What are some good chinese movies?
What are some good chinese movies?
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How do yellow boys cope with this?
They crowdfund amwf porn on reddit, unironically.
I'm pretty sure I could fill one plane with white guys and breed out the entire Chinese genepool in a year
Excuse me?
Just be white bro
What's the problem with Asian men?
What is it with Asian women that they’re so disloyal to their men?
>all this and the guys arent even attractive
damn how do i get in on this
They are just ugly lmao. I saw an interview where they asked some asian girls what they thought of white guys and they said "they are so beautiful it's unreal, I sometimes can't believe they are human"
There is an epidemic of "herbivore men" and carrier woman because they just aren't attracted to asian guys and neither is any other race.
Look at this one swinging her cute little feets. She's so excited to see a mediocre looking white guy!
1.go to china
2.get tan tan app
3. have literal harem of 200 8/10 asian girls
or just fucking walk down the street and they will stop you thinking you are a movie star.
this is bullshit, that guy looks like fucking vaatividya why is she so horny?
I can tell you're obese
I'm proposing a race trade:
>white men get asian women
>black/asian men can have white women
who says no?
Whites aren’t rare in chinkland anymore. They don’t give a fuck. Also if that guy was so popular why did both of them end up with 4/10 ugly tanned monkey chinks
>all those matches
>pick up line is "ooh lala"
I don't understand how it's possible for women to not be attracted to their own race. How did they make it this far? Asians look weird to me but I thought that's because I'm not asian and they would look normal and attractive to eachother, is this not true?
THIS is who you choose as champion?
THIS is your last hope for the caucasian race?
You can literally see the shitty white genes take effect.
>Also if that guy was so popular why did both of them end up with 4/10 ugly tanned monkey chinks
Because they are beta and have shit taste. They didn't realize how much sex appeal they had in gook land.
Lmao I swear this guy just hangs around Asian countries and fucks their women while his Twitch subs fund him. Mad mad world.
>60s guido looking, hook and penis nosed, balding Shitalians
>still get 100% 100 match with asian pussy
it's surprising but also hilarious. they would be forever orbiters in their home countries
>How did they make it this far?
woman having substantial say in who they have sex with is a recent phenomenon.
beauty is objective. they KNOW they look weird and have tried to look more western (lighter skin, wider eyes etc) before they knew westerns even existed.
The worst thing is, this is actually true.
this always get so mad but never do shit. All the sexpats in china get incel death threats every day.
What made it so westerns lucked out with beauty?
>asian mothers and fathers tell their daughters to get impregnated by white guys so they don't have ugly babies
can't make this shit up
You all realise Jake is gay right?
Good mutations, good climate, smart natural selection etc.
alternatively they are just the closest decedents of primordial man and everyone else is a result of "devolution"
If even 0.0001% of chinks cared enough to fund amwf porn you'd be seeing a thousand times more of it online.
Asians don't actually care if you have relationships with Asian women. It's just the COLONIZING fantasy they use to get off.
>t. chang
fair points but in no universe is that guy "mediocre looking"
if you're an ugly white guy your chances may well be better with asian women but they won't be swooning over you like that
>Dad: Michelle just marry a white boy, they are so much prettier than asian boys
wtf is wrong with asian "men"
white people literally have all the good qualities everyone wants
>beautiful straight wavy hair
>colorful eyes
>light skinned
>soft facial features
like what more do you want
> but in no universe is that guy "mediocre looking"
maybe compared to amerimutt.
>if you're an ugly white guy
they literally can't tell the difference. All they care about is if you are obese.
Who is he
I'm curry and currycels look absolutely abhorrent
gooks can be light skinned but fuck they're as bad as us sexuality wise
Asians are subhumans
>why yes, I do fully agree with user idea, how could you tell?
it's a meme, all women are disloyal
asians specifically want blonde whites with light colored eyes. if you are an average westerner (brown/dark hair, brown eyes) they wont so much as blink in your general direction.
>What's the problem with Asian men?
This here
These kinda things make me feel bad for Asian bros. Like we all have our preferences, but an entire racial/gender group shouldn't be put down like this consistently over the Internet. It just makes me feel for Asian guys and Black girls since they probably deal with this shit the most
I want an azn gf, any tips?
