he actually raises a really good point
He actually raises a really good point
Other urls found in this thread:
Rey is a Mary sue tho
yes, but what did he mean by this?
She is a Mary Sue. Trying to change reality is what sjws do.
Arguing about whether so and so is a mary sue is very dumb, but the first guy is leaving out some key context and plot points.
1) Luke just returned from saving Leia from the Death Star, and Leia (literally one of the leaders of the rebellion) and Han can both vouch for his skills.
2) One of Luke's Tatooine boys is in the rebellion, so he can back up what Luke says about the womp rats, and can demonstrate that shooting said rats is valuable experience by holding himself up as proof.
So Luke doesn't literally just walk in there, obviously, I mean, it's the beginning of the final act of the film.
get fucked chuck
>twitter thread
kys you cuck
Based Uncle Ethan
I don't give a fuck about Mary Sues or strong women or whatever the fuck, I just think the Disney movies are creatively bankrupt shit.
>unable to refute truth
>play the gender card instead
He meant that control is an illusion and that free will is a joke.
If you want to make a thread about something you read about a movie than just make a thread about what you fucking read.
This thread is just designed to stir shit and you know it.
I don't get it
have sex
>he proclaimed as Disney's security team escorted him out of the Lucasfilm building, repurposed office paper box in hand
Star Wars is so fucking boring. Why do these highly paid man babies defend it so much.
if one character disliked it, Id let the whole mary sue thing go. Like if Maz or someone was like "who the hell is this trash" or "shut up Rey" or something, don't make everyone love her.
Rey fucking sucks.
Only way il watch the new movie is if they turn her to the darkside and make her blow a planet up or something like Dany in GOT.
Turn Kylo back to the light cause he fucking sucks as a bad guy.
>caring about twitter
very pond scum tier thing to do
the voice of a generation
Based comp man
based infinite derailer poster
If Rey is a bad character it means all female characters are bad.
How? He just made a sentence.
He meant that star wars isn't art since it's design-by-committee schlock (democracy in action) that focuses more on pandering to a list of demographics (oddly everyone except star wars fans) than telling any story.
where did we go wrong
Rey will never, ever be good. Dark Side or not.
>Kylo sucks as a bad guy.
your definition of bad guy is shit, but some would say that is the point so it's your fault for misunderstanding the character. unironically.
Ahem. I am a woman and Rey sucks.
Rey is just boring
Why would I want to understand anything about this shitty new trilogy of movies. Its garbage made for idiots like you.
fpbp as usual
they don't need to vouch for his skills it was a suicide mission and they were desperate. whoever wrote that is a retard.
>Star Wars is so fucking boring. Why do these highly paid man babies defend it so much
Chuck Wending was writing Star Wars novels when this was tweeted, there is your answer.
I am a male and I would like to fuck her vagina so therefore, good character.
With excerpts such as these?
>gets fired
Lmao bye faggot
lol that he got fired for melting down during the whole Kavanaugh debacle. What a loser.
this is a masterpiece
No, he just got fired from Marvel. No one knows if he's fired from writing novels for Lucasfilm.
But she's a Mary Sue, this twitter literal who doesn't even contend that point
Anybody have the point-by-point rundown of how she is a Mary Sue?
Is he a confirmed rapist yet or do still we have to wait a year or so for this unexpected "revelation"?
Not reading all that shit.
>1 post by this ID
>Cuck Wendig
This is why people need to beat their fucking kids.
That doesn't contend the point of Rey being a Mary Sue either and it was pretty stupid overall my dude, care to try again?
The name is Cuck Weakdick newfag
brings me back to the good ole' Quentin Comics days
But incels are the main target audience of the MCU and the only people who would waste hours making a shit comic like this, am I being memested right now?
>doesn't contend the point of Rey being a Mary Sue
there is no "point" to rey being a mary sue in the first place
there is no argument for it
it's just a meaningless statement spouted by incels to cope with the ASSBLAST the last jedi is causing them
without a doubt the most incomepently written shit i've ever read. this wasn't actually published right?
>there is no "point" to rey being a mary sue in the first place
But there is, Mary Sue is a well definded trope that indicates poor character building and Rey fits the defintion to a tee, confirming that she's a shit character. Tou sure you want to concede this easily?
are reylo fans incels?
