So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?

So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?

Attached: PROBLEM-WITH-APU-THUMB-625x352.png (625x352, 194K)

Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?


Literally no body:

Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

me: Sneed

Probably Sneed.

I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.

> (OP)
>Literally no body:
>Absolutely nobody:
>Not a single soul:
>me: Sneed

>> (OP)
>>Literally no body:
>>Absolutely nobody:
>>Not a single soul:
>>me: Sneed

>Apu was an offensive stereotype
Nothing is objectively offensive. It requires somebody to take offense. This part is always optional.

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07/17/19(Wed)07:41:41 No.118173995
194 KB
194 KB PNG
So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?
07/17/19(Wed)07:43:01 No.118174034
(OP) #
Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?
07/17/19(Wed)07:43:36 No.118174061
# (OP)

Literally no body:

Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

me: Sneed
# #
07/17/19(Wed)07:44:48 No.118174088
(OP) #
Probably Sneed.
07/17/19(Wed)07:45:20 No.118174109
I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.
07/17/19(Wed)07:47:52 No.118174178
> # (OP)
>Literally no body:
>Absolutely nobody:
>Not a single soul:
>me: Sneed
07/17/19(Wed)07:50:23 No.118174241
> #
> #
>> # (OP)
>>Literally no body:
>>Absolutely nobody:
>>Not a single soul:
>>me: Sneed

>Yea Forums - Television & Film
>Return Catalog Bottom
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>Post a Reply
>07/17/19(Wed)07:41:41 No.118173995
>194 KB
>194 KB PNG
>So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?
>07/17/19(Wed)07:43:01 No.118174034
> (OP) (OP) #
>Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?
>07/17/19(Wed)07:43:36 No.118174061
> # (OP)
>Literally no body:
>Absolutely nobody:
>Not a single soul:
>me: Sneed
> (You) # #
>07/17/19(Wed)07:44:48 No.118174088
> (OP) (OP) #
>Probably Sneed.
>07/17/19(Wed)07:45:20 No.118174109
>I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.
> #
>07/17/19(Wed)07:47:52 No.118174178
> (You) #
>> # (OP)
>>Literally no body:
>>Absolutely nobody:
>>Not a single soul:
>>me: Sneed
> #
>07/17/19(Wed)07:50:23 No.118174241
>> (You) #
>> (You) #
>>> # (OP)
>>>Literally no body:
>>>Absolutely nobody:
>>>Not a single soul:
>>>me: Sneed

How the fuck is it offensive? Indians do own walmart type places. Indians do have Indian accents. Are we supposed to act like they don't?????

FUCK I hate this pussywhipped white guilt clown world we live in. Its literally insane. You can call me a poltard all you want, I don't care. Fuck. This. Shit. I will never accept this shit as normal.



Attached: 1562452506155.png (474x568, 56K)

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File: PROBLEM-WITH-APU-THUMB-625x352.png (194 KB, 625x352)
194 KB
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:41:41 No.118173995▶ So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:01 No.118174034▶
Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:36 No.118174061▶ (OP)

Literally no body:

Absolutely nobody:

Not a single soul:

me: Sneed
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:44:48 No.118174088▶
Probably Sneed.
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:45:20 No.118174109▶ I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:47:52 No.118174178▶ > (OP)
>Literally no body:
>Absolutely nobody:
>Not a single soul:
>me: Sneed

have sex

I wanna say sneed to that

>>Yea Forums - Television & Film
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>>Post a Reply
/17/19(Wed)07:41:41 No.118173995
>>So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?
/17/19(Wed)07:43:01 No.118174034
>> (OP) (OP) (OP) #
>>Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?
/17/19(Wed)07:43:36 No.118174061
>> # (OP)
>>Literally no body:
>>Absolutely nobody:
>>Not a single soul:
>>me: Sneed
>> (You) (You) # #
/17/19(Wed)07:44:48 No.118174088
>> (OP) (OP) (OP) #
>>Probably Sneed.
/17/19(Wed)07:45:20 No.118174109
>>I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.
>> #
/17/19(Wed)07:47:52 No.118174178
>> (You) (You) #
>>> # (OP)
>>>Literally no body:
>>>Absolutely nobody:
>>>Not a single soul:
>>>me: Sneed
>> #
/17/19(Wed)07:50:23 No.118174241
>>> (You) (You) #
>>> (You) (You) #
>>>> # (OP)
>>>>Literally no body:
>>>>Absolutely nobody:
>>>>Not a single soul:
>>>>me: Sneed

Attached: images (59).jpg (262x192, 6K)

>So say the SJWs win
Simpsons has already been dead for years so this battle didn't matter user.