Fake and gay.
i'm white in canada and had lot's of asians and curry girls flirt and ask for my number in University and highschool. African black girls were interested too, but latinas,arabs,blacks and whites weren't interested.
I literally had one asian girl say "please don't make me date an asian guy" after she sat next to me for two weeks before finally getting the courage to ask for my number and I told her "I don't have a phone" lmao
AYYYYYYYYYY another roastie gets REKT
Yellowfever fags get the rope.
There was a thread just like this earlier and there was a video posted about what asians think of westerns and a huge amount of them talked about how much they love Italians so your post is probably wrong. I think they just like europeans in general.
Based colonizer
this must be fake because when i went to japan and used tinder 90% of japanese women had fucking catface and dogface filters on their pictures and didn't want to show their actual faces.
He has to be stopped, r/asianmasculinity must rise up
Be white and go to asia or somewhere like a uni where they have asians who aren't western and are just there to study and fuck white dudes.
>maybe compared to amerimutt.
Or perhaps your perspective is just skewed because you spend a lot of time on image boards and are used to seeing famous actors' faces all day? If you go outside in any country to get an idea of what an average guy really looks like you'll probably be in for a rude awakening.
Protip: male-model looking guys aren't top 20 or 10%, it's more like top .1%
Hey m8 i'm not trying to demean Asian men or anything. I just said that was the other guy wrote was factually true. There is a group of Asian guys who crowdfund asian male/white female porn and that's pretty sad.
I know this whole interracial nonsense can get pretty annoying but it's just banter. Don't take it to heart.
This is tantan (chinese knock off of tinder) not tinder and it's china not japan.
Not even close who the clear cut winner it
Yea but the number is so small it's insignificant.
Also I'll bet you anything that the number of white people that crowdfund wmaf porn is higher than the number of asian people that crowdfund amwf porn.
Careful guys
sauce in filename
Why do people care so much about this. Just let females date who they want.
A Touch of Zen
Oh sorry, I sincerely answered your question.
In before r/happas spams twitch thots with their Chinese pimps, go back to funding pornos faggots.
oh my bad i'm fucking blind
they like pizza and italian clothing brands my dude. what an avg asian knows about the west is, calvin klein, hugo boss, gucci, pizza, hamburger, french toast, chocolate cake.
ive traveled to asia for the past 15 years and im an ugly looking white guy with light blue eyes, usually i go with a good friend who is legit 'tall dark and handsome', gets eye fucked by chicks all the time and he strikes out hard in asia while suddenly i pull pussy for no reason other than they notice my eyes and want blue eye babies. it's pretty racist and the major reason i can't get behind /pol/ ideas, physical differences are skin deep and tell you nothing about a person. also being judged purely by what you look like is dangerous and opens the door for all kinds of abuse and horrific situations, especially involving young children who are going to be shaped by a lifetime of trauma induced by simple innocent moments.
asian women who use this app are pretty easy to identify though
I imagine the only people who post in these thread are fat incel loser right?
you can play the numbers game with asians. when hundreds say "yes fuck me" you are pretty much garunteed at least a few are actually good looking and not plastic surgery/makeup abusers.
I don't you're as ugly as you think you are but that's still pretty interesting.
WTF you calling fat. Don't get pistol whipped.
t. has never tried dating in asia
That and the sequel are great.
>Mediocre looking white guy
Yeah sure buddy. That's a Chadlite at least don't kid yourself. He mogs your fatass by 4 points
It's a huge advantage but any white guy is a massive step up from asian guys.
Jake Is Gay
>white rich kids getting all the best pussy overseas
u mad azn boi
Roasties on sucide suicide watch
Stop being such a cuck you utter fucking simp faggot. 90% of White guys are Jew nosed Kike looking deformed lanklet beta orbiters JFkinglol dude
It can be a good movie or a Chinese movie pick one
Why does she have buck teeth?
