Is this meant to be a subtle pisstake on woke culture? There's no way it's so bad that all the PC and woke shit in this is legit!
Kumail, nobody's going to watch your shitty movie. Stop shilling it.
Havent watched it yet but the mexican chick in it is pretty cute.
She looks like shes 40 in most scenes and shes supposed to be Batista's daughter. For a rediculous movie I felt this was the least believable thing. Still worth a watch though
that indian guy has the most punchable face in hollywood, maybe on the west coast
>two unwatchable "actors" in a movie with a dog of peace
Yeah gonna be a hard pass.
It was pure trash. I couldn't believe how predictable and bad all the jokes and political crap was. It was so in your face and cringe it's hard to believe it's not trying to be parody.
>I couldn't believe how predictable and bad all the jokes and political crap was
give example, I want to cringe
was it like a new comedy where they cant make fun of anyone, because some one will get offended. and are they still doing the whole orange man bad thing?
Scene where pajeet screams about how real men cry, respect all women and hug each other etc.
There's a scene where a male prostitute has a Hillary tattoo with number 45.
>with number 45
People are raving about... Stuber!
It's physically hard for men to cry tho, it happens for me once in a blue moon and I'm clinically depressed.
I watched it years ago, but with Jimmy Fallon in it.
Doesn't help that he's also got one of the most annoying voices in recent memory, which makes me wonder why he's being cast as a VA in everything.
So is it just Collateral but turned into an "outrageous" comedy
So he can still annoy people who avoid movies with his shit-toned visage.
is that making fun of Trump though?
Hill was supposto be president #45. IT WAS HER TURN
>cut rate duane johnson and random brown actor 2436 in...
non threatening paki whos funny and boomers will feel like hes one of the good ones
Oh Drumpfkins when will they learn.