>Battledroids being heavy enough to break through transparisteel
>a mary sue trope exists
>that means rey is a mary sue
incel logic
He's actually right about this but that doesn't mean his shitty books are anywhere near literature.
the difference with rey is that everyone loves her right away. nobody liked luke and he had to build those relationships first. audiences can tell when something is not earned and it feels cheap.
Reading comprehension level: American
The original movies are overrated, but they gave luke more development time before he is fully capable.
In these new movies I never felt like any of the major characters were in any danger of dying because of the jarring quip humor on top of the Rey related problems related to her character development or lack thereof.
These movies are just generally not good after the original 3. To discuss them with such seriousness as in the twitter post is giving this trash too much credit.
Let us know how unemployment is going, Cuck Wendig. lmao
>leia didn't immediately take to luke
>obi wan didn't immediately take to training luke
>han didn't immediately agree to risk his life and ship for luke
>the rebels didn't immediately accept literal who luke
>yoda didn't start training luke immediately after passing a flimsy shit-test despite having sworn to never train another jedi, least of all one as old as luke
luke is a gary stu. cope harder, incels
not an argument
why are you an incel?
And Rey fits the defintion, neither you or the literal who from twitter contend this point, calling people "incels" won't change her Mary Sue status nor will it make her a good character.
Rey is a Mary Sue, I can't believe Mike, Jay & Rich dispute this. It's not a sexist thing, it's a blatantly bad writing thing.
1. Rey is flawless and makes no mistakes
2. Any mistake she does make ends up in the heroe's favor
3. She's unnaturally talented and replaces other characters with her superior skill
4. She instantly becomes the most important and beloved character in the universe
5. She comes from a bad background which highlights how special and resilient she is without suffering any baggage from being an orphan
6. She meanders through the story, being in convenient places and doing nice things because that's what good guys do, instead of having a relatable motivation.
I could go on but it's pretty apparent the emperor has no clothes and the writing in the new trilogy SUCKS.
someone else said it best: JJ Abrams is Michael Bay pretending to be George Lucas.
>being American is not an argument
Yes, it's the end of discussion. Why would you discuss anything with a piece of shit like an American?
I need a shower after reading that
>The TIE wibbles and wobbles in the air, careening drunkenly across the Myrran rooftops -- it zigsags herkily-jerkily out of sight
Is this from Dr. Seuss' Darth Lorax or from Green Lightsabers and Ham
A balding adult posted this.
>Rey is flawless and makes no mistakes
she failed at everything except lifting some rocks
>Any mistake she does make ends up in the heroe's favor
>She's unnaturally talented and replaces other characters with her superior skill
false. she can barely pull off basic jedi shit
>She instantly becomes the most important and beloved character in the universe
false. only kylo, a psychopath, is obsessed with her
>She comes from a bad background which highlights how special and resilient she is without suffering any baggage from being an orphan
not part of the mary sue trope. as opposed to luke being the son of the greatest jedi ever
> She meanders through the story, being in convenient places and doing nice things because that's what good guys do, instead of having a relatable motivation.
wanting to join the resistance and get trained as a jedi is a relatable motivation
try again, incel
- She can wield a light saber without any prior trainging, and actually beat Kylo Ren in a light saber battle, twice
- She's an expert pilot, despite having been stuck on a planet for 15 years
- She knows better than Han or Chewie how to fix the Millenium Falcon
- After Han Solo's death, Leia blows past Chewie and goes straight to Rey for a hug, despite never having met her
etc. etc.
Even if you factor in her being good with the staff, being an on-planet pilot, and a spaceship scrap collector; the level at which she can accomplish these things clearly makes her a Mary Sue.
> leia constantly bitches luke out during the death star escape
>obi-wan has been secretly watching over Luke since he was born and only starts training after recivng leias distress single
>han is a mercenary hired to do a job him coming back after being paid is the point of his character arc
>yoda has to be convinced by obi wan to train luke
>loses argument
>"y-you're a-american so it d-doesn't c-count ok???"
i'm not even amerifat lmao
>Falling for this bait
Nope. It was never actually established.
>>Wibbles and wobbles
Seriously, is that real?
