Cast him

Nobody. Because the video games aren't canon. Regis is canonically dead. The Unseen Elder and O'Dim are some retarded fanwank character inserts that don't exist.

And they're better than anything HACKowski came up with

You mean they won't do it because they would have to license from cdpr and not just sapkowski.


niggas trippin so hard when they acting like the books are somehow good and the games suck

like fuck any of your even heard of the books, nevermind fucking read them before the games came out. The games are the only relevant witcher content. the books are nothing and pretending to like them while slating the games is just the most basic attempt at elitisim which clearly displays your intellectual insecurity, because fantasy is the worst genre of literature anyway - dune is shit

the books are fine

Yeah but lets not pretend the games are not the only reason anyone knows of them

this is how kikes speak

Sure brah, suck my cock. I'd do a better job than everyone in hollyshit and that's a fact

get a foreskin. fuck shittywood and your weak posts.