>celebrate when there's a black girl
>cry when there's a white guy
Do these people want to end racism or not?
Celebrate when there's a black girl
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do these people want to end racism or not?
No. Leftists are the most racist people you'll ever meet.
I don't think their race is part of the premise other than her being a mermaid and all.
They will show their true color when they have upper hand.
Was Disney being based all along?
No, but this is still funny as shit.
No way, I'm 10x more racist than anyone on the left.
Really, you’re telling me harry styles is the most attractive white man they could find. Prince Eric should be played by a chad
He's popular with the teenage girls that would want to see this
>person of color
Remember when colored was racist, these people are mentally ill.
they thrive on racism. its their currency, promotion and meaning of live
imagine racism would end! they had no jobs, no reason to shitpost on twitter
If they get /pol/ to fuck off, I support them.
>Disney creating a new generation of /whitemanswhore/
That's because having a black mermaid leave her family and heritage behind and lose her voice to marry a white prince is genuinely bad optics.
Its like a perpetuation of the fetishiziation of black women by white men, which goes back to the colonial era, and pushes a perverted mentality that the oppressed should discard her ancestral roots and heritage to appease her oppressor.
The reverse is not as bad and in fact would carry a positive message actually, because it would defy cultural norms and basically tell poc to not be afraid of not being good enough for any woman, white, mermaid or whatever, which carries much more meaning when you think back at the segregationist and jim crow eras
Its like you /pol/tards have no historical or contextual consciousness and lack the mental capacity of framing the discussion against the backdrop of racial and class struggles behind them.
and that's a good thing!
everything you just said is stupid
aids: the post
That's okay. we havne't seen the new WOKE ariel in action yet.
Expect two hours of Ariel calling Eric out for his privilege and shit.
pretty sexist desu
Daaawww, the little /pol/flakes got triggered by words again. Cute.
>she's a mermaid so it doesnt matter what race she is
>reeeee why is a black woman giving up her voice for a white man
these faggots are never happy and should hurry up and kill themselves
I'm not a /polfag/ I'm a classic shitposter, get over yourself lol
Who are you quoting? They never said that. Pull your head out of your ass.
Well I'm 20x more racist then you and I'm a centrist
One fish, two fish.
Black fish, RACE TRAITOR
both casting choices are trash
its hilarious how these faggots spectacularly fail even when they jump through all the hoops to get accepted by deranged leftists. when will they realize it will never be enough? even if somehow someone made a movie which fulfilled all leftard checkmarks some even worse lefty freak will still be offended. at this point right now if you cast anything except black disabled trans freaks your movie will be shit on by these creatures. hilarious
>historical or contextual consciousness
speaking of context, do you know what is 13% but makes 50%?
>in talks
Oh, so they'll end up casting a black guy then. Cool.
pull your head out of the soi truck first you complete embarrassment and then kill yourself
It's so tiring to have to put up with you /pol/ crossposting incels every fucking day of the week, I don't know if I want to keep visiting this board anymore. Every day you are bitching about something new, something that doesn't affect you in the slightest, and then you have the nerve to call other people 'sensitive' or 'snowflakes'. There's always something race or gender related bothering you, and for some reason you come to bitch here instead of staying in your containment board. You always come here and post the same comments, the same old memes, it doesnt matter what the subject is, you are going to say the same shit regardless. You're all so boring and repetitive, like an old broken record.
You are legitimately taking the fun out of this place. This board used to be great, but now it's turning to shit. You are driving old posters away and replacing them with more like-minded incels. I dont like this board anymore.
again, no understanding of context/backdrop whatsoever. R E A D A B O O K
you do understand that black women have been humiliated and objectified for centuries by white men? How would you feel, if you were to step into a black woman's shoes, to have a multimillion dollar movie encouraging you to give up your brothers and sisters and your voice, as in your very soul, to your oppressor? Its Stockholm syndrome: the movie and spits in the face of everyone who's suffered under slavery
I'll make it very simple for y'all: a black prince/white mermaid story is one of emancipation and empowerment, a black mermaid/white prince story is about colonial worship and exploitative racism and sexism.
Nice. Knew theyd capitalize on the racemixing angle. Surpised they didnt just pick a ginger mermaid and make the prince an ethiopian.
The problem she's talking about is inherent to the original story of Little Mermaid.
Just fucking delete /pol/. Spill who posts there. Make them scared.
It should be clear to everyone that current diversity is just tribalism being disguised as something good.
>>to have a multimillion dollar movie encouraging you
see, there's your problem right there. Anyone who is actually influenced by a movie is a retard.
