when I wake up the first thing I look at is pic related
every morning
I love Alita and I love the Alita movie. James Cameron is truly a god
I hope we get a Sequel soon, I heard so far its looking good and Blu Ray will likely sell well.
when I wake up the first thing I look at is pic related
every morning
I love Alita and I love the Alita movie. James Cameron is truly a god
I hope we get a Sequel soon, I heard so far its looking good and Blu Ray will likely sell well.
You should probably put yourself out of our misery.
why? its legit a good movie.
probably one of the best in the last 10 years.
feels good man
whats the point of posting this literally every day? All you're doing is broadcasting your mental illness.
why did they let the general go so long that it attracted real psychopaths?
to meme the Sequel into existence
James Cameron didn't even direct it, stop giving him so much credit
this is what james cameron wanted
Is this the /sneed/ general?
She gets dicked by a brown guy in the manga and she dies in the end
>Hey user! I'm here to deliver your Blu-Ray copy of my movie! Thanks for all the support!
In what way does having a cute main character make a movie good? You're essentially on the same level as teenage girls with Justin bieber.
It's a fun action movie. It's not just two hours of Alita eating oranges and chocolate, but i'd probably watch that too. It has cool fight scenes and sweet effects. Plus, it's a breath of fresh air franchise-wise. It's something new in a time where reboots and "cinematic universes" are the norm.
last time I had that much fun watching a movie was Edge of Tomorrow.
they really did a good job
How can a character be so pure?
please go back to where ever you came from
>It's something new in a time where reboots and "cinematic universes" are the norm.
It's an adaptation of an anime which was an adaptation of a manga. It's decades old.
how old are you? seriously.
>In what way does having a cute main character make a movie good?
Looks are everything especially in films its not the one thing that makes it good but it helps a lot
All you're actually accomplishing is adding more worthless shitposts to a you know what who fuckin cares
I'm aware of that. But do we have an Alita movie aside from the one that came out this year? It's new when it comes to feature films.
I'm in my early 20's. What's it to ya?
you keep saying "its good," but what you mean is you like it.
it fails on a great many basic levels. so it just comes off as disingenuous to claim it is good.
>I'm in my early 20's.
You seem legitimately retarded.
no we will get a good Sequel
this is one of the kinos that deserves a sequel.
Art is subjective though
You're a bully
they don't make sequels to flops in hopes of pleasing what is now, clearly, one lone autistic person.
Corporate produced product for mass consumption isn't art.
when you're retarded, being called retarded isn't "bullying."
Alita or Dora?
>one lone autistic person
So the animators and set creators aren't artists? Directors and writers aren't artists?
You're saying it to be mean though. Stop!
>one lone autistic person.
Heh, nothin personnel kid
It's good to see Alita doing well on video. I'd honestly be sort of pissed if they don't do a sequel because in a time when everyone is supposedly clamoring for quality female characters Alita is better than most.
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
It's the mouse that doesn't want her to be a star. The mouse is not your friend. Alita is our friend, she fights for OUR KINO.
Where is this from?
>you keep saying "its good," but what you mean is you like it.
wait are you serious? would you with a straight face say the movie is objectively "bad"?
If so please elaborate exactly why
He's just going to say some vague shit that doesn't matter. People who hate Alita are the real weirdos. If you're not into it, you're not into it. But being autistically pissed and full of hatred over a movie is way more batshit than enjoying something a lot.
James should demand they fund Alita sequels or cancel Avatar 2
Well, they have the sets still built from the first movie, and the CGI tech for Alita doesn't need to be created from the ground up. A sequel could be even cheaper to make. James and Rodriguez could probably fund it themselves if they really wanted to, as a passion project. James Cameron sat on the rights for the movie since the 90's, I heard. He clearly cares about Alita.
prepare to be bullied, nerd
Wait I dont even know anything about Alita, just a pol tard wandering. Is alita is sex doll?
no she's a cyborg that uses Martian martial arts on evil cyborgs
Alita is a cyborg. She has a human brain. Now please fuck off before you /pol/lute this board any further.
Alitacels are fucking pathetic lmao
Kill yourself.
I liked the CGI and the cyborg battles, but Alita as a character was really lacking and honestly so was everyone else in the movie. Also why is she such a slut that she gets wet for the first faggot she meets?
I made a short trailer using an Alita fight sequence. If anyone cares to see it let me know, I don't want to needlessly shill.
Because he was the first guy that was nice to her that wasn't a father figure, plus pic related.
