There has never been a worse character in an otherwise good TV show

I'm re-watching BB on its entirety and I'm being reminded of how much I hate everything about her. Her attitude, her negativity, her plotlines, her lack of character development, the sour-faced passive-aggressive behavior, and just the writers' overall hacky 00s HBO "look mom! we're a grown up drama!" decision of making us endure the family and personal bullshit of a criminal mastermind as if that made this horseshit highbrow.

And I even hate her stupid height. Fuck anyone who pretends this doesn't botter them. It's weird watching this awkward-looking hole and her punchable face tower over everyone in the series. Does Vince have a fetish for amazon women? Why not get a normal-sized actress that can convey the weakness and impotence of the character through body language, instead of Fabricio Werdum here looking like she can physically beat every male character in the show? Fuck this cunt reee

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Have you seen Sully?

>You'll hate it.

Not so fast

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Funny you have an issue with the one strong female character of the show, when every male in it is human garbage. Something tells me you are an incel.

After a rewatch I hated her much less, Walt was a bigger cunt and downright diabolical at times. Skyler never snitched, even when Hank gave her an out.


Reminder that Skyler did (almost) nothing wrong

Not even the worst woman of the show. Marie was literally insane.

lmao, 2nd run on breaking bad and u think u grasp this show.

you need more runs. everyone loves walter first time they see this show, then they start to understand more. by the time you hit third or fourth time watching this show you'll let go of this bandwagon hate of skyler and appreciate her realism

but until then i guess ur just gonna root for walter lmao

TL;DR go back to watching vampire diaries

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I think she's a great character. I hate her, but it's because she's well written and usually well acted. She's an important aspect of the show, because Walt, for all his problems, does love his family. He is playing the drug game for himself, and he may have partially gotten involved for himself, but it was initially because he wanted to provide for his family. That's where the idea came from. Skyler's pregnancy just helped to raise the stakes for both her and Walt, which is why her smoking was such an important plot point. Walt felt like he was sacrificing and putting himself and even his family at risk in order to put them in a better financial situation, and then part of the family he is trying to protect is self-destruction, partially due to her own character flaws, but primarily triggered by the stress his lies put on the family.

for me it's hank

this, on a second watch I actually came to understand her motivations and hate her a little less
she just acts like a woman would

And that Lydia bitch. She was blood thirsty as well as skittish. Fuck did Gus get her involved for?

All way worse:
>Fucking Marie
>Shannon from Lost
>1/4 of the side characters in Game of Thrones
>Vee Parker
>Gillian Darmody
I could put effort into thinking of more but Skyler is sympathetic compared to these shitheads. Sure "I fucked Ted" was a massive cunt move but let's stop pretending she didn't have a reason to be mad at Walt, all of her other decisions were completely reasonable.

This, I rewatched and paid special attention to see what was up, and Skyler is genuinely a far better character (and person) than lots of people giver her credit for. A lot of her hate is just retarded kids angry that their cool wish fulfillment character gets pushback

my only gripes with her is that she didn't listen to the divorce lawyer, turn walter in, or cooperate with hank

>Skyler never snitched
less admirable in the context of her constant whining and crying about how evil walt is. pick a fucking side already

>when every male in it is human garbage
Jesse was garbage but not really a bad person, just fucking stupid. I hated him the first time I watched the show but realized how much of a victim he was the second time around, even if he was a stupid fuck from the start.

Attia of the Julii

Shitty bait, Carmela had some of the best scenes in the show

>this character actually is not bad morally so I automatically like them that's all it takes :^)
Imagine actually absorbing media and art like this lmao. You have the mind of children.

Atia was a massive cunt but at least she was funny.

What did she do to ted?

Snitching is for faggots. Even dumb white women know this more than you. Why didn't she snitch on Hank for smoking Cuban cigars.

dont talk shit about my waifu

Carmela was great.

>rewatching breaking bad

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>Snitching is for faggots
She was concerned about keeping the family intact but Tuco visited, the Salamanca twins wandered through the house, and Jesse poured gasoline in her living room. She was jeopardizing her children which contradicted her intentions.

Effing sucked him

Yeah I hate her. She's realistic and objectively not a horrible person, but if she were my wife I'd have killed her for sure.

She could have just left without saying anything, but you do raise some decent points. She wouldn't necessarily have been safe even if she moved across the country. Fuck Hank though

>Fuck Hank though
somewhat agree because he violated constitutional amendments by bugging gus' car without a warrant, assaulted jesse, and tried to get in the RV

Peggy Hill

Sounds like you just hate women desu. Not even memeing.

