Here's your new 007, bro

Here's your new 007, bro.

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>Ms. Bond... you don't need to hold your firearm horizontally to discharge it.

That's a good joke. Who is the next tall, dark (no darker than Mediterranean tan), and handsome British or Irish man that they picked? Tell me.

>No Ms. Bond, I expect you to sit there and quietly enjoy the movie like the rest of the theater

Double Oh Shit Dawg

The names Bond. Bail Bond.

why thank you

Oh shut the fuck up you bunch of fucking whiners.

>youve been assigned a new codename. you are now agent 1350

>yo Q where my extra-tiny Obama phone at? You s'posed t'give me shit like dat.

>literally countless niggers to pick from
>pick the ugliest nigger they could find
Hollywood kikes deserves to burn

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How many times you gonna make this thread?

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have sex

All the actresses in this movie have curves

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The Man with the Golden Grill

bix nood

I did while I was wasn't complaining about movie rumors

He said have sex, not hand sex.

>nooo, stop discussing television and film

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00’s by design are supposed to be gentlemen with a hidden ruthless streak who can blend in anywhere from high society all the way down to the dockyards
They need to be able to go from attending a diplomatic function to staking out some susscunts in the slums within the hour
How is a fuck ugly black woman supposed to fulfill this role? Black people stick out like a sore thumb and no woman is gonna be able to wander around the streets of say Turkey at night stalking a suspect without being gangraped
Further proof the people in charge of this abortion don’t even understand the source material or basic function of the 00’s

Why couldn't it at least be the new Moneypenny?

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>I hear the new 007 is a NIGGER and a WOMAN
I bet you get plenty of pussy

Everybody is until you leave the thread.

>Incoherent response
Based retard. Enjoy complaining.

Chew on it for a bit and maybe you'll get it, brainlet. Enjoy your soi latte.

She’s 007, not James Bond. It’s just a number. What the fuck are you so triggered about

That's one ugly motherfucker.

how will they have fight scenes?

Idris Elba really let himself go.