Has Yea Forums watched this?
The secret world of incels
Other urls found in this thread:
>all those cringy incels in the comments section posting meme replies
I swear none of these people existed 10 years ago. What went wrong?
>We live in a society
Yep that's exactly what they're posting.
It's just a little fun user what's the problem?
Who cares. Old meme.
just get a gf nigga how is it even possible to be an incel lmao
But you still haven't had sex yet, user. Seems pretty current.
Listening to this chad-like fellow around 6 minutes is hilariously ironic
>Uh yeah I guess he wanted to shoot people in the crotch, like y'know shoot people in the genitals, uh which is like pretty messed up y'know
Maybe one day you'll realize that being a Chad has nothing to do with looks.
Honestly fuck this cunt
I hate him. I hate that a literal crippled retard gets a gf and I don’t
This but sincerely.
The rise of tinder
All the post 9/11 kids are growing up
women cannot be asexual.
Women love sex and love to desire sex.
Men love sex but they do not love much nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have, which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless didlos remaingin on the shelf, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men since it shows them to be far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads
Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (very few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl they love they see sex is not so bad.
Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life.
Would you go to Virgin School, Yea Forums?
>The secret world of schizophrenia where the left is terrorized by people that don't exist
>secret world
>they call them selves incels
>they post on open forums
*the right
Fucking autocorrect.
that triggers your autism, huh user? because that's not completely exactly what "secret" means? are you shaking? any problems with concentrating, as long as the bbc keeps naming it's documentaries THIS inaccurate?
They call it secret because normal people don't know about it. It doesn't necessarily imply that it's inaccessible
No, incels are a leftist bogeyman. But as usual, the left projects. I'm surprised I still haven't heard the left claim that antifa is right-wing.
>normal people don't know about it
I remember a time before all this virgin/chad/incel dichotomy, so no, I didn't watch it.
t. wizard
what happened to just masturbating and investing the gained time and effort into more meaningful things?
the redditors started calling everything a "cope"
Oh please every normie knows about frogposting, 4chins and the youtube comment section
>not grinchposting like a based lad
Honestly just lower your standards.
Vaccines, chemtrails, fluoride in the water, aluminum in deodorant, etc
Incels are very real. There's a 99% chance I'm talking to one right now.
And this is exactly why incels aren't real.
Ok ok but it's still called "the secret world" get the fuck over it
>britshits actually fund this
well you can't say they don't deserve it
Very few people over their mid-30's know what Yea Forums is or "frogposting" is even after the election. I don't think you incels realize how insignificant your secret world is.
>incels are a leftist bogeyman
How do you explain the self identified incels on camera talking about how shit their life is? Paid actors?
It's real in your mind goyim
>Very few people over their mid-30's
stopped reading there, keep seething boomer
Paid actors, yeah. The left has been unable to come up with any coherent definition of incel and just frantically accuses anyone who opposes them of being one.
Just be yourself.
Are there people that can get laid because they're physically repulsive, socially and or emotionally stunted, and poor? Sure. Does that mean that these people are racist sexist russian hacking nazis or whatever retarded strawman leftoids have come up with? No.
Look at this shit.
That's his sister
>incels are a leftist bogeyman
>The day that we start to take Yea Forums seriously is the day that society begins to crumble beneath its own weight.
is this true lads? did we start crumbling?
That's what I said, yes.
calm down, incel
It's funny because it's true, it's also funny because no one is more unfuckable than nice guy male feminist leftoid """men"""
either that's his sister, a friend, or she's just a freak who loves fatties, i don't think there's too many of those
God I wish I had a sister
Did you even watch the documentary, incel?
t. leftoid snowflake triggered that his boogeyman conspiracy got exposed
Why do normalfags feel so threatened by incels?
>d-did you watch the propaganda ;_;?
No, have sex leftoid
Where does the Catfish guy live? It looks comfy but it also looks small as fuck so I don't understand how he can keep catfishing women, you'd think after the 2nd time everyone would know who he is
Because they're low IQ NPC hedonist, they can't fathom not getting drunk and obsessing over genitals
Watching now. The long haired guy seems pretty normal and looks okay. Just too lanky. Waiting to find out he's a furry or some shit. He shouldn't be having that much trouble dating.
Really calling that guy a chad?
You people are mentally ill.
wheres the BBC documentary about rap and how it glorifies nigger shit like drugs and murder lmao
I dont watch television
When is an incel gonna turn into a super Chad again like in the Bianca incident
Okay but how is the Irish fellow an incel if his problem is the fact that he feels he's not good enough? More like volcel.
>confidently talking about media he has no idea about
Based retard
Lose weight
they are called muslim extremists, the chaddest of incels in the entire world bar none
My one and only friend is so triggered by it.
>nigga how you gonna just not get pussy?
>fuckin get a hooker
>i'll go HALFS with you dude, fuck
>"no, i'm happier keeping that money or spending it on drugs."
I want to see the Bath Water girl getting rekt by some crazy British neckbeard, an Muslim Incel Neckbeard would be even more kino.
This week was very entertaining to say the least.
Right here, nigger.
Fuck your propaganda stupid squishy brained limp wristed mouth breathing leftoid
>1011 banned for making music without the polices permission
Because they go fucking nuts and open up on strangers with assault rifles
If this faggot spent the catfishing time on lifting and getting his mental health in check he'd have a chance. Absolutely pathetic. Those shallow whores are gross though.
I may be a volcel due to previous relationships, but I understand the complete destruction of confidence Incels have. I'm 5'2", so I already know most women already would never date me; but at least I have found women who wouldn't just date me but would even try for sex.
