HOH: Nick
Veto: Bimbo
Noms: Cliff and Nicole
Previously on /bb/:
HOH: Nick
Veto: Bimbo
Noms: Cliff and Nicole
Previously on /bb/:
1st for winston
first for paras
imagine being that guy who is crying about how boring bb21 is, admitted he isn't even watching the season, and also isn't watching that show he shills constantly. what joy does he get out of shitposting in our watch threads?
1st for Tiffany
he also whined about the dude who coded bbviewer for simply making 1 tweet against love island
like lol come on dude you're better than this
>girl sitting behind me in the dining hall watching bb on her laptop right now
>i know if i say anything she'll figure out within seconds i'm "one of those weird feeders" and she'll try to end the conversation as quickly as possible
it's alright, i'm gay enough that it probably wouldn't matter. still, it's weird to think about having an irl bb friend.
>you're better than this
it watches love island and talks about it all day in a big brother thread. it's not better than anything
and off she goes. rip
kill yourself bridge"bro"
stop trying to identify people all the time, you're really bad at it (lol)
did ovi actually get shoved in the pool?
you're thinking of jerry from bb10
man all i want is a cute bb fan to cuddle, watch live feeds, and shitpost with
this post hurt me deep inside
with every glance i took i became more and more sure she was some kind of autist redditor who watches taran's updates every morning. i had the chance for a meechfu and i blew it.
do you mean moo you retard
for some reason I think it would be super easy to break the ice with a cute normie BB fan
just talk like you're trying to get upvotes on reddit
>"Oh man, you watch Big Brother too? I kinda miss last season, Level 6 were so much entertaining than this gr8tful"
go outdoors
hey everyone aggro is here!
throughout my junior and senior years of high school me and my then girlfriend probably fucked roughly 600-750 times
two flings at a summer job I used to work at I'd probably add another 30-40, wish I woulda fucked the second chick more she was cute
but yeah since then not a lot of sex
it’s been a while for me too.
ded thread
dating in los angeles is practically impossible
>do you have an magic mike body
>do you have a successful job where you can treat me to gifts
>do you drive at the very least a BMW
no to any of these three? Sorry, you can only romance 300 pound latina women
>implying a thread can die when we have the power of FRIENDSHIP
pretty GUMPY of you bro
that averaging more than once a day. nice try though
do not reply to attention whores
yeah i don't know if you've ever had sex but if you're 17 years old and horny you can fuck your girlfriend, wait like literally an hour and your dick will get hard again
there are days when my parents were out of the house that we fucked like 7-8 times in a 12 hour period. Most school days I'd pick her up early and bust a nut at 7:30 am in a parking lot before first period
Thanks gal
wakeup fish
>mods deleting my posts
oh joy
based horny teen reminiscing blogposter
to be fair it was off topic as fuck. and rubbing salt in the wound of any virgin/user who hasn’t gotten laid in a while.
it's just nice to know the aggro fag can run around trolling everyone but if you respond to him the jannies are sure to step in and remove off-topic content
but oh lord whatever you jannies do don't remove aggro posting
>kill yourself
no that's completely on topic
complaining about moderation is a bannable offense
go outside and calm down user, nobody cares about your make believe stories
*4channel janitors literally applaud at this wonderful, on-topic post that has to do with Big Brother season 21*
btw.... FEEDS
its too early for anything interesting
HG still tired and groggy
you are a bad poster
camp combackers luggage is in the storage room
im literally watching jess, kemi, and cliff sit in the bathroom saying nothing
as you posted this kemi said "its literally not summer camp"
congrats you talk like an unemployed darkie
lol kemi is still worked up and talking shit in low voices. she is all bark and no bite.
do something about it
kemi really is a "talk shit behind your back" when big brother really needs a "talk shit to your face"
found the cancer
>if anyone blinks or breaths at me the wrong way im going off
this post has nothing to do with BB21. try to stay on topic.
