What went wrong?
What went wrong?
LiSneed Sneedson (Formely Lisa Simpson if Simosn Family)
im not gonna say it
Vegetarian and Buddhist
episode 5 of 11th season
too much feed and seed
I Am Chuck
She got raped mercilessly by Peter and Brian when the Griffins were staying with the Simpsons and she became an SJW cunt to feel some sort of semblance of power after being violated in all 8 holes for hours on end.
Everything. She was always an insufferable cunt even in the earlier seasons when she had a smidgen of humility and thoughtfulness for people with different opinions instead of being a mouthpiece for left-wing self-righteousness.
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Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:44:28 No.118175725▶What went wrong?
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:45:26 No.118175758▶
(OP) #
LiSneed Sneedson (Formely Lisa Simpson if Simosn Family)
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:45:29 No.118175760▶
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:45:48 No.118175769▶
im not gonna say it
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:45:48 No.118175770▶
Vegetarian and Buddhist
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:46:00 No.118175779▶
episode 5 of 11th season
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:46:27 No.118175796▶
too much feed and seed
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)08:47:05 No.118175817▶
I Am Chuck
>voice actress is a selfish bitch that wanted to be paid the same as the other VA’s despite only voicing Lisa
>political mouthpiece for the writers
>her cunny not on my face
Also sneed.
>Yea Forums has reasonable amount of Simpsons threads
>autists invent “sneedposting” with their announced goal to “drive Simpsons threads back to Yea Forums where they belong”
>actually accomplish this goal, only Simpsons threads made unironically are made on Yea Forums, no unironic Simpsons threads left on Yea Forums
>sneedposters however, can’t let go
>first start sneedposting in literally every thread they can find, even if it has literally nothing to do with the Simpsons
>get shit for it because it proves their just autistic spammers who don’t care about “proper board discussion” and just want to be annoying
>sneedposters try to CTR by inventing Simpsons threads, almost always just a quote without context from the Simpsons
>use them to bait other sneedposters and to spam sneed themselves
>but its still not enough
>keep spamming all other threads but have to constantly make new fake Simpsons threads for sneedposting
>now there are more Simpsons threads on Yea Forums than there ever were before sneedposting was a thing.
Too much feed. Not enough seed.
Seeing "Sneed" everywhere on Yea Forums lately.
Wonder why the mods won't just filter it already.
Oh we're just razzin' ya, it's our way
the absolute state of this Simpsonscel who keeps spamming his shitty copypasta
Groening had the backbone of a wet feed-and-seed, and caved to all of Yeardley Smith's demands to slowly transform Lisa into her own personal libtard marysue
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Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:41:41 No.118173995▶ (You) (You)
So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:01 No.118174034▶
(OP) (OP)
Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?>>
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:36 No.118174061▶ (You) (You) (You) (You)
Literally no body:
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
me: Sneed
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:44:48 No.118174088▶
(OP) (OP)
Probably Sneed.
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:45:20 No.118174109▶
I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:47:52 No.118174178▶ (You) (You)
(You) (You)
> (OP)
>Literally no body:
>Absolutely nobody:
>>Not a single soul:
>>me: Sneed
filter it yourself you retard
id give her the suck and fuck lads
>Left wing
Lisa Sneedson became the parody of herself.