>she failed at everything except lifting some rocks
She beat Kylo Ren twice, fixed the MF when Han and Chewie couldn't, escaped expert space pilots despite never having flown off-planet, etc.
>>loses argument
>stutter quote meme
Not even that user but you're embarassing, m8.
How will Disney Viral Marketing Department as created by Paul Yanover, current president of Fandango (the company who makes early trackings for opening weekends at the box office) which also owns Rotten Tomatoes (aggregator of online reviewers who live on disney's online marketing budget) ever recover?
> leia constantly bitches luke out during the death star escape
that's because leia is a bitch, doesn't make luke less of a gary stu
>obi-wan has been secretly watching over Luke since he was born and only starts training after recivng leias distress single
if you'd read what you just posted you would realize you're only furthering my argument
>han is a mercenary hired to do a job him coming back after being paid is the point of his character arc
he can still refuse missions if they are not worth the risk. he could just as well take a safe mission from a rich merchant of something, instead of risking his ass going against the empire
>yoda has to be convinced by obi wan to train luke
how does that make luke less of a gary stu?
Just because I've misread that post doesn't mean you can call me an incel and laugh at me being an American.
>lose argument
>pretend to be someone else
>luke is a gary stu
Luke's first encounter with a light saber has him get shot by the practice droid.
Rey's first encounter with a light saber has her beat a former Jedi and current high-ranking Knight of Ren.
Reading comprehension: American
Why are American incels such as you so fucking dumb?
He isn’t ‘fully capable’ till Return of the Jedi IMO.
Even when he destroys The Death Star he is only able to do so because Han returns.
The reason he survives his encounters with Vader isn’t skill or talent or even luck, it’s because Vader doesn’t actually want to kill him, he wants luke on the team.
Takes The murder of his family, 3 years fighting a rebellion and some time with Yoda, before his Jedi powers are anything more than helpful tool to help him fly better and survive when shit goes down.
>muh rey beat kylo meme
except kylo just had his insides blasted to bits by chewie's bowcaster
clearly not in any condition to fight anyone
Had no problem fucking up finn who actually knows how to use a lightsaber
>More like comicsgay, faggot.
Those lips are faggot lips and he's definitely someone's Daddy.
>except kylo just had his insides blasted to bits by chewie's bowcaster
lmao, you don't literally beat your fist into a wound like that.
>clearly not in any condition to fight anyone
Even with an arm and leg missing, someone at Kylo's level should not be beaten by someone who just grabbed a light saber for the first time in their life.
Also, Kylo beat Finn in that condition; someone who was actually trained to fight from childhood.
>2. 5 minutes after Luke showed up they were like "go join a military assault"
Now explain how she mind fucks that soldier without any previous training or signs of being able to use the force, I'll wait
>ywn fuck yourself out of a job by being a sperglord on twitter
I am not an incel! It's people who don't like new Star Wars who are incels.
Also Luke has to get another pilot that he used to know to vouch for him.
Since I don't value your time I suggest you watch the Hackfraudmedia reviews of the movies instead. The examples come with pictures, which is more your speed.
You're just a nazi incel. I don't care about talking to you anymore.
everyone forgets the leia hug
that shit literally makes no sense.
>how do characters that have the force with them pull off incredible feats
because the force is bullshit have you ever even seen a star wars film before?
anakin and luke, too, did impossible shit before ever being trained as a jedi because "the force was with them" it's like a +infinity to your luck stat
Them making Kylo lose that fight was retarded.
You can excuse temper tantrums, perhaps he's mentally ill. (Which can add to a villain)
But you can't excuse the villain being destroyed by a literal nobody that's never wielded a lightsaber before. That just tells me Kylo's talentless, and never trained hard enough.
This isn't actually true, but because Rey is a Mary Sue they just couldn't have her lose, so it comes across this way and makes Kylo look very weak going into 8. Then he basically loses against her again.
Now in the 9th movie he's probably going to lose/die to her, his whole existence is to lose to Rey apparently.
HAHAHAHAHA OK, I gotta say, that is flippin' epicsauce for the win! One gilded internet for you my good sir!
were they able to do it from the start without any training?
yes, that's how the force works. it's obvious that you're not a true star wars fan like i am
It's like Luke beating Vader in a one-on-one light saber battle in the very first film.