>kemi: i will break you fucking nose, shut the fuck up (jackson avocado)
no, it isn't
the other user who said "all bark and no bite" is right
that was both me... she does seem more agitated than usual this morning. let me dream
what is wrong with you?
no fun allowed user
wonder if twitter will try to get her fired for making physical threats
She is 1 against many
she's black. she doesn't have a job.
kemi with the passive aggressive attitude
i remember meeting robyn kass when i auditioned for BB17, I think we were talking about BBCan3 which had just released its cast list but clearly I wanted 1-on-1 time with fucking Kass herself
I made some sort of comment about someone looking like they're gonna be great in casting but then flopping on the show, and specifically said "like a Jocosta". Fucking Kass rolled her eyes and goes "I know"
Kemi is a Jocosta. Looked like a good pick in preseason interviews but simply a flop in the house
Now please aggro tell me I made all this up
Love it
Shits gonna be BROUGHT today
i bet she goes after one of the girls. probably analyse for flipping her hair the wrong way. she wont confront any of the big personalities
>Tommy about kemi attitude: Yikes.
at least jocasta had good fashion sense LOL
Was it a power move by Jack to get Jackson renamed to Michie?
Jack is always trying to be the alpha
at the very least she gave us two great gifs
the one where she's in the backyard just sick of everyone's shit
and the one where she kisses nicole on the lips and nicole is like what
dont be surprised if they fish it when kemi starts yelling
kemi rolling her eyes micro-aggresively
lol tommy pretty much warning everyone kemi might chimpout
>nick thinks hes still a therapist
he is
just realized therapist = the rapist
am i retarded?
now he is telling them to let her get screen time if she wants to be known as that type lol
kemi called to the dr
time for production to protect her
ok this might be the most actively 'racist' discussion all season
production about to give kemi some boxing gloves
theres nothing racist about it. stop trying to get (You)'s
does Kat have crabs?
kemi just ignored the call to the DR
just saying he's implying there is a 'type'..whatever though won't get into it, not a huge deal
he said if she wants to be known as the aggressive type. aggression has no race. stop posting
sis's voice really just infuriates me...
yea because he said the same thing about jack after slamming the table or nick after talking about spitting in someones face
go cry about niggers somewhere else
good to know the person who was trying to prove me wrong is mentally unstable, i guess i remain unchecked.
2 people. kill yourself tranny
that isnt all that aggressive. people say things behind others backs all the time. you are really reaching but heres another (You)
this is going to be good when sam retells this to nick and jack
kemi has just been talking as well, same as nick and the rest, so why should she be labelled as potentially 'agressive' when nick has threatened the same exact type of shit?
i get that tommy is somewhat working with nick and not with kemi so it makes sense he'd say it about kemi and not about nick, but i wouldn't be surprised if there is some kind of stereotype going on in his thinking, which isn't 'racist' but just knowing what type of stereotypes Big Brother usually casts.
because tommy is a racist. are you happy now?
did someone just say "good morning niglets"?
i'm not saying that, i said the discussion was the most 'racist' of the season (i did use quotes mind you), saying that none of the other comments were even remotely racist. this one touched upon racial stereotypes that Big Brother has enforced throughout the years, so I'm not laying any blame on him, but on the show in general.
but whatever we can agree to disagree, as i said it's not a big deal or racism, but it sounds like its leaning on some stereotypes, which is fine.
tommy is a terrible person.
gays can be racist too
i hate it when they wear the hoh key around. i would leave that shit unlocked at all times and the key hanging in the kitchen on the veto hook incase some dumfuck locks it. i wouldnt even sleep up there. i would make the other HGs do some competition to see who gets to sleep up there nightly
>your face when houseguests plot your downfall in your hoh room
my boy jackson still eating
you would get evicted week 1
Robyn needs to stop casting blacks and poos so there won't be any racism.
