Good movies about coping with fat feels?
Good movies about coping with fat feels?
i used to adore this movie as a fat kid and i still love it but i realize they forgot about losing weight
user stop eating
Just dump all your soda down the drain and go for a celebratory walk.
I'm American, I will never stop.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop
I kinda got feels watching The Fattest Man in Britain
A long movie because weight loss takes a while
How many calories do you eat a day, work it out just for curiousity. Be honest you're anonymous
>take a bath
>immediately afterward go sit on the toilet to have a shit
>before even making my BM I can smell my dick and ass area and it's like I hadn't even cleaned it
I think I just have a permanent stink now.
Just stop eating, find other things to fill that void it’s all it takes to loose weight.
We fats are the most oppressed people in society
There's a fun British show on Youtube called Secret Eaters. We learn the ways of the fatty. The lies and underhanded tales about not eating any more than anybody else. Fatties lie, lie, lie and lie some more
kill yourself dumb fuck.
My grandmother was fat as fuck and always used to say "I don't even eat that much" and she would have bags of candy hidden all over the place.
But I also think that ignorance comes into it. I have only recently started actually keepiung check of calories and it's astounding how much some food has like cheese, and how easy it would be to go over the needed amount if you were unaware or never really looked at it.
fat fucks should be shamed
>was 240 lbs in January
>down to 195
You can eat whatever you want if you move you worthless fuck.
>will be 241 next January
>300 lbs in 8th grade
>make it down to 250 by the time I start college
>drop out of college
>back up to 300
Also ignorance. It can take hours of exercise to burn off a few hundred calories. Unless you are hammering weights for eight hours a day, you will have to watch what your calorie intake is, or it will creep up on you.
what kind of cheese is that and how do i get it
They actually didn't give a shit about losing weight. The guy who wants to help them is the bad guy. And I'm pretty sure they snuck food in.
Kill yourself faggot, youre a young man concerned with calories in a piece of cheese. You're a fucking disgrace. How can you let yourself be like this? To be this much of a lost cause already is fucking appalling. You fucking disgust me.
>You fucking disgust me.
OK fatty, eat all the cheese you want
just boil the calories out first.
Looks kind of gross
Fat people are low IQ legimately. Lack of self control is a key marker and indicator of a person that is low Iq. So 99.99% of fatfucks.
I'm not remotely fat you retarded zoomer faggot. I can eat cheese or whatever else i want because i move. what kind of repulsive, lazy human garbage fat fuck do you need go be to have to count calories at your age?
There’s nothing wrong with counting calories. It’s the simplest way of keeping your weight in check if you aren’t active.
You know my age? Damn son. How did you find that out? Also, remember this when you look in the mirror in a few years.
Don't give yourself a heart attack
Yep and it’s also the origin of Ben Stiller’s character that he reused for Dodgeball.
If you need to count calories in your teens or 20s you should just kill yourself.
Early 20s by the sound of it fat fuck. If you're already struggling with weight issues you need to change your lifestyle.
>choccy fudge
Brit speak makes me so irrationally angry. Why do they talk like babies?
So this is where folktales and myths of goblins, ogres and trolls come from...
The Tao of Steve
Avengers Endgame