Walking Dead First Look Season 10
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>this show is still going
Let it die. Please let it die.
Ah yes, a fresh season of zombie Santa barbara
It just got good again ironically
>mfw they keep on renewing the show
wtf are people still unironically watching this shit?
Maybe they'll do what the comic book did and whip out a surprise ending when people think it's still going
I watched this season while crashing at a friend's house and it was pretty good. Basically all the characters people were complaining about die
I honestly forgot this show was still being made
>Yes, I do enjoy the Walking Dead how could you tell?
I don't understand the hate. Last season was genuinely good
>it's still going
why tho, are people still watching it?
Seriously? I read them up to N killing A and taking over the W. How did he end the comics?
>walking dead
Hasn't been good since season 2
the numbers are on a decline but it still leaves them with a disgustingly impressive number of viewers
Even if it was (which I doubt), most people tapped out years ago.
This show is like a time capsule to early 2010's when zombieshit was as popular as capeshit is now. No one cares about zambees in 2019
go back
it's been utter garbage since the start, except now it's such a visible steaming pile of shit that even normies can explain to you why it is objective trash
fuck off, season one was decent
I personally liked the end
>time jump to 25-30ish years
>Carl now a grownup and married Sofia, daughter named Andrea
>Walkers officially aren't an issue anymore because the daughter has never seen one and comments like "there hasn't been a walker here in over 10 years" etc.
>world basically bouncing back, railroads are being built and there's a connection between east and west that is major news
I could do story stuff if wanted but I just thought a feel for the world would be adequate. Robert Kirkman had fake covers done and advertised so they could keep the illusion of the story continuing
Name a better zombie show. That's right you can't ya jerks
A simpler time.
Now spent time to rant about the show you don't watch.
>story telling is subjective
That was the only one I really liked but season 2 was tolerable. I watched all the way up till the Korean kid got killed. Was the whole Negan storyline shit? Can I jump back in easily right now without having to watch all that?
>Was the whole Negan storyline shit?
Negan himself has stage presence and really is a powerful figure in most of his scenes, but yes, the actual show around it is dogshit. Then they cuck him and put him in a prison cell and he is just wasted screentime now.
Ok but is the new world diverse and inclusive enough? Andrea the child was born a boy, right? Where’s michonne? She’s president, yes?
>Negan gets out of his cell and goes on his little trip
>picks up an ugly fake looking leather jacket
This shit triggered me for no reason
stopped watching after season three I think. Only came back for the Negan introduction, and watched a few of his scenes. He didn't dissapoint but the rest of the show is hot garbage
no it didn't get good again
you're repeating redditor talk
yes, and they're claiming it's "good" "again"
>zombie show
is the show even about the zombies? From what I have seen they are just used as a cheap story-telling deus-ex device.
Wrote yourself into a corner? simply have a zombie jump out of no where to kill off whoever you need
They don't seem to matter at all. Has it ever been answered why they don't rot after all this time, or how the outbreak started? It seems to just revolve around extremely corny unrealistic characters. The writing seems like it's straight from a shitty childrens comicbook, and that's because it fucking is.
That really surprised me. It still wasn't good but it was much better than I expected. The last episode was fucking terrible though. They really had no business trying to do a big shootout.
It got better when the jets go over and everyone is too fucked up to keep fighting. Then it just falls a part and they are running off for safety. When the Hispanic older dude gets a bullet from his friends cos he is limping too bad I was so happy. Any other zombie drama, that guy would have had a big emotional send off, but here, blam! It is super realistic to me.
Also, the episode in the safehouse that is told 3 times from different angles was kino.
ash vs evil dead
are deadites zombies though?
id say they're more of an zombies than walking dead has ever seen with those shitty soulless cookie cutter ones with bad actors
>When the Hispanic older dude gets a bullet from his friends cos he is limping too bad I was so happy. Any other zombie drama, that guy would have had a big emotional send off, but here, blam! It is super realistic to me.
I'm with you on that. I just roll my eyes when everyone suddenly had full autos and stuff like mp7's which are rare as fuck even among .mil/LEO's. I like the concept of people fucking up and shooting each other on accident, those people turning, and people fighting over guns though. If they had a better special effects budget it would have been great. My criticisms are very small and just superficial stuff that didn't prevent me from enjoying it. I liked the safehouse too.
