Netflix's Witcher has been renewed for 3 seasons
Netflix's Witcher has been renewed for 3 seasons
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Poor Henry. He's stuck with this shit for years.
wtf bros how could this happen?
better than this
So a sorceress could change herself to look like anything - and she chose a nigger that looks like the product of a gorilla raping a shovel?
what a better way to not be rapped
will the hairpiece move with his hairline?
idk blacks are pretty good rappers
It either means it's good or pozzed to shit.
Experienced rapers as well
This is my theory that I've spent the last 5 seconds building, but here it goes:
Since social justice combined with social media-noice goes into mainstream news so easily nowadays, replacing the race of a main character to rile up the original consumers is just an easy way to promote a film. The producers can make themself and their subordinates victims and get publicity from 'fighting hate speech' etc.
Am I wrong?
Sorry if my English is shit.
she looks like a monkey
Soros paid for three seasons propaganda, he will get three seasons propaganda.
Eh, his hairline isn't that bad for a 36-year-old.
but "insiders" told me cavill was going to make a powerplay get everyone on the crew replaced because it was too sjw and a disaster, this can't be happeneing.
You're right and you can thank Disney for creating this meta
It's only used when there is no convincing merit to the movie/show for PR, so they have to fall back to race baiting.
>god please no.gif
also shilling hard for upcoming Polish Witcher film, fan made, but with actual film/TV/theatrical actors.
has english subs ofc
polish is such an ugly language
Yeah, most men pushing 40 have hairlines like that.
You're spot on - but we've hit a weird point, where a major company is taking an important intellectual property from an ethnic minority and has managed to avoid casting a SINGLE ACTUAL SLAV in their adaptation - yet has faced no backlash.
I actually write for a particular online publication as a freelancer (((journalist))) - I've been trying to get an interview with Lauren for ages specifically so I can throw in the question about how they justified not casting any ethnic Slavs/Poles - no warning, just want to get that in there and release the piece a week or two before releases.
I've gotten as far as having a couple of questions vetted, such as being asked *should it ever happen* that I not ask about the disastrous armour (they "want to lead discussion when it comes to prop design").
I've never interviewed anyone in a showrunner position before, so it's likely I'm down low on the ladder or they want to smash out a bunch of interviews in the week or two before launch to drum up excitement.
>tfw that's mine at 22
>tfw can't even grow a Full-Chad beard like Cavill
you better ask them that question about the slavs. or hell, just ask them about twitter backlash.
>Witcher books/games: Fringilla Vigo
>Netflix Witcher: Fringorilla Negro
Just because they're making three seasons doesn't mean anyone is going to watch it
Eh, no one cares about "backlash".
It's water of a duck's back and reader just don't care about outrage.
But, a "diverse" and "progressive" studio/production company culturally appropriating a quintessential intellectual property and erasing the original people from the cast/production - they have to explain that, they actually can't ignore that question.
Everything else I have is very softball, so if I do get the interview I doubt they will be expecting it.
I thought to be a sorcerer you should have high INT. Sad!
Why do the Jews do this to us why can't we literally have anything ive literally developed a sleeping disorder because I gt so mad laying in bed thinking about the white genocide and how I'm thw only one I know who SEES it
Not only have we not seen the first episode, we still don't even know the date for it. If this is true it'll tell you everything you need to know about Netflix, they are downright suicidal with this shit.
>white males define their identity throuch polish PC games
Good, I hope they all die then.
>some faggot kills themselves over a bond movie
yeah they weren't fit for life to begin with
>I'm partially exposing my curveless body, am I sexy yet!?
Cringe af. This is the on same level as the two Angloblinos from GoT acting out like they're lesbians.
SO *audibly smacks lips* YEW BE SAYINS THAT WE WUZ *sucks through teeth* WITCHES AN SHIET?
This kills the alt right
More like it kills any interest anyone has for the show.
are you blind to big 'ole titties?
This kill the female character and the show.
I hope they paid royalties to Gaudí
Real question is why doesn't it kill you too?
Why didn't they cast my turkroach waifu as Triss?
Why do liberal white women hate redheads so much?
Is it jealousy?
You are right and this is what happens in most cases. Netflix is actually an exception as they have come out and said they are willing to take a hit if it means more diversity as they prioritise their politics first. Granted this was said on twitter and could be just anther move in the PR game and not reflect reality.
This is entirely correct, but you're missing 2 additional aspects.
1. No one is 'brave' enough to change the race of the actual main character unless it's a tested and proven money-making franchise. (Honestly The Little Mermaid surprises me)
2. This is still all an effort to maximise profits.
are they gonna CGI the armour or is that really it?
the reality is netflix will renew/cancel a show based on the number of views it gets, they like money more than pushing muh racial agendas. marco polo had diversity and strong female characters, and reviewed reasonably well, but it just didn't have enough people watching it for the cost, so it got cancelled.