I really want to say "If even a turbomanlet like me gets girls, you should be able to" to them, but I know that's optimistic schlock to them. Their past of rejection hurts far more than my optimism can help
>BBC documentary on incels
Lmao think I'll pass. I feel like j can spend my time in a more productive manner somehow
>baseball cap
>not curving the bill
>fags with straight bills have the gall to mock those who rightfully curve their bills of their caps
Single motherhood. Widespread normalization of whorish women. Lack of strong male role models (not talking about gangsters or playboys). And most importantly. Mass disenfranchisement of the middle class to compete with elite men, both financially and physically, women preferring to be an easy lay for a pro athlete until 30 than to settle with a middle class office jockey at 25.
And lastly, lack of socialization, due to Western culture moving away from the core family with grandparents, aunts and uncles meeting regularly...
I truly pity the zoomers and the next ones after that. Thank god Im 31 and grew up normally, surrounded by love and family/friends/girls.
Women are broken and the "men" are done.
>he said on /r/television
Fucking LMAO
I swear Sam Hyde is some sort of genius when it comes to free advertising
I agree. I have autism and am not great looking but I've never had a problem getting women. Most of these dudes are just fat and it's eaiser to blame everybody else than to dedicate yourself to changing your life.
My fucking God. Journalism truly is a joke/mass propaganda tool to manipulate the masses.
But then you won't be educated on how dangerous White Males and their Far-Right Ideology are! You might even start to experience wrongthink where you begin to believe they're not actually more dangerous that say, Islamist terrorists, who every well-informed citizen knows are just a part of living in a major city in the year 2019 and nowhere near as dangerous as an Alt-Right Incel!
Please reconsider!
Or want to date out of their league.
first youtube comment
>Sub Zero really did lose it when his brother died
Yeah let's take advice from an autistic person
>You're so fucking fat HAHAHAAAH
That seems to be a trend too. It's quite ironic that the same group of people that post about how ugly women that want attractive men are deluded, believe the exact same thing.
I'm not watching all this shit, I can't handle the cringe.
Do they mention the hacker known as "4 chan"?
I offered no advice.
That guy is seriously fucking retarded. I'm sure he has some sort of fucked up personality disorder, either that or he's just plain stupid.
We get it, you're retarded. You can shut up now.
>Their past of rejection hurts far more than my optimism can help
Maybe the same emotional fragility that makes SJW leftists insane is what causes incels to be afraid to better themselves, try hitting on girls, and accept rejection as part of the process.
Maybe participation trophies and mr rogers really did straight up ruin a generation.
Incels/alt-right/etc are a threatening fifth column that need to be forcibly removed from normal society
change my mind
b-but its just memes bro
>the expert almost crying at one point
Should have been born rich, user.
Cheerio! Pip pip! Victorian Morality here. How are you lot doing this fine morning? What have you done in service of the Lord today? Now, what's all this? Would someone care to give me the whys and wherefores of this photo play? It is my understanding that these people have rejected their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are angry about being unable to find harlots with whom to commit the mortal sin of fornication? Do they have no intent of ever entering into Holy Matrimony? And this is so widespread that your society is on the verge of calamity? What did you lot expect to happen when you rejected God? Hate to say I told you so. Well, I'm off.
Victorians were degenerate as fuck behind closed doors, open a fucking history book once in your life.
They also had fertility rates above replacement.
As a socially useless person who would be classified an incel myself, I've thought about this shit a lot, it seems to me the reasons for all this is:
There's something incredibly depressing about the thought of using a hooker, and there's something incredibly depressing about the thought of using Tinder, they're like empty replacements for what should be a functioning society.
But then again, how do you meet people?
>friend group
don't want to run the risk of fucking up friendships
having relationships with colleagues is not a good idea
>just approach women in bars, bro!
that isn't a thing people do, just look at a female stranger funny and she'll know what you're up to, let alone if you talk to her
There's a weird notion that's spread through society, that you can intentionally go out of your way to hook up with someone for a non-committal fuck, but actual relationships just "happen", they just spring about naturally, and to try to force them, is to sabotage them.
So do Muslims and black people. And at much higher rates too. Why are these groups defended?
we got a live one folks!
At least Sharia would keep women in line.
eggy gettin noticed
>that isn't a thing people do
user this is exactly what people do
>the glasses guy is an incel espit being a nice funny guy
Hes the perfect example its not just bitter losers but the society that tells men to be emotional and weak and then makes the same features undesirable.
Also Sub Zero is a chad, lamo, fucking over majority of women catfish or post shooped or deceptive shit on social media.
Like 6 out of 10 of my dates online were bitches that ether looked nothing like the photo, were ether much older or much younger, hid a kid or two, wanted free food or didn't have a job or anything and were looking for someone to leach off of.
Good for him for giving them the same medicine.
Surprised he doesn't already have an aspie freindship group since he lives in a city, they tend to find each other.
I've never seen it happen, I know no one it has happened to, nor anyone who's done it.
Have you ever done it? Have you ever seen it happen? Do you know anyone who's ever done it? Do you know anyone it has happened to?
It's a thing that happens in films and TV, and even then it's almost always a failure for comedic effect.
>Mainstream media: Virtue signals about male suicide
How long till some school kid gets bullied and an heroes because of this and this whole incel meme backfires right in their face?
despite if those girls deserved it or not it's sad that he puts so much effort into something like that. He even says if he was happier he wouldn't be doing it
that's still nothing, 0.2%. Probably around the lowest it's ever been in all history of mankind
but it's always been a way of coping
I have seen it happen in real time tho I've never pulled it off myself.
but yes I've been there while a friend talks up a girl and takes her home or to her place more than once. its never as fast as it is in tv shows obviously but once people feel you're not a serial killer and they are horny that's all you need
that isn't how it works, the moment he an heroes, no one admits to bullying him
normies get their programming from the media and educational institutions. Hate is bad. Unless it's the hate sanctioned by the media. The real question is why does the corporate/government establishment want normies to hate incels?
but it didn't lead to a relationship, did it, just fucking
and they'll keep getting rejected, again and again, forever until they break. Faggots like you are the reason why incels exist, just tell that ugly cunt that he'll never get laid unless he pays for it (since that's the truth) instead of giving false hopes
in my friends' case no, but that's usually the motive of people in bars.