I think she was part of the international distribution front, Gus didn't have much choice over her being involved, she was the representative for the higher ups in the company who knew about the meth dealing

That was another aspect of Walts corruption affecting those around him, Hank gets drawn into skirting the law due to the situations Walt creates

a victim of his own stupidity. he was the worst, right next to the OP's cunt. hated both of these shitbags.

Exactly, his whole character was supposed to exemplify all the corruption and hypocrisy the US govt is guilty of through the continuation of the war on drugs. He would have been a shallow character if he were 100% morally correct in all of his actions, the viewer isn't supposed to side with him. He was a total jerkoff, he got his klepto bitch wife off the hook multiple times and didn't actually have any respect for the law. He was just a fat self righteous lapdog working for the people responsible for the cartel's entire existence.

He was fucking dumb as a brick but might have been able to turn his life around if he never met Walt and spent some time on probation instead. His asshole baby boomer parents were the ones who put him in the position he was in when Walt found him.

if walter had a latino chick she'd be on board for everything 100%
ride-or-die doesn't mean you're a doormat. it just means you're there as a partner

Walt didn't make him buy illegal contraband or force him to marry a retarded histrionic thief. Fuck Hank

I hate Jesse, I hate his stupid little adventures, I hate his gf. I wish the show was completely devoid of any of his scenes outside of actually cooking.

never quite thought of it like that
good posts anons

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>if walter had a latino chick she'd be on board for everything 100%
Well she would have been retarded, because they have kids.

Carmela is a horrible bitch but a great character
Skylar is just a cunt

>and appreciate her realism
Actually her character is very fake and artificial.

Truth is, lots of people will have regrets and moral dilemmas in their lives, few people will not learn to live with them after a while. The human condition is like that: regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in, we still get used to it, and we learn to find joy, bonding, laughter, pleasure and self-acceptance in it because these are just basic psychological needs. Read memoirs of the most challenging and soul-crushing experiences a person can endure, from war to poverty to prison, where people often have to do terrible things for survival, and you'll still see people being human despite everything. Nobody can just look sad and miserable all the time because their situation is a tough one, we *need* good things in our lives so we learn to find them even in the biggest piles of trash that life can throw at us.

Walt does that pretty well, as he goes from A to B in his story he always rationalizes, internalizes, and adapt. But at every turn of that we find monotone Skyler on the same place, with her arms crossed shaking her head in disapproval. It's artificial. It's a contrived way to give the story a fixed moral compass. If she were a realistic character, she'd either panic and rat on Walt after a while or she'd eventually accept her condition and get over her moral qualms, learn to live with it, because nobody can live with constant guilt, fear and regret. A way more interesting development would be to see her rewiring her entire psyche out of acceptance and learning to support Walt's criminal enterprise as a coping mechanism, enjoy the money, enjoy luxuries, become morally corrupted herself as most people would. But we never anything along those lines because she's basically stuck in time.

Lori was infinitely worse

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>all this bullshit
that faggot would've ended up in jail, then still met some druggie cunt he wanted to pity, then dead. his inability to get past the simplest shit was on him. at least he had a sibling. ppl with less easily get past more.

I tried a rewatch and had to stop. So many meandering episodes, nearly everything involving skylar or walter jnr ranges from annoying to office tier cringe

Jane was a fucking asshole, I agree. He tempted her into relapsing but I am glad Walt let her dumb ass die. If it weren't Jesse it would have been something else because she carried around that stupid little coin like the rehab monkey she was.

>gets mad at Tony
>shrugs it off when he gives her jewelry
>Skylar constantly complains but makes no attempt to change the situation
>both are complicit to mass murderers
honestly don't know which is worse

Probably Carmela because she liked Tony because he was a gangster instead of despite it.

you are like a little baby

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>his inability to get past the simplest shit
Being literally retarded and kicked out in his early 20s isn't really "simple", and his parents had the balls to undermine the time he spent caring for his aunt. Yes he was stupid but 20-25 year olds don't usually tend to be ready for self sufficiency when they were raised by boomer cunts and grew up in a town knee deep in tweakers and Mexicans. He was making money the best way he knew how and Walt made it 10 times worse by dragging him into his Scarface fantasy.

Carmela is worse imo even though I think she is a more interesting and well written character. She is fucked in the head from Catholicism and avarice, she nearly had an affair with a fucking priest, she fetishized the life of crime and leisure while complaining about it through her teeth, telling people how guilty it made her feel all the time. Skylar was more or less just torn with her decisions because she signed up for a normal family life with a chemistry teacher, Carmella knew exactly what she had gotten into from the start.

Meth dealing == bad

You do not need to be smart to see this simple fact.

