Kinos with this aesthetic?
Kinos with this aesthetic?
Since that is a theatre performance based on Adam and Eve it would have to be a biblical kino.
mmm feet
mad world innit
>And that's a good thing.
Still off topic /pol/ cancer though. Wouldn't you get more (you)s over there?
in a truly advanced world the guy would be black
give females the right to vote, allow females to be 90% of school staff, what could go wrong lmao
Wow, such brave! So tolerance!
too right
In the world our children deserve they would be two trans people of color
fucking jews
The Wicker Man
>eww cooties
>i wanna go hoooome
>my feet are asleep
I wonder how long its gonna be before people start normalizing fucking corpses
>a naked couple
I can hear Americans seethe from a mile away
oh I will wake them up no problem little girl, just put them in my mouf
you can sign to use your corpse for science, soon you will able to sign that you want your corpse to be fucked
the hungarian movie “the annunciation” combines the two aspects of the image by having kids play adam and eve
Is this real?
yes, it was part of a performance art stage play thingy. belgian iirc.
available in the "100 év cunny" dvd collection btw
>no way fag
Slippery slooppppeee!!!!!
i would like to give 1 on 1 sex lessons to those little girls
Like 5 years since the elite already do it
Yuropeons are fucked up. Jesus Christ. No wonder the mudslimes are conquering you.
>Dude if gay people can marry it's just one step away from murdering toddlers and fucking their eye sockets being considered normal!
Why do /pol/tards consider this a legitimate argument?
Why are you projecting?
>he still think the slipper slope is a fallacy
why are they all white
at least half of them should be black like in the US
Says the amerimutt. You fags are the ones exporting this shit to Europe
why did you use a strawman on the user you're replying to
Spawning children in the west, in this day and age should be a war crime and crime against humanity.
Because for a while it was
>don't worry no one is gonna come into your kids school and force homosexuality on them!
but now that we do that the only way to go is down
Looks like he struck a nerve there
You should read mencius moldbug, friend.
The children should be the ones on stage.
spawning children anywhere should be a war crime, just adopt and stop making more souls suffer
Imagine being afraid of a naked body
Interracial marriage led to gays. The proof is in the pudding.
Nice try (((user)))
>just adopt
I’m too selfish. I won’t have kids but at least I’m self-aware about it. Normoids are creating a new generation of super dejens that will normalize shit fucking and baby gagging. The fuck is wrong with this world!
This desu
Wasted trips. We have to stop having children and Jews should be gassed.
I hope with we you mean people of colons like you.
>We have to stop having children
J e w i s h
*makes children with Jewish gf*
Now both sides lose
>Yea Forums is triggered by this
When did Yea Forums get filled with puritan boomers?
It objectively is.
They're both guys.
It got flooded with /pol/ and /r/the_Donald and other redditfugees in 2016-17
Why are you projecting?
I'm 90% sure this is photoshopped.
Why did you come here?
This. Time to go somewhere else now that it's been ruined completely.
go suck a nigger dick, degenerate leftist scum
i really hate it when they edit clothes onto little girls
I need help finding a film, i saw a screenshot for what i assume was a film the other day and have been trying all day to find out what the film was. The screenshot i saw was a man sitting on the end of a bed the camera looking directly towards him with a wide shot and the bed behind him was cover in plushies/stuffed animals. I want to assume it was Japanese but i've no idea
They're normalizing pedophilia. They'll normalize necrophilia too soon.
stop gaslighting conflict, Oceania
If this was America the white woman would be ravaged by a BIG BLACK COCK while the white boy sits in the corner wearing his chastity cage, LIKE GOD INTENDED
Calling something a mental illness is hardly normalizing it.
Unfortunately /pol/ filth isn't limited to this site.
Without referencing Christianity, explain why this is wrong. You can't.
Where does Christianity say that this is wrong?
Why are breeders such degenerates?
Extramarital sex
Honestly, this is true. t. Swede
How do you know it's extramarital?
