Wait the resistance was reduced to 10 people and the rest of the galaxy decided not to help, so where did she come from?
Wait the resistance was reduced to 10 people and the rest of the galaxy decided not to help, so where did she come from?
I’m pretty sure the answer is hidden somewhere in the 30+ Star Wars novels Disney expects us to read
A good question for a different time.
holy shit, they actually made 12 inch whatshisface wedge wannabe from nuwars doll and someone actually bought it? or this twink gets them for free so he could shill them on his YT? that's more likely.
I checked and there's just the one. It's about her being captured by some stormtrooper officer who wants to learn more about his archenemy and competitor phasma, so he extorts the spy woman for information about phasma. it's less about vi moradi, and more about phasma. that's the only novel she's mentioned in.
almost like it's for children or something, so they see she's a good guy.
Seriously, all the important exposition, including the backstory of the First Order, are in those books, and Disney is under the impression that we read those books already
i dunno man but my kids would be scared if they got jumped by a deranged tumbrlina
>Go see endgame, btw
Go back.
heh then why was chuck wendig whining about poor sales of his aftermath books that are considered most important for understanding first order backstory?
Nigga stop smoking crack
Because barely anyone reads novels anymore
>so where did she come from?
The fertile imagination of one of the Storygoup members.
DIDF pls go
I'm confused, I thought Disney dumped the existing universe stories?
>The original trilogy used the exoticism of an Arab bazaar or Ecuadorian hair cuts to create a foreign and believable atmosphere.
>I'm supposed to believe that frosted tips are also in on Tatooine?
They did. Then they started redoing everything, but changing character and place names to obscure their relations to original source material.
>Star Wars land only has one ride
>Had to retrofit Paradise Pier into Pixar Pier
>Turned Haunted Mansion into a Guardians of the Galaxy ride
>Niggers fighting in Toon Town
Disneyland is a mess.
Well then they went and hired a guy who didn't plan anything out so they needed to explain things in the sequel trilogy.
>Resistance logo on her vest
Real world microtransactions
Bald Basedsucking Faggot
Jackie Chan
They are? I stopped reading them because it was always some SJW stand alone crap or basically "no story" the book because they did not want the movie to end up saying something different.
They are not on Tatooine. they are playing up the alien future. Think back to old space books where everything is cluttered with crazy hair,punk,etc and even clothing can fuck you.
They took concepts, watered down everything. you could have been watching darth caedus take a face full of syringes for his family, instead you get cholo ren
But that isn't star wars, it should be based on old film serials, its about being exotic not futuristic.
They made there own and are pumping out books like crazy. often written by women's YA romance writers that just take their regular formula and reskin it as star wars. Its not even a good reskin since they don't really know star wars enough to fake it
I agree. star wars has its own flavor. trek,babylon,andromeda, farscape despite all being about ships in the future, they all have their own flavors but people making new star wars don't understand the distinction.they don't even want star wars, they want the brand name so they can reskin their old crap or easy to make garbage and milk the name for as long as they can.
They did ditch the EU. Corporate lingo for this is probably something like "Improving brand accessibility".
Trying to attract new (casual) fans to an established franchise can be challenging, especially bringing them to one as old and intricate as the Star Wars universe. Disney doesn't want their new female demographic put off by a backlog of games and books because:
>A) that media is already in circulation and it's hard to make money off merchadise that's freely available in libraries and among friends.
>B) that much lore presents a steep learning curve to new fans.
It's not fun to be constantly corrected by "Well, Actually..." or to have your nerd cred measured based on encyclopedic knowledge of obscure facts from the Expanded Universe.
So Disney solved this challenge by negating and replacing the EU. Now when a nu-fan is confronted by an obscure fact
>(the Rebel mission to steal the Death Star plans involved Kyle Katarn and Havet Storm. It took place on Toprawa. Facet Anamor was the daughter the superweapon's designer: Druth)
the normie nu-fan just chuckles "lol, Nope, non-canon"
>(now the Rebel mission to steal the Death Star plans involved Captain Cassian, took place on Scariff, and Jyn Erso is the daughter of the superweapon's designer: Galen).
This levels the playing field.
Signaling a high level of fandom today simply requires buying into the latest line of merchadise or keeping up to date on the latest trickle of hints and sneak peaks tactically released by the studio (a phenomenon RLM actually lampoons correctly with their Nerd Crew segments).
did you see the one where people were being creeped out by her when she'd start talking to them randomly, then went and reported her to park security>?
Why does she wear a rebel symbol if she's a spy?
>>Niggers fighting in Toon Town
>This levels the playing field.
