weren't a shitter.
By not letting Kojima direct
Yes it is dumbass it's how boss met Kaz and how Roy knows who Big Boss even is also
Found it for ya:
shut the fuck up.
have sex
You ever had needles shoved into your genitals?
sack of fucking shit
You're on Yea Forums not Yea Forums.
Not yet daddy (mommy?)
boomer detected
It also ruins mgs3. It could've been Canon otherwise
>Caring about soldiers is replaced by caring about the "real" victims of war policy.
>Jingoist expansionist politician replaced by drumpf strawman
>Did you not play past MGS1?
I only played the NES game.
Holy fuck you're garbage
Yeap, born back in '92!
The controls and gameplay for portable ops are absolute dogshit, and the plot is fan service garbage that ruins gray fox's character aswell as the boss' arc in mgs3 by suggesting that all of it was orchestrated and volgin was taking orders from fox the whole time.
At least peace Walker had the boss' A.I. story arc and half decent controls in the hd edition, I'm glad PO isn't part of canon
I love the subtle drip-feeding of Metal Gear Awesome quotes
x doubt
One of the main characters will be a nigger, Constant Drumpf references.
Its my dream to direct a Metal Gear movie, and I have the most ideas for a Metal Gear Rising movie. Since it isnt a numbered entry, its easy for new audiences to see what Metal Gear is, and for returning fans there would be nods to the series.
The trailer wouldnt show any of the story, just an intro of Raiden and some dialogue, then RULES OF NATURE would play and it would be money shot after money shot and then everyone would cum.
Kojima was practically sobbing Del Taco's knob after Pacific Rim. Why didn't they have a kino baby?
The Horror.....
someone already has said that more than once...
>dude running on walls slicing soldiers throats while he fucks a brown godess
>>revolver ocelot
>the definition of mainliness spining revolvers like he has 12 shots
So we can all agree the only way it would work is 30 3 hour long movies or singular spin offs starting at the begging of each characters main arc?
its really you, isn't it?