>it's obvious that you're not a true star wars fan like i am
Sure, dude. We can all see how great SW fan you are in this thread. Kudos to you, mate!
P.S. Have sex.
the ugly reptile nuns in the island disliked her
No. It's nothing like that.
Who cares if Rey is a Mary Sue, lots of characters are Mary Sues. Who cares if people think Mary Sue is a sexist term. I mean you can just call her a shitty boring character, that works too.
The big question is who cares about watching Rey beat Kylo in another lightsaber fight for the 3rd time in 3 movies. That's just shitty storytelling.
Star Wars is dead. Let us mourn it and move on.
If you imagine the movies as Kathleen Kennedy's personal fanfic about a mary sue taming and loving a bad boy (kylo) the movies make perfect sense.
Just kidding they're still a confusing dumpster fire.
Rey is the new trilogy's Luke.
Kylo is the new trilogy's Vader.
TFA was basically a carbon copy of ANH.
Not true. Your just an incel like all the Star Wars haters.
No he don't he is a brainlet and is angry that his nu star wars still have a mary sue in it
yes. did you miss luke aiming an impossible shot for a tiny hole in the death star or anakin winning a race against veterans as a 9 year old?
It's like poetry, it rhymes
>stating the obvious = "hating star wars"
that's what I said, you fucking incel. luke was perfect at everything from the start. why are you so dumb?
No it doesn't rhyme.
Now stop wasting my time.
I already wrote in this thread: I AM NOT AN INCEL!
>t. incel trying to hide his inceldom
>shooting and riding is impossible
>t. incel
That wasn't combat against another actual trained force user.
See all the fights Luke and Anakin had for reference.
Rey hasn't lost a hand yet, even the fucking Chosen One lost an arm.
There are no stakes, she just wins against a trained force user, grandson of the chosen one, for no reason at all. Repeatedly.
Fuck you. All the Star Wars haters are nazis and incels. You've just proved it.
>without any training
Luke was an expert pilot and aircraft gunner marksman.
He literally says he can snipe a "womp rat" from far away.
Also, two others had a go at that shot and got close.
There was nothing "impossible" about it.
Also also, it's clearly established that Sir Alec Guinness reminds him to "use the force".
shut the fuck about intels you nigger
Why do people keep saying "Mary Sue" is sexist again? Is it because the term uses a girl's name, and that's it? Nothing about the actual definition implies anything about the character's gender.
and rey has been fighting people off with a stick her entire life AND has extremely high force sensitivity
oh but there's no way she could possibly beat THIS particular masked half-crazed wounded guy! clearly a mary sue
Because they're sexist. Only sexist nazis use this term. They hate Rey because they're incels.
They want to give the term a political charge, so you'll be afraid to use it.
If you repeat the truth often enough, people will treat it as a lie.
looks exactly how i expect him to
>and rey has been fighting people off with a stick her entire life
do black guys really date MtF white "females"??? i feel like thats cope
>and rey has been fighting people off with a stick her entire life
So has Kylo Ren, who was actually trained and became a master.
>AND has extremely high force sensitivity
So did Luke, yet he failed at pretty much everything without hardcore training.
Come on now who gives a shit what he thinks
These are the people lecturing you on masculine ideals.
So you have no proof? Great job, incel.
Luke also didn’t say that he could kill rats to big up his own skill, he said it in response to the pilot who claimed shooting a target as small as the shaft was impossible
No one cares about your shit taste, incel.
your just a coping incel. admit it!
>Why would I want to understand anything
Proof that if you’re willing to kiss enough ass anyone can get any job
This larp is getting old, can you come up with something clever?
kylo ren's training stopped midway when luke fucked off
>So did Luke, yet he failed at pretty much everything without hardcore training.
how's losing to vader one time "failing at everything"
the only thing any of this proves is that vader is a competent fighter, but kylo ren sucks
which is pretty much a given
the only impressive thing kylo ever did was stopping a laser blast in mid air, somehow
his lightsaber weilding skills are shit
his lightsaber making skills are also shit, look at that fucking abomination he made
kylo ren isn't a dark lord of the sith, he's a mentally ill incel pretending to be vader
I'm a woman and Rey is shit.
