Pretty fucking retarded.
The most stupid plot point is the kid's death, absolutely accidental and has nothing to do with the possession thing, and as a whole so stupid it was hilarious.
Pretty fucking retarded
Yeah I liked the film but it was full of plot holes. Like, dude kills his fucking sister, why isn't he in jail ?
Are you baiting? This is the thing you don't get? It was an accident and if she didn't stand outside like a fucking flag her head wouldn't have kissed the neck goodbye.
I think it was way better before everything was miraculously explained at the end, it should've been left as subtext and ended after the son threw himself out the window.
Ari aster is all about the shock horror though
Just when I think this movie couldn't be more fucktarded, this poster finds a way.
Yeah it's garbage.
>kid's death
What's the point of being this much a fucking pleb brainlet?
Actually the whole final scene in the shed is what partially saved the ending for me, it was a really cool scene.
But in general Suspiria 2018 did the same thing much better (and is a better movie in general).
I liked it a lot.
Loved the way the film opened up with the diorama.
I dunno man. I enjoyed it.
Even if you buy the idea that it was a 4d chess plan from the cult you must accept way too many fucking coincidences as intentional for that to work.
And I we go that way, we could also question why the fuck did they put paimon in Charlie in the first place if he's suck a faggot that really only wants male hosts.
they aren't coincidences. Worshiping Paimon literally gives them the power to see the future.
For me? Its the Brapporcism scene
Holy fuck
Purest kino
It wasn't a coincidence, it was basically a killing spell the cult performed, that's why there's the paimon symbol on the telephone pole where her head hits.
As for demon putting-in, they were initially prevented from putting-in the son so went with the daughter, but only afterward realized that paimon was a fag and had to correct their mistake.
wtf that ass
No? This is a power paimon has, not the cult. At best they can hope he gives them the faculty once summoned. The whole ordeal is summoning him to get gifts. Nothing in the movie suggests they can tell the future. And even admitting they knew the accident would happen, this doesn't make it any less retarded.
>Here take your spastic younger sister to a party where she obviously won't fit in, oh and don't even try to say you don't want to take her
>Here let me eat this obviously peanut packed cake despite me being perfectly aware that it can kill me
>Oh, I'm suffocating? I know the solution, I'll stick half my body outside a speeding car in the middle of the night, that will definitely enlarge my throat
Not even autism, it was so stupid it killed any immersion.
Maybe this a characteristic of the demon, no? Seems mischievous enough to complicate things for our surrounding characters.
You're acting like these things all coincidentally happened, rather than it was more like a Final Destination style killing, where the girl needed to be de-headed, so things fell into place one after the other in order for it to occur.
Holy brainlets batman
So are we accepting everyone being a complete idiot because magic made them so? Ok.
Now riddle me this, why did he burn the husband instead of possessing him?
Acting like idiots specifically in regards to the girls death. Acting like idiots otherwise, I can't speak for and am not defending.
As for burning the husband, he married into the family, he's not of their heritage so he can't be possessed. At least not willingly I would assume. Being killed is just fine though, so get him out of the way.
Ok that makes sense.
Plus Paimon used that to possess Annie because that brought her to her lowest point
>the demonic symbol on the power pole shown on the way to the party
This. OP is a retard
paimon was with charlie at the first place because Annie wouldn't let grandma near they had to settle for charlie
I thought the idea was that the demon was possessing the girl but wanted to get out of her body and the only way to do that was via decapitation?
>you must accept way too many fucking coincidences as intentional for that to work.
You realise that this film has MAGIC in it
Nah, it was good. Keep seething.
noroi is superior
Yeah this
Grandma's body is stolen: decapitated in their attic: Paimon is free
Hosts are susceptible to possession under heavy duress, so Paimon goes into Charlie since she was close to grandma and her death has her under heavy stress
Charlie loses head, Paimon is free again
Blah blah blah movie plot happens
Toni Collette sees her husband burn in front of her, Paimon takes hold then
Leads Peter into the attic, sees his own mom trying to decapitate herself, sees naked boomers and jumps from the attic window
Toni Collette successfully decapitates herself, Paimon goes into Peter
All according to keikaku
It says he possesses the person who feels the most fear or something like that, so since the father didn't really give a fuck that pretty much means Annie because she was terrified.