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>File: PROBLEM-WITH-APU-THUMB-625x352.png (194 KB, 625x352)
>194 KB
>Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:41:41 No.118173995▶
>So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?
>Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:01 No.118174034▶
> (OP) (OP)
>Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:36 No.118174061▶ > (OP)
>Literally no body:
>Absolutely nobody:
>Not a single soul:
>me: Sneed
>Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:44:48 No.118174088▶
> (OP) (OP)
>Probably Sneed.
>Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:45:20 No.118174109▶
>I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.
>Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:47:52 No.118174178▶
>> (OP)
>>Literally no body:
>>Absolutely nobody:
>>Not a single soul:
>>me: Sneed

Sneed I say I say boy Sneed I tell you sneed

>why does nobody like me?
>why does everyone choose to get offended when I call them gayniggerfaggots??
>life is shit
>world is a onions

t. You

Attached: 7A47E475-BD20-4044-8AF8-3B230C52E675.jpg (1959x1469, 449K)

Attached: 411F5286-C7F0-4F21-A511-5138BACBAF29.jpg (828x1009, 552K)

Well look he is right in a literal sense. Do you not know what objective and subjective mean you gay bigger faggot?

>muh uhbjektivity
>muh mental superioritee
>why the fuck do I have no friends when the online IQ test said I’m Einstein level?

Attached: 83200AD8-059A-408D-801B-8846428430E6.jpg (240x210, 6K)

the problem with sneed

>managing to make less sense than these faggots
way to go, champ

This is the only time this meme has ever been funny

Attached: 1562984360420.jpg (640x480, 276K)

>Yea Forums has reasonable amount of Simpsons threads
>autists invent “sneedposting” with their announced goal to “drive Simpsons threads back to Yea Forums where they belong”
>actually accomplish this goal, only Simpsons threads made unironically are made on Yea Forums, no unironic Simpsons threads left on Yea Forums
>sneedposters however, can’t let go
>first start sneedposting in literally every thread they can find, even if it has literally nothing to do with the Simpsons
>get shit for it because it proves their just autistic spammers who don’t care about “proper board discussion” and just want to be annoying
>sneedposters try to CTR by inventing Simpsons threads, almost always just a quote without context from the Simpsons
>use them to bait other sneedposters and to spam sneed themselves
>but its still not enough
>keep spamming all other threads but have to constantly make new fake Simpsons threads for sneedposting
>now there are more Simpsons threads on Yea Forums than there ever were before sneedposting was a thing.

What the fuck was offensive about him? Every Indian running a store spoke in a thicker accent than he did.

I thought about this.
What if they did this but removed Raj, the Indian chap from Big Bang Theory?
Same tropes, same jokes at the same stereotype etc.
Why is one now a problem and the other is fine.
Fucking dumb cunts.


>it makes NO SENSE that I have no friends!!!!

Attached: D90C98F4-D52E-4D46-9AC6-31A5560ED0EB.png (434x327, 55K)

>so what made you buy a mini mart dude?
>buy? I scratched the dot on my wife's head and this was the prize haha
>wtf man haha
Dot shop owners are bros dude is just mad he lacks real friendship

No-one. Having removed Apu everything will be perfect and the SJWs will never complain about anything ever again. We just need to give them this one thing.

Business owner
College educated
Loving father
His background is handled in a sensitive manner

Is apparently an awful stereotype because he's brown.

Educated to Pool Table level
Seen as repulsive
His background and ethnicity is routinely made fun of

This is okay because he's not brown

>who's next?
Comic Book Guy for some shit about plus-sized people

no one is going to use your pronouns