>t. incel
>t. tranny
post tits if not
Wow so unpredictable! You've got Wendig skills!
Your not a woman. Your an incel.
post feet
I'm a woman and Rey beating Kylo Ren was Mary Sue shit 100%.
Rey has been beating off starving scavengers her entire life? First, that's not realistic. Secondly, that is in no way comparable to a fucking tall and muscular man who has been Force Sensitive and trained most of his life in the ARTS.
Rey wasn't "force sensitive" until TFA. Fuck off.
>is it because it's a girl's name
I'm a real woman and can confirm Rey isn't a mary sue.
Did nobody edit this shit?
This is too fucking good.
I'm a woman and Rey is a Mary Sue shit and I"m going to keep saying it because my opinion means more than yours and always will.
pic related is you
No you're not and yes she is.
I'll debate you all night, sis if you want to fucking pretend.
>your definition of bad guy is shit
He didn't define "bad guy" in his post.
>I'm a woman
Apparently it's "acceptable alternative" in America now. I'm not kidding.
I've been posting here for 10 years, if you think I'm going to show you proof you can suck my dick.
I know you know I am a woman, so keep spamming LONDON and PROOF OR NOT A GIRL like it changes anything.
He's a man. He doesn't get to determine what is and isn't sexist, according to leftist rhetoric.
I'm a woman and star wars is for incels
fuck off and learn to read, illiterate incel
> posting here for 10 years
guaranteed a tranny
Good thing as a woman, I can speak on these things and he's a manbaby attentionwhore and Rey is a Mary Sue and horrible written. Incels are ugly and fat though, but that's neither here nor there.
that's nice
/cgl/ says hi. That's where I got my start on this shithole and unfortunately never left. How long have you been here, ugly newshit?
>perfect comics don't ex-
>Snivelous Raxium was a manly figure, but his the balance of a traxian ballerina. He had deep blue pool eyes, but thick brows like that of a tuskan bull snarp. He could punch the lights out of an empire storm trooper, but also play the flindelous flute like no other. He boomed his voice like a burly bulbous banshee "We MUST secure the line!" he said before jumping like a dancer out of the ship and then landing. LASERS. SMOKE. ASH. He fought strongly and bravely. Blocking and rocking he cut the racist dorids in half with his awesome light saber, it was super dark red, but he was a jedi, he has a red light saber because he has a dark past but want to kill sith because sith killed his parents. His brother was a sith too. He wants to kill his brother.
Can I write a book now?
tits or gtfo
>tranny still larping as a "woman"
Rey is shit and a Mary Sue and these threads are for fat ugly men to argue with each other like attentionwhores. Go outside.
>fat ugly man thinks he gets to have an opinion
>Imagine being so ugly you claim to be a girl and don't post proof.
>Star Wars has always been shit
yeah, we know
Are you fucking stupid? It plainly doesn't you creep.
>fat ugly man
rent free
you're talking to a real woman sister
>kylo ren's training stopped midway when luke fucked off
And he was then trained by Snoke, becoming a "master of the knights of Ren".
Keep trying.
>how's losing to vader one time "failing at everything"
He had to be saved from Tusken Raiders by Obi Wan, failed at using a lightsaber even against a training droid, had to be saved during the death star assault by Han, had to be saved from the wampa by Han, lost to Vader, had to be saved from falling from cloud city by Leia, had to be saved from the Emperor by Vader, etc. etc.
And on top of that, he had to convince literally everyone to help him initially, while everyone instantly accepts and adores Rey.
>if i call her ugly, she'll want to prove me wrong
>being this much of a desperate, ugly fucking virgin
>wall of txt
>wall of txt
>wall of txt
Did fucking Tim Bucklay write this?
this post is 100% correct.
this is not an argument though.
>"it's not because I say it's not"
>t. SEETHING tranny
You can't post proof because you'll be outed as a tranny, ma'am.
