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stop feeding your seed




God I wish he was talking to me

I wish I had a physique that good

I feel you, brother. I hate the smell that comes from under my stomach.

That's a onions physique, though.
Aim for Arnold's physique instead.

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t. obese person

How do they cast kids to be "the fat kid"?

Cast for "big boned" or "seasonally plump"

It really gets sweaty this time of the year

Well pardon us, Mr Gucci shades

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know what i find funny about people who talk like that?
they care so much about the richfag brand names that they can spot a item from said brand name a mile away.

Big boned.

> arnold's

Not everyone has Arnold's frame though


Kill yourself faggot scum

>don't go for a healthy natural aesthetic
>become a roidmonster!

Shoo shoo, back to /fit/ you homosexual deviant.


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well la de da mr gucci butt plug with his german chastity lock

How do I get a healthy natural aesthetic?

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What the fuck did you just call me?

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Miss you Billy
You were too based for this show

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>we want you to run around shirtless and get called a fat ass
I wonder how these fat kids feel about playing this role, you'd think they would be somewhat insecure about themselves

kill yourself queer

who gives a fuck? They deserve to be shamed

And? I'm still curious about it, retarded faggot

That shirt's patterns look a lot like the Demigorgons mouth.

fuck you and those fat fuck kids.

That's what it is you retard

Kill yourself and your caretaker