is there a future for vjuice in film? or has he been reduced to the status of yacht girl?
Is there a future for vjuice in film? or has he been reduced to the status of yacht girl?
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fucking hell women just irritate me to no end. just fucking looking at them irritates me.
look at those shitty legs, goddamn do some fucking squats or something vjay
Literally the best nickelodeon girl ever. Only low test betas will disagree.
>Literally the best nickelodeon girl ever.
sure, but that's really not saying much
op here, i just wanted to let you all know I created this thread to discuss, her talent, future career, and body of work. please stop objectifying vjuice. She had a film come out recently, did anyone happen to see it?
This. What are they so happy about? The human condition is misereable, and they are happy despite because 'muh bathing suit looks good on me.'
Based. I used to feel the same way user. But you need to shift your perspective. Stop viewing them as your human equals and start viewing them as idiotic creatures you can stick your cock in. Then the world will make sense and you will start getting laid.
The only type of woman that aggravates me by her very existence, to the point where I won't even try to have sex with her, are those types that do the crackly frog throat voice thing. You know what I'm talking about. Unfortunately there are a lot here in LA. A lot of hot chicks talk like that for some reason. I want to fucking strangle them.
Shut up and post more sexy vjuice, faggot.
I'll never understand why her career stalled so badly.
Refusal to go back on the casting couch after her time with Dirty Dan?
>pagan idol behind them
definitely the casting couch issue. theres a few blind items about this from 2011ish I think.
heres a picture of vjuice from the premiere of her new movie 'Summer Night' what did I think of it
>Being such a beta that you succumb to the sex organs of a female.
No thanks. I've had sex several times, and after I nut, I want to toss the woman in the bin.
>are those types that do the crackly frog throat voice thing.
Vocal fry, user, that is what it is called. And yes, areas in LA and NYC where wealthy white people exist are plagued by that idiotic fry the most. I think it makes people just sound dumber, and studies have shown the majority of people find it annoying.
heres a webm from her new film
>Hit the wall juice.
Oh how unique in the west.
She seems really awkward
Beautiful brown nips
can we figure out what the plot of this movie is based on the webms????
Dan "the Foot Fan" Schneider has that effect.
whats the easiester way to dl pics from instagram anyone know?
it seems like shes plays a burned out ethot or something?? I cant figure it out. is this a meta role about the state of her career? a very bold move I think
anyone else think she looks like a young morena baccarain?? or are you zoomers too young
have sex
Fuck that vocal fry.
Dude morena baccarain was in deadpool, which is the zoomer Fight Club.
heres the official trailer for summer night. what do you guys think of it?
people have no idea who the fuck that is bro
IG Helper extension
Faggots. Go suck each others cocks.
does that work on mac or pc?
Oh god it's retarded.
they find happiness in dumb shit like gossip. thats all they do. they are there showing off their bikinis and will just sit around drinking cocktails and gossiping.
well does it?
periodically taking breaks to manufacture photos for instagram
It's on Chrome/Firefox your computer is irrelevant.
if dubs vjuices career is revived
Always a future for /ourgirl/.
her sister is hotter, but she seems like a bigger bitch
Maddie's cute and all especially after her nosejob but hotter than V-Juice?
Get serious.
had no idea she had a nose job. that just ruined her for me thanks. I like that her face is larger and she has a more well+defined jaw. jvuices face looks a little small you know ++ disproportionate
as if acting's better
Why is she with a shorter balding man for?
watch the trailer it makes no fucking sense dude
sexual frustrated brainlets who post about nothing else presuming anyone cares about them, frustrate me
fuck, she looks and moves excatly like my italian ex.
did your ex have brown nips
Pink, with china white skin and jet black hair. Never got over her. JUST
I can tell you what it's about; saw an advanced screening of it. It takes place in a small college town in the southeastern U.S., vaguely Antebellum feeling. The plot revolves around several couples, one of which are a guy and girl who discover they're pregnant. Another is a guy in a band and a girl who he meets by chance. The final is the Boyhood actor and Victoria Justice but at the last minute Boyhood guy realizes he loves another girl and Victoria Justice leaves him and struts away like a powerful wymn. Nothing happens and it's an awful movie made by your typical Hollywood brat. It's also excruciatingly long.
sorry for your loss chief. im just here to cope with dumping my ex last december
it's excrutiatingly long?? can you explain? the trailer makes it look like a 100 minute flick. does it just feel long?
her mom is/was her agent/handler. no funny business means no one interested
The plot actually occurs over the course of just one night/morning but let me tell you, it is like 2 hours long (at least the cut I watched) and it does not fill the time up well. The schadenfreude of watching Boyhood guy try to act in another movie is pretty worth it though. Victoria Justice does nothing remotely sexy in it however, so don't get your hopes up.
thats what the trailer made it look like. kind of embarassing. she's honestly trapped in the same trash as emma
kino photograph
Girls with bodies like this is such a waste. If they just put a little bit of muscle on and worked out instead of being skinny. Would be a literal goddess.
Just come out of the closet, man.