Impossible. Even if you want to exterminate a race, they're the only ones actually doing it. Either man up or shut up.
>Just fucking delete /pol/. Spill who posts there. Make them scared.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
*non-white tribalism
/pol/ is made of the old posters, kid. how new are you?
They think it's better because the word "people" is first, yet they don't say "people of retarded" or "people of gay."
yes certainly isn't the triggered one.
hang yourself tranny the world..not even this website.. will never change for you. even if its wrong to call you a gross weirdo freak degenerate with a mutilated dick it wont stop people from giving you stares of disgust in public
have sneed
They're selling outrage
It has nothing to do with pandering at this point
Gotta say, the mouse would be pretty based if they pulled this. Piss off the republicucks for black ariel and piss off the democucks by making her fall for a white man.
do you really want to kill all blacks? you need to to be more racist than leftists
Is it gonna be BLEACHEDkino?
Based BLEACHED kino.
I might actually watch this movie now if it'll upset Twitter nogs and black incels.
>cry when there's a black girl
>celebrate when there's a white guy
Why is Yea Forums so fucking retarded?
(((They))) say it's racist to complain about blackwashing ariel because she's a mermaid but (((they))) cried racism and whitewashing when Scarjo played a fucking anime character with blue eyes lmao (((they))) just hate whites but hide behind "progressiveness"
Yea Forums IS /pol/ though lol
>6 seconds apart
Great minds think alike
imagine basing your entire worldview on something the wealthiest 1% did centuries ago, the revels of unjustified resentment are through the roof
Are they everywhere or losing influence? Make up your minds.
Little mermaid is now based
Why would I want to kill them? They're better put to use as unpaid labor. They've had enough time to prove this freedom experiment doesn't work.
Wtf I love Disney now!
/pol/ are corporate slaves that will cheer for anything, especially when it kills innocent people by damaging race relations.
>Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence?
I'll believe that when people stop seeing /pol/ under their bed in every thread.
Yeah yeah putting blacks in films is literally white genocide. This is why no one is taking you seriously.
I think you just fetishize racemixing regardless.
Love is love. Get over it sweaty.
visit where you came from instead
Hahahahahaha!!!!! God, I love Disney now. Can't wait for the WHITE MAN to bleach your black mermaid.
Based so many little black girls are gonna grow up dreaming of their white prince :)
Slavery hurt the white working class and held back the economy of the south. It would be for the best if they all just stayed in Africa.
You can be everywhere and have no influence. Like roaches.
/leftypol/ and chapofags on suicide watch
nah they just want whitey gone and dead but thanks for dying in normandy though :)))
white is right
black is wack
t. Seething coal burning roastie mad that chocolate goddess is stealing "her" men
t. ourist
It's a lose/lose either way
Make the man white and it's "oh lawd da wite men colonizing us!1"
Make the man black and it's literally Little Mermaid: Black Edition
Delete Yea Forums
That means you're not as racist. You think they have value, leftists think whites have no value and should be exterminated.
They want the second thing
>Yea Forums users live in a vaccum
everyday some redditors pitches this
Wow there sure is a lot of Television and Film related discussion in this thread.
Why do you have to see her as a black mermaid? She's just a mermaid.
>white genocide doesn't exist!
>literally calls for the extermination of whites 5 minutes later
Uh huh.
they're having a meltdown again
People like you are why /pol/ thrives
Rightists think niggers have no value and should be exterminated.
you discord trannies really need to fuck off
Or black "people"
Lmao cry more
>male hero
>is a skinny ugly goblin
Fuck hollywood
>black women have been humiliated and objectified for centuries by white men?
Ew. They're not even worth objectifying. Disgusting creatures.
You don't actually care about this movie.
You just want to be butthurt and talk about politics.
>holocaust 2.0 doesn't exist!
>literally calls for the extermination of jews
>literally calls for the extermination of whites 5 minutes later
>kills innocent people by damaging race relations
holy shit are you stupid.
/pol/ thrives thanks to Zoomer "people".
I told you guys the Jews weren't all bad, they're also putting an end to the black nationalist problem.
>you do understand that black women have been humiliated and objectified for centuries by white men?
you do understand that all people of all colours and genders have been humiliated and objectified for millenia before blacks started abloo-blooing the loudest about it?
Black boys SEETHING
apperantly there's a ""raid"" going on
>When virtue signalling backfires.
Nah mayne I'm just fishing for (You)s
its not even a raid they do this shit everyday
Based jews
Imagine being a black guy support black little mermaid only to get cucked like this. LOL
obviously, the movie isn't fucking worth discussing otherwise. it's yet another shot for shot remake with a new empowered song and some icky misoginy removed
What other nations are doing is irrelevant to the West.