>Dad wants to get rid of Hu name, asks daughter to marry white guy
can't imagine any other race doing this shit
I thought that was pewds and the mega babe Marzia lol
Zhang Yimou's works in general
Zhang Jiake is pretty good too (A Touch of Sin is among my favorite movies of all time, the first part is excellent)
Overall, Fourth and Fifth generation of Chinese directors in general. They are not that popular in China because they don't make movies tailored for plebs (Chinks love stupid jingoistic capeshit-like flicks).
By your standards they are 8/10, in reality they are 3/10-4/10 with loads of makeup. Learn how to chink without falling for post-2010 chink beauty standards (which is ayylmao tier mixed with Korean spooks).
>3h 20m
Just a coincidence I'm sure
he really doesn't
how old is he? those wrinkles say 37, but the rest of him says 25
Literally the exact same thing. Whites who fear blacks taking their women, so they flock to Asians where they think they don't have to try as hard.
Most of those twitter posts are probably fake, if not the posts then the story behind them.
Speaking as an asian I wouldn't give up the chance to have a son/daughter called Doctor Hu.
>Speaking as an asian
lol cope
>his children are 100% asians
is he fucking his hapa gook daughter too?
Worth every second
Come home, white men.
It seems you're the one that is coping my good man.
If you have sex on the regular you won't feel the need to tout your imaginary sexual superiority.
Kys, Jew.
They're actually his wife's kids frim a previous marriage. He has white kids of his own from his own previous marriage too.
Asian men are obsessed with nigger cock, white men are just filling in the void left behind and picking up Asian women
I lived in Shenzen and Hong Kong for nearly 3 months and I hooked up with nearly 30 different asian women by going on tinder and going to bars, multiple admitted to much preferring white guys because they are more aggressive normally. Im not even a chad, back in europe I get a girl every 3 months if I am lucky. Asian women love white cock
That explains it.
Was concerned for a moment.
All women are whores.
All the kinos came from from Hong Kong in the 80s and 90s. China is a cultural pit.
They like blacked porn because it shows white women betraying white men for black dick. It's pure anti-white sentiment.
What do they mean by more aggressive?
doesn't seem very imaginary chang. Don't worry though, most of us white guys know asian girls are ugly, it's only mutt weebs who praise them. I just think it's funny how desperate they are for white cock. Asians are the only girls I know who regularly approach the white guy and ask them out, which is a big social taboo.
Why do Americans ignore the bit about state militia?
>t. roastie
all women are queens!
more masculine, more aggressive in bed, more test, just generally they feel better around those kinds of men, most women do.
>muh loyal asian waifus
this. Look at the asian Goblin lmao
Why do they wear those masks everywhere?
I live on the forested coast with perfect air quality, and still 1/10 asian looking ladies have their Beijing gas masks on. In stores, on the streets, everywhere.
No they self insert as the women
the patrician choice
cause white girls dont wear make up
Just desperately trying to keep their guns from the gungrabber boogeyman tyrannical govt
>30 women
>put dick in everything instead of trying to find a gf or wife
>Can't cut it with white women so he takes a handicap.
The wife looks more white than the kids do..
>loyal asian waifus
>video is of an asian literally ditching her boyfriend to flirt with a white guy
Asian girls are white concubines, you obviously don't date/marry them lol that's shameful.
>guy who likes blacked looks like a total creep
pig out on some fast food bro and grow your hair out man
>doesn't seem very imaginary chang
Is that the best you can do.
Again, you should have sex it will make you realize how insignificant it is and will completely rob you of your desire to attack or defend anyone's sexual virility.
>wanting whoremongers to go after stable woman
>not riding the tiger
I was banging a chink for a while. She had a thing for limited editions couple grand costing handbags. Yes I bought one for her, I regret it immensely now that I'm not hitting it any more.
Asian women are not Gf or wife material, they are annoying as fuck and I would never have disgusting hapa babies
But user, modern white women ARE the handicap
The kids aren't Pete's biological kids. The wife gave birth to them in a previous marriage
>muh statistics
i bet the majority of this shit is half niggers.
back to r/asianmasculinity
Sounds like you need to go back
FAT roasties mad everywhere
I ironically couldnt love my children if they were a mix of races
>I would never have disgusting hapa babies
you don't have to raise them. Sex isn't real sex unless their is a chance of knocking her up.