In my case a coworker and I were supposed to be strictly fuck buddys but ended up having a two year relationship that's still going.
any sexual encounter can lead to a relationship
what attractive people do*
you've watched too much pua shit, and its obvious
>despite if those girls deserved it or not it's sad that he puts so much effort into something like that. He even says if he was happier he wouldn't be doing it
Lets get real, he only does it since it happened to him one too many times.
I get that feeling, i too was mad to get ready and drive to meet someone for them only want a free meal.
Even Anne Frank (15) had a super hunk 17 y/o bf she would fuck and cuddle with every day. How can anyone feel sorry for her? They should feel sorry for me, damn it!
justified or not the point is how sad he is doing it. he's sad, he makes others sad, and that's it. nothing good comes from it, his laughs are hollow
>it's a constant trend since the financial crash and Obama
economic anxiety + exponential growth of intersectional social justice = no sex for any of us
Up to a point everyone just assumes you've had sex, so nobody feels threatened by you unless you make it obvious.
more like women have access to prime males all over the world at the tip of their fingers, it was about time natural selection made a comeback
I'm just a regular guy and people can tell I've never even seen tits IRL, it's kind of frightening desu
Literally a fake graph, gullible redditors.
It's from an article by The Atlantic.
Where's your graph that disproves it?
I wasn't talking about that bullshit graph, just in general
what happened around 2007-2008? The release of the iphone. Dating apps facilitate the 80/20 rule. Women would much rather be one of 20 fucking a chad than have a devoted regular guy. And it's much easier to locate chad now with hookup apps. This is the sexual behavior of chimps. i.e. a select group of male chimps have sexual access to all the females and the other lower males never mate at all unless they somehow maneuver/challenge their way into the alpha group. We're reverting to the mating strategies of chimps, except we have birth control. This is woman in her 'liberated' state.
it's entirely because zoomers (people under 30) don't put down their phones
>Using the protest incident to classify incels
That’s one hell of a stretch right out the gate
then why is there a male/female difference?
Fuck off. It's taken directly from the article. Google it.
tbf guys would do exactly the same if the gender dynamic was reversed
666 was just a ploy by satan, 2007 was the real number of the beast
sounds like you're blaming the world cause you can't get laid
>This is the sexual behavior of chimps.
if this were true then you would be smart enough to get laid
men used to approach women
zoomers don't because they're always looking at their phones
who wouldn't desu? But many people don't even want to admit that's a thing.
replying to the wrong post?
how does that explain the difference?
I just upped my body count to 4. I'm fucking working on it alright? Sheesh.
its funny that you think you can compete with the hot guy she matched with on tinder just because you approached her irl lol
This is spammed every day. The spammers get btfo and delete their own thread as people point out that this is obvious propaganda to generate domestic terrorism.
yea its pretty obvious there is someone or a group of people posting these types of bait threads
Of course we would, and women would have cause to be upset about it. People like to stereotype incels as voluntarily lonely due to punching above their weight when in fact it's the opposite, they're not willing to punch well below their weight. The dating equivalent of a woman with a cute face, average education, average confidence, average skinnyfat body, wears makeup and spends little to no time at the gym is a 6'2 charismatic dude with a decent income, a strict diet and spends 10 hours a week at the gym.
>the dog walking autist at 19:35 that starts songing that song from Fallout 3 in the middle of NY on camera
Fucking based, if I were a girl I would unironically have sex with him
I think the word you're looking for is "unknown" which isn't the same as secret. Are you esl?
oh my fucking GOD no wonder no one wants to have sex with you
This is all an elaborate damage control operation for no-fault divorce. If marriage were restored people would get married and have kids. Our clueless elites messed up big time and they have no idea how to fix it so they're demonizing vulnerable people.
here comes the "sex is only for procreation" guy
Anne Frank would be pregnant if the Confederacy had won
Must be easy to argue when you just make up gibberish that has nothing to do with what I said.
look at all the virginity in this post
In which case they're not involuntarily celibate. This is a highly artificial term which makes no sense.
Marriage is a meme.
>me chest hair
>It's another "lets further demonize depressed young men because they say mean things about women" episode
God I fucking hate western society
most women won't actually turn you down if you approach them and aren't hideous, a manlet, or a sperg
please enlighten us on how to "restore" marriage.
and how delusionsal incels are being demonized.
No has mentioned Yea Forums yet. Yea Forums has created many incel autists. We literally have r9k and other pathetic incel gatherings.
It's 20%, retard
holy shit is this a joke HAHHAHAH
A society is built out of stable married heterosexual families. That is the only way to make a human society. We're not getting married, we're not having kids, we have nothing that would have been taken for granted in previous and iphoneless generations.
Lmao, I wanna pick him up, spin around a few times and throw him in the water.
>please explain how those people I am literally calling names in this same sentence are being demonized
welcome to the future
it's not
This purely a rant and nothing scientific or proven. Stay mad kissless virgin beta.
>90% of men got swiped left
I thought it was the 80/20 rule? LMAOOOOOO
i thought incels is what they called themselves
>calling names
These people identify as incels. What else would you call them?
its always worse than what you expect :)
So now you have herpes and a completely forgettable encounter with a stranger to whom you weren't attracted. And this solves what exactly? I'm no longer angry about neocon efforts to start another middle-eastern war because I have herpes?
Here’s something for you all: WOMEN DO NOT WANT YOU.
When you go on a dating app and see that you get three matches on a month with desperate obese old hags and bot accounts, just think about the thousands of women who saw you and your profile and said “eww, not him!”. Now think about what these dating apps actually are: they are a way to for women to choose men from the safety of their home behind a screen, with no physical presence from the men (who are much larger and more intimidating than women) and no social pressure from others (wow, she’s kind of a bitch for turning him down like that in front of everyone!). When women have no physical or social pressure, like is the case in online dating, you are not chosen.