>24 rts
"Woh this tweet is blowing up"
is she drinking white piss?
Are we going to get to see her fat saggy tits in the show?
She has an objectively attractive body, fucking americans and their deformed sense of what constitutes sex appeal, I swear.
I'll be honest - I would have no desire of watching the show even if it had perfect casting. It's shaping up to be pretty awful.
Sczszcshewa kurwa?
Seething titlet.
yeah only if season 1 flop
I literally have never cared about this show. It's only because of Yea Forums's nonstop whining that I'll probably watch the pilot just to see what a trainwreck it actually is (though I expect it'll be mediocre and nothing more or less - but still triggering to the autists on this board).
Anyone who thinks it will be the enxt GoT is deluded and fell for netflix marketing
>brown tits
Yeah a clear supply shortage of those in the world, wooohooo.....
Sounds retarded. Why would you lock something in before it even airs?
They have no idea this will be a sure success.
I don't know the first two ladies are cute af
fuck she was already a witch
it's a rumor from 'insiders' aka complete fabrication, same as those guys that kept predicting that star trek show was definitely getting cancelled before it got renewed and the picard spinoff announced, they pull this shit out their ass for clicks.
>an easy way to promote a film
Maybe. progressives certainly gotten me back to pirating, even though I can easily afford to pay for everything.
They did the same thing with Hemlock Grove and you just know they ended up regretting it. My guess is they had to pay out big if they wanted to keep Superman grounded.
Augh. Her fucking nose. Everytime. Awful miscast.
did you know she played Tiger Lily?
/pol/ here. I’m ok with this, the ones on the right look better
It's not fuckin national heritage, it's a book series written entirely by Sapkowski who sold the rights and collaborated with the production. It doesn't belong to "slavs"
It really does, this casting looks terrible all around
back to basedabean redditland with you
You might say the same about GITS, Akira, etc in relation to Japan...
If they mean it then they'll go under eventually. Can't run a business like that.
Yes you could.
But we see how well that looked for Hollywood - GITS sank primarily due to bad press over cultural appropriation.
>something didn't work in the past so I'm going to make sure it doesn't work in the future
they never cared for the story or the lore, they need to put the name to get the fan like with DB evolution
Well you're not talking to the press here. I'm not complaining about the lack of Japonic actors in that movie
>tfw no big titty caramel gf
I want chocolate milkies
Unless you have (((investors))) backing you up.
Cavills pretty good desu if a little too handsome
Also Ghost in the Shell takes place in Japan with japanese characters. None of the characters in the Witcher are polish or bulgarian or slovenian or whatever so you don't need slavic actors in order to portray them faithfully.
mmmm I hope those are my straight white male tears she's slurping up :3
Only a queer would look at OP's pic and say that
Oh no you sure got me there now I can't keep crying about cultural appropriation on twitter because that's totally what I do
84 likes tho he’s basically a celebrity at this point
it doesn't kill anything just destroys potential beauty
Your beard will thickens by your mid 20s. Until then use minoxidil.
i was joking but sure make it personal
that's not mine tugay
>super hot redhead with giant tits
>lol let's make it a nigger
I'm sorry user, for lashing out like that
Yup that's faggotry I tell ya
He's right though. It's one example of a long running and wide reaching agenda aimed squarely at those of ethnic European descent.
yikes. have sex, incel
>show isnt even out
>everyone hates it
>let's make it 3 seasons!
This kills the show.
ask me how I know you're irish
Perfect example of all these leftist companies and explains why they are all unprofitable and failing being propped up by idiot private investors.
Not a single major company in California last year made a profit and its been like that for years. All were in $1bn+ debt. When the industry goes and the tech and media bubble finally pops in the valley, the entire state goes with it and then the US economy and then the world economy.
>everyone hates it
the majority of netflix paying customers are normies that don't care, a small group of people sperging on the internet isn't everyone.
>>everyone hates it
more like /pol/ hates it
Ok everyone we all have to agree right now.
Read the books play the games. But swear right now.
That’s because they want to avoid paying taxes.
See the issue here isnt race, its the lack of literal 10/10 incel vidya beauty standards. No woman on earth looks like that and can act well enough for a tv series.
And Poland isnt a real place and this is a fantasy setting.
Why do they keep turning red headed women into weird mulattos?
Post a picture of a naturally beautiful (real) redhead in her early-mid twenties who can act well enough for Netflix and looks remotely similar to the woman in the pic.
Season 1 is The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny
Season 2 is Blood of Elves and First half of Time of Contempt the last epsiode will be the Coup at Thanedd and Geralt getting beaten up
Season 3 is second half of Time of Contempt and Baptism of Fire
Season 4 and 5 if renewed will be a mix of book 6 and 7. I always assumed it would be 4 or 5 seasons.
