He was a huge part of internet culture 10 years ago. Do Zoomers even know him today?
He was a huge part of internet culture 10 years ago. Do Zoomers even know him today?
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I don't know him
jewdenpie actual does worse job then him at the same show and its insanely popular so No
>Take other peoples videos
>Add some stupid quip before each video
>Do a weird smile where his lips move 6 inches to the right like Angelica Pickles
>Get famous
I never understood it then, and I don't understand it now
PewDiePie does the same think nowadays. In fact a lot of YouTubers basically just make content based on other's content. This is smell each other's farts constest and this guy pioneered it. rIP in piss.
Who is this gypsy?
what race is he
For me, it was the capitol hill gangster.
autistic screeching was also very popular back then. zoomers simply dont understand how naive millenials were
non-european "white"
"Bitch got a penis" was kino.
Do you understand people like iDubbz and leafy and just being snarky towards others content and making it big?
Vaguely remember him and sxephil. He had a fuckton of jumpcuts in his vids.
Equals Three was comfy desu.
>He was a huge part of internet culture 10 years ago
and I fucking hated him, fuck him and fuck gen y who are now worshiping him.
I am 35. Is this young Poe from nu Wars?
Now you have thousands of popular youtube channels which steal other peoples content and package it as their own and profit off it
A true prophet of our age
I don't remember him being so brown
>iDubbz and leafy
I don't watch these because I'm not a zoomer
At the very least Idubbz put some effort into his videos (content cop anyway)
Hello everyone this is youuuuur daily dose of internet
Yeah, so much effort to just overlap someone else's content while mocking them.
>several equals three videos are just "balls" being repeated over and over as a joke
Gotta admit the relative juvenile innocence of the internet in 2010 was kinda charming
>huge part
I remember seeing a very cringe youtube vid with a bit fatter guy who looked similar, saw more in the sidebar kinda often, was very annoying. Glad hes done.
literal who
Remember him making jokes about his height only to realise I’m two inches taller than him if google is to be believed. And for being as unfunny as he was, there was something endearing about him whereas youtubers now just seem spiteful snd snarky, generally not pleasant
Also kay and peele made a start on his show before they got famous
shit dude this is pathetic, nobody likes you.
literally the first reaction youtuber
the way he does it? yeah it kind of is
like that bit where he actually went for the Tana Whatshername meetup to say nigger, waited for her to record a tearful storytime video about how traumatized she is by hearing nigger and then mocked her for it while contrasting her overdramatic rendition of the story with what his own record of what actually happened
shit like this is specifically why he got big
Fuck I completely forgot he did that. Comedy fucking gold.
Fundamentally not much has changed. He is arguably one of the first (if not the first) person to make Youtube videos where he talks and jokes about someone else's video. People like leafy, keemstar, pyro and other people similar to them simply took that throne away from him, because people realistically get tired of the same face in something after some time. Details vary, but at the end of the day, they are all Ray in essence with an added "bonus" of Youtube drama.
I subscribe to the Fandom Menace of Ethan Van Schiver
anyone else remember when keemstar was DJ Keemstar halo player on BlogTV?
Good times friendos. He made me a mod on his stream once cuz I made him laugh.
I love how people admit Pewdiepie is a talentless hack who steals others' content in this thread but still act like he's our guy when youtubers who made remotely original content like FilthyFrank immediately get called out as reddit. Not that I like either, it's just annoying seeing one accepted and the other hated.
ultimate cringe, only proto-zoomers watched this gay shit
>Biggest channel on YT is Indian once again
soul vs soulless user
You can just say American, they're still asleep
The (formerly) most subscribed Youtuber doesn't have soul and you aren't special or edgy for liking him
This guy was fucking hated when he was relevant. Only zoomers look back on him fondly. Makes me wanna throw up a little bit, because I'm starting to realize how truly old I am when people on Yea Forums are fucking so young and retarded that they liked RWJ.
I have no idea who he is. Lets be real the only youtuber that will ever be remembered in 10 years time is Pewdiepie.
Take me back, I'm sick of this endless culture war Trump shit
>its another youtuber that complains
He’ll be remembered in the exact same way we’re remembering RWJ now
>I'm starting to realize how truly old I am when people on Yea Forums are fucking so young and retarded that they liked RWJ.
It's worse than that. Not only they liked him, but RWJ is a "thing of the past" now, something they think of with nostalgia.
didn't this used to have a lot more views?
zoomers literally only know of shitty television shows and marvel. so no
>still act like he's /ourguy/
pewdiepie is a cringelord faggot
anyone saying he's ourguy is an enemy and a fucking faggot
RWJ didn't make any money and was only famous on youtube.
I know him but I'm in the Zoomer melenial middle ground
Fucking sick, man. For lack of a better term, but the "in" crowd back then fucking hated the guy. Truly it was seen as the "cringe" of its day to watch that twat.
Same thing with pewdiepie, and you see people nostalgic about him too, not to mention it's become "cool" to like him because he started making fun of sjws, pay to mind to the fact that the faggot doesn't have an original bone in his body and everything he does is just regurgitated shit that others have done better.
I fucking hate the internet, I hate being old and knowing I'm right but people still make fun of me because they're fucking stupid and wrong.
Are you kidding? His fanbase WAS zoomers. They were all 10-15 year olds at the time.