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BASED disney
It's weird that there would be less calls of racism if they had just kept Ariel white
i wish they would actually go with an unknown black guy, so they get away with their shitty ariel casting because teen girls will watch this shit just for this faggot
keep ariel white
make the prince black
>they actually thought Prince Eric would be black for some reason
>they thought this would be a nigger movie
Why would that be any better if the actor was black? Are they saying sexism is ok for black men?
Isnt it more racist if eric was black. A black woman must be with a black man. Woke up sheeple
Last week:
>So woke! White people btfo! White fragility, ha ha ha!
This week:
>This is white supremacy! Black Ariel should be based in the Caribbean with an all black cast! Why are they trying to turn our qwainz against our kangz? Baaaaaw!
Fucking based Disney dabbing on these nogs
Who's triggered now? Ha ha ha
I’m not a 12-year old girl, so I don’t care.
Literally nobody:
Not even a single brain cell:
Twitter: "Eric should be black!!!"
SJWs and nazis have more in common than you think.
They both believe in segrigation of cultures.
They both believe your race should determine your role in society.
They both believe one gender is inherently better than the other.
They both believe freedom of speech should be limited.
>This mongoloid with downsyndrome is considered white by the 56%
Based Disney triggering black incels, might actually go see this movie now.
>Why are they trying to turn our qwainz against our kangz?
I mean, black men and black women already cheat on each other more than every other demographic combined. They've managed that one pretty good themselves.
Lol, go and trigger the blacks in the youtube comments right now, it's a riot
Go back
What video are you actually talking about?
Same. I didn’t even think about what race Eric would when they revealed Ariel was black, but him being white all of a sudden makes this tempting kino.
Im insulted they didn´t get the literal Prince of Denmark to play this role
Legit a black prince could salvage that Ariel casting. I can see why these hoes are mad, but maybe for the wrong reasons. Every race is for their own kind.
Disney knows teen girls will eat this shit up because Harry=One Direction+one directioners teen boys and girls =$$$$$$$$$$
Based Disney
unironically good casting
yeah teen girls will totally self insert as a sheboon
Based. Yea Forums and /pol/ were wrong again.
Hollywood producers were actually creating a story about BLEACHED
>spiderman with a black female romantic interest is okay twice in a row
>black ariel with a white prince is wrong
I don't get people
Well it makes sense, Mermaids can be any race i suppose, but a dutch prince has to be pretty white
I wouldn't have minded if they made it all black though, terry crews as triton would be kino
black girls love white dudes though
>black female sea creature grows legs and marries into royalty in 18th century Europe
Its all context. They are happy with the Spidey/MJ thing because it makes sense in the 21st century
But they lose their shit when Disney makes changes to something in a historically racist setting, and then doesn´t alter it enough to pander to their petty wishes
disney does it again
>pander to sjw leftists and make Ariel an extra terrestrial black woman
>lose all of your original fans
>keep prince Eric white
>get called racist by all of the people you originally pandered to
This shitshow is far more entertaining than the actual movie will be
Amandla is cute as fuck
Is this black Emilia Clarke?
Can confirm.
t. brown guy with white dad and black mom
this would be better than what we got, a Moorish prince would be even better though
>OP every day: PISS WHINE PISS also I love men
Bud, this is Yea Forums your on right now and I dont think we're going to get along if you post these whack ass memes.
are you a nigger or do you just play one on the internet?
>based whitey getting some black pussy
>black woman gives up her n-word pass to a white woman for white dick
I'm glad (((they're))) shifting their race-mixing agenda to WMBF. I can violently fap to it now, rather than getting mad.
Ariel is obsessed with humans. She collects inventions made by humans even though she doesn't understand them. She falls in love with the first human she lays eyes on.
Now replace all instances of 'human' with 'white guy' in what I just wrote.
By making Eric white, some people probably see it as though Disney's saying white=human, black=subhuman
Sounds like they're speaking the truth.
Yeah let’s go with one of the least common pairings in reality for the 1000th time!
