Kinos with this feel, Yea Forums?
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the new spiderman movie
This one
That's one ugly white woman.
The guy is ridiculously attractive, the girl is ridiculously attractive, the kids look terrible. That's legitimately upsetting.
Is this the shitposting general?
It will be until the raging janny deletes it in 5 minutes. For free of course.
Goddamn, FOB asian girls are so fucking gross. They're so plastic and fake, it's ridiculous.
>baby is called baby
Fucking disgusting
Kids don't become good looking until they hit puberty
those guys live in china, bro. ADV china on youtube.
This. You shouldn't find kids attractive until puberty you fucking pedos.
>The guy is ridiculously attractive
t. never seen an attractive Asian.
Chad Asians live in their home countries
Asian-Americans when they go to their home countries have a hard time dating because they're all average af in Asian standard or below average.
Winston just impregnated his Chinese wife.
Here you can see her growing belly.
Pretty awesome, huh?
That's not my point. By "FOB" asian, I also mean "asian girls from mainland asia".
They're fucking gross. Now I know where the "asians are insects" meme comes from. They all look soulless and plastic.
Why do amwf couples look better than wmaf?
every single chinese is ugly, just compare the people on the streets to europeans
For an asian guy to get with a white woman he's going to be top tier genetically. For a white guy to get an asian girl he can be at the bottom. Vast majority of top level white guys stay with white women so it's way more rare to see, for the other races if you're at the peak you go for white women instead of your own race.
the chinese themselves admit this
because they don't... asian males are the ugliest males scoring below average on global scale. you have 1-4/10 male with a 5-7/10 female, versus wmaf which is typically a 5-9/10 male with a 4-8/10 female. The overall couple attractiveness score is higher for wmaf due to how ugly asian males make amwf look.
Every country has their Chads. Of course the Average will outnumber the exceptions but if you think for a second that the Asian in OP pic is top tier then lol you have no Idea what you're talking about.
The guy is average as fuck and the woman is ugly.
fuck off tenda
holy shit she's ugly. he could do better.
>he can be at the bottom.
even a regular white bloke is a chad among "changs." the standards are so much lower in asia for males. that's not a knock on white males, that's a knock on asian males.
the op's mongoloid is a typical ugly moneycel who can't measure up to any kind of western standards. asian males have to be on steroids just to be up par with a somewhat masculine white man
>he could do better.
Asian males can't even get white girls, so no, they are extremely lucky if that happens in any situation.
What's the name for a children who is half chink and half human?
WMAF is the future and any faggot in here who disagrees might as well join the white roasties on the losing team
Fuck I wish there were asian girls where I live, but I'm in a midwest hellhole and our population distribution is like 70% fat white people, 20% fat mexicans, and 10% ghetto blacks.
Good bait. Yea Forums white based boys are now F U M I N G at /r/asianmasculinity
this was meant for this weird guy here:
the midwest is even worse than the south. that includes both people and location.
keren and khoa are unironically based. their kids are so cute.
plus khoa is rich from real estate. he most likely lurked Yea Forums and Yea Forums since hes a huge vidya and anime nerd.
kerens tits are fake but look amazing
literally the first video i found of them, keren looks like one of those trolls you used to stick on top of pencil erasers.
imagine being such an insecure and paranoid fatmerican incel that you not only conflate cuteness with sexiness, but you can't even admit a child is cute because you're afraid Chris Hansen will burst through your wall like the fucking Kool Aid man and wrap you in chains. do you honestly think humans are completely neutral, featureless beings until they hit puberty? obviously there are cute kids and ugly kids, and it's a very accurate general indicator as to whether they'll be cute or ugly adults.
Wtf I didn't know Chinese commercials were based.
>By FOB I mean people who clearly aren't FOB and I don't actually know what FOB is because I'm a fucking moron
sure, user.
>Asian males can't even get white girls
so what is the woman in OP's pic
They are not good looking though. A white woman always downgrades with a non-white, a non-white woman always upgrades with a white man.
khoa is vietnamese and his little sister is hot af
white bros..
more like
>white girls
those cheating cunts
Not him, but as a Japanese-American native of Nippon, he's kind of right
>"Fresh Off the Boat"
>As if to imply an abundance of mainland asian heritage and/or influence
It can be used to mean "asian people who've just recently arrived to a western nation", OR "asians who are clearly from mainland asia".
Do you know any more Vietnamese music videos like this?
I'm watching ADVChina and it's interesting how friendly the local women there seem to be.
as someone who's lived in both places, you're absolutely wrong. the south is the most objectively terrible place in the united states by pretty much every measure except for food.
I'm not interested in incel nonsense. I live in the real world and look at things that happen in the real world.
i mean, white guys could post 20 wmaf webms for every 1 amwf webm you have
t. chink with white gf
>a woman will never send you hearts after you get her pregnant
that asian dude is in better shape and much better dressed than that white slob "man", not that the mutt girl is a catch either way.
That's from one of those fake pick up channels. Meanwhile,
lol is this meant to be the reverse of those videos we normally see? she's overseas and the white guy is just her friend not her boyfriend. of course she wants to stay out and drink with the asian friend.
yeah and the midwest doesn't even have food. oh what, you eat cheese curds? good for you, cornfags. get the fuck outta here with that shit.
It's fake though. It doesn't matter how Asians dress or look, they are still going to look feminine aliens to women. Women in this day of hypergamy are not interested in a woman in a man.
Japanese husband cucked by Jakenbake. Girl says she loves white penis.