Soulless top

>soulless top
>soul bottom

Attached: 1562976439883.webm (480x480, 2.83M)

I hate womans and minorities

They sacrifice so much emotion via expression with this photo realistic animation style. Not to mention the background looks boring as fuck.

Did they do everything in their power to make it a borderline Lord of the Rings tier walking segment?

the biggest thing that bothers me is how ewightless simba is when he moves


whats with the desaturated colors in the new one?? is it a movie about a post apocalyptic forest?

>cgi is getting WORSE overtime
What went wrong?

>this is cgi in 2005
What the fuck went so wrong?

Attached: Aye_aye_captain.jpg (2048x1130, 344K)

Attached: truth.jpg (1920x1080, 778K)

he moves like a house cat, not a lion

>simba gets raised by a interracial gay couple who put him on a vegan diet

they don't have to though, it's just because they suck and haven't thought about it. realism did nothing wrong.

niggers, women and faggots

They realised people will pay even for a cheaper, half-assed job.

Shiny, wet things are easier to do convincingly in cgi, that's why the T. rex attack in Jurassic Park takes place on a rainy night.


It's not CGI u fuck

The head going through the sunroof is animatronic but the full body of the T. Rex walking around is cgi.


Attached: 5466DDC9-1EC9-4FF1-AAC8-47DAF6BE827E.jpg (1536x2048, 416K)

It just looks like a big, scary, lion. Makes me want to pick up a spear and make loud noises, not do a sing-song.