He's relentlessly handsome. I want to hug him relentlessly.
>white=human, black=subhuman
Kill yourself faggot scum
She likes getting BLEACHED on screen by nazis
>the part in that movie where the nazi throws her to the floor and 'fucks her like the animal she is'
What would be even more hysterical is if they went with the original ending where the prince passes on Ariel and marries another woman which causes Ariel to melt into sea foam.
based disney delivering BLEACHED kino
ain't he gay?
Like clockwork. It’s so weird how the “Story should be King!” is forgotten as soon as they’re not getting their own way.
Yeah but Nazis would just ship every undesirable off to their ancestral lands to live in peace, SJWs would turn every single nation of Europe and the Anglosphere into a Communist Brazil.
isnt he
He looks like a little pig! He’s not even the best English twink.
Yes, and involved with Randy Gerber and some athlete
Not a single black man is going to watch this now. Maybe they'll get a few black girls that are dairy queens, but Disney basically lost the black audience with this move.
faggots should be executed
>a dutch prince
Danish, I believe
The funny thing is, barely anyone would have even considered complaining if they had kept Ariel a white redhead, because everybody would have expected that already. After the fucking Lion King and Mulan a mostly white Ariel movie might have actually sailed through the story seas of social media without a major shitstorm. Now the controversy will never end.
>Ariel is obsessed with humans. She collects inventions made by humans even though she doesn't understand them. She falls in love with the first human she lays eyes on.
If it was set in a remote Pacific island instead of the deep sea, it'd be the story of Cargo Cults
Nazi's don't believe one gender is inherently better than the other.
In fact Hitler basically gave women time off for being such good sports. They made it clear repeatedly that a man and a woman together is what is best for society.
So all the black women are going to watch it?
>Not a single black man is going to watch this now.
Not a single black man was planning to from the beginning.
Only the ones who like white men.
>Cargo Cults
Fascinating, never heard of this before.
>Notable examples of cargo cult activity include the setting up of mock airstrips, airports, airplanes, offices, and dining rooms, as well as thefetishizationand attempted construction of Western goods, such as radios made of coconuts and straw.
who gives a fuck faggot. why do you care about how much of a fuck niggers give about the little mermaid? what the fuck is wrong with you?
why are zoomers so ignorant about everything?
Ah so all of them, gotcha.
so all of them then
It's not taught to them. People rarely go out of there way to learn about the world after their schooling is done unless they need to do it for a job or something.
t. zoomer that loves to research random shit on the internet.
too busy making up new genders and playing on your phones.
lol he's white and both of his parents are white. fucking retard
ariel's future
you're retarded
Do adults actually go see these movies? I could see taking your kids but just going to see a kids movie on your own?
>Disney's saying white=human, black=subhuman
Absolutely based
what's wrong with this picture user?
Did niggers that fuck your mom stopped by your room?
This so much fucking this
>last week: producers pissed off right of center people
>this week: producers pissed off left of center people
I'm kind of glad Disney went out of there way to sabotage their lifeless remake before it even came out. Will it flop harder than Lion King is looking to?
The real issue here is that this panders to womens fantasy that a ugly alien looking nigress could get a 10/10 pretty boy superstar
The salt would be amazing if Eric passes on Nigriel for a white chick and she dies
and bomb like Nutcracker? You really think Nutcracker wasn't their experiment to see if they should make that step in movies that cost over 200M?
depends. they hate WMBF pairings because it's bleaching, they love BMWF pairing cause they are blacking. for all their shrieking about gender equality, they are still male-ecntric in their views and romance/sex puts a male in dominant position. so if male is black then it's OK, if white, you racist bro.
what others said but mostly that MCU is beyond reproach to them. they don't really care to suck up to these remakes, just witness how easily they tossed lion king under the bus despite black cast. but they have a particular love for MCU so they tone down their usual woke BS.
this. also, while they thought they got positive controversy with black ariel, this controversy isn't what they hoped for ha ha way to blow up on their own petard.
so basically what everyone in hollywood, from best boy to stars to studio heads really think.
she qt and nothign wrong with that fantasy
What happened with the lion king?