Here is the triggered commie tranny. Got an alert on your discord server?
Leave, puritan.
I think ResetEra has completely eliminated any /pol/ content.
it isn’t extramarital sex if the actors aren’t actually having sex, and if you’re talking about the characters in the play, they are literally portraying who christianity holds to be the first married couple in history.
Ask myself that every day
exposure to sex as a child is correlated with mental illness and high-risk behaviour later in life. children should not be exposed to sex
Sharia is honestly an improvement at this point
me on the right
This is only because its so stigmatized
>the reason kids get scarred from it is because other people ain't all about dat
The fuck
That's missing LGBT and genderqueer representation.
To be truly American it would have to be various white people: women, trannies, and sissy cucks, all worshiping big black cocks.
Yes. Not trolling. When other adults tell the kid its wrong, the kid feels guilty and evil and sinful and dirty
You ever hear of the fallacy fallacy buddy?
>the faces of all the observers
>no, my worldview is right
wow all this hate just because they are not obese?
>the actors aren’t actually having sex
No it isn't, it's just a logical sequence of events
no, it's because of biology and neurology
I hope the aids melts your little dick off and it falls in the toilet
people have stages of development and its too early for that.
god says so is not an argument
cheaters must die
Yeah it's a meme trotted out by people who don't like to hear that they're objectively using fallacies.
Read a book on logical fallacies, morons.
This guy looks like he's starting to calmly contemplate the idea of a mass shooting.
Because it'll fuck with children's psychological development you stupid fucking tranny
Here I am wondering how many millions someone would have to pay me for me to do this and there are people out there who would do it for free. art is magic word that can turn everyone into delusional whores
So progressive.
>describe the logical implications of certain arguments and what conclusions can be drawn from certain axioms
why do you do this
no its not. mudslime have nothing to offer the world, the best they can do is not destroy it.
Because it is
>logical implications
this is soooo true like omg based and redpilled bro. We've gotta, like, do something y'know? We gotta act like now before it's too late haha yeah we've gotta act now!
Power to the people
He looks like he locked himself in his own mind and is elsewhere, as not to witness whats before him.
Why are americans so scared by sex?
The slippery slope is only a fallacy when there is no discernible logical connection between event A and B. Here there clearly is. Sensible people rightfully assumed giving degenerates more freedom would leed to the spread of more degeneracy. They were shunned for being unintelligent and using logical fallacies. Now a few years later and there's a zero tolerance policy on heterosexual white relationships and whiteness in general in media, and the mental and hormonal rape of chlidren is actively promoted by the government. This is just like the fall of Rome, if you can't see the pattern of history repeating itself, I'm afraid the fault isn't on people using the slippery slope "fallacy", but on degenerates living in denial of their own stupidity.
>I've read the/pol/ sticky and now I'm a master debator
Unread your meme "book" of logical "fallacies" you retard. The fallacy is you believing there's a series clear cut descriptive categories that every single argument fits into. One "slippery slope" is not equivalent to every "slippery slope". It's only a "slipper slope fallacy" when it's actually false.
"Degeneracy" is a buzzword invented by the Nazis.
> there's a zero tolerance policy on heterosexual white relationships and whiteness in general in media, and the mental and hormonal rape of chlidren is actively promoted by the government
It's time to stop posting.
Learn to spell before you try to parody intelligence, /pol/tard.
nuke ghent
remlce ghent
ignore ghent posters
look guys, what a surprise, a nazi on Yea Forums!
fuck off shitlord
its ironic you see, they are sniffing each others farts the artist has a contempt for the scene he is in
Nah, I'm Dutch and I don't want my kid exposed to this shit either. Sex is a private thing.
it's not in muttlandia i'm sorry
Oh sorry, not logical implications, but real physical implications, as is clearly evident by the OP.
My kids won't learn what sex is until they're 40 like me.