>hey we should stop terrorists from killing non-muslims
>you do understand that all people of all religions and creeds have been killed for millennia before white christians started abloo-blooing the loudest about it? checkmate libtard
But she isn't a black woman, she's a mermaid. Isn't that what you've been saying since the casting was announced?
Why is it 'just a fictional creature so it doesn't matter' when casting a black girl but now suddenly she's a real black woman when she dates a white dude?
Why do they even bother? It's not like their raids accomplish anything
Is Disney secretly our guy? Either way liberals come of as racist. This is spectacular.
So it's a siege.
>That's because having a black mermaid leave her family and heritage behind and lose her voice to marry a white prince is genuinely bad optics.
>Its like a perpetuation of the fetishiziation of black women by white men, which goes back to the colonial era, and pushes a perverted mentality that the oppressed should discard her ancestral roots and heritage to appease her oppressor.
Yeah, or maybe it's just a person who happens to be black likes a person who happens to be white and race isn't really that important.
And how would the inverse not be racist? It would still be perceived that the white person is fetishizing black people.
It gives them purpose.
Don't slam the door when you leave
>>Bitching about shit going on for centuries
>>no wait, I'm only talking about the West.
>/pol/ are corporate slaves
Are you severely autistic?
Nah, it’s just deleterious to the quality of the work in the same way that affirmative action hires are - by very definition! - underqualified and more poorly suited for a given position than a candidate not boosted by race-pity
Go watch Wrinkle in Time again, sheboon? Oh wait, you never did because it looked awful and completely botched a classic L’Engle story. Same will happen here
What Yea Forums cares about:
>US Politics
What Yea Forums doesn't care about:
there's baiting and these obvious discordtrannies
I really really really want to watch that first youtube video. Too bad it's gone forever.
No, you're just getting BTFO.
They should have cast a Chinese guy to rake in the RMBs
>movies constantly force politics in
>but you're not allowed to mention it because that's /pol/
Lol they lowered the quality of the movie for brownie points with an vocal fringe of society then bungled it and aren't even getting that good will.
When will they learn that you can't please sjws
Yea Forums is a /pol/ colony get over it
>the West didn't exist a century ago
ok, bye.
>everything is political to me!!!
This is why Zoomers should be removed from society. Your generation is DOA, completely fucked in the head by the media.
> White SJWs and black guys seething
Oh God the tears are so delicious.Sweet baby jesus! Diversity, YES!
>especially when it kills innocent people
If a gang of niggers jumps my mom and stabs her to death because a fictional black mermaid fucked a white guy, I don't think my blame will be directed towards Disney, man.
you can't tell me that the story where the black mermaid who leaves her home and loses her voice for the white prince is not going to tackle some racial issues
Her blackness is important because she symbolically sacrifices it to become one with her oppressor
The inverse would not be racist because BLACK FOLK HAVE NEVER OPPRESSED WHITE FOLK. So it would basically become and underdog story
My god, it's like all the bigotry has rotted your brain
Yes, that it correct. Make your own films if you’re too afraid to confront politics.
No you don't get it, these #problematic micro-aggressions are physically hurting me :(
I don’t watch, care about, or have interest in discussing screenshit. It’s boring, except as a proxy for politics
By being pushed to a point where you have to cry raid. I'm not even following the discussion but your desperation is palpable.
Black mermaids were never oppressed by white mermaids retard
i don't know how you can actually type this shit without realizing that you are a racist.
What if the white prince gave her reparations before rawdogging her fish pussy? Like what if he stuffed a couple of diamonds in her mouth while she took it like a good girl? I think that'd be fair. Needing to give in order to receive her
Quoting someone is not a refutation.
Get the fuck back to /pol/. I’m not afraid to say that.
You are severely autistic and being among the dregs of an older generation does not constitute an identity. Continue to not reproduce or have any impact on your community, it’s better that way
People are laughing at racist Twitter nogs showing their ass. Nobody is "celebrating" this shitty movie.
Stop projecting.
What impact have Zoomers made?
>Sneedposters not doing their job
Because WMBF is based and hot
tic toc trannies
>wah wah people arent refuting my insane inaccurate claims properly
get fucked tranny
it's comedy gold
You lack the brain capacity to even watch films. Why would anyone care about what you think?
The worst part is that there are some people who unironically think this way. Can you believe it? LOL!
Wow, that is disgusting. Would you have the courage to say that filth to a black woman's face?
Mermaids aren't real. It is a fantasy story. Stop being so fragile.
