TV series made for brainlets

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You start OP

He already did.

is this an emerging sentiment or something
i feel like i keep seeing people say seinfeld is shit or dumb

I guess people are getting smarter.

>emerging sentiment
Redditors and zoomers are also increasingly emerging, not a coincidence


>using the subject field

Attached: images (2).jpg (182x268, 10K)

>Implying Seinfeld wasn't made for redditfags
t.contrarian brainlet

zoomer alert

Any non-competive or non-informative reality tv show.

Seinfeld is fucking awful and only redditors get triggered when you insult it

What the fuck is going on?
Are you all summerfags or something, Seinfeld is so fucking harmless and easy to enjoy, what's wrong with it?
>inb4 it's dumb but I'm not going to explain what makes it dumb

I told you redditfags get triggered

>everything I don't like is reddit!
shoo shoo, zoom zoom

Stay triggered and head back
Seinfeld is literally plebbit

yeah but it's also literally Yea Forums

Attached: twd.jpg (800x450, 88K)

if anything you're the summerfag for replying to the obvious bait. fuck off

Brainlets, not brainless

Seinfeld is not funny. I don't understand how it's relatable. Someone convince me other wise with a funny convo or YouTube clip?

Its the official woke take, Seinfeld was very problematic

No black characters?


Peaky Blinders

This is both funny and relatable!