This exact terminology was actually used by a Disney spokesperson when explaining why the Galaxy Edge theme park had no Original Trilogy content.
The force is female, INCEL!
Maybe people would read them if they got actual writers to write them
Of course it's a woman. Of course.
Have we confirmed whether the writer is actually a tranny or just a really ugly woman yet?
They rejected everything cool like Mara Jade stories or Kyle Katarn or KOTOR and hired purple hair feminists to write new stories about Phasma, Holdo and other shitty WOKE mary sue's
How else are you supposed to know she's a rebel spy?
But you're not
China please purge Americans from this Earth. They are neither pure race or human anymore. Just mentally inept mutts.
>Mascot character is a black woman in a jacket from a novel nobody read
wut? Is she saying you can only be immersed in a story if no one else has seen it before you? Is she saying stories are less valuable if you can't self insert?
I think she might legitimately be retarded. Harry Potter World works because everyone wants to visit the places they've seen. Just making shit up excites no one.
It seems counter productive too as there doesn't seem to be much if an untapped market with star wars. It's a cultural phenomenon so anyone who's gonna be that invested into the universe most likely already is or is working on it. Not sure why they expected people to just jump into it now if they haven't already.
Their executives are presumably totally out of touch and actually thought that their shitty new tie in novels would move big numbers with kids and the YA crowd. I bet they're probably even internally floating spin offs with characters like this bitch and a few others.
I think the problem with Galaxy's edge is its not what the public expect
Its concept is actually quite good, an interactable area thats actually canon to the star wars universe
But its marketed as "star wars land", and to the common person, when they think "star wars" they think of the OT, Darth Vader etc, not Sequel stuff
>blue hair
They must really not know how popular Star Wars is. I don't even like Star Wars and I can name most characters from the original trilogy due to them appearing in other media all the time.
I doubt anyone who is interested in a Star Wars theme park would not know who Darth Vader is.
More like Coon town.
More like coon town amirite?
>But its marketed as "star wars land", and to the common person, when they think "star wars" they think of the OT, Darth Vader etc, not Sequel stuff
No wonder it's flopping. Visitors must be feeling a harsh sense of uncanny valley. Everything is "Star Wars"-themed, but there's hardly anything actually from Star Wars. It's like an generic-brand, knock-off version of Star Wars land. It's like what a competing studio would make if they didn't have the rights to do an actual Star Wars™ theme park. Everything feels slightly *off*. Like a subtle, unnerving nightmare.
A long time ago...
What is wrong with you? Do your own purging. Whats with people running off to worse alternatives. indians at least have designated shitting streets, Chinese 5 year old just shit wherever and do to poverty most people lack empathy
>>Turned Haunted Mansion into a Guardians of the Galaxy ride
This can't be true, can it? Google tells me nothing.
well people did jump in, it was just short lived, like with any "We made X black, we so progressive come buy our shit". They hyped it and overmarketed it but new fans are not die hard. They pissed off all the die hards that kept it alive. your product does not stay alive for so long without autism to power it
Chinese people play video games and Total War Three Kingdoms. They have a much less cucked and much more proud of their country than American mix bag of cultures that hate eachother and especially white males.
I really don't know. I mean there are some people who don't know the characters but they usually have friends that do. Its all so very subjective and seem to depend on what the execs themselves know. I mean few years ago we had that whole "everyone knows superman" talks
The Chinese collectively destroyed their culture after Mao told them to. China is a testing ground for globohomo now.
Yeah but that pride makes them deny the shitty parts of their county and culture. Chinese people not only play video games but are also addicted to them because A) they are addictive and B) life outside them is some kind of a hell level. most Chinese games are garbage, which is extra strange since with their numbers you basically have 1000 monkeys 1000 typewriters situation
China was always homo. Their laws lead to people only keeping boy kids so situational homosexuality was very common. When a 20 something comes out in china, grandpa does not go "back in my day we hung homos" he goes " yeah I used to fuck guys too but its something you grow out of, whats taking you so long"
I see Chinese people write comments on Steam under games. I see reports of Chinese people having fun in movie theatre watching Warcraft and i see them going to Disney Land on twitter or drawing My Little Pony fan arts.
I don't know how you can think that they live in poverty and eat cats in the street when they have pretty much the same standard of living as we do. We go to work on a minimum wage, we go home, we use internet and rinse and repeat. Believe it or not but freedom of going outside and visiting porn sites is as much available in China as in here in Poland. Other than some issues with government banning or censoring some shit like Winnie the Pooh, this is nothing compared to 4Kids banning or censoring everything from Japan.