eh, they can do that in any room in the house if i isolated myself in the hoh
why? i wouldnt be a dick about it. it would be just having some fun with it. i wouldnt make anyone else feel like they had to treat it the same way. the little comps would be fun, nothing malicious and if they didnt want to do it they could just decide on their own.
is having no ego something that gets one evicted easily in the bb house?
honestly this is a pretty cuck move
let the other HG know they can use HOH shower or whatever as long as they ask
but you sleep in HOH bed every night, make your own noms, wear the robe
if you make it to f2, it'll subliminally make the jurors remember when you had power you utilized it instead of LETS PLAY BACKGAMMON WINNER GETS TO SLEEP IN MY HOH BED
i saw someone say this before, honestly i think it would be a bad look to cuck yourself like that
lol i would never put that fucking robe on
yeah im sure wearing the robe, the key and giving your nom speech from the balcony will make them want to put the cash in your pocket
even if you say it's just for fun, people could take it the wrong way and think you want them to compete for your amusement and such. it's just unneeded attention
you guys have an unhealthy fascination with cucking. its just another room in the house who cares who sleeps up there so long as theres another bed.
like i said, i wouldnt force it on anyone. i would ask if they wanted to do it that way and if they didnt, whatever. i dont really see anyone having an adverse reaction to someone not caring about sleeping in the hoh bed.
giving up your room would probably set off some red flags, unless you're already in a top tier position, in which case it wouldn't be necessary.
ngl i want to kiss you rn
>cuck HOH ------------ how you should behave --------------- fucking psycho HOHitits
1. Be happy and gr8tful that you won HOH and get all the perks
2. Wear the robe
3. Be generous with room usage but don't be afraid to lock the door and have a 1-on-1 at anytime
4. Share your snacks
5. Put up two weaker noms initially and save your true target for the backdoor
6. Once you figure out a target, stick to it. People WILL try to sway you but keep the blinders on, and keep that information about who is pushing for someone else to potentially use down the road
7. Never use anyone close to you or a member of your alliance as a pawn
8. Try to lie as little as possible, don't expose secrets but be honest with everyone
There. That's how you have a successful HOH week, especially a prejury HOH. You follow those 8 steps and you're sitting pretty next week
how would someone or you see that as being a red flag? im not suggesting i wouldnt hang out up there and go about playing the game. i would just feel weird about making it my restricted space for a week when there is such limited space to work with in the house
it has nothing to do with noms or being ungrateful for winning hoh. wearing the robe makes you come off as a douche, unless its a short pink robe and you are angela. then by all means, you should wear it
you're never getting on big brother
i know
it's a red flag because people will wonder what is your angle, why you don't want your room that everyone else takes when they win
hmm, not sure what the angle would be but ok.
and this
>rough, just how your mother likes it Trebeck
you have no angle? then why sleep downstairs?
what is tommy trying to say is happening tonight?
I really hope the feller who likes Pokemon wins
wearing the robe just reinforces that this is your week in charge
this game is played week to week, where one HG has the power to decide who gets nominated for eviction
you don't go full tard IM IN CHARGE NOW PEASANTS but you do act a bit smug and confident without rubbing people the wrong way
and the fucking robe aint bothering nobody
I say it every morning when I wake up my wife’s kids
i dont know i would just feel weird about it. but whatever that guy is right im never going on the show so who cares i will stop talking about it now
btw...[spolier]sneeds[/spoiler] ;)
subtle kek
no problem and i get you i think it could be done well or not just like literally any move you make in the house
>you guys have an unhealthy fascination with cucking
I’m a girl
also welcome to cuckchannel
Tommy - i know it's tonight but I can't tell you more.
