>Scenes women will never understand
Scenes women will never understand
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a real man would just pull the tree out of the ground and then carry it home.
such a creepy pedo vibe in the start of this
>Grown man and an underage girl in the same shot = pedo shit
I'm not seeing it. Maybe you're the pedophile.
this entire movie
sounds like you're projecting to me.
>let's see Paul Allen's card.
Why is the movie implying that you need to be a narcissist psychopath to panic when you get humiliated by your peers?
I'd vent by chainsawing some prostitutes too.
is this the thread for homoerotica
is this from City of God
the jews reallly did a number on americans
Nice projection, pedo.
The author was a boomer who was taking the piss out of millennials and their urbane and narcissistic culture. There's nothing unreasonable about being humiliated by your peers, but the shit that these kids cared about was so trivial it was ridiculous. All of the characters were narcissistic psychopaths - or sociopaths rather - but Patrick Bateman was just the worst of them.
oh cmon guys, big huge mr olympia dude tossing around the cutsey little girl, bopping her nose with ice cream and teaching her karate chops out in the wilderness with no mother insight.
clearly some 80's daddy/kitty fantasy
>I see pedos everywhere
You need help, mate.
really? i always thought arnold had an awesome dad feel to his acting, it was pretty believable to me watching it growing up. i crushed hard on the little girl and wanted him to be my dad, didn't even think the scenes where hes basically naked were gay or anything. he was just like he-man.
what other fantasies are you into?
Always get that movie mixed up with kingdom of heaven because of the name and was about to call bullshit, I apologise
thats because you are the pedo. you can't see a grown man and an underage girl in the same shot without projecting your fantasies onto it because you see her in a sexual way
even six seconds of this film is dipping with epic shit
clearly thats your fantasy sicko
>arnold could and wanted to carry a real log of that size
>studio would not allow it, in fear he might injure himself.
>log got hollowed out.
still commando is the ultimate 80s movie
say what, fagboy?
every man is a pedophile deep inside
>teaching her karate chops out in the wilderness with no mother insight
That’s one bizarre fetish you have there.
Stop projecting...you ARE the pedo
is Schwarzy dubbing his own voice in the German dub?
I read once he doesn't do his own dubs because apparently german speaking audiences think his german sounds too much like a farmer or something.
maybe because its not the same german in Austria?
Are there actually differences like in the Spanish spoken in Spain vs South America? I always thought it was just a difference in accents.
do austrians really sound like farmers? this destroys my impression they would sound like fancy uptight aristocrats
they aren't always mutually intelligible
as the dutch understand german but not the opposite?
yeah just like english in jamaica or some scotish farmer but it is still the same language
I watched that in the cinema
works the same way with latin
languages, or even in the same language (German-Austrian, French-whatever they speak in French Canada)
they all want it but never will they admit it
Dutch don't naturally understand German idiot, it's a different language
amazed humans can understand dutch
It takes place in the 80s. That's Gen X
Pretty much any scene from this film. Watched it with a chick once, she was like 'lol why are they even there? Why are they kidnapping people? If its so bad why dont they just like, stop shooting or give up or something? I didnt know the US went to war with Africa'
it's a shame you have such low quality women in your state
Wow that bitch is fucking retarded user, like a fucking little autist who can't stop asking stupid questions when they watch t.v with their parents.