did he died
t. Chasing someone who is taken
I can't take it anymore
>Due to release of oxytocin couples that cuddle can become addicted to one another. Symptoms of oyxtocin withdrawal can occur when apart.
Why are boh these films so kino and absolutely incomprehensible to women?
Somehow this and lightly kissing is infinitely preferable to direct sexual contact
I cried on a girls arms twice. Very comforting.
Keked and checked.
Schizoid PD people literally prefer solitude so I dont see why they’d be sad for being alone.
haha my gf does this to me all the time and I dont cry wtf lol haha
>This is all me, down to a T
W-What do I do with this information?
god I wish I could trust people
social media has made me despise everyone
im not a fucking nvervous self loathing wreck that constanly thinks everyone is going to stab me
where are yous at lads
im at 5 now, used to be higher
weird thing is that i was a solid 8/9 before I started regularly drinking alone, the booze helps me forget the bad thoughts, i think it disrupts my higher cognitive skills which disrupts my natural way of thought which is that i hate everything. the booze helps me think like a normie but a really bad one, cause im drinking half the time
just despise myself because im a freak, not suicidal though
oh woah what the FUCK is this
for me its avoidant personality disorder
What the fuck i feel like someone wrote that about me. What does this mean? Can i be cured?
>You will never have a girl hold you whilst you cry and she strokes your hair
>autistic thinking
Shit thats me...
Worst move EVER.
currently on 4-5 but I swear I'll be the happiest, fittest, most intelligent man alive once I get this new treatment for my pulmonary hypertension that's coming out in like a year and a half.
/r9k/ formerly Yea Forums
Ah fuck these are all me too. Tonights the night lads.
I've been like that for years
>didnt get accepted to uni i wanted
>my friend did though he knows way less than me in that field, i basically carried him though entire high school
I feel like a lot of these are really vague and could apply to anyone.
pls stop
happiness is just around the corner bro's, the question is whether you want to keep walking.
you do know what the barnum/forer effect is though dont you?
like you are meant to think that pic related is all about you, thats the point
Its almost like wikipedia is not a psychologist website
ffs read the fucking link en.wikipedia.org
I've been walking for 30 years
4-5, knocking on 6's door
This is all very vague and isn't Barnum that circus fuck? Disregarded.
Fuck dude, that applies to me too... fuck it, I'm out. See you bros on the other side.
I feel bad for you
jesus fucking christ im so alone
then walk some more
Why are we still here
>webm is supposed to make me feel lonely and want a gf
>all it does is make me feel anxious that something bad is going to happen, then a fuckup biological freak for thinking that way
I'm exhausted
Start running
>literally supports everything I said
based retard user
Literally start running. Anytime I go for a long run I feel great afterwards.
We're gonna make it man, we just gotta keep going
>Here's your diagnostic
>Nah, that's just a vague description of me bro, I'm totally fine
Eventually it stops helping. Same with lifting
you feel it too, don't you?
>dude feelings lmao
Would you rather be alone or have a fat girlfriend?
dude it is normal to think they are about you, it's just how humans think, we can't change the fact we are just chimps that learned how to talk to each other. te fact you believe this applies to you means you are a fugging normie and that you should get off my website, not this plane of existence
nah senpai its meant to be vague, all psychology/philosophy is kinda vague anyway. i was taught it and i went to a breddy gude uni so i reckon its good stuff
well it might not apply to you, you might be a schizo i dont know you. i just know this effect exists and god knows there are plenty people here who want to feel belonging in some sort of group or find an excuse for their shortcomings and latch onto pics like goose related, when they are actually relatively normal.
what movie
What does this feel like bros?
Holy shit. You're right, that is completely me. I'm fucking done.
>be 30 min ago
>6’4” on neetbux, been undernourished lately
>haven’t had takeout in 6months
>order big pizza to go so body can recover before returning to the grind
>know there’s usually a qt at the register that thinks I’m hot but cringey
>always a cycle of her being excited to see me but then let down that I can’t talk to her
>desperate desire to be able to reciprocate romance gets me otherthinking about how I’ll appear on the way over
>get to the restaurant, she’s there
>rings me up, nerves so shot I drop my debit card handing it over
>receipt prints, hands me the pen
>go to sign, drop the pen
every, fucking. time.
I ship it.
Cool pizza story man. I like pizza too.
it's often quite uncomfortable desu
Hello! Oh, Abigail, It's you!
why do you have to post that
kek I don't even care about that anymore, feels good man
One of the most kino death scenes I've scene
GoT also had the PERFECT metaphor for Arya's death at the end of the penultimate episode. But NO, they had to make her ass appear in the last episode...