>500 points have been added to your social credit score
Yes, aside from the lack of drinking water, the constant surveillance, and harvesting organs from political prisoners, things are great.
asian "males" do not have the hormones needed to grow an adult sized penis thus they are all born half gay
>I don't know how you can think that they live in poverty and eat cats
What are you on about, no one said anything about cats? obviously not everyone lives in poverty, were there are million dollar companies there is a middle class.
>having fun in movie theatre watching Warcraft and i see them going to Disney Land on twitter or drawing My Little Pony fan arts.
Thats true of eastern Europe and basically every country other than some parts of south Africa. It also happens in Iran too, should we let Iran rule us?
>Winnie the Pooh, this is nothing compared to 4Kids banning or censoring everything from Japan.
again you are going into this retarded argument. Instead of seeking place with freedom form censorship you are going for "they have less of it" or "they have the type I don't mind"
>I don't know how you can think that they live in poverty and eat cats in the street when they have pretty much the same standard of living as we do.
Not all, China is all kinds of fucked up starting from government disappearing people and harvesting organs
so you are telling me they are elves? There is nothing hotter than a elvish trap getting it in the ass from a strong muscular human. can you picture his little elf dick twitching and cum flying all over the sheets just from anal stimulation?
If such a pic were posted 10 years ago people would say that it must be shopped.
I wonder if there's a nation where the gymnastic hour/hours at school are actually taken seriously.
In all the italian schools I have been due to often changing, that did not happen.
polite sage for OT.
She came from the same place the First Order uses to regroup and supply itself
everyone except for the angry woman and the Asian in the background seems like they are under mind control. 3po is like "nigga, you for real?"
dat diversity
>that pic
holy shit do American comic studios don't have editors or something?
>literally addressing the possible criticisms which may have not even registered in people's minds
Why does fiction do this lmao
She's a female executive - She's been self inserting her entire life.
>niggers fighting in toon town
Come on, that was just one time thing. It doesn't happen all the time.
It's a display of their contempt for the audience and the setting. They could have writen a line or two that explained how the First Order regrouped. They could have even had a line about how the Resistance is unsure how the First Order regrouped; they underestimated their enemy, leaving the First Order's logistics open as a mystery to be revealed later.
Instead of doing anything like that, they bring up the point, the *dismiss it*. Literally saying to the readers: "it doesn't matter!". They're flaunting the lack of world building in the Sequel Trilogy, rubbing the fans' faces in it.
2 fucking Admirals and a General agree in ONE LINE that their enemies ability to regroup far faster than previously imagined possible is irrelevant. Irrelevant?
>Written by Ms. who please?
meta joke is hip these days
>still demanding logic at this point
>It doesn't happen all the time, r-right?
t. Increasingly nervous white
SW has genocide in it you dunce
They sold poorly?
china, I think.
is this a bothan?
I think this is overblown myth. Just because some crackhead in Florida ate human like a zombie, doesn't mean this is the norm.
Maybe he means the Tower of Terror?
>It's not fun to be constantly corrected by "Well, Actually..." or to have your nerd cred measured based on encyclopedic knowledge of obscure facts from the Expanded Universe.
the entire MCU is funded by these nerds, Disney really don't know shit
i've got so used to see Americans that such hambeasts and weirdos are kinda what you'd expect from them,
That's a dude wearing lipstick user.
Marvel cinematic universe was actually done correctly. It's separate from the source comics, but draws it's content from previous material, adapting it for the screen continuity, but keeping things familiar, recognizable.
those are woman arms. just a terminal case of manjaw
Vi Moradi wasn't part of the Resistance in the Phasma book, iirc. She could've joined at any point inbetween TLJ and TROS. Also, who says she'll be in TROS? She's just part of the Galaxy's Edge Didneyland section.
The porg enthusiast on the left.
she was hiding
no, tranny
>Resistance spy
>orange jacket with big Resistance logo
This is like German spy in WW2 London wearing an SS uniform.
>SanFran, CA
Why am I not surprised?
>hockey player
field hockey maybe lol, he looks like he'd get his ass kicked in real hoggei
Anime: Love Live! > Sunshine!!
Music: Sunshine!! > Love Live!
I'm still amazed how all of those people except Leia got killed in 5 seconds in TLJ and literally nobody cared 2 minutes later. Ackbar was mentioned once in the entire fucking movie.
Both are great, fuck off.
Their entire worldview is based on inb4'ing things that are inconvenient, even if that invalidates the entire point. You are taught to inb4 all criticism, all contradictory data, anything.
