We're $6.5M away from surpassing the highest grossing film ever.
Tick tock, bliggers.
We're $6.5M away from surpassing the highest grossing film ever.
Tick tock, bliggers.
>10 years
>22 flicks
>marketing budget that rivals small countries' GDP
>media rimjob every day
>100x more chinks and pajeets
>re-release cashgrab
could you ever imagine actually being a marvlet trying THIS hard to dethrone jimbo while he's at the bottom of the ocean looking at jellyfish, and STILL failing? my fucking sides.
>there are people who went into debt in order to do this
>Being "proud" that a soulless paint-by-numbers capeshit film took almost a decade to beat the work of a craftsman, in a time where the economy was shit and markets like China were vastly smaller
Sit down, be humble.
Can we get the adjusted for inflation numbers?
Avatar was seen because of the gimmick attached to it, endgame because people were attached to the characters and their stories. Deal with it avatarcuck.
Who gives a shit Endgame was fucking garbage just like Avatar, in fact it's probably worse
>still can't beat Avatar, even with rampant inflation
Get fucked lol
$6,500,000 is about 650,000 tickets. There are 850k+ Marvel Maniacs on r/MarvelStudios. If everybody there bought a ticket, Avatar is finished within a day.
>while he's at the bottom of the ocean looking at jellyfish
Since jellyfish don't have brains I wonder if Dishonest Jim is down there trying to drum up hype for Avatar 2
Not gonna make it.
>Marvel Maniacs on r/MarvelStudios
/cringe/ general
Avatar had LEGS and SOUL. People went to watch it more than once because it was a triumph of cinema showing what was possible. Purple grapefruit man wouldn't have even been possible without the tech dev'd by based jimbo. Show some respect. My fucking boomer parents went more than once and they never even go to the kinoplex.
They are both Disney properties. This is a whole new level of corporate evangelism.
jeez, you have to go back, fella.
>not accounting for the 2021 rerelease to hype avatar 2
>not counting inflation
>not realizing that due to inflation endgame would need $3.5 billion to beat Titanic
Literally less than 2 weeks to pass Avatar. And that's not even counting international numbers.
It had high priced tickets for the 3d, which the Chinese flocked to. No one knows what the fucking story was or any of the characters were. Spin offs - none, merch? None. An empty hollow souless technology demo.
Nah fuck off boomer, if that was true it wouldn't be surpassed by endgame
>Endgame might become #1 which means that Avatar, which was previously #1 is a complete and utter failure.
>"My favorite jews are making more money than your favorite jews!"
This is what these threads are.
>he patrols sales data threads
>on an Equatoguinean fishing forum
>he posts the same image in each thread
>he does it for free
>he will never have a real hobby
>he will never leave his mom's basement
Avatar isn't culturally significant in the slightest. It's the most successful movie nobody talks about. If it lost it's spot at #1, nobody would bring it up.
>This is what these threads are.
I'd add:
"Something being successful validates me wasting my like to take part in it!"
>Avatar isn't culturally significant in the slightest.
In your opinion.
>It's the most successful movie nobody talks about.
In your opinion.
>If it lost it's spot at #1, nobody would bring it up.
In your opinion.
Does your opinion help you sleep better at night considering your life choices?
It doesnt matter, disney owns both and will make money no matter what
its fact lol
Maximum cope.
Yep, I'm thinking it's mental illness
>its fact lol
No, it's not. Just because you offer your opinion and agree with your opinion does not make your opinion fact.
>re-release cashgrab
Avatar made 37 million with its re-release, Endgame technically didn't even have a re-release they just added stuff to the movie (and it made only 8 million from that).
Can't we all agree that both marvel and Cameron fans are retarded?
The phrase "cultural impact" is such a nebulous phrase, it's almost entirely meaningless. Does something only have cultural impact if people are making memes about it 10 years later? Or does it depend on the amount of plastic crap kicked out by merchandising licensees? If we look at hard facts, Avatar gets a lot of attention on social media and the theme park is doing fantastic, but that doesn't really indicate something has cultural impact.
3d tickets 10 years ago were less than standard tickets now zoomer. Add in the 100k more chink and pajeet kinoplexes and you see where spendgame support lies.
>muh Legs!
>Avengers is only making money because Disney is forcing theaters to show it reeee
This is a mental illness on your part. You get that, right?
Look at the blue faggot absolutely SEETHE
Avatar re-release when?
2021. before Avatar 2 comes out.
>avatar had soul
You mean re-re-release.
Infinity War and Endgame's only cultural impact is memes
The tech developed to make Avatar a reality have had more of a cultural impact itself than all MCUshit put together. Jimbo has more soul in his fucking turds than Marvel can put together in a decade. He redefines kino at every turn.
>ITT Seething contrarians
y'all just a bunch of hatinass niggas
>no one knows the characters
>no one knows the story
>no one knows what happens
Still made 2.7 Billion out of nothing.
why can't your seething pathetic disney shill squadron stop this picture from being posted, marvelcuck
cry more
I've only seen people talking about this on Yea Forums
No one cares
Both Endgame AND Avatar were shit. Your parents are mongs
>day 581 post endgame release
>it's still in theaters
- Iron Man
- Captain America
- Spiderman
- Hulk
- Dr. Strange
- Blue faggots
- Evil guy
- ?
- ?
- ?
Literally can't name 5 characters from Avatar. You try.
Still #1 cuck
Where were you watching Avatar 3D for under $4?
>We're $6.5M away from surpassing the highest grossing film ever.
Fine but, who cares?
Yeah because they name the fucking movies after the characters
Avatar was about world
MCU also exploits a comic book series that dates back to WW2 era, they invented nothing
Jimbo made a 2.788 movie out of thin air
remember only brainlets think Endgame actually performed better than Avatar
Avatar torches Endgame all across Europe, Japan, Australia Russia etc.
Endgame only wins in territories that were behind at the time Avatar released
the new upgraded China is the only reason Endgame ever had a chance
- Nebula
Doesn't account for inflation, so no it's not "over"
>Be washed up James Cameron
>talk shit about Avengers
>mouse delays your Pocahontas in Space movies as punishment
>issue congratulations on beating muh bote movie to make amends
>new overlords still aren’t pleased and allow Based Fiege to take your record
>choke on Mouse cock and learn your place
Cameron has learned humility. Soon all Avaturds will.
Sit down. Know your place. Step aside so your betters may pass.
my point is that you're coping hard, cuck
Thanos about to break that finger off and shove it up some furry ass.
Picture is outdated. Endgame already crossed $2.78B. It's at $2.781B.
Jimbo's shits have more soul than anything the MCU has ever produced.
Washed up hack.
Damn, millennials have truly peaked, this will be their legacy.