Michie- who told you. holly?
tommy - no
Michie - holly?
tommy - yah
Michie -tonight
Michie - yah
they think eviction is tonight?
nick go back to your hoh room
sleeping in the HOH room just isolates yourself and creates a distance between you and the rest of the house, strategically it would be much better to just do a rotating cycle and let a different pair/trio of people sleep there each night if they want. I'd just sleep in my normal bed. There's nothing to lose from doing it that way
i think if anyone played that way you would be right, but "playing the game" so to speak is more important sometimes than trying to take an overt strategic advantage
this cast is notoriously retarded and prone to paranoia
dude you dont sleep in hoh alone
you have like two people sleep in the bed with you because its so big
or if you're normie enough to get a showmance you sleep with them and do hand stuff under the covers
based spolier poster
I'm talking about the best thing to do strategically. No shit it's better to keep the HOH bed if you have a showmance, but that won't help you win the game. Just get a handy
paul spent more time in the BB house than any other person and every week he thought there would be a wednesday eviction
>shelby morgan and alex never took scotts offer to use the hoh bath
no seriously its better strategically to get a handy from your showmance than to make the house play twister to decide who gets to sleep in your bed
>hmm, not sure what the angle would be but ok
>sleeping in the HOH room just isolates yourself and creates a distance
Not sure if same poster or not but dude literally just explaiined what your "angle" is. Which , yes, I would imagine might be transparent.
If I were another houseguest I would immediately wonder why you don't want to sleep upstairs, would conclude that you want to strengthen your bonds by sleeping downstairs, and would label you as a sneak.
As someone else suggested, invite people to come up and sleep with you. It makes them feel special and you strengthen your bond with them that way. You could have 1 or 2 people sleep with you each night, sometimes having different people come up.
do you think he watched Tyler taking a bath with Angela and KC last season and all he could think about was how that could've been him
what's Scott up to anyway I feel like I haven't heard about him since OTT ended
>I feel like I haven't heard about him since OTT ended
he stayed with shelby/morgan for halloween 2017 and bought them necklaces (which was cute/sweet desu)
he posts semi regularly on Twitter, too. haven't checked it this season though
therein lies the problem. i would literally sleep on the floor before sleeping with someone else in the same bed let alone 2 more people. the way these people lay all over each other would not work for me. i need my personal space but its only like a 2 or 3ft bubble
she looks worse with make up on
brett is out of her league
nicole said she was going to campaign today. i guess sitting alone in the trailer is campaigning
>nicole big waves anthony
jealous bella fag lmao
talking to jackson right now. but no one is going to give her a definite answer
same, I hated sharing a bed with girlfriends. I can’t fall asleep if I’m cuddling or being touched at all.
luckily I haven’t had to worry about it in a while lol. and I would also never get cast on the show so I don’t have to imagine what I’d do.
it’s not that bad to just share a big bed, but being too close like that would fuck with me.
you just know....
>paul got to eat out shelbys ass
I'm so fucking jelly
which one do you think took his virginity?
would you like to eat jelly out of shelby’s ass?
there are bella fags?
idk but now that i think of it those are tastefully unslutty costumes
only nick
chocolate comes out of the ass, silly, not jelly
>bella: theres a trend. people who are with kemi get burned
tomorrow cant come soon enough
analyse's left boob is slightly bigger than the right
first jack's chink in the armor comment, now coded messages about the relative prevalence of herpes amongst the black female population
when will grodner take a stand against this racism
Honestly Jackson deserves none of the backlash he has gotten, Nick and Jack are sacks of shit for sure, but its wrong to associate Jackson with their fuckery. Most of Jacksons comments are basically lighthearted compared to some of the garbage spewed in the house.
You guys see Paul BTFO Aids Dick on twitter today?
