inspired by another post here, I'm gonna get Sneed popular on twitter so all the fags saying it'll die btfo. Next time I post sneed will be popular on social media
Inspired by another post here, I'm gonna get Sneed popular on twitter so all the fags saying it'll die btfo...
No you fucking retard. Sneed isn't for normies
god speed. i hope the sneedfag menace is defeated so they stop shitting up every single thread of every single board. they might as well be homostuck or MLP fans with as much off topic shitposting they do.
but it is far too stupid and autistic for it to catch on for the norms.
>god speed
god sneed
if any generation would like Sneed. It'd be this post irony zoomer generation. Bruh Moment and all those things that are unfunny are considered funny because of repetition, like Sneed.
So "normies" have better taste than Sneedposters? This meme is garbage.
Sneed has been forced more than t b h or s o y b o y why are the mods not doing anything
they and gookmoot dont care. as long as the data is obtained the products can post whatever they want. There is a reason since that slope took over Yea Forums has devolved in to Yea Forums 2.0 across the board.
twitter pea brains won't grasp the concept of sneed it's too complex for them
>you dont think its funny?! thats because you stupid haha!
Put your penis inside of a vagina/anus.
You gotta start it on Reddit and 9gag first.
t. brainlet
wow simpson fags finally cracked the code good luck on getting it popular though
Have sneed
If you have a meme account on instagram with many followers, it could work
kek might work
>make sneed popular with normies
>then make it an evil nazi meme according to CNN just in time for 2020
>sneed promotes rural lifestyle closely associated with DRUMPF voters
making to it easy
Sneed is plebbit
Spam it through hashtags, this is one of the post I found under hashtag #sneed
And red hats.
>putting sneed into the normiesphere, increasing it's power level
Janny trannies fear the Sneed
>only one like
sneed is reddit, reddit = normie shit
kill yourself
OP is the false-flagging reddit tranny trying to kill sneed