It's garbage
Kill yourself nigger lover
Everything is wrong with that fantasy, ugly women shouldnt be told they deserve good looking guys
Is it confirmed that Ursula is going to be played by a white woman?
Disney cast all-black cast (minus Rogen and Eichner in comic relief roles) and made a big deal out of it expecting BP type of suck-up from critics. But Favereau did the movie in uncanny valley fashion, and stunt black cast (Beyonce, Gambino, Ejiofor) sleepwalked through their lines and botched the songs and they tossed BLM narrative out of the window and now they are shitting on the movie for expressionless animals, shitty voicework, unnecessary cash grab, etc. In short, they gave Next BP narrative the finger.
yes. prince eric isn't confirmed so perhaps black twitter outrage forces disney to dump styles for boyega who is an aspiring singer/music mogul as well as actor/movie mogul. he'll produce little mermaid to get the part.
that's why it's a fantasy.
Don't ever talk about my wife's kids like that
Harry styles isn’t attractive enough to play prince Eric. How does hollywood always manage to find the most bland and ugly white guys. You see more attractive white men in shitty low budget tv shows/movies, on instagram, and in everyday life
Even we have standards here dude
cause they are relatable or so hollywood thinks
kill yourself tourist
Only a low test cuck would say say no to black pussy.
White """""women""""" are disgusting.
>t. wh*te roastie
You mad black boi
She's not a black woman, she's a mermaid.
Wtf i love disney now! Just bought 3 tickets for star wars
you have to go back
Colonizing darkiee is a white tradition. It's fine as long as you marry a white women for your legitimate offspring.
>implying they will keep him white after backlash
>Why are Drumpftards so obsessed with black Ariel!?
>that counts as a 10/10 pretty boy
Don’t make me laugh user
>dairy queens
no they're against race mixing.
ID politicians are all the same.
Spread it boys
what the fuckk is disney based??i really expected them having interracial white ariel black eric, but after hearing black ariel i though they would go full black panther and blackwash everything, but now they going full bleach lmao
>Ariel is getting colonized
hell yeah
fuck off
They also made sure that MJ got some nice woke dialogue to let people know shs's not a total race traitor.
Ariel will get lots of cringy dialogue too to show she don't need no man let alone a WHITE ONE
>Ariel is obsessed with humans. She collects inventions made by humans even though she doesn't understand them. She falls in love with the first human she lays eyes on.
Sounds like a nigger to me
Damn, you're telling me that black girl is getting bleached?
Well played Disney. Can't wait to see that in action.
No. That would be the opposite of weird.
Take a step back and ask yourself if you are the problem here.
They could have gotten a more attractive girl to play Ariel but overall I approve.
What the FUCK is this word
>post your face when they use the original Anderson suicide ending
They should have went with a black actor, only so we can see Disney sweat. They would have had to rewrite the setting. They would have nothing to go on. And deal with racists on Twitter, and Asians hating nigs.
No they just went with the safe option. A white prince, and copy the setting from the cartoon. Be corporate wokeists. Ruining a poor girls life by making her the face of social justice for profit. This girl will forever be fighting on Twitter. And Disney moves on to the next young actors life to exploit.
This is a semi refreshing take.
Poor girl.
>and Asians hating nigs.
Oh fuck I didn't think about that.
You kill yourself but i do agree that she is not really good looking.
Ohh fucking hell, my sides. I can't believe they've done this.
I grew up in Asia and didn't think about it. No one I know would watch a movie with a nigger. Even goblins with a tan are considered subhuman and rarely get a role in a local movie because Asians are shallow and want good looking eye candy.
holy shit that's so fucking racist and primitive
Jewish propaganda. Allowing white people any masculine role models is very scarcely permitted.
and you are crying about them crying after they cried about you crying
dance corporate puppet, dance
Is anyone at all using twitter above 80 IQ?