How is it not 100% obvious that is a dude
Why is Disney too retarded to realize they can actually sell stories about why they were able to regroup do quickly? I mean, THAT'S the Star Wars content
You just reminded me that Disney will never give an in-film explanation for how the fuck Anakin's lightsaber was retrieved. Lynch the Mouse.
>t keeping things familiar, recognizable.
Not if it's Spider-man
As I recall, Lucasfilm's story group' stance is more of "come to us with ideas, if we like it, we'll approve it," as opposed to "we're interested in telling this story, would you be interested in doing it?" So this kind of has a two-part effect where writers who just want to tell their own stories, and not necessarily ones that meaningfully add to the world are more readily thrown in Lucasfilm's face, but you've got the people whose main job is to not let stories that damage the lore or interest in the universe but worked closely and approved everything in TLJ (which is particularly telling of their tastes and how they feel the franchise should move forward) are the ones giving the thumbs up to these writers.
Disney's retarded in that they didn't realize the Lucasfilm they bought was filled with morons and that they thought they could let it roam free like Marvel; it was only with TLJ that they realized they needed to start being more hands-on with them.
>orange means good
So they’ve finally worked out how to add DLC to movies huh
titless nigger and Trannynstein
If the people running Disney had any brains, they would have made each Galaxy's Edge at their different parks different recognizable "planets" from different eras, which would give the mega-fans an incentive to visit each different park and buy more merchandise. I want to go to Tatooine or Coruscant, not some glorified fanfiction location that has no impact on the story as a whole.
>overblown myth
Over two dozen people fell off the face of the earth in the span of a month after they made art or spoke extensively about Winnie the Pooh.
This place seems fun, just a little overpriced
Is the rest of the world actually more insecure than I am, or are all these execs projecting something onto the regular population?
A decade ago when the MCU was just starting, I didn’t know jack shit about these characters but some comic nerds I knew hyped it up constantly. I think two of them managed to get 10 of us into the theater based on their excitement alone. That’s fucking fantastic free marketing. It didn’t feel “bad” to have someone telling me all this trivia about the comics, on the contrary it put stuff onto my radar that I’d never considered before.
But these guys act like it’s some kind of grievous harassment to listen to some nerd gushing about their fandom
Excellent. Simply, excellent.
>but some comic nerds I knew hyped it up constantly.
exactly your average guy/girl didn't know about the Thanos snap but you can bet your ass the nerds make it clear that it would happen and how it would affect the heroes
But people did exactly criticise that
A lot of people, even sequel fans, were confused as to how the Empire is simply back, with a new Death Star and everything. The funny thing is that this doesn't even address it at all, its just a passive aggressive way of saying "Shut up, stop asking this and just turn your brain off"
Finding out how your enemy is organized and how they supply their troops and then disrupting that is a huge part of war.
Degenerates spring up like fungus. One day everything's fine, life is normal, the next, bang! fucked up shit all around and you wonder where we made that fatal mistake of not wearing flip flops in communal shower.
This is unironically a really well done shop. Good job to user who made it.
This. The Storygroup is a gaggle of incompetent gatekeepers who largely don't understand Star Wars or else do not give a shit.
Name a better example of worse brand management. Normies don't give a shit about Star Wars anymore after the four abominations Disney has shat into theaters. What's worse is that kids don't care about Star Wars anymore either, and kids don't have the nostalgia for the OT or even the PT to want to buy related merchandise.
Yeah, despite never reading any of the comics I think I retained the idea “Civil War is supposed to be interesting” in my head for, what, 8 years after those nerds hammered it in there.
I’m sure it works the same in reverse too. If the designated SW nerd you know says “I think I’ll skip Solo” that carries a lot of weight. Normally people don’t feel, I don’t know, threatened or discouraged by not being the top nerd expert in their social group like they’re trying to suggest.
>I think this is overblown myth.
It isn't, Chinese expats/asylum seekers, including a doctor who had to do the harvesting on live subject in back of a van turned murder mobile have given sworn testimonials on what they witnessed, also if your rich you can pretty much buy any organ of any blood type you want and skip the wait queue... In a country that has lower organ donor rate than western countries.. To quote someone.. There is something rotten in the state of Denmark
The Communist party would have to have thousands of high ranking party people to death to stop it
Why didn't the put qt aphra ? Only good thing that came out of disney stars war
>Disney doesn't want their new female demographic put off by a backlog of games and books because:
But they had no problem with their main male demographic being put off by a tabula rasa on everything that was built for 40 years
>It's not fun to be constantly corrected by "Well, Actually..."