>Degeneracy" is a buzzword invented by the Nazis.
lmao try the bible mutt
People get upset by this but those European countries have the lowest rates of teen pregnancies while in the backward conservative states they the highest, along with abortions.
this thread is full of hate speech, please keep your illegal opinions to yourself
>"Degeneracy" is a buzzword invented by the Nazis.
And that's a good thing.
>backward conservative states they the highest, along with abortions
this is not reddit
fuck niggers
fuck trannies
fuck you especially
>muh whites and heteros are prosecuted
>muh fall of Rome
>the guy is wh*te, not black, not even ethnic, but wh*te
*barfs in mouth*
Uhm... YIKES...
Why are you projecting?
Its equal across all races and ethnicities but ok
>The United States ranks first among developed nations in rates of both teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. In an effort to reduce these rates, the U.S. government has funded abstinence-only sex education programs for more than a decade. However, a public controversy remains over whether this investment has been successful and whether these programs should be continued. Using the most recent national data (2005) from all U.S. states with information on sex education laws or policies (N=48), we show that increasing emphasis on abstinence education is positively correlated with teenage pregnancy and birth rates. This trend remains significant after accounting for socioeconomic status, teen educational attainment, ethnic composition of the teen population, and availability of Medicaid waivers for family planning services in each state. These data show clearly that abstinence-only education as a state policy is ineffective in preventing teenage pregnancy and may actually be contributing to the high teenage pregnancy rates in the U.S. In alignment with the new evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative and the Precaution Adoption Process Model advocated by the National Institutes of Health, we propose the integration of comprehensive sex and STD education into the biology curriculum in middle and high school science classes and a parallel social studies curriculum that addresses risk-aversion behaviors and planning for the future.
completly true
t. belgian
Not even your side is denying that white people are under attack. Their real justification is that they're balancing the power structure, as disgusting whitoids have enjoyed life for far too long.
The absolute state of the west
>Imagine having two grown adults fuck in front of your kids :)
better than michelangelo pieta
yeah, fuck white people for doing this
>>The United States ranks first among developed nations in rates of both teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
Interestingly the rates for both are highest in the "Bible Belt".
I can also provide the statistics for abortion but I think you know where this is going.
In a truly progressive society, there would be no children alive, because would have ideally aborted them all.
Or more succinctly
Where's the video?
Lord, please return soon.
>just let gays fuck in peace
>just let gays marry in peace
>just let public education talk to your kids about sex and gays when they're 10 years old
>just let men cut off their dicks and replace them with a puss-spewing wound
>just let parents put their children on hormone blockers in preparation to cut their dicks off/sew a fleshy dildo to their crotch
>just let people fuck animals
>just let adults fuck kids
>just stop with the slippery slope argument
They have lowest rates of teen pregnancies because noone has kids. Aren't they experiencing a negative population growth?
Sorry, don't argue with nazis.
If you think kids watching two naked adults fuck/simulate fucking is normal then no wonder Europe is in such a shit state
>muh niggers
Just stop spreading fake news.
You can leave anytime, fags
They literally welcomed a trojan horse of rapefugees into their countries
it was a sneed reference
it should be two brown semites
What part of that was fake news?
What's Israel's teen pregnancy rate?
Just stop spreading HIV
keep calling everyone nazis big brain
But you're the one who brought up teen pregnancy in a negative manner. All I did was google teen pregnancy and post a picture of who is doing it. If it turns out that you were criticizing niggers then aren't you the racist? I mean I'm not telling you anything new. You seem to care about teen pregnancy and abortion so obviously you have googled these things, you must have googled it, you must have already known who's doing it, and yet you still talked about it in a derisive manner knowing fully well that you were criticizing POCs. You can only be a racist. Are you an incel too by chance?
>all the seething faggots mad at this user
Based and redpilled. Don’t let the trannies tell you otherwise
>haha I was almost forced to recognize your argument, however I see you made a typo. Check m8 buddy
Go back to your discord and dilate with your friends
i bet those little girl cunnies are wet and horny ready to take a pp in them
>all the seething faggots
It was mostly the two samefags