Are you literally sweating right now? Lmao calm down there, Kemosabe - don’t 40% yourself just yet
black women exist to be toys for white men
they know it
they love it
>What impact have Zoomers made?
See for yourself.
More like old farts are who obsess over politics
t. Old fag
You argue like a nigger. Are you a nigger?
Hahahaha blackbois BTFO
You sound /pol/.
whoa, that's pretty racist for someone claiming the systemic oppression of blacks by whites FOR CENTURIES
is the pain from dilating your fronthole getting so extreme you need to lash out?
The link doesn't work
Yeah, but not that exactly I'd tailor more thematic events. black women love dirty talk. I'd say something more like I wanna colonize her like my ancestors, and then have some weird slave play sex with her, maybe do a play on the show ROOTS where I tie her up and give her a white name, and when she says her african name I slap her ass until she gives in and then I deliver her my superior genetics in meat syringe form.
Have sex
>doesnt even deny being a tranny
okay? whatever
>y-your a lefty!!!
Yup it's a nigger.
Oh sorry, is that another one of /pol/‘s trigger words?
And you call others snowflakes.
>doesn't even deny being a nigger
About what I expected.
have dilate sweaty
I honestly hope you are trolling.
do sex
>has insane left opinion
>calling him left makes you a nigger
did you even mean to reply to me or did you misclick are now purely arguing out of embarassment?
im the guy you replied to you mutant
>you can't tell me that the story where the black mermaid who leaves her home and loses her voice for the white prince is not going to tackle some racial issues
That plot point had nothing to do with her skin color in the original. Now that she's black, it does? Sounds pretty racist.
>Her blackness is important because she symbolically sacrifices it to become one with her oppressor
So mermaid/fish society is a metaphor for black culture now that the character is black? lol
>The inverse would not be racist because BLACK FOLK HAVE NEVER OPPRESSED WHITE FOLK
I'm saying that the white person in the situation would still be perceived as fetishizing the black person, regardless of who is "symbolically sacrificing" their race.
>y-you have that opinion!!
Keep going Tyrone.
so this isnt you?
epic troll mate, epic troll
trannies are mentally ill dont entertain them
incels are mentally ill dont entertain them
not everyone is from america stop talking like a soimutt
you cut your fucking dick off.
Nah. I would wager even the most fervent white supremacists would at most just want to send them back to Africa, not exterminate them.
Now jews on the other hand...
Trannies are incels. Blacks are incels. It's all true.
>you do understand that black women have been humiliated and objectified for centuries by white men
black women are not special, every minority and women in general have been humiliated and objectified for centuries by white men, rightfully so
That was specifically about that guy, who claimed to be more racist than the average leftist. Unfortunately, he was wrong.
>that plot point had nothing to do with her skin color in the original. Now that she's black, it does? Sounds pretty racist.
Yeah ok let's just pretend she isn't black now lol. Don't give me that I don't see race bullcrap
>mermaid fish society is a metaphor for black culture
If you don't get the metaphoric subtext behind it after reading my other posts then you're just too dense. You don't deserve an explanation, educate yourself.
>i'm saying that the white person in the situation would still be perceived as fetishizing the black person, regardless of who is "symbolically sacrificing" their race.
White women have also been historically denied by their fathers and racist institutions of the time from loving and cherishing black men (I know right, but you tiny dick racists would like to pretend it never happened). Under the colonial white man's rule, both white women and black men AND women were victims, the latter to a larger degree. Pairing the oppressed in forbidden love is much more empowering than a repeat of the horrible sexual exploitation and violations that black women had to and keep enduring at the hands of rich white men
ur mom dog
If African Americans are incels then where did La'quandeesha's kids come from?
There's only one race: the human race.
The stork
But what if the little mermaid is the initializer of the romance? like lets say while he is unconcious at sea she just starts forcing him to take that black fish pussy, really drilling it in that he in this case is the weaker of the two? What if he calls her master in there? Don't you think that would be pretty good? Less her getting bleached, and him getting blacked.
>White women have also been historically denied by their fathers and racist institutions of the time from loving and cherishing black men
Translation: I'm really just upset that daddy doesn't love me because I fucked a black guy
You, my good sir, are an absolute cretin.
How can you even equate sexual abuse with a white man falling in love with a black woman? Do you realize historically how many white men saved black women from jewish slave owners to begin with?
Mind you, this is a love story about a mermaid falling in love with a human. It has nothing to do with race to begin with, and even if it did; a black woman falling for a white man is not even close to this "jewish oppressor raping his black slaves" scenario.
You're likely a /pol/tard anyway baiting for (You)s so I'll leave it at that.