It's not fun to be told the future is female, step aside, your opinion doesn't matter anymore
Whoever crafted this plan has no business in running a multi billions franchise, yet they are all still in charge
>reddit lesbian lmao random needs no man chimichanga xD
neck yourself
> user can't tell a 6' 2" tranny from a real woman
Never hit the bars alone, chum.
no bully man i just want qt asian and not ugly fat rose or negros
>yet they are all still in charge
Let them squander their resources and inevitable collapse, it will teach others
Rose isn't ugly at all, maybe a traitor for stopping Finn from destroying the first order gate crasher cannon but not ugly
It's a dog whistle, black people commit more crimes in proportion
Nah, I see plenty of these scrawny guys that think they're hot shit because no one is going to steam roll them at shinny.
she's no fun and fat
aphra is retarded but cute and fuckable + have some cool robots
>Trying to attract new (casual) fans to an established franchise can be challenging, especially bringing them to one as old and intricate as the Star Wars universe.
I’ll never understand why they thought picking up the handful of women in the US who had never heard of Star Wars was more important than retaining the fuckhuge existing 4 quadrant crowd they already had.
Also I’m pretty sure they were supposed to be expanding into the Chinese market instead of prioritizing the San Fran rainbow hairs, but all they effort they’ve made is a popular Chinese actor killed off in one movie and a Vietnamese chick wearing a potato sack. Are these retards even trying?
>Let them squander their resources and inevitable collapse, it will teach others
Yes that's inevitable but it pisses me off that Bob Iger, Kathleen Kennedy and Jj Abrams are getting away with hundreds of millions $ off the back of Star Wars fans and leaving a no man's land behind.
lol keep seething neetcels they have a job and all you have is a past you'd rather forget and a future you can't bring yourself to think about
Nothing disgusts me more than fat women.
Bruh, Kelly Tran isn't ugly because she has enough sense to style her hair well and not scowl all the time. Rose Tico is Kelly Tran sans fashion sense.
Tran is above average. Then they made Rose ugly on purpose and whoops had to scrap the “she cleans up nice” scene with all their rewrites.
another business lost in the pursuit of the legendary "major audience", is like the modern El Dorado
I know you didn't type that with a straight face
Why buy a well oiled money printing machine and experiment with it in a greedy attempt to make always more? They could have pandered to women with some cartoons or spin off. No! They had to straight up fuck the sequels beyond recovery, even the spin offs are about wemen, even the fucking videogames, directly outsourced to EA because woemen don't care about videogames, why keep Licasarts alive? It's like they absolutely hate their main audience.
Looks like a Yea Forums meet up
Time for some non-shitposting analysis ITT
I have a Disneyland app, here are current wait times for various rides. Keep in mind that currently it's 9:48am in California right now
>Millennium Falcon: 65 Minutes
>Space Mountain: 45 Minutes
>Guardians of the Galaxy (California Adv.): 45 Minutes
>Matterhorn: 35 Minutes
>Peter Pan Flight: 30 Minutes
>Dumbo: 25 Minutes
>Thunder Mountain Railroad: 25 Minutes
>Star Tours: 20 Minutes
>Soarin (California Adv.): 20 Minutes
>Incredicoaster (California Adv.): 15 Minutes
>Ferris Wheel (California Adv.): 15 Minutes
>Jumpin Jellyfish (California Adv.): 10 Minutes
>Jungle Cruise: 5 minutes
>Small World: 5 Minutes
>Pirates of the Caribbean: 5 minutes
>Grizzly River Run (California Adv.): 5 minutes
>Splash Mountain: 5 minutes
>Haunted Mansion: 5 Minutes
Here are Disney World waits (currently 12:48pm there):
>Avatar Flight of Passge (AK): 150 mins
>Tower of Terror (HS): 125 Mins
>Mine Train (MK): 110 Mins
>Haunted Mansion (MK): 105 Mins
>Slinky Coaster (HS): 85 Mins
>Space Mountain (MK): 85 Mins
>Splash Mountain (MK): 80 Minutes
>Test Track (Epcot): 80 Mins
>Aerosmith (HS): 75 Mins
>Na'vi River Journey (AK): 75 Mins
>Peter Pan Flight (MK): 70 Minutes
>Toy Story Mania (HS): 70 Mins
>Jungle Cruise (MK): 70 Mins
>Jungle Cruise (MK): 70 Minutes
>Thundermountain Railroad (MK): 60 Minutes
>Pirates of the Caribbean (MK): 55 Mins
>The Seas w/ Nemo (Epcot): 55 Mins
>Mission Space (Epcot): 50 Mins
>Safari (AK): 45 Mins
>Kali River Rapids (AK): 45 Mins
>Frozen Ever After (Epcot): 40 Mins
>Dumbo (MK): 30 Mins
>Star Tours (HS): 30 Mins
>Soarin (Epcot): 30 Mins
>Muppetvision (HS): 15 Mins
>Spaceship Earth (Epcot): 5 Mins
Does seem to be more empty than usual especially compared to WDW. But not catastrophically empty. Will be interesting to see if Disneyland gets busier as the day goes
they do though
If you actually believe this CNN fanfic you're no better than North Korean drones.
