Why do actors still have to pretend they’re straight these days?
Why do actors still have to pretend they’re straight these days?
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>Why do actors still have to pretend they’re straight these days?
because faggotry isnt normalized yet no matter what media tries to push and no one wants to see a spider queer
Why are you so obsessed with pretending strangers you'll never meet are gay and would fuck you?
hahah look the right
the guy is such a twink
Tom is one of the gayest twinks out there.
Jesus mass fangirl suicide incoming
>But-But my shipping timeline!
Isnt that sexual harassment. If he was grabbing ass it would be seen as toxic
Is that a key necklace?
Oh no no no no
gays need bffs too
cause it'll ruin their career if they out themselves.
they're either gonna be muddled up in the degenerate left lgbq propganda or be teared apart by white conservatives so they have no choice but to stay in the closet.
Because as welcoming and accepting as people in urban areas are they still have to promote their movies to everyone which includes people who aren’t (I’m not just talking about the American south and conservative right but also international audiences)
Past tense of tear is torn
Nah that dude is gay as fuck. His body language says it all. He's practically recoiling here.
I'd be recoiling here as well and I'm straight, I can't understand cues like that until I'm in my car driving back home. Gosling.jpg
Also, #METOO
Taking some lessons from Don Cheadle I see
>unhand me you contemptible witch
She is trying really hard isnt she?
im not sure if its just bad timin or his doing it on purpose
fucking hell, the blonde is clearly in the 30's and seductively seducing him. He's truly living the /ss/ dream. I'm so jealous
[Citation needed]
He is not gay that is the natural reaction to being near an old hag.
My soul hurts. That hurts my very essence. Everything that constitutes "me" is in agony. Unbearable agony.
>mfw an old hag (female over 30 years old) tries to touch me.
He isn't gay, just based.
Tom Holland pretending to be straight pulls in horny teenage girls who want to see him on the big screen.
You have so much to learn about this life, so very, very much.
and you’re living the retarded weeb dream
>t. Granny
Stop projecting, faggot
What does the "sailor" on his jacket mean?
I'm not one, but I love to fuck them
sailor is code for homosexual
Spider queer spider queer
Out in public drinking beer
Is he straight? Listen bub
He’s got AIDS in his blood
Lookout! He’s gonna give you AIDS.
I'd seriously bet real money that I've had more sex with females than Tom Holland has.
the over 30s are the ones that let you do anything.
People is ready for one or two gay actors taking straight roles. But if they only knew that 95% of the actors are queer, they would start feeling weirded out.
>tfw no mommy gf
he wants to dodge those cooties
And? Having more sex doesn't make you more straight.
But you are an incel so you had sex with 0 women.
lmao are these holland shills why are you fags so defensive
Here's a black pill (or white pill depending on your perspective):
I don't think homosexuality will ever be normalized. Tolerated, sure, but never normalized. Same with being transgender and all the other extremes.
I'm pretty sure society works like a pendulum, and unlike what leftists believe, it isn't a linear march onward toward their ideals. A lot of people believe society will be extremely progressive in 50 years, but I'm thinking it might actually be less progressive than it is today.
It's funny how bad actors are at acting sometimes.
Yeah but tom fucks men so he wins.
What is the source on this video?
Because of emerging markets. Rwanda is a Christian nation, user.
youre both right, the pendulum itself is still moving forward
I think you need to get out more. Almost everyone is willing to accept gay people on a personal level as friendships build, but it's never going to be "accepted" In the sense that everyone assumes people are straight at first and treat them as the norm.
I just don't want to end up in a pit with gasoline listening to a bunch of /pol/tards chanting, because when the pendulum swings back on all this soicla justice ullshit, its not going to be good for normal gay people either,
Today is less progressive than the early 90s. We were moving toward post-racism but now instead of disregarding race we (they) have just replaced phobia with fetishism. MLK was right when he said that one should be judged by the content of their character and not the colour of their skin; diversity hiring, "inclusion riders", all this desire to be oppressed, extreme narcissism and virtual are spaces...This isn't progress.
Terrible take a lap zoomer
>no way fag
A girl flirted embarrassingly obviously with me today, I know because my colleagues told me after. Hope she comes back.
Another colleague felt my pectoral muscle and said "you don't know how long it's been for me..." with a wink and a smile. I just said "yeah I've been holding one in for hours they need to fix the toilet", not that I didn't pick up on it I just wanted to diffuse the situation. I like chaste girls.