Love at first sight, did you hear about her?
show me pls
Sure thing friend. Any feedback is appreciated, even if it's just "this is shit lol"
alitty a cute!!
are you a 16 year old girl? or just a homosexual?
this is shit lol
>this is shit lol
That was based. Only negative thing I could say about it was that it did utilize the highest quality version of the film, but I assume you made this before that was available. Nice work!
Honestly, I feel like they should have gotten a different VA for her, I really didn't like her actress on top of her character being rather empty.
It felt too forced/rushed, Kinda wish Alita was more about her being a badass killing machine and less a shitty romance that feels shallow as a puddle. She shouldn't have had a love interest at all until like the second movie in or something.
>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
Truly a smile worth protecting
remake with somethng other than a cam rip tho it otherwise good.
Alita is happiness.
does she really give out that
>very fierce wamen yelp
as she walks in there? This looks fucking awful. I know Cameron is into the strong female leads but this is just embarrassing.
Thank you for your input friends. I'll work harder on the next one!
Thank you for the feedback! I shall do another Alita edit with higher quality footage.
Thanks lad. I'll do a remake soon.
imagine posting this in every thread and not even getting any (You)s from it.
Therefore, Alita is one of the best screen versions, and not a set of fantasies "as it would be better from the point of view of the western scenario business"
Alita just tells the story.
got yours.
thanks a bunch tranny
real girls are better
and they dont rust
no no, see friend, I'm getting (You)s from you, but all you get is a pathetic little @ symbol from me. Too bad so sad.
>real girls
>getting fat
>breaking your heart
>standing by in the presence of evil
nah, i'll pass.
Man, the manga has so much more soul, I have a feeling that reading it would make me go from merely thinking the movie was mediocre to thinking it was trash.
They should've went with that Dora the Explorer girl. The cgi one doesn't work alongside the other actors and the voice is notably not young enough.
I get that mocap actors come cheap but come the fuck on.
who is this
they actually managed to make a movie worse than captain marvel
Based KJIEH poster
the mouse is in the house, folks.
I'll never get to be with a 9/10 in my life
So "hot 3D girls" are just as imaginary and nonexistent in my life as any 2D anime waifu. So I might as well enjoy my 2D waifu.
I just finished this, really disappointed. Thought it would have some soul given the cult following but the acting and writing felt so flat. It reminded me of the prequels, especially the interaction between Alita and her boyfriend, always repeating what the other says like Jimbo couldn't figure out something cute or witty to write so he just left placeholders in.
I was also hoping for some decent action after seeing the bar fight in the trailer but almost all the fight scenes are floaty and lacked any sense of urgency due to the non-consequence of being dismembered and hit.
The only surprising and enjoyable part of the film was seeing Ed Norton at the end, actually thought he was James Cameron doing a cameo at first. Definitely not worth the 10 years I waited.
As a lifelong reader of the manga, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I did not consider it mediocre at all. Frankly it was fun seeing scenes from the manga in the movie, like when Hugo lights Zapan up when trying to escape.
My brother downloaded it and it was alright. Action was good. Some parts obvously not real. I liked John Wick more. More watchable and those secrets and guns. The weird girl was real good. Better than most.
Why was she the only CG character?
is this the kino shot?
This is a negative criticism from someone who actually watched the movie. Based.
This is a criticism from someone who hasn't watched the movie. Cringe.
>Some parts obvously not real
you dont say. She's real in my heart though
I have watched though and enjoyed it.
Obligatory post
Doing the 100% cg character was a mistake. The characters who maintained their actors faces with robo bodies were much more believable. There's a couple good'uns in here actually. And the robo doggos were great.
Alita herself is cringe as fuck with a bad voice actress.
Then why did you ignore the entire Martian flashback?
You fuckin faggot, there were obviously other CGI character but all the main cast weren't apart from Alita.
It's the other way around, watching a photo-realistic cartoon was the only enjoyable thing about it, and she was about the one person other than Zapan who actually put some feeling into the role. The live action acting was fucking terrible.
that doesnt count
what about grewishka, zapan or any of the other hunter killers?
the script was bad. they all struggled with it
>Why was she the only CG character?
Don't try and move the goal posts, shifty short fingers. I was correct in calling you out.
this picture is so dumb. I would never be walking with captain marvel in the first place
>doesn't count
Yes, yes it does.
Literally and figuratively end yourself
Literally and figuratively dilate yourself
Have sex
does she have a groinal attachment like Kryten?
I remember laughing my ass off at that episode.
Looks like a fucking insect.