>I just roll my eyes when everyone suddenly had full autos and stuff like mp7's which are rare as fuck even among .mil/LEO's
100% agree, I let the scene slide a bit for its choreography and how the sprinting zombies were coming at them real fast, so I was on the edge of my seat a bit.
But overall it was a mistake. The whole series thrived on them being ina Shit Hits The Fan situation caught off guard, and they are armed withonly a frying pan and their wits, or just have to run like Forrest Gump to survive. Then a Rambo scene out of nowhere. Bad choice. But a mark on an otherwise great series that never let up for a moment, had no cringy Morgan moments tlaking about his feelings or how Aikido made him want world peace, just survival.
>Season 10
I have not watched a single episode after S2.
>The whole series thrived on them being ina Shit Hits The Fan situation caught off guard, and they are armed withonly a frying pan and their wits,
Took the words right out of my mouth. I loved the dude who runs his ass off over and over, then he goes shopping and you think he might finally get some good luck for a second but nope.
3 and 4 are quite good actually and get too much hate. Even 5 has its moments. I hate the governer though.
What's this even about anymore?
great video of absolutely nothing, retard.
anyone else watching FTWD? s5e5 was laughably bad but the rest is sort of ok
except that these idiots seemingly never heard about prussian blue or potassium iodine
Maggie's son is a cunt who uses walkers as entertainment. Carl kills them all and Herschel is upset and sues him. Michonne is a judge or some shit so Carl walks.
I wish I never watched anything past season 1
ive invested so much time into now that I feel like I have to see how this stupid shit ends
I hated that guy as a guy, but obviously that is what you are supposed to do, see him as pathetic but just happens to have the luck of the Irish on his side. When he lost his shoe, I thought "damn this series knows how to make their characters really look like they are in trouble".
The most you get from Walking Dead is some beads of sweat to make them look like they are on the frontier or a sweaty shirt, but Black Summer had people's lives actually fucking falling apart.
Ftwd turned to shit after season 3
It literally is you mong, a story cannot be objectively bad
season 4 was so bad that the guy who played Nick quit, i still hate Morgan and the whole thing is pretty retarded, but just having Strand and John around makes the show still somewhat enjoyable
except for these kids in s5, fuck i hate the little shits.
talking about kids, wasn't a 3rd spinoff planned (possibly with Clementine ?)
how can there still be zombies?
if they don't eat for 3 weeks they starve
they've been going for 10 years
that defies biology
that defies thermodynamics
this. my plan is to wait till tehy finally cancel it and maybe then if it is not too hated and only up to season 12 or something, I will binge 10, 11 and 12. I won't follow this shit anymore though.
>a story cannot be objectively bad
not the user, but explain
iirc the zombies are never explained but it is hinted at that they are miraculous, as in an act of God. This is becasue they are shown many times to be impossibly high stamina, people who got trapped in a room on Day 1 and years later crawl out undead when someone raids the room for supplies.
water is something like 10 days
well that's just stupid
>not the user, but explain
To claim a movie is OBJECTIVELY terrible, you'd have to prove that it's impossible to be entertained by it. Not just that nobody currently enjoys it, but that nobody will EVER enjoy it, for the rest of time.
You cannot objectively rate media, to claim you can is pure arrogance. It doesn't matter how poorly or incompetently a film is made, it cannot be objectively terrible. I've no qualms with people thinking films are bad, I think every Star Wars film is complete tosh, but that doesn't mean I can go about labelling them as 'objectively rubbish' without being wrong.
it is and that isn't hinted
it is literally the only expanation left to the viewer, even if not hinted. I would say it is not stupid so much as an attempt to give you a biblical plague enemy that is supernatural in nature. But then Kirkman doesn't explore that theme, and is perhaps a fedora tipping atheist or some shit.
Well I would not suggest I can rate media on an objective scale, but there are story telling conventioons that are deeply rooted in human consciousness (think of Joseph Campbell and The Hero With 1000 Faces).
