>be me
>infinity war comes out
>see memes online about spoilers
>think it’s just a joke and no one will care
>one day people in my class are talking about it before class starts
>think it’ll be funny to scream spoilers
>go on google and look them up
>scream "Iron man and black widow die"
>everyone gets super pissed at me as if I just murdered someone
>get yelled at with the worst insults possible, they start making fun of my deepest insecurities
>telling me no one likes me, how ugly i am, bring up my dead mother and shit like that
>when class starts people are legit shooting spitballs at me for the entire hour
>go back to my dorm after class
>it’s been totally trashed, ants in my bed, there’s dog shit on a picture of my family I had on a shelf, all my clothes are ripped to shreds
>next day get jumped, nose gets broken, 10 of my teeth get knocked out
>get accused of rape by a girl who went to the same party as me a week ago, no alibi means I have to go to trial
Be me
That's what you deserve for spoiling endgame, ugly faggot.
You will burn in hell with your mother
This is a weird Larp
That's Marveldrones for you. They serve the Jews, worship niggers and LGBT pedophiles. They have no morals whatsoever.
But im half black, that was one of the things they made fun of me for
lol your classmates sound pretty based for marvel fans.
Well deserved faggot
You deserve it for being half white
Reminds me of this kind of chubby girl with a brightly dyed short haircut who's constantly writing on Facebook about how white businessmen are swerving to a stop in the middle of intersections to scream about how gorgeous her body is, and how irritating and terrible it is that she can't leave the house without white male attention thrust on her from all directions.
all capefags must hang
Not even remotely comparable
OP you're very weird
And not the based kind of weird either, you're scary weird
I am Iren Mon
People who spoiled Endgame should be executed for treason
It was THE event of our generation. While we were watching that film we were making history
marvelplebs literally worship trump
they are fucking cancer
I spoiled that one matt damon movie where he has an exotic suit on reddit and got like 5 death threats before the thread got taken down
Am I supposed to feel pity for you ? Go back to your cave you fucking incel trash
weird if true
did you seriously buy that?
shut the fuck up liberal
No, but I'll take any opportunity to shit on marveldrones.
This tbqhwyfamalam
>think it’ll be funny to scream spoilers
how's life with autism user?
That is what you get for living in a non-white country.
There are no white countries. There are nonwhite countries and then there are countries for everyone.
I don't get people who wait a week to watch a movie and complain about spoilers. If you cared about spoilers than you would watch a movie on opening weekend.
>letting soi infused school kids bully you
You some kind of fag?
What part of his post leaves any room for doubt?
seethe, mcuck
seethe, mcuck
seethe, mcuck
seethe, mcuck
seethe, mcuck
seethe, mcuck
Imagine having nothing else in your life except movies
>get accused of rape by a girl who went to the same party as me a week ago, no alibi means I have to go to trial
Nothing to do now but rape the bitch for real.
why people watch this shit its always the same good against evil
good wins
evil bad
Only other time I've heard mccuck was on an asmongold stream. You wouldn't be unironically using a wow streamer inside joke on Yea Forums would you? That would be really, really sad.