Such a simple scene and yet nothing from the MCU Spider-Man films has come close to being this genuine
Such a simple scene and yet nothing from the MCU Spider-Man films has come close to being this genuine
This scene is amazing! I remember it actually being a homage to a similar scene in a Superman comic book.
Is that Mysterio?
>peter doesn't want to take the suit to europe, which would blow his cover, after helping save half the universe and watching tony die
>raimi peter wants to see mj in a play, not even go on a date with her
>wow so genuine, especially this pop song
really cures the old gabagool
I feel like it shouldn't be so difficult to convey the struggle inherent in the dichotomy between Peter and Spider Man.
Uuuhh I mean its stupid that both mcu spidey movies try to show how spider man negatively impacts peter's life, but uh none of it ends up mattering? Like he never gains any real consequences, it never feels like a real struggle for him. It's lacking a certain humanity that Raimi Man 2 had, underneath all the cheesiness and wackiness. Tobey Parker felt genuine and sincere, you really felt for the guy when you saw how he was struggling to make ends meet, struggling to choose between his personal life and his superhero antics. Thats the key word, struggle, it's something you almost never feel in the mcu movies. Just purely from a narrative perspective, they feel too light to take any of the stakes present seriously, and to be fair it's not as big of a problem in homecoming because of how small scale it is, but far from home? I don't give a hoot about mystery man's drones killing people or whatever. The movie never tried to make me feel like there were ever real stakes, not even in the scene where peterboy's holding up the falling tower.
Whatever, fuckmnngghhmmmpshhh
>after helping save half the universe and watching tony die
Oh yeahphhff that's another thing, mcu Spidey feels way too subservient to the universe he occupies. It's weird because I don't remember other mcu heroes having this problem, but in their Spidey movies a lot of the strife that Peter feels is directly caused by some other bigger and better hero, and pretty much all of his growth and development revolves around him. It's even reflected in his villains, both Keato and Gylleho get retooled so that they're basically Iron Man villains, and Peter is just the kid that gets in their way sometimes. It's a little obnoxious seeing your protag talk so much about some other movie's protag and how much they love and respect them all the time, it's like uhhh alrighty, yep tony sure was a swell guy. Yep. He was cool. Is this iron jr boy kid lad?
>and Peter is just the kid that gets in their way sometimes
confirmed for being too stupid to understand MCU villains
>seeing your protag talk so much about some other movie's protag
christ, your company wars mindset has affected your ability to look at movies in the same continuity by the same company
It pretty much is how their dynamic is treated in both films, I remember Toomes is like "all of a sudden outta nowhere this spider guy shows up and foils my plans huh", in both movies the respective villain doesn't have any sort of personal conflict with Peter, in fact they're kind of indifferent or almost like him. Mystery boy laments that hes gonna have to kill him before FFH's big climax
And I dunno, when the films actively attempt to maintain connection with each other it's kind of difficult not to get distracted by how much emphasis is put on Iron Man in a spider man flick. Part of Pete's arc in FFH is about trying to live up to the expectations of being the next Iron Man metaphorically, and the film only half-heartedly dismisses this notion near the end before the climax. It don't really feel that strong or compelling to watch
Peter dislikes Stark in the comics too so it's a little off putting
MCU spider-man movies are not meant for spider-man fans, comicfags or seasoned film goers. They are meant for the types of people that don't care at all about cinema, or capeshit, but who probably watch a lot of netflix. That's the target demographic, and I think they succeeded in making the type of film these people would go to see. Spider-man homecoming was like 60-70% CW/Netflix teen drama shit that nobody would normally care about in a movie like this. But it made a lot of money so there's that.
Yeh, guess it just feels weird because spider man as a character was inherently seperate from the bigger groups for a long time. You had stuff like him meeting the F4 early on, but that was deliberately to show that he wasn't like them and that his conflicts and growth would be on an entirely different sort of plane than theirs. He was only just made an Avenger pretty recently, I think around 2004 or 5? Before that he was very not-connected to big groups like the avengers or X-Men, going so far as to talk shit to them or criticize them whenever they had crossovers. This is an element that was even carried over to the modern retelling, the Ultimate comics line, where again the character remained mostly isolated from the big hero groups and it served as a point of contrast to them. They're the rich and famous, they get recognized for what they do. Spider Man comparatively does not, and it makes the character feel more virtuous and noble when they continue to persist in the midst of getting dunked on both as Peter and Spider man.