>literally retarded
no, he chose to be retarded, retard. stop arguing for a lost cause like jesse faggot pinkfuckboi. he should've grown up poor, been beaten daily, THEN been tossed out on his ass with no regard for anything he ever did "right." no one gives a single fuck about zeros like this except pityfags like you. walt made it even easier for him to leave the shitlife behind and do nothing but better himself until the day he died. you wish you had such an opportunity to take advantage of.

I don't think anyone argued that it was good.

Skyler was literally 100% right, Walter is a faggot

I am not a particularly compassionate person, I am just able to watch the show without projecting some ill-conceived bootstraps nonsense onto a character that actually has some narrative value.

Hold it right there

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no, i'm not a compassionate faggot who invents bright futures for those bathed in supreme idiocy and an eager lack of responsibility. jesse had no value except of the comedic variety, and even that was brief.

I think she was a well-written character portrayed by a dogshit actress. guarantee if they went with a better actress, nobody would hate Skylar

Not even half-way right. I hated so much about Skylar, I can't recall liking even a single thing.

I found it particularly amusing that she constantly treats Marie with condescension and puts on this air of superiority around her like she’s such a better person, but when Hank goes through a bit of rough patch, Marie never stops supporting him and doesn’t hawk on his judgement every 5 seconds. Meanwhile, when Walt so much as spends more than 10 minutes on the toilet, Skyler flies in to an autistic rage and immediately feels compelled to grill her husband about what he is doing in there.

She more than anybody is responsible for pushing Walt in to a mid-life crisis and ultimately a life of crime. She never had any respect for him. Slinging meth was only time he tasted any sort of freedom and power in his life.

>thinks Skylar gave Walt cancer
>thinks Walt dindu nuffin

>Walt's cancer
think it was the chemistry or a natural incident? was part of his resentment towards grey matter from partially blaming them for his illness?

It was the car wash dumbass. Being a salty little bitch doesn't cause lung cancer

he was handling a bunch of chemicals as a scientist though

The school provided him and all the students with protective masks, the ones he stole.


Skylar is a purposefully annoying character who is acted to perfection. She radiates bitchyness, which is the whole point. But this bitch. Oh fuck, this bitch. She just can’t act, at all. She singlehandedly ruined the last season of House through her pure incompetence. I literally would prefer her lines to be deliver via TTS than to hear her open her mouth one more time. Cut this one character, and the season goes from unwatchable, to a solid 8. How the fuck can you fuck up casting this bad.

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It's the girl from Mike Tyson's mysteries!

>No mention of Vic's wife from The Shield
you are like a little baby

>Hank was human garbage

I hope what you mean Peggy is a bad person, but not a bad character. Peggy is an absolutely god tier character writing-wise. She was intentionally designed to be a cunt, and Mike Judge has outright admitted you aren’t supposed to like her.

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Absolutely, the only ones worse than him were Hector and Meth Damon. Hank was the poster boy for piggy police.

Hank was most certainly a dickhole. The only reason why you don’t notice is because he’s also funny.

Dexters Sister morgan was the absolute worst of the worst

she was on it eventually. didn't she set up his whole money laundering/storage operation?

>the absolute worst of the worst
like that opinion. not even giving you your (you), (faggot)

Tuco is the most despicable person in the show by a long shot, it ain’t even arguable. Everyone else more or less kills out of necessity, Tuco is a big retarded baby that kills and tortures people because he enjoys it.

one could argue the twins were possibly worse because they weren't even drug users or have any apparent mental illness

they were based. imagine a world full of people who grew up the way they did.


Assuming Hector contributed to Tuco's mental illness I would still say he was worse. Tuco never stood a chance. I personally felt he had one sympathetic moment when he started crying about not being able to trust anybody. He was clearly mentally fucked for most of his life

yeah but Tuco can see the future, you know? it's this gift that he has, deep inside his head
could walter do that? could hank do that, huh?

Sally from season 1 of “Barry” was almost Skyler levels of awful, but unlike Breaking Bad, they rebounded the hell out of her in season 2 and made her oddly likable. BB doubled down on Skyler being a bitch. I guess kudos to Bill Hader for not just making Sally go down the bitch rabbit hole.

>everyone loves Walter
I don’t, Walter is clearly a self destructive piece of shit that brings everyone down with him.

The hero of Breaking Bad is Hank. It’s always been Hank. He’s as based as you get.
>The way he resets himself during his shootout with Tuco

She says 'somebody has to protect this family from the man who protects this family!' And then she proceeds to do jack shit. She is idolized because she talks a good game, but she is all talk. For people who can see somebody for their actions, and not just what they say she is detestable.

Carmela’s great. Even wanted more kids.

>smokes while pregnant