She can blow a rasberry on my butthole if you catch my drift
This city felt like a Disney park. How they could make a cyberpunk film without any effort put into the costumes is beyond me.
Why was this allowed? Did they really have to go there?
I was really hyped for this, but man I was dissapointed.
So much build up on every character for the fights to end in 5 secs with a boring choreography.
Irrelevant love interest, can't even waifufag if she gets fucked by a beaner canonically.
2 hours just to buildup for a sequel.
Just why.
> broadcasting your mental illness
> The very definition of Yea Forums
i agree
The fuck is going on with his left arm sequel when you have sex
The sad thing is that you're absolutely right.
It's not and that's what's really sad :\
The only other good mainstream sci-fi film to come out since 2009 is Alien covenant. We've been swamped with capeshit
Covenant was hot garbage though. Worse than Alita. Interstellar was better than Alita by miles. Do you hate taste?
I tried to watch this disaster last night. With great struggle, I reached the part where Connely gets fucked by the nigger, at which point I turned off this disgrace of a movie. Alita herself is also a creepy, ugly abomination. You, OP, are a Pleb with taste worse than a hick; both in movies and in women. I sincerely hate your guts.
>complaining about stuff that's not actually in the movie
Oh look, how original
>left arm teleports to the balls
Why do fags and trannys hate Alita so much
Why do spics love anime so much
they know the superior artform when they see it
okay, jose
Anyone have any info if the streaming sales are doing well? I bought it on Amazon the minute I saw it was available and showed my boomer parents, they loved. Such a amazing movie
cute and wholesome pilled
Yes. But being number 1 on the ranking doesn't mean much by itself - new releases tend to always top the charts.
What's more interesting is that Alita was topping the charts for physical media - above currently available releases - long before the release date.
We'd have to look at whole-years sales ranks before we know how well it really did. But it didn't flop in digital at least.
I think it will do good this is just streamimg results if the streams are breaking #1 online, physical copies are probably going to explode also. Already seen a few articles covering how much of a following Alita has. They even reported on that one autist who saw it like 77 times. Heres hoping it sells well, everyone I recommend it to loves it and wants a sequel. Hell I might even buy a physical copy for the special features. One of my all time favorite sci-fi movies to come out in a long time.
There's a guy China who was at 119 back in April(?) and one in Germany who has reached 118 times because he got his local theater to keep playing it for 20 weeks.
For actual media sales numbers, watch sites like the-numbers.com; it's updated slowly so there's not going to be any numbers here for weeks still. Here's an example for a different movie:
some guy in taiwan saw it over 100 times
how do people verify how many times these retards go see a movie. Seems like bullshit
I can’t imagine watching even a 10/10 movie more than 100 times. I don’t care how good it is, I’d know all the lines by the 20th viewing. Unless it’s a once per year thing.
I salute those turboautists though.
For a Guinness World Record you need independent witnesses, but these guys have posted screencaps of their receipts and the screen times do check out. There's no way for user to verify if they actually went though.
There was an official Guinness record where a guy saw Captain Marvel more than 100 times - he chose it not because he particularly liked it, but because it had so many screenings that he could just spend consecutive days in the same theater watching it. The Alitafags are literally traveling across Europe now to rack up their view counts. Some guy in Portugal have seen it in Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and Norway(!)
oranges are pleb food. noone likes oranges. Literally took me out of the movie desu
If all you've eaten is boring common denominator Blade Runner slop, any real food is amazing.
That's just an edit you mong, and the motorball scene was really good. Have sex
too bad she's a goblin irl
Was there ever a more irrelevant character? It's almost like someone bought their relative a cameo in the film.
Just the same as in the manga, ido's assistant really dosen't do much, apart from bounce off ido in very few pages.
And it would of been weird to remove the character entirely, leaving ido to man the clinic alone...
Her presence makes Ido less creepy. As does him being a dad. In the manga, Ido's friend is there mostly to give Ido someone to speak to that isn't madman monologuing.
That looks more like somebody threw up in her face than her having eaten it all. Is there an edit with less chocolate bukkake?
That works fine in a comic when they can just hang around in the background and the value a single panel is not great within the context of a series as long as Gunmn, but when you constantly cut to her for reactions a film where every shot counts, and she has one line of dialogue in whole thing it's just awful. Rodriguez is really not a good director.
She has more than literally one line, but I see your point. She has about the same number of lines as Kinuba, and more than Gangsta.
You're goddamn motherfucking right yo. It's a great kino.
