Who are your favourite actors with top tier eye colours?
Who are your favourite actors with top tier eye colours?
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Where are the Sharingans?
based zoomer poster
based. poop-eyes are disgusting.
thank you based eye connoisseur
I'm D20 and I work a shitty call center job I hate, can you tell whoever made this chart to ring me up for my diplomat position?
You're an official representative for your company already
Sorry I don't make the rules
Keep dialing those numbers buddy
>mfw when T30
Put "sluts for white men" for the bottom eyes as well
I'm brown eyes but a NEET so it's all okay.
it's... acceptable if you have poop-skin to match. otherwise you are an
t. fat fuck wh*te boi that only has their eyes to be proud about
>ginger hair
>brown eyes
>pale skin
>aristocratic bloodline
C20 checking in. As you can see, I'm already a writer
there you have it boys
the proots is in the pudding
Shouldn't you be sweeping a street, Untouchable. Brahmins are discussing our beautiful eyes ova here
does it not at all irk you that the waste you leave behind in the toilet bowl every day is the same shade as your iris?
>tfw D40 and brother is A10
>tfw I'm literally running a country right now because of my eye colour
kurt russell
Are there people here that are actually self conscious about their eye color? I get bone structure but this is too far.
You can literally see the top tier eye colour behind his brown contacts
American diablos have to be able to relate to him so he wears brown contacts
>He thinks that's brown
>being proud of having iris's sensitive to sunlight
who here /D10/?
Spotted the brown eyed "human"
Fuck poo poo eyes
i saw a homeless guy with bright blue eyes today lol
>this confuses and enrages the nordcucks
D60 here. Wish the green was brighter, but could be worse.
They're evolved to protect against snow blindness.
I think every combination of hair and eyes is okay for men and you can still get success regardless of it. This pic seems very bias.
>t. Nordcuck
>tfw A30
>tfw neet
>Tfw D20
feels comfy
You look like a faggot fairy hahaha everyone look at this faggot fairy hahaha
Ha, you tell em, Marl
>They're evolved to protect against snow blindness.
>mfw theyre literally inherited albinism
Where does this one fall?
c40 meh tier race
a10 and i work minimum wage, dropped out of college
Who is this fair eyed maiden?
>tfw you will always be T50
I want snowniggers to leave.
what is the best combination and why is it dark features with light eyes?
No one... no one at all. she's mine!
>mfw brown eyed blond haired abomination
>mfw gf is light-blue eyed blond haired
Brown eyes are master race, light colored eyes are for beta males with recessive genes.
what if you have one C20 and T40
I know you're just kidding around but brown eye blond hair is the most desired according to all sperm bank statistics so take that for what it's worth.
The fact is that contrast always looks better. It's why pale skin + dark hair is the best combination.
>getting blacked so much her eyes turn poopoo
i unironically cant trust men with blue/green eyes, something always seems off
some dragon lady
men with green eyes are usually serial killers or rapists lol
For me it's Israel!
What about people with two different colored eyes?
green eyes are rarer than blue eyes therefore the highest tier, and by extension true hazel eyes are at least higher as well
D10, reporting in!
What about people who have no eyes?
That surprises me. I thought light eyes and dark hair was considered the most attractive combination on men, especially black hair and blue eyes. I’ve always thought I myself and anyone else with blond hair and brown eyes looks “off” (and I mean actual blond, i.e. eyebrows are blond too, brunettes trying to die their hair blonde while leaving their eyebrows untouched look even grosser than I do)
lol fucking eyelet
green eye Master race reporting in
Your a anime protagonist.
I used to be infatuated with a jewish woman whose eyes were literally t50. She's fiercely intelligent too
Did she have a wicked sense of humor?
There is no way that’s true.
What if I have cybernetic eyes? Have I gone beyond the realm of both man and god?
Is that good or bad
supposedly "gold" (rare form of hazel) is actually the rarest recorded set of eyes out there, fewer than 20 humans in the world have them.
D30 reporting in, green is objectively better than blue.
are they colored cybernetic eyes?
>tfw A10
>wife is also A10
Thank you, God.
It looks like I have a mix of D20 and D60, not sure which I have more of
D30 here, green eyes are rarer than blue which makes me better.
Not race tho.
give pics blox
also, if we're going into obscure shit like that you have to start staking into consideration heterochromia iridum and the other sorts of it, and other fringe colors like steel-blue/grey-green
Can't wait until she gets a t50 son
I’m not on this list
I’m D10 but with emerald green instead of that particular Blue
is one of them ana de armas
looks blue grey to me. can we get a younger picture?
blue iris is for faggots
This is about as valid as all the other racist shit. Fucking shit eyes everywhere i go.
based, jewesses have best eyes
>tfw mid-high tier on your pic and OP's.
feels average, man.
anyone else get lighter colored eyes with age? i was born with eyes so brown that they were black, and now my eyes are so hazel under direct light they're bright gree
We have a daughter already.
And we participate in threesomes with my best friend who is an A40 woman.
I think you're just going blind.
it's fucking possible, my man. never had good eyes.
Not a Varg Vikingfag, but the difference I'm seeing is that niggers still live in those huts. I don't see any white people living in huts (unless they choose to for some stupid reason)
Can sometimes happen
life before death, lighteyes
If you are married, have a daughter and regularly have threesomes, why the fuck are you on Yea Forums tripfagging? Something isn't adding up.
My eyes are weird, in certain light they look silver I've been told then in other situations my eyes are dark blue.
i'm in the third tier i think. am i white?
lmao nibba are you 40 years old
get off 4channel gramps
I think the idea was that norducks have coat-tailed on the rest of Europe's achievements whilst contributing fuck all except from raiding and generally acting like niggers
I just come here when I'm bored in the middle of the night and I can't sleep.
However, I have lots of other things to do at night.
Literally me, minus the wife and the threesomes
My eyes aren't even on that chart. Deep forest/emerald green
I'll put you down for poopy brown.
>tfw T15
a-at least they're olive green in sunlight
>cannibalize's you for good luck
Well apparently true green is the most rare eye color to have, so they didn't even bother to put it on the chart, which means my eyes are extremely valuable