So they just cast uglier people next to her to make her look better? Weak.
That's just marketing. They'll cancel after the second.
Ideally they cancel it right now, fire everyone, scrap all production, put Henry Cavill in charge and have him do the whole thing again, properly this time.
Are you seriously saying there are no natural redheads who can act or that it is impossible to find a white woman who can both act and change her hair style to whatever red they need?
Anyway according to the good Triss Merigold has CHESTNUT hair and BLUE eyes.
Two things the actor chosen doesn’t have.
Netflix just lives by the idea you must shoehorn non whites into every show.
Here is a reference image for what chestnut hair and blue eyes might look like.
>Are you seriously saying
Post one.
Here is how Netflix interpreted that.
Is she an actress? Post a pic with film lighting and no photoshop.
Ok I will just spend a few months doing casting and select one for you then build a time machine and travel back to now to post it for you right this minute on zero funding mr impossible demands.
Cmon man. Were on the same team here. The casting is beyond shit, noone denies that. Im answering your question towards redheads specifically. Post a 10/10 redhead actress in her 20s.
She is a reference image that could have been used in the selection process. Here is another. None of these should have been the final selection. But they are far closer than this
They don't care, user. Something you must understand with Jews is that they don't take the fall, NEVER. This "showrunner" started her "career" because she's married to some big shot and supposedly got this show because of her experience in other shows (all massive flops). It's just names on their resume. They make stuff, get paid and fuck off. It if flops or no is of no consequence. It's kind of the same with banks. CEO/CTO crashes the economy and gets laid off with a fat check. The bank can't go under so the government bails them out. Who is the government here? Shareholders. Of course, some day sharedholders will get too fucked on their asses to bail the company but the ones responsible have long moved on.
Not a natural redhead. Not a 10 and certainly not in her 20s.
It wasn't all invented by Sapkowski, most of the monsters are based on Eastern European folklore so it is cultural appropriation when you mix Indians into it.
>he doesn't know the derwood gets chicks wet
>eastern European folklore
>greek mythological creatures
Really nigga?
You’re a fucking idiot. I already answered that. If I were in charge of this project I would be doing casting. If I wanted a red head I would tell the woman she has to dye her hair, figure out the budget for a top wig provider or find a natural red head for the project. In that case I would present tha person to you. I however do not have the time and money netflix has for this project. They only chose to cast a weird looking mulatto because “this project needs more diversity” even though it is purely a European medieval fantasy so let’s just pick a black, but not too black, because a mixed race black will market better.
Netflix is racist for choosing to force this kind of fake diversity instead of casting based on source material.
It doesn’t increase viewership to push this nonsense. The type of black who would be into the Witcher would watch if Triss was true to the source material.
>"27" years old
>You’re a fucking idiot.
The irony is palpable here. You do realize that I wrote "natural redhead" a few times right?
>noone denies
Why is he denying it?
So this Is more of a white woman with chestnut hair and blue eyes than thisOK, ENJOY YOUR BRAIN CANCER
Move the goalposts all you want. Im telling you to post a 10/10 natural redhead that can act. Im waiting.
There is no reason for natural redhead in modern film. Any woman could become a redhead overnight.
But the character has CHESTNUT hair. Not red.
Dumb fuck.
qt but too old; Elçin Sangu is 33.
Stop being silly.
of course that's what happens, they wouldn't do it if it didn't make money and create buzz
and you dumbass /pol/cucks fall for it everytime
have sex, soiboi
So you concede. Nice try though. Maybe less ad hominems next time and focus more on the argument, so you stand a chance against someone with an IQ above 86.
>not wanting to see her fat saggy tits
Netflix knows it's going to be a disaster but want people to think that it's blacking was a success.
That's a full grown woman right there lads
Hahaha. Here is my answer. Literal any white woman in her aged 18-22 who isn’t retarded.
That’s who would be better at any of the roles where they took red haired character and made them mulattos and negros.
Mary Jane in spider man.
Aerial in Little mermaid.
Triss in The Witcher.
Not wrong, it's just that this only works because so few people pay attention to the media anymore and virtually all of them are leftists.
But that audience has repeatedly proven itself too small to carry anything larger than a 30-minute cartoon on the cartoon network.
You can look like this and get a big titted goblina gf?
There's hope for us all.
Looks like a clean Post Malone
>we can’t find a beautiful red head in her mid twenties who can act
>well obviously the only other option is ugly 30 year old black who can’t act
Only if you have money and/or connections in the industry.
Don't you have a tranny thread to post in?
If they don't get her tits out on the show I'll be doubly pissed.
>Eastern European folklore
>Snow White
>Beauty and the Beast
>The Little Mermaid
>Norse gods
>Dryads, Celtic holidays, Wild Hunt
>Grail Cycle
what is this i dont even
She's not a good Triss, but I'd berry my dick into those chest torpedoes.