A pilot on a cold, cold morn
One-hundred fifty-five people on board
All safe and all rescued
From the slowly sinking ship
he didn't die you tripcunt
I want a gf to grow fat with.
same dude, got some nice date with a qt german girl next week
will probably fuck it up and cry myself to sleep, can't wait man
It's from Refn's latest autism project, a series called Too Old to Die Young or some shit like that.
What a dumb image, this is how anyone with a brain feels in the current year. The difference is you're all ugly fucks
It feels like 5 years ago...
Your the real human bean.
if you know she likes you why are you being an autist? you can literally do anything and she wouldn't care
Yep. She full on cheated with me in December. Then just made out/felt up a with a few times between January and May.
Now we coincidentally live 5 minutes away from each other but contact is almost 0
This thread is depressing but i keep refreshing.
Depressing? This is the most fun thread on this shitty website for now
>think she is interested/flirting with me
>spend many painstaking weaks working up the nerve to ask her
>finally do it
>get rejected
I cant live like this anymore
>In July 2016, Refn revealed that he had turned down the offer to direct the James Bond movie Spectre.[39]
Imagine what could have been
I have a crush on a girl and I met her first as friends. Just found out she has a bf. She didn't tell me herself I just heard it from someone else. Thing is she does flirt with me too and I feel like I still have a chance.
I know that feel
but the week after getting rejected she fucking broke her back and I never saw her again. Can't help but think that if she didn't rejected me her back would be in better shape
I literally almost never think of suicide. And if the thought comes up in my head by themselves they don't usually get entertained.
I'll humour the thought once in a blue moon, but only to think about what dying would feel like that it would be pretty trippy, not as a problem solver.
What if you fucks just didn't get yourselves so fucking depressed?
women do this for fun
based karma
Jesus Christ look at this bunch of pathetic fucks, circle jerking complaints about shit on a anonymous image board, get a life have sex, lose weight, donate blood.
Never date a someone who has a history of cheating even if it was with you.
This. It feels like a horoscope where you can kind of interpret it to fit yourself if you're even a bit anxious and lonely.
it makes me think of picture related if you know what i'm talking about
Was at 7 since the start of the year until I stopped working a few weeks ago, I guess not having to do anything feels better, at least for now
It's had the same positive effect on me for over 10 years now.
odd request but does anyone have the source for the original image behind wj
I'm going to southern uro for vacation with a couple of friends, who are all but one as loser virgins as I am, in a week.
What can I do to lose my virginity there?
play it like you're a cool american or an marines I don't know. Southern european girls are all whores who watch too much american flick. Beware of the european men though, in south they're all animals and will beat you up the second you do someting bad to them
Go to tourist traps and hook up with drunken brits.
>you're depressed? just stop being depressed lmao haha look i can do it why can't you
imagine being this self-absorbed
7 ever since i dropped out.
I hate myself and already have gotten myself in a crash because i honestly just didn't want to steer away.
I am a virgin who works part time shit for fucks sake.
>Beware of the european men though, in south they're all animals and will beat you up the second you do someting bad to them
t. cuck
who was colonized by the muslims ? and who destroyed them at poitier ? stop meming dude
A year ago i would have been posting these memes but now this is pretty cringe, i know its sad and intimacy is important but stop whining and feeling bad for yourself. I went gym and it's unironically helped, you can only save yourself faggots.
if you haven't ran for at least 1 hour in the last week you have no right to call yourself depressed
I really want to get a membership at a gym but I don't have any friends and I'm too poor to get a trainer. would I be retarded for buying a barbell and some weights off craigslist and just deadlifting/pressing/whatever else I can do at home with a barbell for a while until I can save up a bit and get a membership?
>Last time I asked anyone out was in high school
Stop stalking this innocent girl pervert.
it hurts so much lads
go to the gym alone? who says you need a trainer
well I haven't lifted since high school and while I have a rough idea of what I'm doing, I'm sure my form will be complete dogshit and without someone to correct me I'd probably just fuck up my back or something and I'm too autistic to ask for tips at a gym
How old are you now?
its really fucking difficult to get yourself back up when you are the one that got yourself down in the first place. believe me, i know. but why else are we here, being alive, thinking about thoughts, existing right now, if nothing else than to live? actually live. become the person you wanted to be, what else is the point of living.
study this if you're worried about deadlift form. god tier video. he has others like this for other lifts
6 and slowly moving on to 7
Yes its a start, what i did i bought a membership so i kinda had to force myself to go, still go on my own but i feel the progress, though my anxiety was through the roof but then i realised no one gives a shit about me enough to be watching. Working out gives you confidence and is something to do so yeah get in what you can
I'm at exactly at your spot. I fear the same things about doing everything wrong and don't want to ask around.
not og poster but unironically go read liamrosen.com
harder to do than to write, but good luck user
goddamn it
why was i born ugly
have sex
I don't know, honestly.