This is just interpolation, right? I wish they had a real 60FPS version of the movie.
Gamer fuel
thats not how it works
Can someone edit a picture of my dick in the reflection of her eyes? Would make me cum hard
They probably just got a bunch of regular people to walk through a greenscreen set and had a couple actors walk around in the mix to give just barely enough plausible deniability.
>want to watch alita
>dont want to pirate it
>blu ray until next week
Why not both, user? There's perfectly good rips out there... and they will still get the support.
the 30gb 4K SDR rip is calling you
I see they have access to the ocean, or at least shrimp farms of some kind.
That's why the god gave us CGI and plastic surgery.
>muh relativism
no, it isn't
only enjoyment is
they are the same shit, aimed at the same retarded audience
>tfw Alita Army is just Abatap autism all over again
it's just another capeshit/capeshit-like character, this time cyborg-flavored.
>James Cameron is truly a god
He didn't even care enough about this project to direct it himself and handballed it to a beaner who beanerfied the movie.
Turns out Twitter is even crazier than Yea Forums, and the craziest people of all are on Facebook.
pretty much
zack snyder's school of accuracy to the source material
Are you retarded? A zack snyder movie would have been faithful at least. Something the RR movie utterly failed at.
Rodriguez made Sin City. That movie was comic book as fuck.
Alita is based more on the anime with some manga scenes thrown in on top
And the anime was a bad adaption. What's your point? At least gally was super cute in part 1
what is the alita drink?
>pretending to like the movie when there is nothing to like
Oh look, how original
I't just another episode of
>BvS good
>prometheus good
>wonder woman good
>covenant good
>MCU good
>reboot #456 good
and so on
did menstruate?
then why you like mov-lita
>nd showed my boomer parents, they loved. Such a amazing movie
stupidity coupled with obsession does that.
The only one of those that I even enjoyed was Wonder Woman. Nice to see you recognize your point being BTFO'd though.
Go watch Alita, you hypermongo - it's less than 2 hours long and there's no end-credit scene.
Holy shit, imagine actually unironically thinking this terrible movie was good
Arizona Green Tea
I've been into this franchise since the mid 90's and I can't relate to the movie fanatics at all. I watched it once when it came out on yify and I haven't given it a second thought since.
he would recreate panels from the manga faithfully, but with nothing of value connecting them and missing the point of everything on every level.
I hear brainless parrots squawking and repeating this same mantra all the time with watchmen and I disagree.
They always repeat that same line but are unable to articulate the point. They have no idea what they're talking about.
>Nice to see you recognize your point being BTFO'd though.
I wasn't the guy you was talking with
>Go watch Alita, you hypermongo - it's less than 2 hours long and there's no end-credit scene.
fuck off, stupid dog. It didn't even deserve the first watch.
At least I didn't pay for it
>The only one of those that I even enjoyed was Wonder Woman
>a movie for literal retards
Imbecile confirmed
I'll concede one thing, tho.
Alita > WW
You disagree because you are stupid, autistic alitafag
I was talking about the DCEU, though
So you don't know what you're talking about. Your post is completely irrelevant to the dc universe.
I said
>he would recreate panels from the manga faithfully, but with nothing of value connecting them and missing the point of everything on every level.
and that's accurate to Zack's DCEU, pathetic snyderbot
>when you're so mad and retarded you can't even quote properly
>u mad
nice rebuttal dceu/alita apologist
Why are incels so obsessed with this movie? It wasn't even good! It had a terrible Twilight tier romance, the dialogue was laughable, the acting was awful aside from Rosa and Christoph, who were both good admittedly. The action was straight out of a PS3 game. Anyone who unironically thinks ths is the best film of the decade is insane. Awful movie, 3/10
better than ghost in the shell
I dont understand what they are saying. Are they saying the alt right hates or loves alita?
They tried to say that a significant part of the Alita fandom was alt-right, but they went back and modified it a bit.
well they are probably right considering trannys and fags hate cute girls
lol I remember making something like this a few months back
There's probably more alt-right Marvel and DC fans just because those fandoms are older and bigger in the US.
incels have low standards
Pretty funny how this is turning out to be true, at least for the steelbooks. Captain Marvel appears to be selling OK in terms of DVDs and standard Blu-rays, but the steelbooks aren't moving as quickly as they thought.
4/10 movie
still better than capeshit
But it was actually 10/10
I love Alita
eehhh... More like a strong 7
Is this the shitposting bread?
>article claims the alita fandom is filled with alt-righters
>alt-right alita fans get extremely mad at the implication