I'm sorry, but did Nicole already get evicted? Oh, that's right. The week isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Wednesday. Does not having the votes on Wednesday count as being evicted? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this comment when the game is still on? Nicole is still playing right now and she's been the most liked house-guest not in Gr8ful for how many weeks now? She's on the block with one of the worst house-guests in the history of the game who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off his boomer energy. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Nicole is one of the best fucking house-guests in the Big Brother House. Even if she went into Camp Comeback she would win it easily. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded comments like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Nicole wins and someone bumps this thread. Oh look at that, Cliff just told the whole house his whole game plan through his morning Cliff Notes again. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never talk about Nicole or Big Brother strageties on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Nicole comments because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like her because she's quarky. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll about other house-guests on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a post like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
I agree Jackson is actually well liked by everyone in the house even those who aren't aligned with him
Christie is also a piece of shit, but the house hasn't caught onto her yet
is this, dare i say, the most legendary post in Yea Forums history?
Honestly as much as I don't adore Paul, he's usually in the right against ED, especially since the dude nonstop brings Paul up while having him blocked. Super bitch move from a near 70 year old man to do to a 20-something kid.
Now this is based
now this is shitposting
nick telling hogg that nicole is going
>nick: there havent been any blindsides. why would anyone want to cause a ripple
this blindside is gonna be based
she doesnt have to compaign, she isnt getting evicted and my previous post never implied she was going to be. she could lock herself in the water closet and they wont evict her. she couldnt make waves in a kiddy pool if she tried
I can't wait until next week.
it wil be hilarious if bella wins hoh
live eviction tonight
nope, these houseguests are just retarded. they keep saying there’s gonna be a Sunday eviction
tommy said the dr asked him: "who do you want to see evicted TONIGHT" but the dr just might be retarded
this most likely
you seem retarded
im trying to understand why tommy games with analyse
in order for there to be a live eviction this week, an episode would have to include
>eviction ceremony
>battle back
>exit interviews
>hoh comp
and we haven't seen the veto comp or ceremony yet
Who is the dumbest houseguest in modern big brother? I imagine anal must be up there with the likes of gina marie and paola.
stop being retarded
they could do veto stuff and live eviction tonight. then they could do the battle back tomorrow live and then exit interviews and into the cliff hanger hoh
bb14 Ashley Iocco
stop being retarded
but cbs would have promo'd this already so its not happening
ok based stop being retarded bro
just keeping his relationship with her strong. he listens to her input more so than anyone else. and thats one complaint she has with everyone.
enlighten us based aggro imposter
ok, so he is basically just humoring her. tommy is gold. wish he wasnt attached to christie. her shit would be sunk by now already
plus he's a homo. it's not like he's getting an up-close visual catalog of her so he can beat off to her later, which is what i would be doing
was ashley dumb?
she just had that perma-stoned thing that bb16 hayden and nick have
based and hornpilled
christie is retarded. you can use soap and should on non-stick pans. they are getting ruined because people like her are using too high of heat and utensils that can scrape the surface
>ask who is dumb
>get told who is dumb
>ask again if they are dumb
you are dumb.
she's mentally ill
>doesnt understand a rhetorical question
based retard
everyone bitching about kemi and kemi bitching about everyone
i feel the chimpout is coming tonight
not the guy who asked who was dumb you beacon of intelligence
how many chokers does nicole own?
it gets me hard AS FUCK quirkybros
lewl nicole imploring to the cameras that kemi needs to calm down
camp comeback doesn't even feel like a battle back because they didn't leave
dumb twist
how ya feeling today aggro?
worse is the evictions and julie telling them to go upstairs
i'm just glad the twist is over
david seems like a good enough dude and maybe bring him back but i'll be glad to see ovi/kemi/cliff fucking leave already
theyre all so fucking boring
holy fucking falseflag Batman!
just guessing off the top of my head. i would say 4 or 5?
i don’t fucks with twitter
I'm sorry, but did you not read the pasta?
this is the most based post ITT
hi ian
this is:
to all my other neets
ubereats has a $5 off your next five order promo
I read the whole thing.
nicole and kat smelled it in the trailer too
they are having some air issue
How come big brother wasn't nominated for an emmy?
so did he lose his virginity to her or what
thanks! it's been all day at work and now i'm catching up on the thread. reading through aggro making lots of one word posts right now... lol!
