I don't get why anybody would watch this show.
whats the appeal?
I don't get why anybody would watch this show.
whats the appeal?
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Boom Howard
Google "Basement Dale"+Archiveofourown
Its like Sneed but ironically
>doesn’t get why people watch it
It’s a smarter version of the simpsons, basically making fun of Americans and how foreigners think of Americans.
dont expect a joke a minute comedy like family guy or south park, its basically not even a cartoon
You have to be a boomer.
For the propane and propane accessories, silly.
guys i dont get the whole image format thing. should i ask hank about it? perhaps he knows about a lot about that topic.
It was different than other cartoons. And I think people like us still remember it because of videos like this
KotH makes fun of everybody.
do I look like I know what a jaypehg is?
>You don't know who I am, but I know where you live and you better cut it out if you know what's good for you. Oh, and Hank, we changed that tee-off time to 3:00.
I'll tell you hwat
first post boom post
>dang ... ol ... mega ... lo ... mart ... talkin bout ... dang ol ... boom!
Its an animated show thats not vulgar. Not too many of those around.
I watched it during the original run. It was pretty good desu. Everyone I've met who absolutely adores the show and watches it regularly is pretty low IQ, though.
genius kino and perfect pleb filter
if you don't get it you're a phone-addicted zoomer and/or have
I have a 137 iq and I adore the show and watch it regularly
Well I guess I haven't met you then. Just being honest.
for me it's Ted Wassanasong
I showed KoTH to my zoomer niece 5 years ago and even she likes it. Its just a good show
>whats the appeal?
That's such an entitled young adult phrase.
You mean San Wasanasan?
It's for adults who can relate to adult problems
I'm blowing through the show and am actually cracking up. Watched tons of it as a kid and causally watched as I grew up. Now at 27 I finally have most of the library at my access