Why does the simpsons always make fun of canada? I find it very distasteful.
Why does the simpsons always make fun of canada? I find it very distasteful
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Kill yourself zoomer nigger
>USA portrayed by a mutt
Canada is that slightly odd, but not too "foreign" neighbor to the north, so you can safely make fun of them without being racist
>Yea Forums has reasonable amount of Simpsons threads
>autists invent “sneedposting” with their announced goal to “drive Simpsons threads back to Yea Forums where they belong”
>actually accomplish this goal, only Simpsons threads made unironically are made on Yea Forums, no unironic Simpsons threads left on Yea Forums
>sneedposters however, can’t let go
>first start sneedposting in literally every thread they can find, even if it has literally nothing to do with the Simpsons
>get shit for it because it proves their just autistic spammers who don’t care about “proper board discussion” and just want to be annoying
>sneedposters try to CTR by inventing Simpsons threads, almost always just a quote without context from the Simpsons
>use them to bait other sneedposters and to spam sneed themselves
>but its still not enough
>keep spamming all other threads but have to constantly make new fake Simpsons threads for sneedposting
>now there are more Simpsons threads on Yea Forums than there ever were before sneedposting was a thing.
Who goes onto boards.4channel.org/tv/ just to poast cringe like this?
>Why does the simpsons always make fun of canada?
Everyone makes fun of Canada, because it's irrelevant.
benign boomer tier humor, because making fun of other shitholes would be a hate crime. To be fair now making fun about Sweden or UK is a hate crime, because they are full of shitskins.
its all so tiresome
Yet everyone always talks about us ;)
they know about the ways of the leaf
there is litteraly nothing to say about Canada
that's the joke
seething "humor" by americans because their women can't get enough mounty moose dong
Yet everyone talks about us ;)
suck my dick
Where do you think we are?
This is completely normal behaviour.
Formerly tasteful
Because Americans wish they were Canadian
Rent Frsneed
Literally schizophrenic, also sneed.
why is canada's soil pH so high?
also sneed
based and Chuckpilled
A handful of Simpson’s writers in the glory days were Canadian
because canadians are funny, and often sound like someone's uninteresting uncle
The general joke is that Canada is largely faultless as a country compared to the US. Making fun of them is really just showing jealousy.
now that's a laugh
that's why nearly every canadian lives on our border :^)
canada is reddit
formerly a british cuck colony
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File: PROBLEM-WITH-APU-THUMB-625x352.png (194 KB, 625x352)
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Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:41:41 No.118173995▶ (You) (You)
So say the SJWs win and he gets removed, who's next?
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:01 No.118174034▶
(OP) (OP)
Did you post this thread knowing what was going to happen?>>
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:43:36 No.118174061▶ (You) (You) (You) (You)
Literally no body:
Absolutely nobody:
Not a single soul:
me: Sneed
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:44:48 No.118174088▶
(OP) (OP)
Probably Sneed.
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:45:20 No.118174109▶
I think it's kind of hearbreaking. Sure, Apu was an offensive stereotype to begin with (i.e. seasons 1 - 2) but the writers realized that fairly on. They grew and evolved him, and he went from being a one-dimensional serf to a respected member of the community and a friend of Homer. Not just anyone can be a Pin Pal.
Anonymous 07/17/19(Wed)14:47:52 No.118174178▶ (You) (You)
(You) (You)
> (OP)
>Literally no body:
>Absolutely nobody:
>>Not a single soul:
>>me: Sneed
In my experience, Canadians have a weird superiority complex when it comes to the US. Comparing themselves favorably to America is their only basis for national pride. As in, nothing they do is really an accomplishment unless America did or does it worse. That's why lately Canadians have been wanking off about the war of 1812.
formerly the war of 1811
formerly the war of 1810
formerly the war of 1809
King of the Hill has a great episode pointing this out. As a fucking leaf I see that idiotic attitude all the time. "Thank god we aren't american and have free healthcare" but they never mention that just to see a specialist you can wait 2 years and then god knows how long to actually fix the problem.
formerly the war of 1808
>War of 1812
It's funny because the British Army burned down the White House but Canadians try to steal credit for that.
formerly the war of 1807
whoops i almost forgot to say sneed lol
formerly the war of 1806
It's also fairly antithetical to alleged Canadian values. Burning the White House is painted as reasonable revenge for when Americans marched into York (now Toronto) and burned down the Parliament building and other government structures. But a) that was done by a rowdy mob that wasn't listening to orders whereas DC was burnt down deliberately by professional soldiers, b) York was way smaller than DC and so far less property damage occurred, and c) as you said it was committed by British troops brought across the Atlantic who couldn't have cared less about wounded colonial pride.
almost an entire simpsons thread with no sneed
I’m a bong that’s worked with my fair share of both Americans and Canadians and Canadians just seem like faggier, more effeminate, albeit less obnoxious versions of Americans. All in all you’re just both twisted and subverted strains of the Anglo though.
Fuck off yank.
At this point I assume any real Brit would be arrested for such badwrongwords by their neo-Orwellian government.
All forced by one guy
Ironically, everyone made fun of that faggot at first, but then idiots thought they were in good company and all that
Too bad the show can't make a remotely clever Canada joke as Americans would be too ignorant to understand it.
Based mods clearing out the reddit trash
If I had to guess this would probably be it. In my experience most Americans really don’t think about Canadians enough to make jokes about them.
Canadians are only eclipsed by Australians as the dumpster fire of western civilization. Absolute garbage people.
No one wishes they were canadian. Not even canadians.
you'll never take my liver bones, Trudeau
Spotted the self hating Quebecois faggot, leave our country already, nobody likes you
impressive thread. i guess all the shit posters are sucking jamals dick. FUCK COUNTRY BUMPKINS
No, they all just got deleted: archive.4plebs.org
>30+ posts vanished
>doing it for free on this level
Canada jokes used to be more common among Americans in general but it looks like our attention settled elsewhere. That said, I've noticed that Canadians do tend to overestimate their relevance to the average American. Knew a few who were genuinely worried Trump's weird rant about Canadian steel being a security threat was going to rouse anti-Canadian sentiment en masse. Had to explain that was never going to happen because we just did not give a shit about them one way or another.
Actually all the anons who were getting assblasted by Sneedposting made it funny which caused nonSneeding anons to Sneed to just to join in on the fun. You created Sneed by getting angry about it.
I'm an American though.
Don't be such a softcock. If you can't laugh at your own country you probably shouldn't live in it.
>be canadian
>every time your country is represented in anything it's almost always mounties, moose, hockey, maple leafs, syrup or cold weather/snow
I feel like we're the retarded younger cousin everyone loves to laugh at
those are the best part of the country though
That's your national Identity you retard, you just want to blend into the globalist mega city culture
That's because you're a dick, Scott.
like 90% of leafs hug the border of their shithole. Pretending they were different was mostly forced a meme.
You shits deserve the rope
t. /vint/
>but not too "foreign" neighbor
Since when? It's Chinkville now
That's not irony.
sneed is plebbit
it's more chuckville, really