Comfy pic
No. Asian women go for white men much easier. It's the coward play.
so you're saying white guys need to man up?
t. nigger.
dont worry I came in plenty of those chinese chicks and never talked to them again, i just mean they arent worth actual relationship material because why get into a relationship with someone unless you want to take it seriously?
Nothing wrong with that if you prefer their qualities, dating white women - especially in the west - takes a considerable amount of time and money for an uncertain payoff.
>Yes I bought one for her
Big mistake right there
This, can nut to asian girls all day but the idea of having an asian son makes me fucking sick
tell me about it
Black people don't exist where I live
Same, they give uncanny valley, they don't look like you or the mother.
>The high frequency of the U2AF1 S34Y mutation and its association with isolated trisomy 8 in myelodysplastic syndrome in Asians, but not in Caucasians
>Ethnic differences in body composition and the associated metabolic profile: A comparative study between Asians and Caucasians
>Studies reported that for the same BMI, Asians have a higher body fat percentage, a prominent abdominal obesity, a higher intramyocellular lipid and/or a higher liver fat content compared to Caucasians.
>Ethnic-specific meta-analyses of association between the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism and alcohol dependence among Asians and Caucasians
>The OPRM1 A118G polymorphism may contribute to the susceptibility of alcohol dependence in Asians but not in Caucasians.
>E-Selectin is Elevated in Cord Blood of South Asian Neonates Compared with Caucasian Neonates
>Plasma E-selectin levels were significantly higher in South Asian neonates (46.7 versus 33.5 ng/mL, P < .001), and levels of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 did not differ. Furthermore, South Asian neonates had hyperinsulinemia (P = .043), dyslipidemia (with significantly higher triglyceride and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels), and higher C-reactive protein levels (75.7 versus 43.8 ng/mL, P = .009).
>Biomarkers of Coronary Artery Disease Differ Between Asians and Caucasians in the General Population
>Cardiovascular flexibility in middle-aged overweight South Asians vs. white Caucasians: Response to short-term caloric restriction
>Differences in the aggressiveness of prostate cancer among Korean, Caucasian, and African American men: A retrospective cohort study of radical prostatectomy
>Overall, high-grade PCa (Gleason score=8) was more common in Korean (19.4%) than in AA (6.1%) or Caucasian (5.5%) patients (P
> muh keeds
have a tip for a future relationship, and for everyone in this thread. Dont buy anything worth more than $700 for a woman unless youre married or in a 5+ year relationship, its a complete waste and if the woman regularly wants things that are more than $500, then you need to shut her down or leave her.
i bet you dont even understand the shit you're posting
he's just getting change, the girls are paying him to fuck them.
>Asian Americans have about 20% higher risks of developing type 2 diabetes than Caucasian Americans.
>Further Evidence of Differences in Prostate Cancer Biomarkers Between Caucasian and Asian Men
>Chapter Four - Body Composition in Asians and Caucasians: Comparative Analyses and Influences on Cardiometabolic Outcomes
>The evidence is consistent that the content and distribution of body fat are markedly different between the various ethnic groups. We found that Asians have a greater predisposition towards adiposity at higher BMI than in Caucasians. Moreover, at any given level of adiposity, Asians have a much greater predisposition to risk of cardiometabolic disorders than Caucasians.
Except for yourself.
>>The evidence is consistent that the content and distribution of body fat are markedly different between the various ethnic groups. We found that Asians have a greater predisposition towards adiposity at higher BMI than in Caucasians. Moreover, at any given level of adiposity, Asians have a much greater predisposition to risk of cardiometabolic disorders than Caucasians.
Fat people have bad health? Thanks for this revelation, Dr. user
Why is the path of least resistance looked down upon when it comes to men courting women? Doesn't it make more sense than waiting until probably never for a white roastie to settle for you?
Are asian men on the internet really even men?Filled with insecurities, physically and mentally weak and no signs of personality.
Truly a pitiful existence.
Sometimes when I get really depressed I start thinking that there's at least one good thing going for me - I live in a fucking slavland.
This is probably the only place on earth where the most revoltingly ugly guys are paired with one of the most beautiful-looking girls, who actually take care of themselves.