Do you understand the implications? If women were free of all outside pressures to choose the men they really wanted, you would die alone as a virgin never even having had a conversation with a woman. You are UNWANTED by women. Stop saying that online dating “isn’t like how women are in real life”, that’s actually true, but it just means that online dating reflects their true desires that they can express without a man attacking them or other women calling them cunty. Let that marinate in your subhuman brains, you are fundamentally unwanted by ALL women.
Surely the slick propaganda effort wouldn't lie!
Indeed I am. Sorry, was meant for:
As opposed to ironically having sex with someone?
They call themselves everything you called them? Are you sure? Could it be that you're the one who's "delusional"?
Leftists controlling the mainstream media and postmodernist Marxists in the universities.
Is something wrong here? Just looks like if you went to a club and saw that of the several hundred people there, only a very small number of them are ones that you'd be interested in getting to know or date.
>tfw never had a tinder account
man, health class really scared you zoomers into never having sex
mystery solved
What do you call them? Virgins? It's accurate but not entirely the type of people we're discussing.
Indeed. Read "Days of Rage." Leftist domestic terrorism was normal and frequent in the 70s. Those people were never dealt with and now they're running our universities and some government bureaucracies.
you are too far gone if you think there is anything normal about those numbers. that is absolutely absurd.
still nothing and still the lowest it's probably ever been
Way to dodge the question. Say I have sex (which I have), what does that solve? Our elites don't know what they're doing.
>le leftist media boogeymen!
>made tinder
>got like five matches in a week
>all ghosted me
>swipe from time to time, no matches anymore
Either I’m shadowbanned or just got really lucky at the start.
Did you swipe right on everyone?
You keep talking about "people" as if they existed. These are voluntarily celibate young men angry that our society was broken by Marxists. If they're voluntarily celibate then how are they incels?
>tfw never even had a fb account
fucking idiot
sexual liberation, feminism, single motherhood, men not being taught what their role in society is because their role in society is being subverted etc.
that's a place where they gather, they're not created there retard
Fuck this is not what I needed today
i tried it for a day. it was filled with a bunch of fat girls or girls totally out of my league. matched with a bot and then just deleted it
Did you know Islamic terrorists killed 25+ people a few days ago in Somalia? No of course not
Dude, out of all the violent criminals very few are incels, like a handful, all the rest get laid.
ive seen these mask in gay porn
You guys haven't used Tinder either, have you?
Seriously, guy accounts probably look just as bad, there's a lot of horrible women you can just tell in the 2 sentences they post on their profile and they truly aren't worth anyone's time.
I'm surprised to learn that there is more than 25 people in Somalia.
>mfw 24:35 hits
>le alt-right incel boogeymen!
if you're approaching woman there isn't anything to "solve", ya fucking sperg
talking about herpes and the middle east out of nowhere lmao get a grip
who the fuck cares about somalia?
He's also a member of the Tribe so I don't know why his parents haven't just fixed him up with one of their Dentist/Lawyer/Doctor/Professor friend's daughters.
>bro im like a tinder pro
lmao get a load of this try hard
>womens problems are CLEARLY so much more important than men
Yea Forums didn't do shit to create those people lmao. They were already like that and then they found Yea Forums, a place with many others like them. And now you sick psycho cunts wanna go around calling us edge-of-suicide bottom of the totem pole losers INCEL and fuck with us even more. On our own site too. It's quite atrocious behavior.
okay smart guy if you were just trying to say "involuntary celibates don't actually exist" then yes you're right but we are simply using the name they have labelled themselves.
obviously incels don't actually exists its just a toxic mindset
incels are so cringe
>digital culture expert
Your will to have sex was broken by Marxists? Am I falling for a meme here? Someone else let me know if I should continue talking to this dude.
this is such a huge generalization of people. anyone who thinks this way clearly hasn't spoken to irl women before
imagine being that braindead idiot and teaching a class on virgin shitposting. lmao what the fuck is that
Made a tinder account before a fb account was necessary, it was like 90% fat black women 10% bots so I decided not to bother. Now I can't even go back because I don't have a fb account.
Blaming society is easy, but most incels have awful fucking social behavior and extreme expectations and that's what fucks them up. If you are an awful person, life won't be easy. I knew I was fucked up so I went to therapy, this help me extremely.
Girls fucking don't care if you watch weebshit or listen to post-avant-core dreamfunk, and the ones who do don't deserve you (this last part is key). Every date I've had know how fucking weeb and that didn't stopped me from fucking or having a gf.
If you're not putting some effort from your part, you deserve of the bad things that come your way.
t. I used to be /r9k/ incel.
>It's Obama's fault I can't get laid
The absolute state of 4channers
>just be a weeb and go to therapy bro
>3 years ago
>got drunk (by myself in my room)
>create tinder and take pictures of myself in front of mirror for my profile, because i had a new hoodie and thought i looked "cool" i guess
>don't even start swiping, because the thought of having to meet up IRL with a female
>delete tinder
Death to all roasties!
So, how do I cope with this? Kill myself?
this did the same last year, what of waste of time.
I matched with 2 bots deleted it fast.
Laugh all you want, I'll be watching my weeb shit and getting my dick suck on the regular.
Go to therapy user, it really helps.
Do incels really dress like this?
pretty sure you don't need an account
are you attractive?
you mean to tell me someone would go on the internet and just lie? whoa
>take pictures of myself in front of mirror
It's better you deleted it
believe it or not women actually care about your personality and it will be a big influence on whether they have feelings for you. online dating is a bad place to meet potential partners because its purely visual and if you aren't good looking you probably won't get matched, but thinking about dating this way is just a rationalization that demotivates you from trying.
talk to girls at work, get a dog and take him to the park and talk to girls there, develop a hobby and make friends. dating apps are not a good place to find an actual partner.