These core elements are pretty much forgotten in the mcu, and now he sucks up to the big guys more than anyone else, and gets to live comfy with stark's tech. We don't ever really hear about money problems, or spidey being reviled by the mediafar from home end credits seems to be going in this direction, outside of girl troubles everything seems to be going hunky dory for good ole Pete. It's just not interesting
What a load or pretentious shit you just wrote. Typical of these threads. Adults on the fast track to middle age getting all offended because their nostalgia bubble has been vigorously popped by one of the best Spider-Man film yet.
These movies are incapable of carrying any emotion at all because they never take themselves seriously, they never actually want to make you feel uncomfortable and worried. Spiderman truly cared for the safety of those he loved, to the point where he had to distance himself from the woman he loved, his heart was broken when Aunt May was attacked. MCU Spiderman has a whole scene dedicated entirely to him trying to kill one of his friends, and Aunt May finding out about Spiderman is played off for jokes.
It's impossible to care when the movie itself doesn't either.
Oh yeah should also say it's another example of just how lacking in tension or any real storytelling the endings to both mcu films are. Aunt May finding out about her nephew's double life as a hero risking his life in perilous situations is a footnote, and how she feels about this is never brought up in the sequel aside from a few offhand gags. The big identity reveal scene is literally just an end credits scene, it makes me worry that even this will be devoid of any conflict or tension somehow. Like next movie they'll just have Peter's classmates make a couple jokes about his crime fighting, or theyll have pedestrians shout his real name in an action scene as a gag.
Did they ever explain how he made that spidey suit?
Originally Aunt May didn't find out Peter was Spidey. That scene was actually Marissa Tomei's idea, she pitched it to the director with the primary reason being that it would give Aunt May and Peter a deeper dynamic when next we see them interact in future movies, thus that small scene was tacked onto the very end of the film. Played off as a joke or not, it's intent is based in essentially reaching for what you'd like to see more of. Granted it doesn't excuse it, I'm just saying that... fuck if I know, take it as you will.
>dat arm cross move Campbell pulls as he says "but not to come late"
delicious kino
what a brainlet take m8, he didn't take the suit because he had no plans of saving people in Europe
it was shit, redditor
Brad isn’t one of his friends, he’s a prick to him and the scene is there to show you how powerful the tech is and that Peter hasn’t learned how to deal responsibly with such power yet. It’s got a comedy time as the upper layer but you’re not half as smart as you think you are if you can’t read the scene’s multiple layers.
Spiderman doesn't go on vacation. That's sort of one of the big points of the entire superhero genre, making sacrifices. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
You’re one of the people he was talking about
Fuck yourself you lazy cunt
There's literally a scene of the villain asking him "what do you want?" he says "I want my vacation" and gives away his responsibilities to him
Later, he gets the girl full stop. No compromises.
There is zero concept of sacrifice in the movie
He was talking shit. These threads are always made up of around three people spouting shit they spend all night thinking up, but it’s just rose tinted glasses about Raimi and baseless insults. Endlessly repeated.
>multiple layers
Your just as bad as those DC keks who think man of steel was good because critics didnt "get it". MCU are competent movies but dont hold a candle to raimi's spiderman because they dont push the boundaries in style or substance
Yes and then giving up his responsibilities backfires spectacularly on him, you disingenuous weasel.
The scene had multiple layers and you’re just embarrassed and angry because not everyone agrees with your shallow fedora assessment.
the character made the choice to forego his responsibilities. A hero wouldn't do that, what's more a hero wouldn't do that without compunction
What they did is saturday morning cartoon level shit, no stakes at all.
>it helps maintain the illusion
Now I get the Mysterio rumours.
Sorry but literally every scene is played for laughs, there is never any danger or stakes. Friends about to die in ferris wheel? Pop out a Night Monkey joke. Friends about to die in London? Some more quips. Throughout the entire movie Peter finds himself trying to save his friends from certain death, and everytime it's played as a joke, and it's never properly explored how he feels or how much he cares, because you can't have actual emotions showing in these movies.
I am not into comics or the whole mcu universe but I decided to watch this since its on Netflix and I wonder how are you supposed to care about anything happening in the superhero movies when there are no real stakes?
>spiderman almost drowns
>but nope iron man saves him
>you did a really stupid thing!
>somebody could have gotten hurt but luckily no one did because me and my highly specific gadgets saved everyone
I actually LIKE the Rai,I films, I agree for the time they were amazing but the MCU has plenty of merits too. Holland is doing a great job as Spider-Man, better than Maguire in many respects but it’s like a cult now to raimifags who chimp out if any word is spoken against their dogma, no matter how absurd they get.
Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next products
He’s a flawed, young hero. It’s actually interesting to watch. If he didn’t rebel or show any emotion and selfishness you’d be thinking of another angle of attack.