Porn artists who use it to post smut but I think they're banning NSFW shit like that
No one cares glowcel
I'm not crying, I'm laughing.
what's the big fucking deal? I fuck girls 18-22 and I'm in my 40s
Fuck off mate
based Grace viewer
Too old
I might actually watch this movie now if it triggers Twitter nogs and black incels.
Black women of quality want the white dick. Why so upset, black guy? Aren't you enjoying yourself fucking our white trash women?
The blackbois almost committed mass suicide when the redditcuck took their African Queen, Serena. Can't wait to see the butthurt.
Same. Most of them want a much older guy these days, especially if it's casual. Older roasrties need to (ironically) grow the fuck uo already about this issue, they fucking did it too when they were younger. (and we remember because at one time WE were the young guys getting one-upped by older dudes by these same chicks)
Butthurt jealous roastertoasters keep trying to push this "AGE GAP BAD!!" meme and it's never going to work.
>not white
>pol IRL
Those children look full white
I can’t wait for black dads to have to take their little daughters to the movies to watch the only black princess get BLEACHED.
They all like white dudes. Sorry bro. It’s true most prefer blacks, but almost any of them would be down to swirl if a good white guy came along. The only thing holding back a tide of WMBF swirling is that whites are so racist they don’t want to fuck your women
Can't wait for black little girls get inspired by the white man bleaching the black woman.
>"Daddeh why dat mane not look like you?"
>black dad: *makes Yosemite Sam noises*
>amerimutts actually think this
This is a joke, right? They're not seriously considering casting that ugly thing as prince Eric, right?
Not really. The people who are "interested" in this movie are those that hate white people now. They don't care about a good adaptation or the gorgeous animated movie. They just want to see white people get replaced by black people because fuck white people. They just want to some kind of battle they made up in their minds and winning consists of eradicating all that's white in this movie and making sure we're upset about it.
They would be indistinguishable from a native Italian, Spaniard, or Briton.
u mad, blak boi? take a look at the future
Political speak
I hear Ariel will transform into white at the end.
Go back
If they wanted another singer that can't act they should've gone with Shawn. At least there's a tiny bit of resemblance.
women aged 19-20 date guys aged 25+ all the time
She looks like a fucking alien.
Not much of a gap.
he’s not danish. recast him. my childhood is ruined
>In an online poll conducted by Chinese entertainment platform Sina Movie, over 60,000 respondents had signaled their displeasure over singer Halle Bailey playing the mermaid Ariel as of Thursday evening, while only about 5,000 approved of her being tapped for the part.
Ahahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
t. Chinkfag
Fucking hate these coons I want to see WHITES in my WESTERN media
Das rite
Disney has not learned that no amount of pandering can ever satisfy these deranged people. Look at what happened when they tried to make a trans-movie?? Disney is trying to exploit a social movement for money thinking that pandering to it will give them culture over it but its not. Now the movie is doomed to fail.
Holy shit was that movie released? That one passed under my radar completely.
The thing is, the middle aged women of today, the same ones that used to do that very thing, are jealous of the younger girls coming up and taking their place as daddy's dick riders, so they REE about it online under the guise of "looking out for younger women!!" and "eww why he always dating girls so young??" You had your fun, roasties. Take your pound of flesh and go settle with your betas.
How do you feel about this?
because new ariel is SO similar to old ariel
>makes sense in the 21st century
it really doesn't, interracial couples are a minority and have always been a minority.
He cute
spiderman has fucking powers so even blacks cant deny deny he deserves that sweet boonpussy
so what? Do you not remember being in high school where half the fucking girls were dating guys in their 20's? women prefer older men. that's a fact.
If they make Ursula white, they'll have a whole new problem since Ursula impersonates Ariel in the story. So that'll be a white woman turning into a black woman.
based (communism will win btw)
is this a big deal in america lmao?
Even nigger mermaids are getting COLONIZED. It's over for black bois.