>first look at Rick and Morty S4
>first look at Rick and Morty S4
What's that stuff on his face?
Came here to say this
This is the edgiest and shitty cartoon. Fuck me I can't believe you niglets actually watch this cringefest.
Are Reddit and Bazingas even hyped for this show any more?
Elfien lied was edgier
Fuck anyone who watches weeb shit as well.
yeah but it has a kino opening theme
ITT: people triggered by a cartoon that hasn't even been broadcasted yet.
calm down for fucks sake, what's the matter with you fuckers
I still like rick and morty. not letting the fans ruin one of the few shows I actually enjoy
How? There was only one good episode last season
*Pees on the flow*
I like it. I don't usually discuss it, don't give a fuck about peoples opinions and dont read reddit and shit, so I've stayed in my little enjoyment zone. Final Space s2 when?
>Rick and Morty fan likes Final space
this board hates television.
not that other user, but while I admit last season was weak, it was still the only adult cartoon worth watching that year besides south park
Bojack is still kino if you can tolerate the "woe is me" bullshit
The only Adult cartoon i still watch is Venture Bros
Watched the series it once and enjoyed it. Same with final space. I like lots of normal shit. What do you like to watch?
>Please don't like this thing I don't like.
shut the fuck up faggot.
Ah. Never really got to watch much venture bros. It was only on cable here and it wasn't worth paying for it when all I wanted to watch was Samurai Jack.
I never implied that. I was just asking how you can like a show where an entire season was garbage except for one episode
what's worse, this or bob's burgers?
>how you can like a show where an entire season was garbage except for one episode
How did you come to this conclusion?
I watched the 3rd season and only enjoyed one episode
>getting triggered over a show you aren't gonna be forced to watch
>you could just filter rick & morty threads instead of REEEEEing the damn board up like children
you should probably start the filtering now, i can see hype threads getting spammed right up till release LUBBA WUBBA DUB DUB!!!
Can you perhaps suggest some non-cringe for us to watch? I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here man. I've seen pretty much fucking everything, so any old shit is fair game. Help a niglet out.
>all these rick and morty haters
The reason you hate this show is purely because they hired female writers.
This show is extremely funny, and most of the humor is very intelligent. You need an iq of 120 to fully appreciate this show, and if you don't, you are obviously just too stupid to understand the high-brow, subtle, philisophical work of genius
Its a drink he keeps drinking, made from the seeds they get in s1e1 - to keep being smart.
>same underage muttskin zoomers who spam reddit and morty threads also enjoy stranger things
wow what a surprise!
I enjoy many npc pursuits. I don't see the problem here.
what are you babbling about user, i never said anything about game of thrones? where you dropped on you fucking head?
so the only niggers who like this show are underageb& right?
nah i like to get stoned and watch it
i like to pretend only a fringe minority is watching this shiite and it's just shills making threads
xavier renegade angel series 1
>getting stoned
wasting time, nice
Imagine being such a pussy beta cuck that you use filters in 4chab
Why don't you go to Reddit where mods will ban people you don't like and remove threads you despise?
Good for you faggot
>Implying that any time you spend watching TV/movies isn't also wasting time, in the grand scheme of things
In fact, when was the last time you partook in something that generally wouldn't be considered a waste of your pathetic life?
Good for you. I miss weed. A lot. Gave up a couple of years ago. I have so much money now though. Enough to buy some weed. Hmm.
>pussy beta cuck
i too enjoy swearing online to look cool, know one knows your only 15yo on the internet
At least I'm 15 and not 2yo in kindergarten asking for the teacher to cover my eyes when I see things I don't like instead of leaving the fucking place
i only smoke occasionally
cringe and yikespilled
It's spit because he's a drunkard.
Reddit is twitter is going to SJW this show into cancelation. Mark my words
So like mentats?
dude i frikken love rick and morty and weed lmao
i can see reading comprehension is not something you're good at so I'll make this easy for you, i was telling sperglords what to do if they get triggered by a show. i wasn't saying i filter anything. did you even read my post kid?
you should get outside more often
lmao i'll bring some weed and rick and morty on my phone should be great outdoors lmao
sperg harder memelord
That's usually how it starts.
Not that guy but I use filters and I'm 35. See, adults generally don't have a lot of time to fuck around. I can focus on the content that I want to see, while filtering low quality responses such as 'beta cuck', 'yikes', 'toddler' and the like. Such is the beauty of modern technology my adolescent friend.
I unironically watch it, laugh at it, consider it funny and fun and then not really think about it all that much
And someone will be offended by this behaviour.
i used to smoke all day everyday for years man, then i quit for like a year or so. now i only smoke a bit here and there and thats mostly social(a joint or two around the back of the pub on the weekend with the other locals)
Good lad. I lack that self control. If I start again, I'll be straight back in it.
how old are you bro? i'm 28 now but that used to be me, i've got control over myself these days
So you're still a crying manchild at 35, sad.
You're on an anonymous imageboard and yet you want to self moderate and hide shit so it looks just like your favorite subreddit.
Just stay there man.
>This didn't do shit; they got 70 episodes, and James Gunn got his job back. That attack also got him another job with WB.
When the right attacks, they manage to make their victims better off.
anyone else think the show is trash but feel somewhat invested in the whole "evil morty" storyline?
>There is no time travel in Rick and Morty!
