When's the last time you got this upset at a movie or TV show?
When's the last time you got this upset at a movie or TV show?
Why are niggers so stupid?
The other week in euphoria when the cure trans girl didn't hook up with the chad
Excuse me sir, there's no racism allowed on 4channel. Apologize.
bet it isn't even his stuff... hes probably just visiting
>black "people"
I love watching football with my brother. When his team loses, his day has officially ended and I get rejected for even trying to talk to him. When his team wins, he's open and generous. It's literally like that. I think he'd wreck me if I ever dissed his team. I wonder what that's like? having that much passion?
Ok i am extremely sorry for all the black people that read the post that I Janathon decided to write please accept my deepest apologies
Straight chimpin'
Me in the back not even watching this city slicker stuff
Apology accepted
I'm not a nigger. I don't chimp out over entertainment medium.
>brother in law yells at the TV and sulks for days/weeks if his chosen team doesn't win a game
Sports are so fucking gay
Fucking niggers are going to nig. I guess they'll wait till the next riot to loot Best Buy again
one race the human race
niggas really out here repping larriors like damn bay area more like gay area lmaoooo hold this L chief
That's a mirror bro
sounds more like the problems are with the person
No it isn't dumbass.
ask his wife for a blowjob the next time the patriots win
Yeah it is
This was actually for a contest held by NBA and LG on whoever would have the best reaction for the NBA Finals for both the winning and losing team, they would each get one of their new TVs. This guy won a new TV but he just broke the other monitor for the hell of it
notice the men are sitting there calmly and you wouldn't be able to even tell they're intently watching a movie
but the women have to throw a scene like children
have sex
Never, because I'm not a fucking animal and I am actually able to control my thought processes and emotions.
*bends over*
fine here
Niggers gonna nig
this is why white females fuck niggers
they are high t and dont even think
except for the fag in yellow you mean
Based but I wonder what he's paying attention to. Must be pretty good.
It's a mirror idiot, look at it when the girl gets up to run
>just happened to be filming people watching tv for no reason
how do retards not understand 99% of shit like this they see is staged
>watching a movie
I think this is from when Glenn dies in Walking Dead.
Also you can see all the guys look like they're about to cry lol
Okay, so here's the question I want to know, you all actually know what an obviously staged viral video is and you're just playing along... or you really are that dumb?
Minor point about that World Cup: The TV studios were absolutely obsessed with cutting to closeups of fan's faces when things happened. I guess it was a social media participation brain fart. Usually, when a goal is scored, you get pics of the players celebrating and some replays of the goal from different angles. Now, you get a minute long closeup of some prole whose facial muscles appear to not be speaking with each other mugging it up.
>team is losing
>everyone already feels like shit
>go ahead and destroy the tv too
they aren't throwing their bodies around like the toddler women tho
Makes sense. The chicks are big time into that silly soap opera with zombies and the guy, forced to watch a girly TV show are bored and unimpressed, except for the gay one.
It's not passion, he lacks an identity of himself that's self assured so he latches into a sports team.
The day Brazil died as a country.
Everything about black people pisses me off
Now, that's a real man. No wonder white girls don't want effeminate whit*ids no more.
Never I am not a dirty animal.
Not true you saw the celebrations and then the reactions.
manlet rage kek
You only feel comfortable destroying it because it's stolen and cost you nothing. Watch how pissy they get when you fuck up their shoes.
Enough with this stupid fucking meme.
>Doesn't get angry when somebody fucks up his shoes.
Like, really? At this point, can you even be considered a man?
Kill yourself faggot scum
His body language is actually ape-like. wtf
When I was in school I thought blacks were pretty chill and funny, they weren't in many of my classes, except for gym, art and this nutrition class. I didn't play ball in gym, not my thing at all, but art class was funny because the black guys wouldn't even try, they'd always say they lost the pencils etc. Then they'd watch this white kid draw from comic books and make requests. It made the time go by fast except when the art teacher would get mad when the pencils disappeared for good.
But it's pretty crazy how different blacks are outside school compared to at work. I'm a line cook at a pretty famous country club while I save for my film studies and screenplay degree. There's not many blacks just five or six on the night shift and goddamn if they aren't useless.
They love Marvel movies and sometimes I'll say Black Panther was overrated just to hear them get crazy eyed and explain how badass they think it is. They always talk about who would win in a fight and act like Hulk and Iron Man are literally gods. Even more than Black Panther. The turn around on these guys is high but the news ones are exactly the same. Most all of them have kids but aren't married. But I don't think they even take their kids to see movies. But experiencing this really made me realize how Marvel makes so much money. It's sorta ruined it for me.
i will never forget this day, this moment
You linked that post wrong let me help you out
Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.
Britcuck detected
>I'm going to ignore the thousands of "reaction videos" made by men and go ahead and make this retarded statement
>Seems like a good idea
>Class A chimpout, calling all park rangers
>Lethal force is authorised, make sure you throw banana to lure first then take the shot
>You invite a random nigger to watch the match and this happens
Ok but what about sneed?
Its fake and staged.
In May during Ajax - Tottenham
I legit don't understand the team supporting thing? I play a lot of sports but I never understood the faggots who could talk for hours about their favorite team or player. Why do they even care? They're not profiting from it, they have no influence on it, nothing whatsoever.
My name is Quintel and I don't accept.
Or those talking about movies, or music, or the lives of other people. It's crazy. People with actual lives don't need to do any of that.
I wear $9 shoes, how the fuck am I going to get mad at an accident like someone stepping on them?
You know that clip was edited, right? It's nothing like that if you watch the full 90 min match.
I mean you can say it was a nice match to watch just like it's a good song or a good film without obsessing like a retard.
when hillary lost
Doesn't matter. It's about self-respect and standing up for yourself.
But I guess you wouldn't understand that.