That's the bait. It's not happening.
why are you always thinking about trannys, they're like 0.00001% of the population, they're only everywhere in your fantasies.
they don't actually know what they're crying about, other than the guy that wrote it is polish so it must be polish culture.
Have you watched TV lately?
none of the shows I watch have trannies in them. I'm sure I could go looking through the schedule and find one I guess, go out of my way to watch it, then be really mad and confused how I could possibly be witnessing such a thing on my tv, but that would be stupid.
before clicking the thumbnail I thought that's literally who it was
This coupled with the fact that they act like slavs are one unified group of people makes me think that they have a very limited knowledge of poles and slavic peoples in general.
You forgot The Snow Queen. The main characters literally quote from it.
Shes so fucking stupid looking
Based pedro
How come black people have no culture and have to be handing everything to them by white people?
I feel kinda bad for them.
So Triss is the tit cow?
The only culture they had were fragments from Africa and slave culture. Not much to build a society on.
I guess that's why so many of them pretend to be Egyptian. They know they are from Africa, and Egypt is in Africa. White people have a bit of a hard on for Egypt, ergo blacks want to claim it as their culture.
In the end, just trying to prove to whites they aren't worthless. It's so sad.
when did it go from "including some diversity" to just "never let white people be represented"? I'm afraid the hicks are going to rise up if they ever stop dying of heroine overdoses
most of the cast is white.
Haha lmao'ing @ the people who still think it's based on the games
>netflix show
>no random nudity interspersed
Pick one
Shush user. There's at least one black person and multiple people with olive skin and brown eyes/hair. So it doesn't count
No, it isn't.
Devin Faraci please go
They can't even get a vaguely attractive black. They always find the ugliest one possible. Starfire, Ariel, and now fucking James Bond. They're all so hideous even by black standards
user, have you ever considered that you might be a faggot?
What the fuck is wrong with you Americans?
yes it is, that's why they keep posting pics with just these three and stopped posting the pic with the full cast.
OH but I will watch all of it. Torrented, of course.
Who is this show made for even?
Gamefags? (90+% of Witcher fans) Doubt it, they are going out of their way to shame gamefags by claiming this is based on the books.
Bookfags? (10-% of Witcher fans) Doubt it, they're racemixing it to hell and back, showing clearly that they don't really give a shit about it.
Liberals? (0% of Witcher fans) Liberals won't watch it.
>it's based on the book!
>makes everyone a mutt and geralt a pretty boy
It's based on fanfic is what it is.
She's sexy as fuck. I get people being mad about Triss being blackwashed or whatever but god damn at least they picked a fucking sex goddess of a negress.
so where's the headband?
women will give it a look for cavill and Yea Forums will watch it for ciri
it'll be a flop
Hungarian here, they filmed most of this shit in my country. I know some lads who worked as extras and they confirmed Schaffer will get her tits out. Not like this should surprise anyone.
Yes. Redheads are peak femininity
normies will watch it because it'll be plastered on the new/popular/trending of everyone's netflix when they log in, and they saw some clickbait article titled THE NEXT GAME OF THRONES?!?!?!
this is your brain on porn
Yea Forums will pirate every single episode and make memes about how shit it is.
she cute
>devoted Yenfag in vidya
>adaptation has a babyfaced poo as Yen and a caramel goddess as Piss Triss
This hurts me
>Not finding ugly black women attractive makes you gay
Have sex. These women are ugly
>fan made
Oh, it show
spot on, see Captain Marvel. early on, nobody gave a fuck about it, but once people started hating on Brie and the movie, it's all over the news. next thing you know it's made a billion dollars.
I mean, they didn't change Carol's ethnicity, but the hate is more or less the same.
Explicitly designed that way, so you can bet your wrinkly ball sack that´s really it.
i didn't know Velvet_7 did blackface
We call these people cumbrains
I personally don't see the difference
What ethnicity is she, her wiki just talks about her career
if I get to see large chocolate titties, its a fucking start to having it (((Netflix'd)))
now if theres more than usual womyn stronk bullshit, ill check the fuck out, im fine with the usual tropes now, but its about fucking Geralt
Presumably half-Black, half-Jew
Imagine having her place your hand on her pregnant belly then whispering "I love you"
Mystery meat.
Those low standards, the only thing in common is the good pair of tits mate...which in the books is never mentioned that she has big tits, one thing is certain...if they follow the books...she will be covered more than a nun (Triss in the books has her chest all burn out and filled with scars and doesnt show cleavage because of that)
Looks like 75% Jew, 25% african.
And Roach, and the design of the armor...they dont know what are they doing..
>that poor kid on the right, having black jewfro and darker complexion, but still having freckles
Like one of Dinero's kids