Debate me, then. How is Rey not a Mary Sue? IF you can't, then shut the fuck up and sit down with the rest of the fat ugly losers in this thread defending the crotch-rot sand queen.
feet or gtfo
OK, how's this for an argument:
Rey is a poorly-written character with less depth than the paper upon which she's written. Her motivations are nebulous and the plots of the films are scene-driven in lieu of character-driven, serving little more than to move her from one scene to the next with little to no rhyme or reason as to why the character would choose to be there. There is no "why" to her, only "is." Three films in and the only still-living characters to which she has the slightest connection are Kylo and Finn. Everything about her and her nigh-on-nonexistent arc takes place on an entirely separate plane than the main thrust of the plot, and every single time it breaks away from the war(such as it is), the plot and the pacing grind to an absolute halt. She's inexplicably good at seemingly everything and is apparently mandated from on high to be universally beloved by the other characters for no clear reason, which makes the entire story dull by virtue of depriving her of even needing to jump the hurdle of suspicion with anyone and gain their respect and trust. She's cardboard, dull, and inconsistently characterized.
Think that would work for Chuck the Cuck or are there too few 'wibbledy-wobbledies" to hold his infantile attention span?
>t. SEETHING fat ugly desperate loser
You'll never get my picture or get to tell anyone you talked to a woman besides your mother.
why does a successful actress and a powerful female character trigger you so?
is it because you are a tranny and a loser, therefore a failure both at being a woman and a person?
stay mad
>Rey is a Mary Sue, here are the proofs
>w-what about luke tho? Pls d-don't BTFO me i know i'm wrong pls don't do it
Why would I want the picture of a tranny? Thanks but no thanks :^)
>you're just triggered!
Nice non-argument. I win. Thanks for the (You) anyway, fat uggo.
Not an argument ;^]
>fat uggo
stop projecting, tranny
go back to cosplaying as a woman or whatever you /cgl/ trannies do
NEVER EVER is exactly when you'll be a real woman, tranny.
I'd rather stay here and let everyone know that I am a woman and Rey is a Mary Sue. stay mad ugly loser
>no proof of mary sue
>no proof of being a woman
it seems at you have failed at both of those things, tranny
stay mad that I'm a woman and Rey is shit and a Mary Sue. My opinion will always mean more than yours. Too bad I stole your attention, huh?
Ethan gives the best blowjobs in the industry.
>the "TRANNY" autist absolutely SEETHING in this thread
Rey a shit and a Mary Sue btw.
>the fat ugly loser who makes these thread every day to try and get attention from other men because he's so fucking hard up for it
>nooo don't come into my fanclub, stupid girl! I wanted to bait incels for (You)s
This is my thread now. Die mad about it.
Yea Forums was a mistake.
Also this
>tranny getting worked into a SEETHE more and more itt
top kek
This would work well enough as a script where the visuals are supposed to fill in the details, but as a book it sucks ass.
Must make you mad everyone is paying attention to me now and not you.
Read a book.
>she can barely pull off basic jedi shit
She was able to fight off and reverse Kylo's mind reading thing, having only heard about the Force a few days earlier at most.
Kylo Ren who on top of being a Skywalker, was actually trained in the Force.
>i'm the only one replying
wow good job, tranny.
must be the highlight of your day to finally get some (you)s lmao
I can't tell who this is making fun of.
Sorry I couldn't hear you over the sound of all the attention I'm getting in YOUR thread.
I have to go back and count all the responses I got, this is going to take awhile. Thanks for adding to the pile though, sweaty. If you could sit your fat ass down over there, I'll be back in a sec.
I'm back, thanks for waiting fatty. I think I missed some, but you get the picture.
art? more like fart lol
Why the transphobia, you retarded nazi incel?
He's a edgy manchild, he does it for attention. That's why he makes these threads every day.
literally all of them me
also: dilate
And effortlessly lifts the equivalent of several X-Wings' weight of rocks, then parts them like the Red Sea.
One of my biggest gripes with this film and to a lesser degree the prequels is that they all turn the Force into a superpower. When Yoda lifted Luke's X-Wing out of the bog, it didn't seem to be a simple feat even for him. It clearly required focus and supreme concentration. This is what makes seeing Vader capable of using it mid-combat impressive - that he's mastered the necessary concentration to such a degree that he's capable of something that would be difficult even for Yoda.
Watching people employ the Force so effortlessly and with little to no concentration cheapens it.
Nope. Stay mad I stole attention from you in your own bait thread effortlessly and will continue to do so whenever it please me.
C UCKBOY thread?
only attention you got is everyone outing you as a tranny. keep SEETHING!