>what could have been
This actually makes incredible sense and thinking back on it I would do this to. There's a lot of cool shit in star wars but holy fuck the fans of a series like that will always be cancerous. Not having to listen to a guy berate you with infodumps on shit improves a fandom considerably. It's a shame the movies are unquestionably shit in every single way to even the slightest detail
This would have been obscenely expensive. GE cost a $1 billion and is like 1/10th the size of that. Nobody has the money for that kind of project.
GE should have just been Tattooine with characters from across the franchise there. Also the cantina is the actual cantina from ANH.
That Hoth rollercoaster would be cool as fuck
>even the spin offs are about wemen
I still think it’s the weirdest shit that everyone making movies just accepts “you pander to women with more female characters” as gospel these days. Whatever happened to marketing with big name hunky actors? That still works for drawing in men with hot actresses.
I can understand why they scrapped the EU, because while it had some good stuff, it also had a lot of stupid nonsensical and contradictory shit dating back to the 80's. It was kind of a mess. That being said, at least anything weird could simply be written off as something conceived by someone other than George Lucas. Even though not all of Lucas' ideas were great, you could at least respect them as being part of his creative vision. Now the Star Wars IP is owned by Disney, so none of their poor decisions as far as storytelling or characters can use this excuse.
Yup. That’s what everyone would have wanted.
Darth Vader instead of Kylo Ren.
Sand people, banthas, Jabba’s palace for the adults with twi’lek dancers.
The weird thing is that Disney should already know this with how well the Thor movies did among women, but I guess it's not feminist to admit that women like buff manly guys.
I’d be a lot more forgiving if their replacement EU wasn’t already a huge ugly mess.
>Disneyland Haunted Mansion: 5 Minutes
>Disney World Haunted Mansion (MK): 105 Mins
Wait three hours so you can compare local times, and this is a good analysis.
I was willing to give the Disney material a fair chance, but I always knew it would be a disaster ever since they purchased the IP. It was a very sad day when Lucas sold it.
Disneyworld is also bigger than Disneyland, so it seems it’s a Disneyland issue.
>with how well the Thor movies did among women
Kek. One of the funniest things about Captain Marvel’s marketing campaign was the whole “finally a super hero for women!” deal as if Chris Hemsworth’s bulging muscles and deep blue eyes were not already “for” women.
say whatever you want about George Lucas but at least he would know how to market that stupid park
>Pop culture fiend
Because the people making these decisions are male hating menopausal harpies who think all women think like them. They hate men and are extremely narcissistic so they believe more women, less men will attract female moviegoers like flies.
Is she related to the freckled mystery meat from Solo?
> [In Wookienese] "What is that horrible creature! Is it dangerous?"
I've read one master thesis where the guy writes in the intro something like this:
>You might ask why I made this thesis. Well, you could ask the same about all the others thesis...
The whole world is crazy.
I don't like Star Wars, but this comment called my attention.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is comment is along the lines of what a meeting of Disney executives deliberated to the brand, but I really don't get why they thought it was a good idea to aim at a different group as audience instead of keeping those they had.
In my mind, I always imagined SW as something that started with the movies and then goes to dozens of books, comics, CGI cartoons, etc. I never had any desire to follow it when it was this giant series, but I've no desire to follow now that they shaved a big part of the lore/old media.
Did they fuck up and ignored the market research and data on their audience?
#10 - 5 points
"Whatu need, white boi? Weed? Ice?"
I need sauce on the whore on the right.
Isn't she just a cutie!
Even wearing Mexican depth make-up, Rey is a cute!
That's my wife.
Best guess is that they assumed the old guard would sit through absolutely anything and they could have the best of both worlds. Pretty crazy but of cinema history unfolded when Solo actually failed to make money.
>but I've no desire to follow now that they shaved a big part of the lore/old media.
