Are we the baddies, Yea Forums?
Are we the baddies, Yea Forums?
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Yea NEETSoc larpers are always cringe weirdos
No, the faggots and kikes in Hollywood are the baddies
They will all burn along with the rest of us anyway
>if you think larpers are cringe you must be left wing
nice logic there retard
That's not at all what the article says, brainlet.
Yea I agree leftist commie faggots are just as cringe as NEETSoc larpers what's your point?
Most NEETS are left-wing, not natsoc. Natsoc only currently exist in people's minds, it's just an acceptable scapegoat the elites allow.
Yes /pol/ you are
>Natsoc only currently exist in people's minds
lmao no it's not. There are tons of unironic NatSoc on this very site you newfag.
Most natsocs I know are either normal people or upper middle class. Lawyers, corporate power manger etc. very few neets
>Most natsocs I know are either normal people or upper middle class. Lawyers, corporate power manger
sure they are bro I believe you.
to some, yes.
I brought that scene up today.
Copfag here. An investigation led to the arrest of a Neo Nazi that had like five bullet proof vests, a shit ton of stolen guns, and a swastika tattooed on the back of his head, not to mention he was already a felon for aggravated assault. I asked my partner "Do you think he asked if he's the baddie?" and he laughed.
Genuine question, how does it feel to be a tool that's used to oppress the populace so they can't resist the great replacement?
post height and jaw
Are we the trannys, bros?
I'm six foot and actually have a nice jaw but the rest of me is a mess.
Can't wait for someone to break into your house. Make sure to handle it yourself.
What do you do for a living, friend?
jawlet confirmed
I wasn't disparaging police officers, generally speaking. A great group of people who exist to protect us, and keep order. But right now you're being used to suppress the populace from taking any of the necessary violent action required to save our country. I was just curious if that bothered you, if you didn't care, if you wished you could do something different, or you think people like that/me are insane retards.
I'm EMS. The hours suck dick
Thank you for believing me. Trust is a very rare thing to discover on the inter webs nowadays
>Shit on the guys that get called out to help you when you're patients are aggressive
I'm not shitting on them. I'm saying police are being forced to do the groundwork of suppressing the population. I love police. Police make my day.
>But right now you're being used to suppress the populace from taking any of the necessary violent action required to save our country
And what violent actions would that be? Specifically I mean?
They’re just useful idiots. The big picture will be presented eventually and they will realize they’re simply the product of greater minds, beyond what they perceive as “redpilled”
Formerly the good guys
>Call user a tool
>B-but I'm not insulting you!
Do people outside if the UK actually believe any of the garbage the Daily Mail prints?
Lol that's pretty good and I want you to know that I hope you die on the job fucking pig
Are you American? The country with nonfunctional libel laws that allows the press to lie with impunity?
wow look at this fag with his libel laws that turned him into a retard. we americans know not to believe anything the press says
No - I'm British. The daily mail is a joke here to anyone that's not over 50 or a full blown gammon nutjob.
I was correcting myself
Oh yes, handling it myself would be so much fucking worse than waiting 30 minutes for your fuckheads to show up.