There are basic story telling conventions where certain things jive with people across all cultures. There may be ways of being avant guarde and truly fucking up the chance at cohesive story telling.
But yes, I understand what you mean, there is always someone that will like the most obscure and inpenetrable films.
Mah zombies aren't realistic!
the only thing hinted at for where the Z virus is from is ayylmaos, and that's mostly a joke.
any divine thing is just character delusions
>any divine thing is just character delusions
Unless ayylmaos can break the laws of physics, they must be the result of a miracle, that is literally what "miracle" means.
>it is literally the only expanation left to the viewer
they just never cared about scientific accuracy. in a real world some act of god is the only way zombies could exist like they do in the show, but they didn't care about real world limitations.
Probably just carelessness or laziness like you say actually. But in lore explanations are literally Acts of God or physics breaking ayylmaos.
So boring. Bunch of people wandering around a Canadian suburb for awhile ending with an incredibly messy and poorly done Children of Men wannabe long take.
Nobody have to endure 10 season to finaly enjoy it after 6 or 8 seasons. Its too late for it to be good, theres so much shit to filter
>Probably just carelessness or laziness like you say actually.
It's fiction. A dragon could never fly in the real world, but you take this made up thing and write a story around it.
>So boring
Of all the criticisms leveled agaisnt it, this is the least resonable one. It never lets up.
>It's fiction. A dragon could never fly in the real world, but you take this made up thing and write a story around it.
Suspension of disbelief is valid, but you also need some internal consistency or internal explanations of what is going on.
Z Nation
dogshit series, could stand more than a few scenes.
>internal consistency
The show definitely lacks that.
Oh no, he's retarded
Dead Set
>lmao wow a quirky tuxedo wearing rich dude who lives in a special themepark thing with swegways, lol how quirky and lol so random.
>people still watch this
Is this like TV Stockholm syndrome lmao
People's use of the word 'objective' is wrong. If people mean the film fails by societal standards generally agreed upon, then they should just say that. That's not what the word objective means, objective means direct fact that isn't dependant on thought or mind to be true - Something that isn't influenced by personal feeling. How you personally feel about it is very important, which is against the very definition of objectivity.
Oh no, I take that fully into account. My point is that if someone can enjoy a film, then it cannot be an objective failure, and for that reason you cannot have an objectively bad film. There's nothing wrong with saying you think the film is bad, or enjoying a film you think is terrible. But to cross from that to telling people who like the film "you're wrong, it's shit" is just arrogance, and I don't tolerate that.
I thought it ended when they caught Negan?
It is pretty bad, though. Very "The Asylum" about it.
lol no walking dead never ends, silly.
>My point is that if someone can enjoy a film, then it cannot be an objective failure
The keyword here is CAN. There are story conventions that seem to suggest certain stories WON'T ever be enjoyed, but I agree with you that there is no such thing as something that CAN'T be enjoyed.
Well thought out post user, thank you for your contributions to the thread, fren.
Lol, I just looked it up, I didn't realise The Asylum actually produced it. Explains everything.
>Very "The Asylum" about it.
perfect summary, the production values are superbly cringey.
Someone post the walking dead storm scene
Show died for me when shane left
The comic book ended. Old man Carl reading the walking dead saga to his daughter. Society is a peaceful Utopia
>someone post a scene from one show to excuse the constant bad quality of another show
>Season 10
>being this literal and autistic
I obviously meant the TV series is an endless Mr Bones' Wild Ride and should have ended years ago, user.
Why haven't they killed that nigger off?
It's confirmed she's leaving in Season 10 so you will get your wish unless they pull another rick
what, are you some kind of racist to want a stronk poc woman removed from the show?
it was reported a while back
I wonder who the fuck is even going to be the main characters going forward
They haven't had a main character for the past season, I'm sure they will manage just fine.
Stopped watching after Season 5 Finale. Does it have winter scenes?
last 2 episodes were winter, and abysmally boring too. stick with your decision to abandon the show.
>show carl died because lol money so we'll never have anything close to old man carl
it hurts.
it's from fear the walking dead, not the main show.
i'm hoping Negan, but it'll probably be Shane's daughter.