Jeff Goldblum raped Sarah’s michelle Geller
+ more Hollywood user secrets
Jeff Goldblum raped Sarah’s michelle Geller
+ more Hollywood user secrets
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Shit screenshot.
Well if it's on /pol/ it must be true
Seems legit...
Cope kashoggi
The phrase "/pol/ is always right" exists for a reason.
Based conservative rdj
Q predicted this
>I don't like source
>Therefore its fake
jeff pls
Nature finds a way.
don't believe any rape accusations without evidence.
source: my ass
Yea Forums raped intelligent thought
I bet you believe Entertainment Lawyer as well. This LARP shit is fun to read but pretty unbelievable, though because it can't really be disproved people choose to believe it anyway.
Not a single shred of proof
that's because people into conspiracies are usually schizophrenic
>Sarah’s michelle Geller
Formerly Sneed's
Well his "conspiracies" are believable but he posted no proof that he was an A list celeb
am i supposed to be able to read that?
just like the holocaust
>Jeff Goldblum raped Sarah’s michelle Geller
>his retarded picture says gene wilder and leonard nimoy did
holy crap this board is actually full of braindead morons
>if they built the wall it would stop the rape and murder of children overnight
Just stop
Yea, literally no reason to believe him, and I find it hard to believe that a supposed 60 year old would write on Yea Forums like a zoomer who just learned what racial slurs were
He was trying to hide the way he types retard
They can track you that way
U newfags need to go back
No they're fucking not. You just choose to think they're believable.
>kikes behind everything
>big organization controlling by working in the shadows
/pol/ + /x/
It was literally some redneck /pol/fag typing out all his deranged fantasies
This is a revelation?
Fuck niggers
Oh yeah Hollywood celebs sexually assaulting each other and using blackmail is so unheard of
at least make it big enough so i'm able to read it you fucking retard, thankgod there is this user
Tom Hanks? But he's the nicest man in Hollywood!
if you believe any of this youre a literal /pol/tard schizo. anyone else feeling really sleepy btw? might go to bed soon.
>"What can you tell us about [insert Hollywood star]?"
>He was a faggot and was connected to fucking Jews
>"How about [insert other Hollywood star]?"
>Pedophilia and Jews
Seems legit, very informative with no /pol/ nonsense whatsoever
I believe this
pretty cute choice for a doll
>it's another "baseless theories someone posted anonymously with absolutely no evidence they're who they said they are" thread
Look at the Weinstein accusations and the leaked Sony emails. They're nowhere near as ridiculous as the shit in OP's image. But I bet you think they're all fake, right? The actual fucking mafia are nowhere near as corrupt as that. Obviously there's corruption, but acting like Hollywood is some kind of illuminati-lite is retarded.
>trump is redpilled
Trump is apart of the problem and is an Israeli hasbara shill.
Not one question about Ryan Gosling and how cool he is. What a fucking waste, man.
>yfw it was James Woods
>Look at the Weinstein accusations and the leaked Sony emails. They're nowhere near as ridiculous as the shit in OP's image. But I bet you think they're all fake, right?
Nah on the contrary, Weinstein fucked dozens of famous actresses FOR DECADES casting couch style and his Jew Brother and a literal cabal of Jewish lawyers buried the story for years before it came out. It's literally a perfect example of the shit that image is talking about.
Also the Allison mack sex cult recruiting people and literally branding them. We called that shit years ago and were dismissed as crazy conspiracy theorists.
Woods is a pretty big Israel and Jew fan so it wouldn't be him
Disney paid women to came out against Weinstein for making The Weinstein Company after leaving Miramax, which Disney bought from them. Miramax turned into shit and TWC was getting all the Oscar nomination as they did with Miramax in the 90s, so Disney took this smoking gun against the weakest Weinsteing to fuck them up. I'm not saying he didn't fuck those girls, of course he did, as all Hollywood. But he got too cocky with his new company and made a big baddy (Disney) angry with it.
based and legit!
Then which actor born around the 50s (he said he was a teen in the 60s), 80s A+ and now with no/shit career could be?
This but unironically
For every Jew there is an equal and opposite Jew wanting to Jew them. The Mouse doesn't fuck around.
Better quality?
Mel Gibson
but seriously it was just a larping /pol/tard, no boomer in his 60s would be typing like that
/pol/ hasn’t been right about anything since the election.
saddest truth
What I found weird is naming Redd Foxx out of all of the comments as a friends. That's an odd friendship to show when nobody remembers Sanford and Son anymore
>a board known for LARPing to push its schizophrenic agenda is totally reliable goys!