Like nowhere else in a developed world would I be able to compete for the tier of pussy I can count on having here. I went to Belgium earlier this year and I was taken aback by the sheer number of guys that would be considered 10/10 easily here. Like these two guys you call hook nosed shitalians? 7-8/10 here.
That being said when niggers and latinos come here en masse like it happened during last year's soccer world cup, we are reduced to the same position asian guys are in in these videos. But at other times, life's pretty fucking sweet here in eastern bloc. You should come visit sometime, maybe you can finally loose that embarrassing virginity of yours.
Go fuck an abbo or a downie.
Is that normal for Asians or just a genuine micro peen? Is it hard or flaccid in this picture?
did they eat him?
>Are asian men on the internet really even men?
of course not. They are a literal race of fucking manlets.
>60s guido looking, hook and penis nosed, balding Shitalians
p hard to get any more insecure than this, lad
Someone explain to me why so many Chinks wear surgical masks out in public? Is it a meme of some sort?
Dont believe in internet memes. 90%+ of asian women still go with asian man, just like any other race.
normal asian, he has a semi
> snpedia
They wear them when they have a cold so as to not spread it.
American virgins, why don't you just get on American tinder and american-fuck American asian girls that you're neighbors with?
I mean those among you that are white, or could pass as white.
I would do that but there aren't any Asians in my country.
it means they have a cold and it's considered very rude to spread disease by not wearing a mask.
Does that apply to hapas too or just to half-niggers?
hey white women, stop THIS!
I was told that they wear it when they're sick so they don't pass it on to others.
That said, this Jap kid at my uni said that nowadays it's just a fashion choice.
Aren't they the masks that hide them from ambient pollution?
Also same as the Snapchat dog filter, it hides what people like least about their face on average: their nose, so girls will wear it even when not outside.
As a asian male myself, I don't care if my sister gets married to a caucasiod, but if he a Nigger, I slaughter that bitch.
protect against nerve gas
It applies to hapas the most.You have one in a million looking like Keanu Reeves or Cary Fukunaga and the other 999999 looking like alien manlets.
westerized asians are not the same, they naturally have more white options. still pretty easy though. Easy way is to go to a university or something.
These threads promoting race mixing are always funny.
RIP the whitey.
all of them are asian americans, so not really asians
marrying a white man in a white country is not a fetish, its smart
>they're sick and don't want to pass it on
>air pollution
>not wearing makeup so they want to hide their face
>ugly so they want to hide their face
After hiroshima and nakadashi they have their periods though their mouths.
The picture is pointing out that it’s a terrible translation.
That's good to hear my friend, I'm about to have an exchange university in these United States of the Americas so I was holding out on there being easy asians.
But I've also heard they ramp up the bitchiness, and that you shouldn't let them get too attached.
You wife up somebody who loves you. If White Women don't love White Guys then shouldn't The guys at least look elsewhere for love ? Pretty stupid to Chase Women who wants nothing to do with you.
>marrying a white man in a white country is not a fetish, its smart
ahh yes, the intellectual fetish.
LEL wonder if anyone else will catch this
What does that got to do with communism or capitalism?
Asians don't love white guys, every white guy is interchangeable to them, white guys are status symbols.
neither, its just meant to be edgy and be bait, are you dumb?
White women are the most loyal of all the races. Don't fall for Yea Forums cherrypicking.
pollution but also sickness
one cough while you're watching down the street with dozens of people will get like 10 people sick
really we should be doing the same here
Back when I was playing LoL, I also watched LCS.There was this asian guy I was playing with so I asked him to watch LCS with me and he said he literally can't watch it because of the beauty disparities between Asian and European players.Made me feel for the guy.
>white guys are status symbols.
If you're a shitty lover then yeah, They'll eventually leave.
lmao asians are clearly not people
they shit the site up with blacked garbage
Don't know what country you're in but surely you're not speaking about American white women being loyal
>thinks staying means love
Hundreds of years of periodic famines has lead the Chink to be capable of eating literally anything.
More cherrypicking. Everyone knows to beware of army wives.
Snack thread?