A generation of women who have uncritically emobodied the marketing campaigns of several industries and now think they are better than everyone else.
The guy with the dogs could probably get laid if he cut his hair and grew a beard
Not posting pics but I guess I'm a 6/10. A good fashion sense helps with self steam.
I have no reason to lie, believe if you want I don't care.
documentary about Emcels fucking when?
The problem is that incels are delusional and don't see how disgusting their own personalities are so they blame women and act like everyone's a shallow whore.
>We live in an age of hate crime
Yeah, never in the past has there been a worse time for hate crime than now
looks=personality. women are very shallow and superficial in every aspect in life. you're posting on Yea Forums and you don't think women have total shit taste in television in movies? for some reason people like you don't believe they are just as shallow and superficial with the men they go after too. it's really funny.
yeah so you're somewhat attractive, that's the only reason you get your "dick suck on the regular", therapy has nothing to do with it
Not him, but youre wrong. "Personality" is not something women look for. They like you, or they dont. Its mostly based on dominant masculine traits, coupled with the accompanying physical traits. In fact, most women are naturally drawn to the aloof, aggressive and completely cuntish men that disrespect them, make fun of them and make them feel like a sexual fuck puppet. Again, this behaviour is only coherent to the female brain, when the guy is a tall, athletic man with high facial symmetry and high-testosterone traits like gigantic jawline, big chest and big arms.
What youre referring to is something completely different. Women "like" men for long-term relationships, who are more feminine, more malleable and more "stable".
This duality in mating strategy is entirely hormonal. When women ovulate they seek out the dangerous, attractive men and when not hormonal they prefer the company of less masculine men aka "providers".
Echo chambers + victim culture + exploitation of social capital + lack of social mobility
+ general sense of futility and hopelessness driven by economic stagnation in lower classes
it works the same IRL too though, if you're not attractive then she won't get interested enough to talk to you. I know it's anecdotal evidence but when I go out I usually stick to myself or the friends I came with but the few times I tried to talk to other people I get weird looks or get laughed at before I had any chance to display my "personality"
what's the joke in your picture?
is it directed at me? not pissed, just curious
When's the last time you talked to one?
You get a boost to your visibility when you sign up, it's the same hook that phone games have
>t. Yea Forums
its fear, bro. fear is the driving force behind the desire to drop out of the social/sexual market. fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of reprisal, the list goes on.
you need to go outside and talk to real women before discussing the subject online
if you approached them normally and they laughed then it was a group of cunts you want no part of anyways
Picked a random pic. But formerly Chuck's.
>looks=personality. women are very shallow and superficial in every aspect in life.
some of them are, so are guys. going into the world with this mindset affects how you interact with people though and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. dont lean on this as a self defense mechanism and you might come across as less of an angry sperg.
>you're posting on Yea Forums and you don't think women have total shit taste in television in movies?
i think 95% of people in general have pretty bad taste so the gender gap is pretty irrelevant
>you need to go outside and talk to real women before discussing the subject online
its amusing how these people just have a handful of canned responses that they have to re-use over and over again. thank for proving you have nothing to say
>therapy has nothing to do with it
I'm still as physical attractive as I was before therapy, the only difference now is that I'm no longer a clingy, immature man child, no one want's to suck off guys like that.
>a handful of canned responses
So do you though.
>if you approached them normally and they laughed then it was a group of cunts you want no part of anyways
well I guess all women are cunts then
>if you approached them normally and they laughed then it was a group of cunts you want no part of anyways
THIS, when will incels learn!
>all women are just shallow
this doesn't need an argument, if you know real life women it would be obvious how wrong you are
this again, why can't people accept that everyone is different?
some people are cunts including women.
some aren't including women.
not everyone will be nice to you that's not how the world works
>going into the world with this mindset affects how you interact with people though and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
that is voodoo mind game bullshit. what do you do when you interact with a fat disgusting guy that repulses you at every level? are you saying you can't bury those feelings and interact with him anyway? sounds like you're just a mental cripple
I kinda expected that response. I was the "hot/popular" guy in highschool kid. I grew up in the 90s and early 00s and granted, the dating game has changed alot since I graduated highschool in 2007, but that doesnt change the fact that women are only interested in looks and your status. It changes gradually. In highschool looks are all that matters. Theyd fuck you, if your the janitor's son. Once women get to 20-21, they start prioritizing creating a soft harem of a few men that they could picture falling back onto in their late twenties as providers. These are the rich kids and the high-IQ achievers. Due to modern technology, urban anonymity and the pill, they spend their twenties fucking a different guy everytime they ovulate. Again, has nothing to do with "personality".
I banged the hottest girls in my highschool and I had alot of success in university (this was before tinder). I even was engaged briefly in 2015.
The truth is that once you see behind the curtain of the female brain, every ounce of romantic notions are dispelled immediately. You start becoming cynical and less playful, when engaging in casual conversation with women. Nowadays I even completely ignore women's advances or signs of interest completey. I treat them like men.
Dont get married boys.
don't be disgusting, how hard can that be?
why would anyone want to talk to some disgusting slob
>north irish guy seems normal
>writes weirdly violent songs as well
>mask guy accuses all women of being shallow
>catfishes them and calls them fat
>also is fat
that has nothing to do with what i'm talking about, are you 14 years old?
alright, boss
and you're right, but then don't pretend that shit like personality matters, it's stupid. All women like physically attractive men and if you're not you don't exist or are a nuisance to them. That's all there is to it, just admit it what you already know.
>this doesn't need an argument, if you know real life women it would be obvious how wrong you are
bro women are so deep lmao
Catfish man was cringe
Second guy was cute and based
i mean yeah, if you are fat and disgusting you should probably do something to improve that instead of blaming women for not wanting to fuck you. all im saying is that attitude and personality are huge influencing factors too, and if you interact with women with the assumption that theyre shallow dumb bitches, that is going to make you act and speak in ways that are also unattractive to them.