>holland is a better parker and spiderman meme!
The story is meh, the cgi is worse than a 14 year old film and the casting is all over the place.
>The most comic book acurate spiderman to date!
Throughout the entire movie Peter is torn up about putting his friends in danger, filled with self doubt and trying to find someone he considers a genuine hero to pass the buck to. The jokes are just another layer, the Night Monkey thing came about because Ned was trying to protect his identity. Why do we only ever get cherry picking from you people?
Something that really ticks me off about the glasses being a representation of the responsibilities of being a hero is the fact that Peter himself had no decision on them. He is simply thrust into being the succesor of Tony, being Stark himself who decides that he will be. It's something as far away from the entire "everyone can be Spiderman" message the franchise carries, because Peter isn't deciding anymore for himself, other people are, and the only time he makes a decision for himself he fucks everything up.
This is why after the first avengers the mcu went to shit. Iron man 1 was kino because it felt grounded with current technology. Now he literally has a gadgets for every problem in the world. Cant he cure cancer with his nanobots?
>don’t ask questions just agree with my opinions or I’ll turn Facebook tier memes against you
>If he didn’t rebel or show any emotion and selfishness you’d be thinking of another angle of attack.
you don't get it, watch the OP clip again. Raimi's Peter TRIES to get his shit together and pays the price. MCU Peter is proven right that he was entitled to everything he wanted BECAUSE he accepts mediocrity when he decides he "doesn't need to be the next Iron man".
It's pathetic.
>"You don't have to be the next Iron Man"
Peak dishonest filmmaking.
Like the other user said. The clip shows that spiderman must make a choice between being peter or spiderman. He cant have his cake and eat it. Everything comes at a price.
That’s Happy having a nostalgic moment about Iron Man though, the kid doesn’t even know the band.
But Maguire’s Parker also got the girl, we knew from film 1 he would always end up happy with MJ, and it took three films to show his story most of which he was an adult. People foaming at the mouth over this much younger Spider-Man are overthinking everything.
You are literally unable to understand movies. Do you think scenes exist just to move the plot forward? There is symbolism and meaning in every frame.
the "moment" is played for the audience and to mock zoomers
After spending time with my gf and other women of various shapes and forms, I've come to realize one thing. They all think the world revolves around them. They suffer from inherent narcissism. Mj would have bitched and moaned about Pete not turning up for the play even if she knew he was Spiderman. Because in her head she'll go "Oh so the city is more important than me. Ergo he doesn't love me". Men too have their own flaws but narcissism is something that comes naturally to women
Parker only got the girl because MJ decided to remain at his side despite the consequences. In the end it was her that ran to him not the other way around. Peter had accepted that he might be alone all his life because of Spider-Man
he was gonna be in 4 :( Imagine
>We know from film 1
That's funny, because that's the complete opposite of what happens at the end of movie 1. You might know because the story dictates it so, but it doesn't take away from the character growth and turnmoil Peter had to endure for 2 movies.
salty ass tranny detected lmao. people still like raimi spider man as confirmed by sony adding raimi suit in spider man 2018 videogame
Can't wait for that TASM fag to pop up and defend those awful movies again.
Cringe but Based pilled.
The planned opening sequnce of 4 would've been a montage of Peter foiling minor villains, including a Bruce Campbell Mysterio. There was even official art of it that made the rounds in retrospectives of what the movie would've been.
There's someone on planet earth that likes those movies?
Iron Boy Jr pales in comparison to the Raimi Spiderman. Hell, beyond surface layer things like his suit and the fact that his name his Peter, he really has nothing in common with Spiderman.
All the things that make Spidey great have been stripped from the MCU version.
B-but he's smart! Raimis spiderman's just an average guy! He can't make impossible bullshit technology like Iron boy did
I swear no one on this board can ever say anything good about the Raimi movies without bashing the MCU
I love the Raimi films but I fucking despise how you guys pretend to adore the single worst part of them (MJ and the cringe romance) purely for the sake of contrarianism. Yea Forums has shipping threads waiting for you
I always found it a bit absurd that we're supposed to believe that Peter made that suit himself. Homecoming was more realistic in that regard.
>designed and made the suit himself
>made the suit and webshooters himself, showing how intelligent he is and skillful with electronics
>doesn't make the suit, doesn't make anything, gets everything handed to him by stark
>paints an existing suit half-black so that means he """""designed""""" it
It's literally part of his character as Spiderman you brainlet. If MJ and romance didn't exist, what sort of sacrifice would Peter have to make?
I'm saying they could have written in a way that didn't actively make me want to curbstomp Kristen Dunst
>Peter proposes
>Rolls her fucking eyes