>I bet you believe Entertainment Lawyer as well.
Yes, and Hillary is rotting in a military prison right now
CDAN just lists any rumor he hears, 90% are bullshit but some of them are true
>he actually believes this schizo shit
take your meds, poltard.
I don't think it's as bad as it says (i.e. all big names having pedo-tier shit in their closet) but of course some stuff checks out. The casting couch is real. There is indeed a link with Dubai, there's a whole bunch of models and actressess making money over there by sleeping with rich arab fucks. Also shit like Angelina Jolie using her charity work to find kids to pass on to actual pedos.
Enty is right about 1/1000 things that he says and that’s being generous.
Yeah I do, the elites are drug addled psychopathic pedophiles everyone not totally crippled by cowardice is aware of this
Yea but most of that shit is widely known, a guy on /pol/ doesn’t need to confirm that wealthy Arabs fuck every celebrity and pornstar that steps into Dubai. There’s a massive underground prostitution ring in Dubai and it’s not a secret
>this schizo shit
>Nxivm: Actress Allison Mack pleads guilty in 'sex cult' case
They’re always right about Europe’s Muslim and immigration problems, especially the grooming gangs
t. Euro
I totally believe you, Owen Benjamin
She kept his 2 asian ones for herself, that's what Brad Pitt found out one day opening his bedroom and ask for divorce and wanting to get his real kids away from her.
It’s been all over the news you deranged cunt
If you weren't crippled by cowardice you'd do something about it since you're so fucking sure.
When has he been a 80s A+ list? On his schyzo mind?
He believes the Earth is flat and that we never went to Moon so ummm
He also fucked prime Christina Ricci so give him some credit
JIDF in full damage control ITT
How ignorant to the world can you be?
Do you also think the creators of Family Guy know more about Pedowood after that old joke about Spacey?
It's funny because first guy who came to my mind was Benjamin. He spergs about pedowood all the time
He now says things like men that are tall dating short women means they have pedophilic tendencies while completely ignoring that she was about half his height.
>He believes the Earth is flat
nothing wrong with that.
shoo incel
there's a couple disinfo items in there (CDAN run by a female, MJ is innocent)
>s-shoo incel
>Hollywood jew roasties a Hollywood toastie
Will the tears ever stop, anons?
post more blind items, i wanna know all hollywood secrets!
>MJ is innocent
>"/pol/ is always right"
Holy fuck, newfag. It's not 'right' as in 'correct'. It's right in the political sense. The /pol/troons have jsut been telling everyone what their cocksucking idealogical affiliation is.
good image for the innocence of Michael Jackson's kabbalah
>if they banned the guns, it would stop the gun violence overnight
Just dilate.
No it’s definitely correct and they are always correct. National socialism is left wing anyways
Go cry to dr. Ford about it.
its comments on an anonymous imageboard with the OP providing no proof
nice try tranny
the scene in death wish was actually real
Very relevant thread
You are actively defending pure evil
Literally seethe more komrade, Trump has banned all asylum applications from Central America two days ago. Gotta get a new source of brownies, faggot.
It's amazing how Jews can run such a large scale industry of pedophilia and drugs and Satan and murder
She is rotting in the prison of her white female brain.
You mean Bruce Willis wrote that? What Death Wish are you refering?
Yeah that's why they run business so well, they know how manage things with always a profit
Winona Ryder was shot by Johnny Depp
Based and redpilled. 100% facts.
Fuck kikes
post more crazy shit, I want to fap to hollywood degeneracy
Who are you quoting retard?
Based method artists, Day-Lewis must be proud.
> muh russia
> muh trump rapes
> muh Kavanaugh rapes
> muh russia
>/pol/ boomers are introduced to blind items for the first time
Hey stock up on subscriptions to Entertainment Weekly as well, got lots of cool Hollywood secrets in there too!
none of this is true. you're just crazy stupid incels
>post gets deleted
>Kiernan Shipka
>running anything
fake news
>I read thing on the internet
>therefore it's true
momoa is a pedo, poor kiki. supes/geralt is a pedo too.
Yet he/she never gets sued for defamation...hmmm. Seems to indicate truthfulness, no?
Mental health is really an American problem. It´s heartbroken to think how many unstable people live without any kind or real treatment. Their suffering must be undescriptable.
I always enjoy reading this stuff and sometimes it is believable but saying Joe was the real pedo instead of MJ makes the whole thing trash.
Defamation is really hard to prove you mental midget
It's full of Yea Forums jargon only a regular would know. Why would anyone think that shit is for real?
/pol/ never said that. plus, it aint over yet
literal Yea Forums fanfiction