It’s your personality, brah
> All women like physically attractive men
And all men like physically attractive women. This doesn't change a thing.
Chads and Stacies work together because they're both vapid cunts.
Personality isn't just making people laugh and stuff, it also means having emotional stability, being mature and all that shit.
my point went completely over your head and you turned it into "don't be fat and disgusting." i'm not, can you even read?
Keep believing in charts and statistics. How far has that gotten you?
>And all men like physically attractive women. This doesn't change a thing.
I didn't say it was any different. But there you go again with your personality bullshit
Wrong. You simply dont get it. Women like strong DOMINANT MEN, who are attractive. These men tend to be assertive and maybe even a tad arrogant/cuntish.
Men prefer YOUNG, feminine and submissive women that would make great mothers, aka virgins and nurturing personalities. BOYS want the baloon tits porn star bimbo.
You have to pay in order to actually get meaningful matches. Tinder withholds all of your matches and only occasionally just drops one out to keep you hooked.
Personally I've had 11 matches, about half didn't respond to the first text (i made an effort, it wasn't just "hey"), the few of them that did respond just didn't lead anywhere and there's this one girl from another town that I've added on Instagram, we occasionally text and like each others' photos but that's it. She's far away and honestly doesn't look like she's worth the effort.
Just my two cents.
social media, girls have acces to the chad of the world so its harder for the regular local guys
>Wrong. You simply dont get it. Women like strong DOMINANT MEN, who are attractive. These men tend to be assertive and maybe even a tad arrogant/cuntish.
this is just a generalization. of course being attractive helps but women like a huge range of qualities in guys. i have a female friend that can basically only date meek, quiet guys who do whatever she wants because shes such a type A personality and needs to be in charge.
> my history doesnt change the fact that women are only interested in looks and your status.
your history doesn't define all women. if you were the hot/popular guy then obviously more cunts would be into you
>Once women get to 20-21, they start prioritizing creating a soft harem of a few men that they could picture falling back onto in their late twenties
everybody does this when looking for a partner. except the "provider" part that's again just your experience, there are plenty of women who want to provide for themselves
>Due to modern technology, urban anonymity and the pill, they spend their twenties fucking a different guy everytime they ovulate.
you say this like it's a bad thing, why shouldn't women decide who they fuck?
>Again, has nothing to do with "personality".
nothing you have said proves that. every woman I've been with enjoys me for my personality, not my looks. I'm no looker
>The truth is
you don't know the truth. you have given up on romantic notions and if that works for you then more power to ya. but treating women like "men" I'm assuming means you treat them as human beings and not fuckdolls. once you treat them like living breathing people you can actually get to know them
>All women like physically attractive men
newsflash, attractiveness is subjective
this is the "personality detector" argument. if you want to go down that road you need to then accept the fact a lot of women get abused by the men they are picking. this idea that only the perfect stable men get in relationships is ridiculous, if that were the case domestic violence wouldn't exist.
humans are deep, men and women, is this so hard to comprehend?
>i have a female friend that can basically only date meek, quiet guys who do whatever she wants because shes such a type A personality and needs to be in charge.
Anecdotal evidence firstly and any man with experience with women can tell you that if she ever met a real man who settle for/with her, shed go from "type A in charge" to "yes babe, whatever you say" in a heartbeat. Seen it a million times and done it a million times.
>this is just a generalization.
Were talking about trends here. Women are biologically attracted to strong men. Strong men are dominant by nature, either actively or passively.
It's not bullshit user. For me, it was the way to finally stop being a unfuckable virgin.
Don't be afraid of change.
Reminder: if you haven’t made it by your mid 20s you probably never will
>still believing in humans
good goy. good commie
This but unironically.
Fucking kek
Final redpill
instathots are deep?
Imagine thinking half the people in the world aren't human and are worth killing. You need inception levels of cope to have this outlook. This guy is fucking loser who is obsessed with what good looking girls do but doesn't see the irony when he harasses random girls for being attracted to guys on Tinder. It's like their mommy told them everyone is equal and nature is fair, get real, you need to work hard if you're not gifted.
they’ll call you an incel for this, but most of this is pretty accurate, especially the last two paragraphs
approaching women is rape now though
>only the perfect stable men get in relationships
I'm not saying that. Fucked up men and women exist, and sometimes they meet and have fucked up relationships. The more emotionally stable you are, the less are the chances of being in a fucked up relationship or having a disgusting partner.
wow my heart
>your history doesn't define all women.
Youre right. Women's widely described, studied and analyzed behaviour, defines all women.
>everybody does this when looking for a partner. except the "provider" part that's again just your experience, there are plenty of women who want to provide for themselves
Wrong. Most women end their careers the second their career makes them meet a guy higher up the ladder. Then they start following their instincts as baby factories and give it all up. Again, studies, statistics and also persnal experience.
>you say this like it's a bad thing, why shouldn't women decide who they fuck?
When did I say otherwise? Im simply making a point to prove you wrong princess. Men care about personality, women dont.
>nothing you have said proves that. every woman I've been with enjoys me for my personality, not my looks. I'm no looker
Anecdotal evidence, irrelevant. And just fyi, being tall, despite being facially not conventionally attractive = attractive.
>you don't know the truth. you have given up on romantic notions and if that works for you then more power to ya. but treating women like "men" I'm assuming means you treat them as human beings and not fuckdolls. once you treat them like living breathing people you can actually get to know them
Women are all the same. Ive met so many "unique", "different", "independent", "free-spirited" girls in my life and at the end of the day, theyre all the same. All they care about is showing off their boyfriend to their social frenemies, getting fucked well by a tall, strong guy and being together with a financially stable provider in the long run.
yes, everyone is.
the problem is most people do not know how to communicate their feelings these days, especially online.
