Japanese movies set in high school dealing with human suffering are peak cinekino

Japanese movies set in high school dealing with human suffering are peak cinekino

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>anyone in highschool knowing anything about suffering

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So anime?

>hong kong

It's the director speaking through the teenagers idiot

slice of life moe shit desu I love it

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>Highschoolers are having sex and I haven't

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yea right as if
this sort of entertainment is for emotionally and socially stunted individuals who spent their lunches eating in stairwells or empty classrooms pretending they were in some sort of faggy academy of gifted 2D dregs that munched each others' asses

grow up

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maybe learn to fight

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I need help finding a film, i saw a screenshot for what i assume was a film the other day and have been trying all day to find out what the film was. The screenshot i saw was a man sitting on the end of a bed the camera looking directly towards him with a wide shot and the bed behind him was cover in plushies/stuffed animals. I want to assume it was Japanese but i've no idea

That's a Japanese film tard.

What are some more films that do this?

So far I've watched:

> Battle Royale
> Confessions
> World of Kanako
> The Kirishima Thing
> Himizu
> Love Exposure
> Blue Spring
> All About Lily Chou-Chou
> Nobody Knows

you are a giant homo

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Good reccomendations
I always appreciate anons who piss off off-topicfags by actually posting related movies in bait threads

>japs know a total of 3 settings
>feudal japan
>high school

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> I am incapable of catharsis and need to be coddled like a child.

stop using words you don't understand you fucking mental miget

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great soundtrack
the time lapse scene is pure kino


its a literalist depiction of their history.

first they were imperial savages slaughtering their neighbors and each other
then they got education from the white man
then they used it to make him electronics, cars and porn cartoons.

I love this movie.

I highly recommend Blue (2001)

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>then they got education from the white man

t.single digit IQ

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No running in the hallway.

And the countless other ones, but let's just ignore those.

You could say the white man educated them, yes. Not long after the arrival of Americans and other Westerners, the once peaceful and isolated country started fighting wars and practising imperialism.

Destruction Babies

>e countless other ones
no, you could add karaoke and sushi bar at best but that's all

This season for example there is a show set thousands of years into the future where the earth has reverted back to the stone age, another that takes place in space, one that takes place on a deserted island, and one that takes place in 11th century Britain.

How many of them have high schoolers in it?

Moving the goalposts.

all of them

There was no high school in the 11th century.

There's also a show where the protagonist is an adult man working as a cop in a Not American city, and another somewhat similar one except the protagonist is a woman.

guy had no chance here, if he gets up and decks the stupid bitch everyone calls him a woman beater, if he takes it, then he is a bitch that got beat up by a girl

>making porn cartoons for the white man
absolutely and unarguably based

what show are you talking about

Dr. Stone, Kanata no Astra, Sounan desu ka?, and Vinland Saga.

>high schoolers jump start civilisation
>high schoolers who are stuck in space
>high schoolers stuck on an island
>high schoolers stuck on an icy rock

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>anonymous moves the goal posts
And also thinks for some reason that high schoolers existed in 11th century Britain.

There were, they were just called universities instead.
14+, sounds like a high schooler to me.

Stop grasping at straws and stop moving goalposts. Why do high school students even make you this butthurt?

>he's never attended Japanese high school
It's literally Hell.

What's so hard about admitting the vast majority of anime has a high school setting or high schoolers as protagonists?
Sorted by score, i counted 12 out of the first 16.

What's so hard about admitting that you moved the goalposts? High schooler as protagonist does not equal high school as setting. I also never said that high school isn't a common setting.

You're talking to more than one person.

That was not indicated anywhere, and the topic is settings.

Dont forget japan post bombings cause japs did nuffin wrong

linda linda linda, kids return, swing girls

more like peak cringe

>thousands of years into the future where the earth has reverted back to the stone age
i read a few chapters of dr.stone, why people like that shit ???

>primitive technology: the anime
I'm watching it desu, hope it doesn't evolve into teen drama bullshit like the 2nd episode hinted.

That's hardly what the episode is implying.

why don't chinks have class

I said 'hinted'.
>le i am edgy and want to kill all the adults
>le no le u can't do that we need to save every single person
>le i want to fugg this qt i've been obsessing with for thousands of years
>le drama ensues
Just hope they stick to civilisation building because it looks promising so far.

Maybe you should go and re-watch the episode.

maybe you should kill yourself

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>Not being able to suppress a woman without resorting to strikes
You sound like a weak bitch

Why should women be treated any differently than men?

Literally me: the movie.

9 souls > blue spring > pornostar

lmao getting outwrestled by a 90 lb slut. just pick her up and slam her

he's not wrong. the engines in their Mitsubishi zeroes? designed by a guy who went to engineering school in the U.S. The shipyard where they built their massive battleships? built by western naval engineers supervisors using steel works also built up by western powers (namely french and british). Japs weren't shit and contributed literally nothing of their own until well after WW2.