I tried my best to do anything and just couldn't.
I failed all my classes for two years before I got the memo that I wasn't made for this school and bailed.
Gave up on the couple of people I've met there too, since I don't have the guts to talk to them while they proceed in their lives.
For the past year I've cut ties with everyone, even talking with the few people I have to at work hurts and I stutter and lose my words.
I feel like a hypocrite for giving up but not having the guts to actually an hero already
Used to be 10, but my life is mostly stable now so it's a 4
You are only as happy as you let yourself be.
Some folks wallow in their depression. It's easier to stay depressed than content for them.
In reality, you are living a life that is dozens of times easier, safer, and more entertaining than your ancestors. The only difference of which you can truly claim is that you may not have had sex or kids. While this is something programmed into our biology, more so would be self preservation. Imagine riding harder against that then a simple primal craving.
First schizo trait I didn't have is like 15 in
>oh noes someone lost a war after centuries of holding hordes back. Surely they are the cucks and not the ones inviting the hordes
the last 4 or 5 times I've gotten a girl's number I've thrown it away because I know she's up to something one of them liked my dog and I think she wanted me to walk the dog with her I didn't want to do that though I knew her plan
you could have bonded with her while walking the dog
what's wrong with that
Guys this is depressing.
I want to tell you something.
It IS the "be yourself" + "Girls likes guys who do not give a shit on them".
Only from a positive angle.
Girls need to see you passionate about something just for yourself. Not for them.
This is why shitty musicians & artists are getting so much puss.
Be good at something when girls around and they will come.
You will make it, you beautiful faggots.
don't mix everything mate
forgive me if i am wrong, but it sounds like you dont think you deserve anything valuable, with the only reason justifying this being that you are yourself. you don't talk to people because you don't think you are worth enough to them? people will only value you as much as you value yourself. if you talk yourself down enough, eventually they will believe you. begin to think better of yourself, and public opinion will follow.
being honest this sounds like genuine depression. go see a doctor if you haven't already, hopefully you live in uk or somewhere with good healthcare. im sure as fuck not a professional but seeing one may help. an heroing only makes people sad. just dont man.
she was just using me to get to the dog
don't go see the doctors man, or you're done for. If it's not that bad you can ask them for advice, but if really you are very depressed don't tell them.
They will first give you the usual bullshit that may help you, but if that don't work they will give you meds that make you more and more apathetic, and soon you won't be capable of any complex task or even deep thinking. Whatever you do never take the drugs they give you, it's just make you numb so you can't think anymore, and it fuck your brain up. They just want you to stop being dangerous for your health and for others, they don't care about your sanity or comfort.
What I don't understand is why doctors and professionals say when you're suicidal you're not thinking "logically". What isn't logical about wanting to kill yourself? Sometimes life deals you cards and there's nothing any amount of pills or counselling will fix
Also, 6
you think that because you are mostly here with us, and we are the same as you.
>you are mostly here with us
Speak for yourself. They could apply to people at work, and they are the normiest normies in existence.
anyone interested in me must be fucked in the head or is trying to use me in some way
I am not a good person, there is no other explanation for why anyone would like me
Solid 8, but I'm not sure if I ever really will kill myself. Its a selfish cowards way out. I'm doing alright life wise, job, house and peace. If anything I'll effectively kill my current self if I improve beyond what I currently am. Theres too many things in the future that I want to see, so I guess I'll wait til then
I wouldn't know about that. I don't talk to them.
Thanks, man.
I'm already seeing a doctor but I feel like I'm wasting huge amounts of money just to vent.
Anyway, I'll just keep to it, there's not like I have a lot of options
>all the unironic mental illness ITT
I thought the whole incel thing was a big meme. You guys don’t seriously have these thoughts right? lol
jesus man we aren't in the matrix, people naturally want to help we aren't all out to pacify a generation, the way i see it, doctors know more about this shit than i do and if they recommend something i should probably do it
dunno what experiences you've had tho but id suggest they are an outlier
cause an heroing causes a lot of pain for the people that know/used to know you
even if you perceive them as not caring for you now, it is a lasting problem in their minds of "what could I have done??" Especially for parents, same but less for siblings and other family members. and it is always not thinking logically because there is always (unless you are horrifically chronically disabled) something you can do with yourself. like volunteer, help out at soup stalls for homeless, anything man. just anything
>be me
>discussing runnerkino with my mates at work
>qt 8/10 girl co-worker asking to join the discussion
>nah okay, what did you liked about the movie?