I have gay acquaintances that are, as far as I can tell, normal human beings. None of them attend "pride" or wave flags.
mlk was a literal rapist communist piece of human filth
>[Citation needed]
Here's your fucking citation, Tom Holland dressing like a gay twink and singing a Rihanna song
>willing to accept gay people on a personal level as friendships build
Bullshit. Straight guys are not friends with faggots and won't build friendships with them and women only hang out with dykes so they can talk about shoes and shoes and other girly shit. The dyke mind and straight female mind are pretty similar so they are friends while the faggot mind and straight male mind are to different to different to get along.
Post height and jaw
>Another colleague felt my pectoral muscle and said "you don't know how long it's been for me..." with a wink and a smile. I just said "yeah I've been holding one in for hours they need to fix the toilet"
I know it's fake, but it's a good one.
Show me someone who did absolutely nothing wrong and you'll find they did nothing at all.
And you guys say there's no female counterparts to you. People like this and the insane Adam Driver shippers are as autistic as the worst of you here.
If they are faggots they are not normal and are most likely pedos. .
It's the money. I don't have respect for them. Watch Taylor Swift come out soon
I've dressed like a gay think and sang the shoop shoop song. It's funny. It's funny because men aren't supposed to do that shit. That's the joke. I've sucked 0 dicks before or since.
>its another alt righters expose their own thirst for cock and sex thread
try a new trick guys. we all get it.
you talk about niggers fucking your women and faggots non stop.
are they really gay or do they have to be willing to do gay shit to get roles whether they like it or not?
because I'd believe the latter no problem
I pity you friend. Single mothers really can be that blatant.
>Another colleague felt my pectoral muscle and said "you don't know how long it's been for me..." with a wink and a smile. I just said "yeah I've been holding one in for hours they need to fix the toilet"
it is called gay for pay user
This user is 100% right about pendulum thing. It's been like this FOR AGES. Ideas come on go and return again. If you studied history, residual art history it becomes extremely apparent. Try gain, even. Really, it's fascinating.
Being an unsuccessful gay twink doesn't negate you having been a gay twink, faggot. "I didn't get any dick uwu, guess I'm still straight!" No, you're a fag for trying and you'll always be a cake-laying nancyboy.
Well Tom Hollands got a best friend who he hired on as his PA for two years and went everywhere with, now they just live in the same house.
>Almost everyone is willing to accept gay people on a personal level as friendships build,
As a (married) man, I'm "friends" with women in the sense that my romantic intentions are on hold until I need a replacement wife. Like, yeah, we get along on a platonic level but also I want to fuck you.
I can't be friends with a gay guy because I know how the game is played, and that is exactly how I position myself. Sorry gays, not gonna happen.
>what is Ancient Greece
However you’re right about the cyclical nature of societies. Everything is cyclical in nature, really, economics, fashion, cultural norms, in all of these theres waves of “good” and “bad”. Fashions that were out of style 20 years ago make comebacks only to become unfashionable again, and economies go through recessions and booms, only to do so again.
boners rise, boners fall. Such is the cycle of NUT.
Niggas SEETHING that he not with Zendaya
Based Tom
what the fuck? is he trying to cover up for his relationship with zendaya?
some girl has been stalking them for like 3 years now, they really were dating in secret.
yeah but with the constant back and forth there's definitely been a gradual mean shift leftwards. the only thing that will completely outdo it now is if suddenly there's not enough food to go around
undo not outdo
It's a performance. God, you people are so fucking cringe.
Why would you ever cite Ancient Greece as an exmaple of normalizing sexuality?
Greek people literally thought eating out a woman's pussy was gayer than fucking another man. They were retarded and their ideals can't even be compared to any modern ideals.
Spider Man is a performance. splashing around in a latex dress is soliciting gay sex.
You're thinking of Romans.
He's bringing up Ancient Greece because it was basically NAMBLA
It's a trap.
i don't get it. how can you tell by ops pic that he's gay?
and also I want to add eating pussy is extremely fucking gay, faggot
she must be really smol to be shorter than him
who is she?
Who's that girl? looks older than him
poor girl must be on suicide watch
t. Hegel
did he reach his maximum potential? opinions
kek are you a fag , like a literal one
Why is it a surprise to anyone that Hollywood is littered with gays? Ever looked at every single theatre club in high school/college?
>I wont believe he's gay until he proves it by sucking my cock.
>some girl has been stalking them for like 3 years now
Yeah she's probably in the bath with a toaster right about now.
>As a (married) man, I'm "friends" with women in the sense that my romantic intentions are on hold until I need a replacement wife. Like, yeah, we get along on a platonic level but also I want to fuck you.
have sex jesus christ
Trump getting voted was definitely from the "counter movement" against the overly liberal bullshit in the last few years.
The more extreme one side gets, the more extreme answers the other side in kind.