I'm not saying some instathot is your perfect girl but it's definitely possible
True, but nobody wants to admit they're plain cowards. Just blame society and shit. The vaguer the better.
Attractiveness is NOT subjective. Everyone, across cultures, agrees on who are the most attractive and who are the least attractive. What you are saying is contrary to all scientific evidence on the matter.
I have empathy for incels but even i have to say this was pretty funny
Imagine posting this still in 2019 and chuckling to yourself about it.
honestly the biggest problem is a generation of boys grew up watching tv/movies/anime where the protagonist always gets the girl of his dreams because she likes him for him without the need to actually do anything. you are the protagonist of your own life and you feel like this should just happen to you, but real life doesnt work that way.
get a haircut, get some sun, buy clothes that fit and look good on you, practice good skin care, brush your teeth, and make sure you smell good. also dont act like a sperg. these help enormously.
also you need to stop being obsessed with cute girls and focus on finding someone who shares your interests and would be a good partner. dont go on dates are talk to girls just to get laid. find common ground.
so if they have fucked up personalities, what are they attracted to? hmmm. the more you get into this the more you realize it's just about looks.
not entirely, but yes pretty obviously it does
>you have autism user
>proceeds to created a detailed, lengthy post defining something
Good advice until:
>focus on finding someone who shares your interests
"Going out" and social media are the only things 99.9% of women care about.
You could say the same about men, and why does it matter, were designed by nature to pick the best mates. People that expect everyone to ignore someone's appearance are delusional. Stop being this butthurt and better yourself.
I do it all the time. I'll have a women in the piledriver position and as I ram into her I'll scream at her face "YOU'RE REALLY FUCKING YOURSELF", then I pull a mac10 out from under the sofa cushion I'd stashed earlier and start firing rounds into her Ikea and 80's nostalgia shit. They always get what I'm going for and never file charges.
Im Jack's seething shitpost.
This is literally the opposite of what’s happening and it’s a just so story you just made up.
The reality is the rise in sexlessness among men started in 2008, exactly when the iPhone and social media became popular. Coincidentally fewer men are getting sex when access to sex is easier than ever, and you blame men not getting sun.
>"Going out" and social media are the only things 99.9% of women care about.
this isnt true at all
there are weeb girls and girls who like video games. get a hobby or join a group where you can meet them. there arent a ton of girls who are right wing spergs though so maybe save some of that for like the 4th date.
Also it's comical how a board that worships the top percentile of beautiful women that there are people that defend incels hating women for being attracted to better looking guys. LoL
>also you need to stop being obsessed with cute girls and
endure the horror of fucking a landwhale?
Have you SEEN women nowadays? They're either thin and attractive, meaning they're taken, or they've inflated.
I lost it after seeing Eggman, the guy can't catch a break. Did they do any actual research on this?
who let the feminist in?
Men have too high expectations due to internet porn or whatever. If you are a 3/10 then guess what you should be fucking fat girls.
>women are shallow whores who only like chads!
>what, you want me to date a girl who isnt a 10/10 cutie?
fucks sake user
>Youre right. Women's widely described, studied and analyzed behaviour, defines all women.
it defines a generalization, not like any of these things support what you are saying anyways
>Wrong. Most women end their careers the second their career makes them meet a guy higher up the ladder. Then they start following their instincts as baby factories and give it all up.
Wrong. more and more women opt not to marry and provide for themselves, studies, statistics and also personal experience.
>Im simply making a point to prove you wrong princess. Men care about personality, women dont.
you aren't making any points, just saying your poorly informed opinions over and over.
men are much more inclined to judge physically btw, not that it should demonize them but your opinion is again factually wrong
>I have no points but being tall is attractive.
you think being tall is attractive sure but not everyone will agree or even want that. I'm short and chicks just don't fucking care
>Women are all the same.
this just proves you know jack shit about women, you need to go outside and stop with your fantasy
Responding insecurities.
For example, a insecure woman and an clingy, over validating man. Of course, because she's insecure she would like her validation come from a attractive men, but that's just her insecurity showing up. It can happen just the same with insecure men and hot women.
>there are weeb girls and girls who like video games.
Video games arent hobbies.
>get a hobby or join a group where you can meet them.
First of all, Im not in need of advice, I was merely correcting your naivety. That being said, my hobbies are male spaces. So again, terrible advice.
The only chance to meet a decent woman nowadays is through friends, which for incels is a nono. The other way, which I would not recommend is to look at elite dating websites, but most incels arent "elite".
I tried the therapy thing, it's bullshit. I know what my issues are, I know what they stem from, and I know these issues are not solvable bar literal divine intervention.
and one day, for no reason at all, people grew to hate them
>tfw turn 26 in two months
>Video games arent hobbies.
they arent good hobbies for getting laid, but they are hobbies
>That being said, my hobbies are male spaces. So again, terrible advice.
then get hobbies that arent. its not hard.
go take a creative writing course at a community college or something. that shit will be at least 75% women.
I'm short, foreign, and my face is not symmetrical for shit.
yet I've been with multiple women in my life who found me attractive.
scientifically explain how a "manlet" like me and my friends get some if attractiveness is as black and white like you say
Another 300+ reply thread about on Yea Forums where male virgins discuss the true nature of women
It took me 3.5 years of therapy to finally feel comfortable in my own body.
Don't give up user.
Yea Forums, Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit.
the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
>you are the protagonist of your own life
yeah and that's the fucking problem because it feels like I'm having a "the author of all your pain"-tier villain lying somewhere. Sometimes I lie in bed and I just can't believe how fucking unlucky I am. I know I could be paraplegic but somehow all my negative traits that I can't fix outweight some super rare disease in terms of odds.
>not like any of these things support what you are saying anyways
According to statistics, studies and general sexual psycology, it does sweatheart.
>Wrong. more and more women opt not to marry and provide for themselves, studies, statistics and also personal experience.