>says that she liked the visuals, directing, the soundtrak but also disliked Goose's performance saying it's too emotionless
>dumb cunt.jpg
>confidently explain to her why ourguy was top-tier with examples of GODDAMNIT and death of Joi scenes
>she silently agree
>asked if her bf liked the movie
>I-i always go to the cinema alone
>tell her that we should watch the movie together sometimes
>she blushes and smiles
>o-okay user!
>never invited her to watch movie together after that
>Sometimes life deals you cards and there's nothing any amount of pills or counselling will fix
Yeah, but then you get whiny faggots that jump to suicide because their gf broke up with them or they have trouble getting a gf.
they don't know shit, psychology is a pseudoscience and if their shitty advices can help you I'm happy for you, but the drugs will destroy you more than you did yourself. Never take them unless you want to feel even more trapped in your body
surprised no ones told you to SS + GOMAD yet
>mfw all I have going for me is my hair
>mfw I'm starting to lose it fast
Anyone been on dat dere finasteride/propecia? I know you're rolling the dice with that drug, but I'm willing to give it a shot at this point.
This. This always fucking happens to me. My friend said I'm just born to be cucked.
thank god user is here to spread his knowledge of mental health that doctors can't even hope to compare to
Straight from the horse’s mouths. But you don’t need need it bro, you don’t need a relationship, sex, or even physical contact. Just be happy alone bro, just work on yourself.
This isn’t Yea Forums related
fucking based volcel chad
that's because its a shitty outdated meme like most of the sticky.
SS + GOMAD gives you liquid fluorescent yellow shits and you man titties. you stick with it long enough and you'll look like an ugly, hairy woman. Theres not enough upper body volume and by the time you're done you have lmao 1pl bench, you have a slipped disk, and you look like shit. It's the worst of all powerlifting instruction, do PPL or skip the gym membership, starting strength is shit.
Stop meming, they are as clueless as I am about mental health, but the differences between me and them is that I don't act like I know how a brain work. Thousands of years of study on the subject and we still don't know what's going on in our head, stop believing those impostors, modern science is far from perfect.
Yea Forums is the new /b9k/
"Sometimes even to live is an act of courage."
>I don't act like I know how a brain work
That you act like you know anything is pretty funny.
who would've thought showing affection for once in the roastie's miserable life would bring happiness to their romantic partner, fucking women
just kill me
/b9k/ is exactly what I wished for during all these years of aimlessly lurking /r9k/ and Yea Forums
whatever, fuck your brain with their drugs and end your days half-conscious in an hospital at 30, but don't say that nobody warned you
But she never said she never showed him affection before. In fact you don't know how long they've been together, all we know is that he has never experienced it much and her actions had a profound effect. You're just jumping to conclusions based on nothing and getting angry over it. Perhaps you should have sex.
what is this
I''m friends with a girl I like but I don't feel like I'm freindzoned. She regular sends me lewd texts and messages as a way to just joke around.She invited me out once to come hang out with group of friends to the mall. She has a boyfriend but I feel like she sort of likes me because she acts nervous around me. What do I do?
Interesting strawman my low IQ friend. I'll be sure to get all my medical advice from Yea Forums anons in an incel thread.
collateral, good movie
6-7 but I don't really contemplate suicide. I would not go out of my way trying to kill myself. That's a line I'll never cross. However, life has been quite bland and grey for several years now so if I were to face its end I sure wouldn't mind it too much.
I cried in my girlfriend's arms once while she was telling me how we're gonna grow old together with bunch of pets and stuff (she 100% started this topic)
Needless to say she broke up with me a couple of weeks later
Nah this is too much for me. I could never be this close with somebody especially skin on skin. The most I would wish for is being able to put my head on her lap and if it's not too much to ask have her pet my hair. That would be grand
5. moving closer to a 6 lately
The really shitty thing about suicidal thoughts is you can't bring it up with any health professionals without getting locked up.
I'd have no problem spilling my guts and telling my counsellor how much I want to kill myself and be as transparent as possible, but if they get even a whiff of distress they'll call the cops to lock you in some asylum. It just sucks you can't even be open with the people you're supposed to trust
It's probably the only movie in which I didn't find Fox annoying. Maybe it's because that's his only movie I watched before Law Abiding Citizen.