Among a million other things, this really gets the noggin jogging about their hunt for the elusive new market. Some people just DON’T get autistically deep into “lore” type franchises and rebooting it is not going to change that fundamental disinterest. Maybe you can pull in some nerd chicks who otherwise spent their time on Supernatural or whatever, but you’re not going to turn Karen McNormalfag into an obsessive triviafag.
Did you draw those eyebrows on in Paint?
Blocks your path...
is that fuckin real? not like some shitty cosplay photo op? wat
I was surprised to see how huge the difference between the Reys was.
One of them was basically a prettier Daisy Ridley while some look nothing like her.
Literally every Rey from GE looks better than Daisy.
Someone should probably complain to Disney about not casting (((inclusive))) actresses for those park jobs. "Little black girls want to be Rey too!" and such.
It was Tower of Terror they rebranded at GoG. I guess they wanted to park to be more unique from the vastly superior Disney World, instead of the shitty prototype it is.
That's true, those two should swap roles from time to time.
I think the rule is black women are mentally incapable of pretending to be or empathizing with anyone besides a black woman? So they’re not supposed to like Rey anyway and will languish, forgotten and unloved, forever until Disney deigns to give them the first ever black woman lead on tv or something.
i don't understand anything in this picture
>it’s for children so it doesn’t have to make sense
>children are stupid
((they)) fired Kiri Hart though so there might be some hope that there is a non-sjw writing team involved to counteract the onions. Doesnt matter though i'm over stah wahs
user was a very stupid child, please be patient with him.
I work in high tech and it's actually common to see japanese, vietnamese (their lunch rooms smell like low tide at the wharf), calamari, and robots. The only one that doesnt belong is the white woman.
honestly a 10/10 and I started looking at it with little interest.
>hoth coaster is an amazing idea
>Naboo incorporated, girls would love this shit
But I think having the Death Star right in the middle is a bad idea, despite how iconic it is. It should be floating above the visitor somehow, maybe holograms. Have a big light show of it shooting it's laser from above to blow up some animatronic shit on the ground. Could turn it into their version of a fireworks display. Fuck you user for making me want this.
>This would have been obscenely expensive.
Do you realize who Disney was and what he envisioned? This is right up the alley of Old Disney Corp. Nu Disney has no balls.
Feel like pure shit, just want her back
>I can understand why they scrapped the EU, because while it had some good stuff, it also had a lot of stupid nonsensical and contradictory shit dating back to the 80's. It was kind of a mess.
it has less nonsensical and contradictory shit than Nu wars does you faggy shill.
based and checked
>Trying to attract new (casual) fans to an established franchise can be challenging, especially bringing them to one as old and intricate as the Star Wars universe.
You cockcobbling faggot, the Prequels and Clone Wars did that JUST FINE. They cultivated a whole new generation of Star Wars fans after the brand had been in hibernation for a decade and a half. It can be done without completely shitting the bed.
Nobody at Disney ever intended to build an entire theme park around star wars, itw as always 1 section/land. The cost of that was already $1 billion, it'd probably take Disney's entire park budget just to build a entire park these days
>implying she was anyhting more than a subordinate to Kathleen kennedy
>”Apology accepted captain Kiri”
This is why women get paid less for the same job.
As if star-wars didn't sell bad enough in china, making a lead character black will really fucking nuke their internationals
where did she come from?
probably from a tree.
the HOOD
"women" behind the magic
Should a spy wear the symbol of the AI Player she represents?
The force is female-identifying, INCEL.
>making a lead character black will really fucking nuke their internationals
Black Panther made bank in China.
So what? Many people go to the zoo to see the monkeys
It earned 48% of its domestic budget overseas...
For marvel that's dogshit, usually its 60% and up, that's overall foreign market mind you, not just china.
They didn't dump it. They told the EU to go fuck themselves, and then they started stealing everything possible from the EU because they're creatively bankrupt. Even the Rogue One movie ripped it off, turning Jan Ors into their main character Jyn Erso (who wears clothing almost identical to Jan Ors, even has the goggles) while the secondary character Cassian Andor was essentially Hispanic Kyle Katarn minus Jedi powers (outfits also pretty similar to typical non-shoulderpad Katarn).
jeez, don't have a cow
He does look like a fiend, although maybe not exclusively a pop culture one if you know what I mean.
Where did he complain about poor sales?
porgs are cool tho, and the caretakerwhales that luke milks
>poor sales of his aftermath books
Really? I've never heard of that.
Did he tweet about it?
>fans have millions of questions about the clusterfuck story of TFA
>books are shit that no one can finish
>fans have millions of questions about the clusterfuck story of TFA
But also
>We had to scrap the EU because nobody has time to read all those books!