Wrong. Providing for themselves is not having a career you dunce. Were talking about career women. Everyone has to "provide for themselves". Either youre wilfully misinterpreting my words, or completely ignorant as to what Im referring to as "provider".
>you aren't making any points, just saying your poorly informed opinions over and over.
men are much more inclined to judge physically btw, not that it should demonize them but your opinion is again factually wrong
I am actually. Im just not posting the sources, the studies etc, since it would be a massive waste of time, given that youd just say "FAKE NEWS" or some other inane drivel to deflect from your childish notions on women.
>you think being tall is attractive sure but not everyone will agree or even want that. I'm short and chicks just don't fucking care
Are we talking about women, or manatees?
>this just proves you know jack shit about women, you need to go outside and stop with your fantasy
If you say so sport. At the end of the day youre here and Im here. Im here to talk about film and give the younger guys some insights in women's sexuality.
Youre here spewing falsehoods and just repeating the same nonsense over and over.
Dont (you) me again.
Oof, good Ikea call
pretty much this.
boys who don't end up being the main character of their own story are lashing out thinking they deserve some cute girl written into their lives
>get a haircut, get some sun, buy clothes that fit and look good on you, practice good skin care, brush your teeth, and make sure you smell good. also dont act like a sperg. these help enormously.
typical meme advice from a fellow incel
if incels want real advice, it's stop shitposting all day, get a job, become financially independent, and after all that, ask out women
none of you want to do that, though
What youre describing isnt a hobby. Its a course/seminar and again, terrible advice.
how could I ever be comfortable in my own body if I hate every single thing about it? Just accept it? Fuck that, I only have one life and it was already ruined before puberty.
I’m sure I’m not the only guy ITT who has a distaste for modern women because of too MUCH experience dealing with their bullshit.
and I feel bad for the virgins and try not to antagonize them since they already have been dealt a shit hand.
Why are you only talking in binary extremes?
Women can endure ugly men because they might have something else to offer. Women have so much literary porn because they're not as visually minded as men. Wallet, property, humour, interests, looks
What do women offer? Not money, not property, not interests, women are not funny, so all they have is looks. I don't exclusively require a 10/10 cutie, but I would like to not be physically repulsed when I look at my options
>get a haircut, get some sun, buy clothes that fit and look good on you, practice good skin care, brush your teeth, and make sure you smell good
you can't really mean that, right?
>Dont (you) me again.
you sound like a major fucking creep
ignore everyone that says that, they're just trying to get a rise out of you. its a meme
>don’t act like a sperg
that is probably a big issue because many of them do actually have aspergers/autism etc. and you still like to shit on them all the time and rub salt in the wound.
its less about it being a true hobby and more about having some kind of structured environment to meet people. hobbies just help because it gives you something to talk about and some implied common ground to start with which makes it a lot easier for guys who arent outgoing.
i dont care if you think its bad advice, you literally cant meet people unless you have activities out in the world. its where you start. meeting people through friends or work is always more ideal but it wont happen for everyone.
It's not a tinder pro thing, it's that the people on tinder are literal goblins.
women are either fat asses or they're average+ and they can easily get a guy better than you thanks to tinder and online dating. you're fucked.
>What do women offer? Not money, not property, not interests, women are not funny, so all they have is looks.
if you approach women this way you cant be butthurt if they dismiss you because youre ugly. if you literally dont like talking to women or cant value a friendship with women you are never going to have a girlfriend.
>I won't post sources cause i have none just trust me im right!
>um um career and provider is vocabulary
women choose to be single and provide for themselves all the time, even having kids alone
>yer gonna say my sources are wrong so i just wont post them!
what are you even doing here
you just hate women huh? this is all just mental gymnastics to justify your hate for women
>Im here to talk about film and give the younger guys some insights in women's sexuality.
but you need to talk to a woman or at least get laid first user
What the fuck is even a hobby? You're not the first user to write about that ITT, do people really gather around IRL for a specific thing they like to do? Can I get some exemples because I've never heard of that.
if you really actually want to get laid, you should find a fat chick and fuck her. it’ll be much easier to do and then you won’t be a virgin anymore and can stop worrying about that big hurdle and gain confidence that you can get laid and work your way up the fatty and uggo ladder until you deserve to fuck an actual cute girl.
We've ended up more like the behavior of bonobos, our other close relatives. Chimp betas rape and use force to take mates, to compensate for females not selecting them. Bonobo betas orbit the females but remain sexless, so a much smaller proportion of bonobo males successfully reproduce.
>you can't really mean that, right?
100% sincere and serious
I'm no therapist so I don't really know how I can help you, but maybe try another on. It took 3 therapist for me to find one that actually understood me.
Even if you fuck and have a gf and all that shit, the person you spend the most time with is yourself, a 1000 dick sucks wont make you feel better.
For me, it work getting to really know myself, and felling comfortable being alone (I still hate feeleing lonely tho), for you maybe it's something else.
Just keep trying user. I believe there's a way.
this hobby thing is nonsense, i'm living proof of that. i play an instrument, which a lot of people consider a 'good' hobby. i don't just sit in my room and play, i go out because i play in a couple bands around my city and make some extra cash. women do not care, i have never been approached by one to talk about music or anything, you do not get attention for this kind of stuff unless you are attractive or famous.
hobbies are bs
i mean its not always going to be a direct thing where some girls walks up to you and says "oh I saw you playing guitar, would you like to have sex with me?" if youre in bands i assume youve made some friends who you can socialize with and meet women through. thats honestly the most important thing.
Not him but my hobbies are playing live music in a band and doing movie extra work. I get paid for both and meet all kinds of people doing so. I don't quite have my shit together, though (still live with my parents which makes me really insecure and secretive about my personal life) so I don't go beyond small talk, but I certainly meet gf material at them.
having hobbies doesn't guarantee interaction, you still need to put in the effort and talk to a woman.
having a hobby gives you something to talk about, its a tool you use not a free pass to pussy