i'm also dining hall bb girl person, and i'm eating again, so if i see her watching again i'll say hi. this morning she was wearing headphones so i didn't want to be rude.
so your meal is only 4 dollars overpriced instead of 9? wow
be aggressive
be be aggressive
the industry sees bb as a meme summer show
from a production standpoint even if the big brother game is more interesting, the work they do on shit like the amazing race planning everything is way more impressive
then you gotta be woke by nominating the rupaul drag race
tell her there's a guys alliance in the house but you want to invite her into it
I hope she goes off and leaks info when she loses the comp and leaves the house
tell her you have a wacktivity comp set up in your dorm room that involves funky smells and handling snakes
tell her analyse is hot and you want to have sex with her while you watch analyse on the feeds
What kinda grass do they use for the backyard? Asking for a friend
space grass
regular blend
I miss her so fucking much bros
Cali Kush
spooked me
amazonian queen! YAAAAAS
Jackson was arrested for beating up 100 women?
Twitter and Newsweek told me so
that's unfair, she was high off painkillers the entire time
BB15 David would be my guess
lol kemi cant even have a convo with ovi and david
she's a disaster
stop being racist
its funny watch him and holly now. and the little comments he makes.
>holly and bimbo playfully make a joke about jacksons chipped tooth
>jack to holly: dont make me chip your teeth girl
it's Josh, I teach resource kids (basically a tier above special ed) in high school and his mannerisms are just like them. he has to be literally 80iq at most. him winning over paul is the funniest shit in BB history and you can't convince me otherwise
better than kemi and it aint even close
the sad thing is is that they were all WOC
he was misting his intelligence a lot of the time and doing that to appear stupid
he knew paul would want to take him to F2 over Alex, Whistlenut, Mark, Elena, etc if he made himself into the perfect F2 goat
meanwhile he's secretly giving out information in his goodbye messages to turn the jury against paul, knowing they'd all compare notes and grow sick of his IM FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE YAY FRIENDSHIP phony game
she just so stand offish even with POCs which goes to show there is no racism occuring. shes just a bad communicator. even nicole was questioning her this morning
>he was misting his intelligence a lot of the time
well the audience loves her so she must be doing something right.
bb legends
he was pretending to be retarded
he even said it in his final speech
this gif is taken from a comp, I forgot the rules exactly but all the HG had to vote superlative categories, and this is Paras finding out the house voted her dumbest. She got offended and cried about it.
Then, in the bedroom when she was by herself, she literally danced and jumped around the room because the house thought she was just a pretty dumb idiot
Not sure I totally buy it but if you listen to his analysis after he played, he actually seems pretty strategically knowledgeable. I mean he was a total student of the game preseason, even knew bbcan. I think he was half being himself and half playing the stupid malleable personality up, kind of like steve bb17. They use their pathetic persona to their advantage to ingratiate themselves to the supposed mastermind.
Of course, had josh cut paul he would have actually played the steve game, and just the fact that he didn't makes it feel a lot shakier. He got pretty damn lucky.
i remember after winning bb19 josh still managed to get starstruck when he saw ika
you don't get starstruck to meet ika if you're a halfway fan
the HGs she is living with and playing the game with do not so she must be doing something very wrong
Paras played a perfect "i'm so dumb LOL" game. Just perfect. It's not like steve where she was subordinate to someone. She was the head of her trio and made plenty of her own strategic moves. They were just messy and made her look like a bit of an idiot. See the ali eviction week where she went back and forth and back and forth up until THE ACTUAL VOTE on who to keep. It created a perfect persona for her alliance to get dragged to the end, where she could easily win the final comps (all intelligence based) and then explain her game thoroughly to the jury. People like to forget that the jury was bitter AGAINST HER and they turned around on her game because they realized how brilliant it was. It's just such a captivating game, like a Vanessa game but without the hysterics, completely chaotic and uncertain but just beautiful in the end.