Fucking masterpiece of a trainwreck
If it would happen more there would be videos like in case of this one.
She is not bad looking one though. Would fuck.
Me on the right.
>fans have millions of questions about the clusterfuck story of TFA
>books are shit that no one can finish
Hera and Kanan in Rebels are also stand-ins for Jan and Kyle. Hera even has the same voice actress.
It's more like
The Galaxy's Edge books and comics are there so they don't have to rely on the usual Imagineering backstory delivery device of "Let's just put a bunch of exposition news articles on the walls or message boards scattered throughout the land and assume people that overlook them will just find them digging on a blog/social media post".
when did ken jeong join the resistance?
> She....
FAAAAKE! There are way too many people there
It reads like someone trying to pad an essay to hit a word count
>Wait the resistance was reduced to 10 people and the rest of the galaxy decided not to help, so where did she come from?
Not a fucking clue.
>they are playing up the alien future
Anyone have the screencap of the BRAAP wedding?
>Ackbar was mentioned once in the entire fucking movie.
How many times did his name come up in the previous films?
>Kamino doesn't have a Clone Trooper "training room" where you play laser tag
You know the best kid's movies are the kind that can be enjoyed by adults too right? Something being fucking retarded can't simply be waved away by the "it's for kids" excuse.
More like baboon town
She looks like a 40 year old school bus driver having a midlife crisis because she's still single.
To understand Disney's Star Wars you have to buy all the DLC. Next film they're actually going to try something radical where the first half of the film will be available to everyone who buys a ticket, but the last half will require the audience to pool their money together and purchase theater loot boxes to get a chance to see the ending. Don't worry though, other contents in the chest will be vouchers for Rose Tico action figures and 10% discount coupons on the Yub Nub $50 mixed drink at Galaxy's Edge so every roll is a winner.
it's star wars, if you're not wearing a armor or dressed like an SS officer, you're a good guy. The coding is pretty straightforward and obvious even to the youngest viewers. But this is just retarded.
isn't she a little too young for you, user?
>unzipping the sky
I like to imagine the few Star Trek toys lying around on their podcast set came from Mike's collection.
Malcovich, Malcovich, Malcovich.
Can we just D.A.B. (destroy all blacks) already please
have sex
Just wait until RoS comes out and we see how the Mouse shoehorned in a reference to Vi Moradi. Maybe even a cameo.
...that looks exactly like a renaissance festival in southwest ohio
Funnily enough, the biggest complaint I’ve heard from hardcore HP fans is that it doesn’t work because they don’t want to experience the books and characters again, they want to be part of the wizarding world. Who the fuck wants to buy Harry’s wand, what every kid wanted was to go to Ollivander’s to get their own wand
>"spy" sneaking aound in a bright orange rebel jacket
What did they mean by this
What exactly is the First Order? What do they want and why do they want it?
They’re a minority of whiny idiots.
it's a parody
In my experience, those same people have turned on the MCU and in some cases feel alienated. GotG is what did it to me.
how often do you think she gets hit on?
The past. She is obviously one of Han's old lovers helping the alliance after Rey travels back in time.
>so where did she come from?
The people that thought of this bullshit are the same people that hated star wars and always thought it was for nerds. But now they have an mba and fulfill a diversity hiring quota and they think this bullshit would work in the real world.
Normie wont waste their time if hardcore fans dont exist or are rebelling.
>if the nerds allhate it now it must be bad!
This is why nuWars is failing and all the corporate buzzwords and lingo cant save it.
>I wear my faction's starbird on my jacket.
>I wuz a good spy, right?
> Vi Moradi was created for Delilah S. Dawson's 2017 novel Phasma. According to Dawson, Moradi can be seen as a "female Poe Dameron" for her humor, ego, and talent, but with an added dash of James Bond.
If darth vader and co. were there i would have already booked a weekend pass.
when ever I think about skipping going to the gym I look at this picture.
That pic infuriates me. I'm sure that's what it was meant to do but why do these people get into something and pretend to love the source material then later say it was all problematic and shit.
Why do they keep doing it? And it's gotten to the point where everyone knows any time it happens someone points out they aren't real fans then get shut down by fucking everyone only to be proven right later.
> Sheeet! Whatcu looking at Snow White?
Why can't they just give leadership of Lucasfilm over to Dave Filoni? He actually gives a shit.
Isn't every Star Wars or game book like this?
Do you ask your barber if you need a haircut? So, no one asked those thousands of retards with women studies and feminist literature degrees what was the problem with Star Wars, but twitter and instagram...
I'd say about half. The one written by the guys who did the Expanse and the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn are solid.