>"the golden company"
"the golden company"
Blackfyre scum
>Died in 30 seconds
The fuck was the point
literally just to trick the audience into thinking that cersei stood a solid chance (even perfectly explained in 100% logical terms by qyburn)
god I hate those kike hacks
Cersei was a total retard I swear, you would think she would come up with a plan, do something while they're all fighting the dead
If only they had the elephants
Or horses...
No, the writers were retarded. In one episode Dany has clearly like twelve niggers at her disposition (bye dothraki) and exposed and weak, and all Cersei. The next episode all her dothraki and unsullied basically respawned at full health right in front of KL with the same numbers as Cersei, if not more.
The fact this little detail like army numbers is somehow relevant shows how shit the writing is.
or you know taking the fight to them before they got to the city or staying in it and making people fight for every cobbled street.
the setting lost all the stakes it had and the golden company were a natural victim of that.
kinda like how euron hit a dragon 3 times in a row and yet in the next episode the ballistas from the fleet + castle walls miss the biggest dragon in 200 years.
My head canon is Euron has a bunch of voodoo trinkets to do the shit does he just left them home that day.
So was the only reason we didn’t get a real battle was because they couldn’t afford a second one or what?
I have a question, when Dany first shows up with her army Sansa is talking about not having enough food to feed them, before an apocalyptic battle. But then after they win, she tells Dany they should rest. How does that make sense
The army had teleporters, it was never an option. They landed north of the trident yet got to kings landing in a couple days, somehow traversing a massive army across hundreds of miles in winter with only what supplies they salvaged from a wrecked fleet while fording a major river.
>jobbing company
Fucking writers have no sense of scale. Isn't westeros supposed to be like the size of South America or some shit but fucking people get from on end to the other in a scene change.
Send euron to destroy Dany's fleet in white harbor while she's occupied
Pack Kings landing full of wildfire in case the dead come or you can hold the city hostage
Put as many ballistas in the city and not a fleet which moves with the waves and is retarded and undefendable against a dragon plus she can just burn the fleet at night
Spread ballistas all over the city instead of just in a straight line along the walls
Put human shields in the red keep
Golden company in the city to fight off attackers
Why didn't cersei do that
or lion...
or a kraken, wtf Euron
and I thought Star Trek was bad with the respawning...
>n one episode Dany has clearly like twelve niggers at her disposition
Where did you get this from? There's no reason to believe that the small retinue that went with her to the gates of King's landing was her entire army.
I've seen people try to wave it away as "there's implied time skips" yet basically no time passes in other locations while this travel is happening. Took the army of the dead an entire season to get to hard home and meanwhile characters are flitting all over the world, traveling thousands of miles in journeys that would take months or over a year even.
how did she even get her army to king's landing with euron controlling the bay
>Iron fleet lying in wait behind some cliffs
>The MOMENT the dragons appear they fire a ballista volley with pin point accuracy, killing a dragon
>completely fucking useless at KL
>firing a single ballista at sea from the pitching deck of a warship at a speeding dragon dozens if not hundreds of meters away
>manage to kill the smaller of the two dragons with perfect accuracy
>firing over a dozen ballistae mounted on a sturdy stone wall that is over 20ft high with a clear view at the biggest dragon as it flies straight at you
>miss every shot
it reeks of jewry
Euron managed to catch the dragon unaware which explains how he hit it, 3 times is absurd however.
With Drogon they were prepared for the bolts and were using a lot of manoeuvres so it makes sense they’d miss. There’s also the argument of having a dragonrider to guide them but D&D never bothered to explain that.
>Euron lands two impossible direct hits and is the first person to kill a dragon in centuries
>he dies considering stabbing washed up one-handed Jaime Lannister is greatest accomplishment
haha its because euron is a master of boats so of course he has increased accuracy on a boat
also the black dragon is higher level so it does more effective evasive maneuvers
plus dany was more angry after the second dragon dies so she was more difficult to hit
just use your brains haha
>Euron managed to catch the dragon unaware which explains how he hit it
How the fuck did he catch Dany unaware when she was so high up in the sky and could easily see for miles around her? The giant fleet would have been fucking impossible to miss unless she didn't bother looking down because she was literally too stupid to remember-
>Well Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet
Oh right.
Well most of the army is now "dead" so I guess the supplies would be enough.
Well the point was that Cersei was a paper tiger and the real threat was Dany, which I actually liked a lot even though they botched the continuity and logic. So seeing Dany take out the Iron Fleet no problem was cool, but I wish the Golden Company were better established before getting btfo'd. If they had like suppressed a minor rebellion where they were outnumbered (not hard to imagine some lords would try to abandon Cersei) just to show their strength to the audience it would have been a lot better