Why are you lying, fucking nazi incel scum?
>t. seething OP got cucked out of his own thread
Embarrassing desu
Something something eating cheerios with cum on it.
Why do you insist with your transphobia, you worthless incel?
>it was all me
>no, it was "everyone"!
>stop saying you got my attention WAAHHH
This is actually embarrassing. I almost feel bad. But you're a fat ugly incel, so no I don't.
Left can't meme.
Regardess its shit and im not gonna watch it
t. Og starwars fan
Did we get raided by a discord?
This fucking faggot gets the rope.
Either that or actual paid Disney shills.
No, OP just got btfo by a woman and he's going to die mad about it.
Some hole linked this thread in her /cgl/ discord, apparently.
>t. OP
Nice thread, loser. Shame if something were to happen to it.
Best post in this thread.
I beg to differ.
>he actually raises a really good point
No he doesn't.
That comic is pure cringe though, have sex
>Every post I don't like is OP
I wonder how many children Chuck Wendig raped.
>t. OP who is still mad his thread got hijacked
Will he ever recover?
>t. roastie thinking thread shitting is some grand feat
Welcome to Yea Forums, babe. Post feet.
I can't believe I read all of that. Literally plebbit.
Never recovering. Got it.
Yea Forums is the last bastion of uncensored truth.
>see this as normie
>read "kill all gamers"
>associate "gamer" with my son
well, at least only 2 people saw it
After the pedo got outed, i bet the number went up.
This is what discord trannys actually believe
holy fucking BASED
>food comparison
god dammit americans
>literally who on anonymous image board where only the strength of their argument dictates value
>literally who on traditional social media where a blue fucking checkmark dictates value
sexist asshats BTFO
I think this is actually more Reddit than Reddit. Complete shit
>da jooooooooz
Well I have more sex than I'd even want and I think nuwars is fucking embarrassing, so I think that settles that, you little incel.
you just know a right winger is SEETHING when this gets posted
When are these people going to stop claiming "female empowerment" while simultaneously claiming any criticism against a female character is hurtful to all women every where?
I could go on all day, but I'd be banned.
absolutely based and sexpilled
kek'd and based
It's sexiest to say she isn't a Mary Sue
This is how autistc people really perceive reality
Have sex, but please make sure it's consensual.
Sounds like something an incel would say.
based Monsoon poster
absolutely based
>, full-stop.
>can't even explain how it's a sexist argument
>got fired from writing Star Wars books where he kept making characters gay
Not sure if kino or cringe
Why do people always analyze the OT as some sort of a literary masterpiece? The characters aren't complex, the dialogue is cheesy and rushed for the most part. The only thing that makes it timeless is its visual style and the general concept of the universe. I always think back about the crappy, horribly acted scene on the ewok planet that's meant to show the big love triangle dillema of Luke, Han and Leia. it's 'timeless' in its cringyness at least. Yet you faggots keep defending OT characters and grasping straws to find motives for actions that may or may not be true at all.. the new trilogy has awful(yet professional) writing, but at least it doesn't pretend to be anything more than background material for Disney's quip-every-10-seconds formula(which is proven to be effective sadly and we can expect much more of in the next 10 years).
This is such a high level of bait
>he can feel it in the back of his teeth
Not an argument.
He means that PC culture literally has made art impossible to do (try making a movie where Nazis are the good guys) so movies can't be art anymore.
>Giant blockbuster/propaganda piece targeting the most common denominator is art
That time Cuck Wendig complained about canon.
So he doesn't believe in death of the author? lol Interesting.
Wait, is this seriously the first time people are seeing this picture? Geez, how new are you all? This isn't even that old.
>Trying to change reality is what sjws do.
It's impressive how so many "of" groups flat out deny reality.
Is this result of parents telling their kids "they can be anything they want"?
Please be my gf
wtf is "crap-fingered"?
>doesn't know how to insult
Don't know about this, man. His Aftermath trilogy was really insulting.
>Chuck Wending
when is this guy being replaced by Sneed?
>- After Han Solo's death, Leia blows past Chewie and goes straight to Rey for a hug, despite never having met her
Kek, what was the explanation for this? Have they ever explained it?
They didn't even knew each other.