>Not believing in Love
never gonna make it
Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity
Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties
Circumcision linked to alexithymia
The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission
Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence
There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV
Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure
Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis
Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits
Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae
Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue
Circumcision has negligible benefit
Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma
Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life
Circumcision linked to psychological trauma
Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior
Reminder white guys only like asian girls because they have confused them into thinking they are white too. They even use makeup to get pink nipples
she could slap my clam or whatever the fuck that is
Based on topic poster
1: Women enjoy uncut cocks more than cut cocks.
2: Fapping feels better.
Source: cirp.org
3: Despite the reduced sensitivity, cutfags last just as long as uncutfags when fucking.
Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.com
4: Cut bros have a more difficult time fapping.
Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The reason it was promoted in the USA.
5: Increases erectile dysfunctions.
6: If too much skin is removed in circumcision, it can make the cock smaller since the penis needs some skin to expand during an erection:
7. Erectile dysfunction 4.5 times more likely to occur if you're circumcised
8. Stanford's school of medicine list of circumcision complications (including infection, haemorraging, skin-bridging, phimosis, amputation and death):
9. German court says religious circumcision of infants is a crime:
chinks eat anything because they'd starve otherwise
Female circumcision is good though, makes women less likely to slut around.
>Not believing in Love
certainly not your low IQ conception of it
It looks cute on asian chicks, desu.
what liquid is this?
She has guts. We have those bugs in Europe as well and they'd scars the shit out of me if I saw them crawling in my house when I was younger.
Nice! jews, muslims, american catholics, kellogg's supporters BTFO
Most of Jia Zhangke's work is pretty based, 2bh, but 24 City is probably my favourite.
It's hot oil
Not to mention they can carey deadly parasites
I completely agree with all of you. Fuck (((circumcision))), it's literally the Mark of the Jew and nothing more. I am happy that I still have my foreskin.
Not her kid cuckposter
Given how butthurt you all are about your sexual deprivation, I'm kinda surprised Houellebecq's books are not more popular among incels. He was on it, and it's connection with capitalism back in early 90s, and he described to whole thing rather accurately.
For you . Play it at high volume
I had a group of 8 friends in high school that essentially split in two when we went to uni. uncircumcised guys stuck together and those with mutilated dicks did too.
literally means 'truth'
it cant be wrong
cuz she did a fuck ton of plastic surgery, compare the mothers face and tits to her daughter
Just gonna throw this out there as an attractive white guy myself in America. The only women who have ever spontaneously literally thrown themselves at me/into my arms/make a pass like some of the women in this thread were black girls from the hood. The rest just do eye contact and bullshitting in your vicinity waiting to talk to you. This is not a turn on for me.
Glad people woke up to the fact that it's bullshit. Even a lot of hospitals stopped doing it by default (as insurance companies started to flat out refuse to pay for it) so a parent must specifically ask for it to be done and pay out of pocket.
>mutilating your healthy newborn sons
Do normies really talk about their cocks with each other?
I'm going to need more statistics. We're talking about tens of millions of women.
>trusting a text image
nice one bucko, racemixing is the best way to get stronger and healthier kids
what did she mean by this, Yea Forums?
not really, but we've all seen each other naked in gym showers and stuff. We noticed the group split based on circumcision later.
Not according to all statistics.
Try Train to Busan
It's a zombie apocalypse movie where the survivors aren't retarded and actually have some wrist and arm protection to prevent easy zombie bites.
>retarded jew conception of hybrid vigor
enjoy your outbreeding depression retard.
Looks interesting, gonna check it out.
my daddy taught me not to be ashamed of our dicks
By the time I had scrolled down to this post I literally forgot I was on Yea Forums in a thread about Chinese movies
I want to get a girlfriend who looks just like Vina Sky.
It's Tantan. 90% of the profiles are fake bots.
This is bullshit. Women have always chosen their partners outside of arranged marriages. This is the primary purpose for women-- to choose the best man to mate with. People here don't want to hear it but broadening the gene pool creates healthier offspring. Women are naturally attracted to exotic and beautiful partners.
Yea, agreed man. I shit on the amwfag as much as anybody but I totally understand their angst. It even bothers me.
>he hasnt seen her without makeup
White men are not afraid of anything, dimwit. Look at the stats.