There is a box in Rick's garage labeled "Time Travel Stuff" and they are clearly going to cover this topic before the series ends YOU DUMB BITCH.
this picture screams instant gratification
>Hating anime on an anim discussion forum
you have to be a total loser to get stoned who here smokes so little they still get high wtf
enjoy your vacation
Last season WAS garbage though
I just use filters and will continue to do so. I dont really care if that offend you or not. 90% of the content here is simply dogshit. You should consider yourself lucky I've even seen your posts and am conversing with you. Without me you are nobody. Everyone else would ignore you because of your childish outbursts. I've got to go soon. Feel free to insult me again, I might respond. I just had an hour to kill and felt like shitposting. Let me have it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>We have enough cancer as is.
nah. u ain't worth it.
Why not? I don't mind. Get it off your chest.
losers care what people think. like you do
Aww little baby hasn't seen adult swim
Decent satire at times
>this was 2 years ago already
>smoking camel crushes
It's literally a joke son
Like why are you even watching the show if you don't get it
>has reaction images saved on his machine
>calling someone 15
Dan harmon isnt good beyond season 2 of anything he creates.
wrong board
they're fun, fuck you
I miss pickleposting
this is still a thing?
That show will continue to be shit as long as Dan Harmon refuses to fire his all-girl writing room.
How the fuck does it take them 2 years to produce 10 episodes?
elfen lied sucks ass though
I support this massage.
This is bad
say it outloud
you wouldn't extend the "pe" part of hype, it would all be the "hy" part until the end
nah it's alright man, not as good as some meme it out to be but pretty enjoyable none the less
you fucking pickle ricker. the only good episode was the vindicators
We're already on episode 4, where have you been?
>video game comparisons
god dammit Yea Forums it's not summer anymore
>he doesn't pronounce it high-pee
lmaoing at ur life
I'll probably gonna watch one episode and save the rest for later.
Can Rick beat Jiren?
Whats the problem? He's not allowed to sit back for 1 goddamn saturday morning, forget the troubles that are constantly plaguing the world and always on his mind, and just relax with a show he finds funny?
user, GODren is not to be slighted
this show is so nonredeemable, and its fanbase are morphing themselves into antisocial weirdos not fit for a polite, and human society
It will surprise you if i say to you that the creator and producer are the one creating their own shill thread?
It was a solid 7/10 series until the women writers took majority
>camel crushes
>hemp wick
>got scammed into buying a $10000000 meme bong from a shitty chink-tier company
>that shitty cereal brand
Atomic example of a redditor, that post piggybacking on the screenback is cringe itself though and reads like some crap written by a boomer or recently disillusioned 15 year-old.
Lucky for them the left just keep self-destructing on their own anyway.
Is Genocyber actually good for anything but the gore?
That could be the case, but the redditor wrote
"adult me" doing this shit, and not "after a hard week it feels good to laze off in the weekend and do this shit".
yeah the wick and the brand name bong is pretty cucked
Hard to be sure at this point, but yes.
>jesus could walk on water
>pickles are 90% water
>humans are 80% water
>humans can walk on pickles
>therefore humans are 90% jesus
>and 82% pickle
>Jesus was 73,8 % pickle
>which means pickles are 135,5% jesus
Rick was trying to get closer to god
my mother once took a look at this show and said it was really gay
But the third season deviates heavily in quality from the first 2, it's almost like watching an entirely different series. It's not even close to being as good, and this next season will likely be shit too thanks to those writers
Only four months out and all we have are two still frames. Not even an episode count for season 4.
Sounds like everything is going just fine over there.
Aw yeah some Redditcore kino. Can't wait
It's really not that bad. There are a few edgy jokes throughout all three seasons but that's it. Autists just get hyper focused on that and can't enjoy the rest of the show. If one thing is wrong they lose their shit.
>Hey Chuck, I've turned myself into a pickle
>I'm pickle Sneeeeeeeeeeeeeed
LOL fuck this world!!!
Everything we do is just pointless,
death is inevitable.
Smoke weed
The surprise April 1st episode and the Szechuan sauce craze it caused were pretty cool, sure the people who partook in the craze unironically were cringe, but watching them was top fun, felt like the comfy small niche internet times pre-2007, felt like a community everyone was in on
Too bad the rest of S3 paled in comparison
why are you so upset reddit?
Don't like Pickle Rick?
You can suck my pickle dick.
Cringe image
What did he mean by this?
I don't get it
Found one.
>Being elitist about substance abuse
LMFAO you don't have much going for you, do you?
>capitalizing greentext
If this were real life I'd unironically shoot you in the neck.
>first episode
>Rick leaves for one second
>comes back, says he spent years there
>no time travel
>inb4 in that dimension time traveled slower
fuck off
Capitalised because I'm posting from my mobile phone. I bet that pisses you off as well. Lots of things irritate you don't they?
Fucking virgin lol
you need to be under 20 or a nu-male to enjoy this shit.
Does a trashman get mad when he has to empty garbage into a trash compactor? No, he's just cleaning up society.
Omg get reddit up my diarrhea anushole!!! Damn my asshole is dilating and releasing from real chunky goodness!!!
do it bro. we miss you too
t. weed
it’s an imageboard retard
Please just let it be based on humor again instead of countless violence/action scenes like S3 was.
I give my life, not for honour, but for yooou
>normies watching Lupin
Where is Morty? Will they have a fakeout premise in which Rick abandons him and they rename the show to Rick but pull a status quo at the end again
I feel like I remember this incredibly based comic
>he doesn't have reaction images saved
Where do you think you are?
The anime-hating people on Yea Forums are in the minority, so they have no power anyways.
based and IQ pilled
Plus the 4th dimensional ballsack travels through time in S2E1.
Dr. Stone > Rick & Morty
being a loser is shameful
the concept is interesting but the execution hasn't hooked me in yet.
>I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior
kek normalfaggots being triggered by edgy shit
I miss when Yea Forums was sort of a gateway that filtered most of the normals out.
Haha no wow You are a massive fag