Fuck, I can't believe we will never get a season like that again.
This is also in part cause I really think Josh is just a genuinely wonderful person on the inside. Everyone who meets him out of the house always talks about how great he is. His personality just seems so full of happiness, energy, and excitement for others. I've never seen it be about him. I'd actually love to see him play again with the added perspective and a less shitty cast.
twitter has been unironically more litty than bb21 has ever been
the way this guy posts he's so full of himself
it's wild how the nicolefag and the nicole is going home fag are targeting each other while us juliabros slip by.
bbcan6 is great, kasting is good at her job but grodner forces her to make shitty casting decisions in the us versions. i dont think anyone from bbcan6 would be casted in bbus except for derek and maybe olivia
thats liz
lol. christie starting to freak out about jackson and holly wanting to keep bimbo in the dark about the vote. tommy told her she is over thinking it.
hold your shit together for 1 more day for the love of god christie
I hope they're desperate enough to do Big Brother Canada All-Stars officially and I really hope they put all three of Ika, Neda, and Cass in together again for the lulz
christie saying if the voting goes wrong
tommy and christie will say they voted to keep cliff and let them figure it out
its honestly a dumb move, jackson really wants to expose the alliance
i unironically cant wait for winston to be on love island
i wouldn't be surprised if christie lets nick know tomorrow that "the house" is voting cliff out. knowing nick he'll probably cuck out and think he's still safe.
>he doesnt know
Some people just arent cut out for the game, I wonder if anyone posted this much about Bb16 Joey
Is it tonight or are they gonna drag the shit out?
they arent. you keep backing up my point that it has nothing to do with racism. if she were white, had blue hair and dressed up like a guy, it would be the same
they played it off like it'd be tonight but i dont know for sure
Ika, Adel
Godfrey, Britnee
Lovita, Cass
Paras, Kaela, Erica, Johnny, Hamza
Dane, Anthony, Sam
Fuck would that be a season of storylines. Dem/Ika with Cass & Adel vs. Prettyboys + Adam's girl vs. S6 while godfrey sleeps all day long
its gonna be really weird after thursday when 3 people leave the house
>no emmett
Oh of course its nothing to do with racism, just funny people are still talking about her game being bad as if its some new discovery, but I guess with camp comeback, discussion makes sense
you're right, I gotta cut hamza
is it for sure happening this eviction? or are they going to have a week of 4 camp comebackers
based boy tier post
find out tonight only on CBS
I want to pressure Nicole into doing something that she doesn't want to do.
its not perfect but i dont care, im done with it
yes, they gave cliff, nicole, ovi, david and kemi their luggage this morning
which means they all pack and 1 stays
Hamza is so fucking based holy shit
>nick: im trying to be careful with what i say so
>bella: why
>nick:just in case
>bella: in case why?
>nick: i forgot i kinda have a job when i get out, so i gota be smart
>bella: do you miss your kids
>nick: mmm, i havent thought about them
based exploitable city coming through with another hot .png
>when hamza and merron are up for eviction during the double and both refused to campaign against each other
kino moment
kevin martin gets voted into the house over jon and wins
its a pointless endeavor but i get satisfaction out of it
nobody is going to use this
lol kemi ALL BARK faknule
jack and jackson OTB HOLY SHIT
i am, i dont care what you do with anything
why is everyone hanging out in the living room?
Get a load of this beta. You’re suppost to be like
>hey you watching big brother
you do you
eviction ceremony
christie said she saw julie in her tampon blood before she flushed and it must be a sign that she is going to talk to them soon
If you've ever wanted to call Paul a cunt and know he'll read it he's feisty on reddit right now
go back there
I plan on it, thanks and you too.
He's right though, which you can tell by the fact that his posts are being downvoted
new thread
fucking autists
I actually have a good plan for it, but I have to wait till later to make it.