Why did that happen?
retarded cuck
Cutfags and uncut men have a different way of experiencing the world. We simply weren't going to get along once we became mature adults. Masters can not be friends with slaves.
they've been doing it for years.. What's the fucking point? People just see it as spam.
Women are whores and arranged marriages need to make a comeback. If you disagree you're a liberal cuck. Of course this needs to be a revolution from below.
How do you experience the world differently? I'm actually interested in this subject.
she looks fine without makeup, what are you talking about?
>literally 7 sources
have sex (with an african woman)
Everything he said is a fact retard.
cute Tbh
she is painfully average and the actual Vina takes multiple cocks and gallons of cum a week for money, so shes completely worthless and you have very poor taste
cutfags always feel like a fundamental part of them has been "stolen" from them, which manifests as mania and insecurity. They are robbed of the spiritual nature of sex aswell as they can not achieve transcendental orgasms.
>believing in a grand jew conspiracy
ding dong the 1920's called they want their conspiracy back
That's an oxymoron dude.
Why would anyone want Asian women when White women are far superior?
Talk about pissing away your genes.
I imagine it wouldn't help that you refer to them as slaves and you as masters. I didn't have a say in it happening to me and I don't want it happening to anyone else.
all the problems you list are a cause of racism not their black half making them unmariable
>to be unemployed
literally the same reason why you don't see people called Angel, Diamond or Shaninka work at a law firm
>libtard trying to appropriate right wing memes again
I fucking hate these "heeerrrp!?" faces dudes make when they're being dicks about slaying pussy.
The fuck is wrong with asian women? All of these white dudes are like 6-7/10, yet they are treated like gigachads by them. Are asian men really that bad?
>someone else is to blame for my shortcomings! I need to force people to love me!
Not even ugly. Seethe harder, roasties
>this is white guys brag about bagging
Does China Syndrome count? it's pretty good.
I have hundreds more like this.
Go out of tier 1 city and you're a celebrity again. Whites aren't rare only in the biggest cities, everywhere else they are still exotic af.
Trying to find a loyal, classy and feminine western woman is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Asian women have their flaws but they are yet to be completely brainwashed by feminist ideologies.
Race-mixing with a nigger is pants on head retarded.
I think Asians just don't like each other.
All my Asian bros are in relationships with White girls.
same reason we think asian 05/10 women are cute: we cant tell the difference
slaves are much happier as slaves than trying and failing to be masters. It's simply not in their nature. We all went on to get university degrees and they became drug addicts because they couldn't cope with the loss of their forskins.
No need for love, just take my seed up your cunt and keep the house tidy
>t. low test weeb
bump limit
new asian women worship thread where?
What I'm trying to say is it doesn't make sense why you're talking like it's this huge crime(which it is I agree) but then just use it happening to them as a way to talk up your own superiority and insult them. If you're already in the belief it's a bad thing I would think you'd have empathy for your friends that it happened to.
how will white boys cope?
>asian women worship
this is white guy worship/laughing at beta asians. asian girls love white guys and most of us reject the free gook pussy anyway
This a lot of men on here gave up trying to get women to love them for who they are a long time ago. A little cash in the pocket. Who cares.
Love isn't going to happen this life.
guys in general do. are you scared of cocks, faggot?
Back to leftypol you dumb bitch
>he's here
Look man I'm sympathetic to your plight but this isn't working at all. Everybody lives in reality and knows how it really goes.
Why would I waste my pity on the unclean? We aren't friends anymore, we were only friends as children when we didn't know any better. Sure being a cutfag is tragic, but I treat them more with contempt than pity. cutfags are bad people.
>he's never had a friend
Why would that make someone a bad person? I'd say the ones that force it on people are bad, and maybe the ones who it happened to that continue the cycle could be seen that way but there are entire communities of guys that got mutilated that are completely against the practice and are just trying to live normal lives. Why attack them?
>white roasties
speak for yourself.
gooks are beta but i will take what i can get.
since white women don't even bat an eye at me, i have to try to get asian women.
He's right, though.
>Why would that make someone a bad person?
maybe try reading my posts where i explained why cutfag.
You don't fool anyone you dumb cunt.
>higher wages
women should leave the labour market altogether, it's saturated as it is