Kinos for this feel?

kinos for this feel?

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12 Years a Dog

She’s right about owning animals. Only dirty retards own animals and keep them around the house or apartments.

kill all leftists

What the fuck is actually wrong with white women?

>These are the same people who don't believe intelligence is heritable

kill all leftists

I treat my dog better than I would a slave
So I woulnd say its the same kind of dynamic.

too cuddled

get out chink
stop eating our pets

>but instead believe it is defined by the movement of stars


Peta's pet ownership stance is pretty hilarious tho. They're not pets they're members of the family! lol whatever, just counting down the days until you take it to that fancy animal euthanasia clinic

Sup Mohammed.

So conversely blacks hate dogs because it also reminds them of slavery? This makes sense to me.

Humans have had a relationship with dogs for thousands of years, so much so that dogs have developed facial muscles to convey emotions such as fear, shame, and joy (yes, dogs actually smile). Dogs have been our friends for more than ten millennia- who are we to abandon our friends?

Cats, on the other hand, domesticated humans as much as we domesticated them with their brain parasite bacteria and that’s why the Egyptians worshipped them


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>another literally who twitter screenshot thread

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no, blacks hate dogs because they bark when they break into houses

>Why do you NEED an animal?

Every time with these fucking people and civil liberties.
You don't NEED a sex-change either, faggot.

How does she explain the hatred for dogs among Arabs?
Arabs have practiced slavery for far longer, and on a far larger scale, than white people could ever dream. In fact slavery STILL hasn't been abolished in most of the Middle East.

Not sure if chink or mudslime

>why would anyone want an animal that evolved along side us, even evolving the ability to express emotions through facial expressions?

>some rando saying shit on Twitter for controversy
Starting a thread with Twitter screencap should be an auto ban

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>her entire twitter is whining about sexism
>she retweets this
What did the fat white girl mean by this?

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My ancestors never had slaves.
Or at least the slavery weren't in racial terms.

Damn this bitch just admitted to loving slavery holy fuck

All the propaganda from social media and Hollywood has melted their brains.

She is trying very hard to be woke for brownie points on twitter.

Chinks actually like dogs, it’s only one little part of China where those horrific videos come from, and now with the expansion of social media in China those primitive ‘people’ are coming under more and more pressure to stop these barbaric practices.

>inb4 fuck off Zhang

.t yusef

What are the odds she's dating a black guy and shows him off at every opportunity like a pet.

do people still think that the internet is a good thing when seeing this?

Everyone likes dogs except muslims but even then i know some muslims who own dogs but just don't tell their parents

>all white people share the same history
Wow, what a racist cunt.

Imagine going up to a Chinese dude and asking him about his Samurai heritage just because he's East Asian.

These people have actually been led to believe all white people owned black people two hundred years ago when it was a minority of the population. Even in the south if you lived in a mountainous region (like the alps or blue ridge mountains) you had to be a shepherd since you couldn’t grow shit on bedrock and had no need for slaves

>comparing niggers to dogs
disrespectful to dogs desu

fuck off zhou

Sounds pretty cute desu.
"I-I'll just hide my dog from my parents, they don't need to know"

>"service animal"
what the fuck is this meme about anyone other than blind people needing animals?
>hurr durr I feel sad I need a dog

White Dog by Sam Fuller obviously

>so that dogs have developed facial muscles to convey emotions such as fear, shame, and joy (yes, dogs actually smile).
i REALLY want to believe this

When God strikes us with another plague like we deserve you're going to wish you had yourself a good plague cat to kill those bubonic rats.

I don't have an issue with dogs but dog people are 100% shit fuckers

>tfw booping my doggos furbaby nuggers barkyboi heckin cute

I knew a 45 year old paki who still lived at home with his mum and they owned dogs, they had a female dog that gave birth to pups, they sold some of the pups but kept 2 so him and his mum owned 3 dogs in total

What people miss is that slaves were expensive so few could have them

abe lincoln was unpopular because he was a working man's president & wanted to take free labour away from the rich folk, he was still pretty racist though